"This guy is so stupid that his skin melts all over his body and he doesn't say a word. If other strange beasts or supernatural beings are like this, he might go crazy on the spot."

He Xiansheng pointed to the No. 437 Raven Man behind the glass, and twitched the corner of his mouth: "It's also fortunate to have this guy, so that we can discover the idea of ​​​​weapon against the demon."

"Let me guess?"

Zhang Xibao stopped He Xiansheng from continuing, and guessed: "It still has something to do with the material of Fang Rui's avatar, but this kind of black stone core is needed, right?"

"That's right."

He Xiansheng took out a black stone core from his lab coat, held it up and signaled to Zhang Xibao: "The composition of this stone core is unknown, but it can activate the materials of Fang Rui's avatar!"

"The heavenly demons may be another form of life. They have no entity and are illusory all over, but they leave behind this black stone core after death."

Zhang Xibao told He Xiansheng: "Fang Rui feeds on this kind of black stone core. It told me that eating this thing is more effective than devouring the flesh and blood of alien animals."

He Xiansheng nodded: "According to our experiments, the stone core condenses strong energy. The materials made by Fang Rui's avatar are also very interesting. After absorbing the energy of the stone core, these materials can be guided by us to make various weapons. They are definitely products of the same world!"

"I've had such speculations before."

Zhang Xibao took the opportunity to express his thoughts: "Old He, there is something else I need your help with besides making weapons. Use the materials from Fang Rui's avatar to make some exploration machines. I want to see what's behind the gate of the demon!"

"Do you want to explore the gate of the demon?"

He Xiansheng didn't expect Zhang Xibao's idea to be so radical, he adjusted his glasses: "Okay, I'll make a note of this matter. But, you should visit the laboratory with me first!"

Zhang Xibao was protected by Fang Rui, so he didn't need to wear special protective clothing at all. He Xiansheng quickly changed into a new set of clothes, and the two entered the special laboratory after passing through two separate doors.

The area of ​​this special laboratory is not smaller than that of No. 1 and No. 2 laboratories, and the two areas are currently in use.

Zhang Xibao and the others first came to the first area, where a group of experimenters were dissecting the different mice and birds brought back by Zhang Xibao.

"They are checking what changes the Heavenly Demon invasion has brought to the body of the alien beast."

He Xiansheng explained that he didn't pay attention to the anatomy, but activated the magic circle on the side.

"Experiments on the soul cannot be researched with modern experimental equipment, so with the help of the magic circle, we stripped the soul of the different mouse with the magic circle, and then got this..."

He Xiansheng opened a curtain, and behind it was a jar made of Fang Rui's avatar material, inside which was a black shadow struggling crazily.

"The demon ate the spirit of the different mouse, and then controlled the body of the different mouse."

He Xiansheng turned his head and asked Zhang Xibao: "Master Bao said that the gods back then couldn't defeat the Heavenly Demon, right?"

Zhang Xibao nodded.

He Xiansheng smiled: "The world where the gods live is very similar to the earth and stars. No matter how powerful the gods are, they can't deal with this special thing if they don't find the right way."

"As you said before, the heavenly demons don't have a physical body, and their divine power doesn't have a great effect on them, but they feed on the soul of the physical life, and naturally restrain the physical life to death."

Zhang Xibao muttered: "If you specialize in surgery, it belongs to..."

He Xiansheng continued to introduce: "After the demons completely invaded the alien beasts, they replaced the spirits of the alien beasts and merged with the alien beasts' bodies. At this time, they lost their greatest support and became mortal entities!"

"If it wasn't for Master Bao, your Fang Rui could refine the magic weapon for body protection. I'm sure that within a week, the earth and stars would definitely fall, because these guys can jump between different bodies!"

"After devouring the soul, they don't have to choose to fuse the body, but go to the next body to continue devouring the soul. The host whose soul is eaten will become a walking dead!"

Zhang Xibao fell into deep thought, and he pondered: "It seems that we need to continue to provide people other than Daxia with the qualification to sell the magic weapon of protection. As long as they are not turned into enemies by the demon, they will be of great help to Daxia."

"Well, you can't give Doumien to Michou for nothing..."

He Xiansheng waited for Zhang Xibao to finish thinking, and led Ansheng towards the second area.

The second area is studying the celestial demon in the jar, not studying its origin, characteristics, etc., and I don’t care about these now. The most important research at present is how to kill it!

"We just discovered that the black stone core can stimulate the material activity of Fang Rui's avatar, but we haven't had time to manufacture the relevant weapons. We can only use No. 437 for experiments, but that guy refuses to cooperate. We just tricked the experimenter into feeding it. Things, but I don’t accept the bill after eating..."

Zhang Xibao sucked his teeth, thinking that the crow man No. 437 has a good brain, and he will cheat for food and drink.

"Well, let me tell it to come, how do you want it to do it?"

Zhang Xibao turned his head to ask He Xiansheng, and then added: "It's okay to do experiments, but you can't hurt its life."

"It's natural, we all know it's Master Bao's younger brother... the younger brother.". Seven

Zhang Xibao went to the isolated room and called the Yaman 437 to come over. He Xiansheng's request was very simple, that is to lock up No. 437 and the Omen together for a while, and then let No. 437 attack the Omen to see the effect.

Zhang Xibao asked Yaren 437: "Do you understand?"

No. 437 nodded: "Master, I understand now! 』

Just in case, Zhang Xibao asked again: "Well, okay, what are you going to do later?"

Arakkoa 437 replied, "I ate it!" quack quack! 』

The Raven Man laughed, feeling that he was too clever.

"No, I can't eat it, change another way!"

Hearing that Zhang Xibao wouldn't let him eat it, Yaren 437 fell into deep thought, as if thinking about how to deal with that demon.

After a while, Arakkoa 437 tentatively replied: "I want to hack it to death!" 』

"Yes, that's it!"

Zhang Xibao nodded in satisfaction, and asked the experimenters to help Yaman 437 enter the room.

Yaman No. 437 turned around and smiled brightly at Zhang Xibao: "I hacked it to death first, and then ate it, quack quack!" 』

Zhang Xibao caressed his forehead, thinking that as long as he can cooperate to complete the experiment, what bicycle is needed? This day, the demon will eat it, and at worst, he will catch it...

Following He Xiansheng's order, the transparent jar slowly opened, and the black shadow inside came out of the gap in an instant, and rushed towards the arakkoa 437. It wanted to occupy the arakkoa's body and escape!

Arakkoa 437 resisted the urge to be greedy, and a row of wing feathers popped out instantly. Since its skin had been replaced by Fang Rui's battle armor, the wing feathers were like silver blades.


The black shadow was cut into several pieces in an instant, it screamed unwillingly, then the shadow slowly dissipated, and a black stone core fell to the ground with a clatter.

Crowhead 437 picked up the stone core and threw it into his mouth like eating a broad bean, chewing it crisply.

"Crumpy and crispy, with the taste of chicken!" 』

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