Zhan Nian said that the virtual world in Zhang Xibao's body is equivalent to Zhang Xibao's own God's Domain. Just now, Zhang Xibao was promoted to the rank of Celestial Immortal, and his own divine power manifested in God's Domain, leaving behind a scene that amazed the players.

Under Zhang Xibao's flames pouring down, the entire fan of Kirishima was burning, whether it was the alien beasts invaded by the demon or the baby-faced forest were all turned into fly ash.

Outside Kirishima, the supernatural beings on the four giant city walls are waiting, waiting for the beast tide to rush out from the gate of the alien world, and then have a bloody battle, but one day has passed, and the supernatural beings are waiting left and right , except for the black mist emerging from the foreign territory, there is nothing else.

"The dark saint is out!"

Suddenly someone with a supernatural power shouted, and everyone looked towards the gate of the foreign realm, only to see Zhang Xibao with a determined face standing on the back of the divine bird and flying out.

"Everyone, both the beast tide and the counting tide have been dealt with, and the demons that crossed through the gate of the demons have also been eliminated by me. The second line of defense is safe for the time being. You can breathe a sigh of relief."

The supernatural beings on the city wall were a little confused. Everyone thought about the words of the dark saint, thinking that there is no need to fight? The danger of the fan Kirishima was solved by the dark saint alone? !

"Everyone, just breathe a sigh of relief. The gate of the demons is still open. I don't know when the next batch of demons will arrive. At least the current demons have been killed by me."

It turned out that Zhang Xibao not only burned down the baby-faced forest, but also spent a day and a night to wipe out the demons in Kirishima.

The present Kirishima has completely changed. The black water river has been evaporated by the sky fire, and the river channel is exposed. The ground is full of ashes of the baby-faced tree. Scrambled potholes. .seven

In the black smoke, there is a demon door open, and there is something hidden behind the dark door.

"Where is Little Crow King?"

Zhang Xibao asked, a large crowman flew up from the western city wall, Xiao Ni took the lead and landed on the back of the divine bird to wait for Zhang Xibao's dispatch.

"My lord, what are your orders?" 』

Zhang Xibao glanced at the number of arakkoa, and found that it was more than a thousand, and those flame crows that had not evolved into arakkoa did not know how much they had bred, but they must be more than the number of arakkoa.

"Follow me into Kirishima and collect these black stones."

Zhang Xibao took out a black stone core that fell from the demon's body and showed it to Xiaoni the Crow King. Xiaoni the Crow King carefully examined the black stone core and nodded: "My lord, where are these things? How do we collect them?" 』

Zhang Xibao replied: "In the ashes..."

The big crowman and the flame crow followed Zhang Xibao into the fan Kirishima.

Zhang Xibao focused on efficiency in the process of reducing the celestial demons, so he didn't have time to collect the black stone cores left on the ground. He came out to find Xiao Ni, the Crow King, for help.

The Ravens and the Flaming Crows began to search for stone cores in the ashes. Fang Rui also split off many conscious clones to look for those stone cores, but it swallowed them directly after finding the stone cores. This behavior was tacitly approved by Zhang Xibao.

Zhang Xibao was floating in front of the void gate, staring intently behind the dark gate. He turned his head and asked Xiao Ni beside him, "Guess what's behind the gate, what does it look like?"

Xiao Ni shook his head and replied: "My lord, Xiao Ni doesn't know what's behind the door, but if my lord wants to know, then I'll go find the way for you!"

Saying that, Crow King Xiaoni was about to flap his wings and fly into the gate of Heavenly Demon.

Zhang Xibao raised his hand to stop Xiao Ni, the Crow King, and shook his head: "Don't be in a hurry to die. Although you will not be invaded by the demons if you wear the Fangrui armor, the environment on the other side of the gate may be completely different from that of the Earth Star. What if you enter?" If the person died instantly, wouldn't I have lost an important partner?"

Crow King Xiaoni asked Zhang Xibao: "Then send a crowman in?"

In the crow king Xiaoni's view, the crowmen and flame crows in the clan could be sacrificed for Zhang Xibao.

"No, we will find out what is behind the door sooner or later, but not now..."

Suddenly, a voice of scolding came, which attracted the attention of Zhang Xibao and Crow King Xiaoni.

"What happened, go and see!"

Zhang Xibao and Xiao Ni, the Crow King, flew over and found a few crowmen slapping another crowman, cursing while patting: "Idiot, spit it out, spit it out..."

Crow King Xiaoni asked them: "What's going on?" 』

One of the arakkoa replied, "Boss, number 437 is out of his mind and we found it stuffing stone cores into its mouth!" 』

Xiao Ni, the Raven King, did not name the arakko people, but only named them code names. No. 437 was the 437th transformed arakko people.

"Why are you eating stone cores? 』

Xiao Ni, the Crow King, felt that his subordinates let him throw the crow in front of Zhang Xibao. If his subordinates were all such idiots, how could he do things for his master?

No. 437 replied: "They are eating...eating, and I am eating too!" 』

Number 437 points to Fang Rui's avatar...

Zhang Xibao asked with a strange expression: "Did you chew and eat the stone core?"

Number 437 replied: "Yes, Master! 』

"The teeth are fine...is there any reaction from the body?"

"I feel hot all over! 』

Zhang Xibao squatted down to check the body of the No. 437 Arakkoa. He found that Fang Rui's battle armor became hot, and the feathers and skin of the Arakkoa were melting.

"Send this guy to the laboratory building, and say that this is a ready-made rock nuclear experiment material, let He Xiansheng and the others study it!"

Zhang Xibao couldn't use the Muxingshan secret method to heal No. 437, so he had to send this guy to the laboratory building, maybe there was still a chance of survival.

"Pig teammate..."

"It's embarrassing to the boss! 』

A few arakkoa were ordered to lift No. 437, and flew away cursing.

Half a day later, the Arrow People collected the stone cores of Mi Kirishima, and Zhang Xibao put all the stone cores into the Tongtian Treasure House. The number of these stone cores was so huge that it almost filled half of the treasure house.

Anyway, there is no shortage of experimental materials for stone cores, Zhang Xibao plans to go back to the laboratory building, give some of the stone cores to He Xiansheng and the others for experiments, and take a look at their research progress on demons by the way.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhang Xibao directly linked the second-tier city of Nanshi with the second-tier city of the Imperial Capital. With the Void Gate, it is very convenient for Zhang Xibao to go back and forth.

Laboratory building, underground special laboratory.

Zhang Xibao had just arrived at the laboratory, and before he could ask about the progress of the research, He Xiansheng greeted him and said, "Master Bao, take a look at this first!"

Zhang Xibao followed He Xiansheng to a laboratory, and found a crow man lying in the laboratory, which was No. 437 sent in the morning.

Zhang Xibao asked: "Is this guy not dead?"

"Not dead, just ate something."

He Xiansheng pointed to the Yaman and said: "This guy swallowed a black stone core, and the Fang Rui battle armor on it has been activated, and now it has become its skin!"

Zhang Xibao was a little surprised, before he could open his mouth, He Xiansheng added: "We have a weapon idea to deal with Heavenly Demon..."

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