The special laboratory needs a lot of experimental materials, and because the celestial demon of Nanshimi Kirishima was killed by Zhang Xibao, he went to the No. 24 foreign land of country A to find the celestial demon and the alien beast possessed by the celestial demon.

When approaching Alien 24, Zhang Xibao found that it was snowing in the sky, which should not have snowed according to the current season.

Zhang Xibao stretched out his hand to look at the snowflakes melting in his palm, and murmured to himself: "The reason why the people outside No. 24 are not afraid of the beast tide is because they are protected by Xuanming..."

This snow is not ordinary snow, but the manifestation of Xuanming God Realm. When Zhang Xibao came to the No. 24 foreign territory, the scene he saw just verified his conjecture.

The foreign land on the 24th has become black and white, the sky is covered with black mist, and the ground is covered with white snow and ice. The whole foreign land is like a strange ink painting.

There are many huge ice sculptures of alien beasts standing on the horizon, and the tide of giant beasts that can destroy the entire city has just been frozen!

"Looks like it's going to be a waste of time. This strange animal that has been frozen into a popsicle can't be used as an experimental material, and the scalpel can't be inserted in it..."

Zhang Xibao shook his head, intending to turn his head and return to the voyage. As for the materials of celestial demons and alien beasts, he can only catch them after other alien realms open the gates of celestial demons.

"Don't leave in a hurry?"

Suddenly someone said sinisterly: "You have entered my God's Domain, don't you want to chat?"

Zhang Xibao sneered, and pulled out the Qilin sword from the Tongtian Treasure House. The sword was instantly covered with a layer of heavenly fire. He made a gesture to strike, and said to the air, "Do you want to taste the joy of my fire?" 7K 妏敩

"Wait, don't be so angry..."

Xuan Ming appeared, his stern face was a little surprised, he stared at those blue eyes and asked: "You have actually been promoted to the rank of a fairy?!"

Zhang Xibao acquiesced, Xuanming asked curiously: "What is your opportunity?"

"Do you think I'll tell you?"

Zhang Xibao glanced at him: "When I asked you and Genyuan, you two had a lot of benefits, right? If you want to know my opportunity, you must give me a snow pill that you refined with Yuanshen."


Xuanming was a little anxious, he heard that Zhang Xibao was staring at his Primordial Spirit Xuedan, and couldn't help complaining: "You're going too far!"

"You can give it to Genyuan, but can't you give it to me?"

Zhang Xibao glanced at Xuan Ming: "I'm a heavenly immortal now, there will be times when you two beg me!"

Xuanming hesitated for a moment, and replied: "A snow pill, tell me your opportunity, and then give me the purchase quota of some magic weapons for protection. I want to buy a million magic weapons for protection!"

The magic weapon made of Fangrui's avatar material has no technical content. The special thing is its own material. Now the ordinary type of magic weapon has entered the mass production stage. In addition, the raw materials are sufficient after hunting giant insects. Millions of magic weapons Also drizzle.

It happened that Zhang Xibao also had the idea of ​​selling the magic weapon of body protection to people other than Daxia, Xuanming's request was not a request at all, and Zhang Xibao was destined to get this snow pill for nothing.


Zhang Xibao readily agreed.

Xuanming opened his hand, and a crystal-clear pill appeared in his palm. He reluctantly handed the pill to Zhang Xibao, and urged, "Tell me, what is your opportunity?"


Zhang Xibao put Xue Dan away and told Xuan Ming: "My opportunity is the Heavenly Demon. If the Heavenly Demon does not die, my Dao will never be destroyed! Although Xi Tu has not been resurrected, he will not do wrong things. I, Zhang Xibao, are destined to be the nemesis of the Heavenly Demon! "

"It's that simple?"

Xuan Ming couldn't believe it, what kind of opportunity is killing the demon? He just killed all the heavenly demons in Alien 24!

Xuan Ming has indeed tasted the sweetness of Fang Rui's battle armor. He is wearing a blue battle armor, and he is unscathed among countless demons. The original god king Xu Qi didn't dare to die like this!

Not all of his collection of body-protection treasures are for believers to use, because Xuan Ming wants to reverse-engineer Fang Ruilai through the body-protection magic treasures, not only he has this idea, but also Genhuan.

In the past, Xuanming and Genyuan didn't dare to do anything because of the thought of killing. When Xuanming found out that Zhang Xibao had entered his God Realm alone, he really had the idea of ​​snatching Fang Rui, but he found that Zhang Xibao had actually been promoted to the level of a fairy. Not only did he not dare to do anything, but he lost a snow pill!

"I hope you will keep our transaction a secret, don't let Genyuan know..." Xuan Ming warned, not knowing what considerations there are.

Zhang Xibao took the opportunity to say, "It's okay to keep it a secret. Can I take the ice sculptures of alien beasts in the No. 24 alien world? I need to take them back as experimental materials."


After Xuan Ming finished speaking, his figure flickered and disappeared.

Zhang Xibao grinned. He suddenly remembered that although those ice sculptures of strange beasts could no longer be used as experimental materials, there was a high possibility of black stone cores in their bodies!

This black stone core is of great use, before Xuanming and Genyuan discover it, collect more and save it for future use.

Now that the heavenly demons in the No. 24 foreign land have been cleaned up by Xuanming, Zhang Xibao directly opened a void gate and called the crowmen to help collect the black stone cores.

Zhang Xibao knew that no matter what happened in this God's Domain, nothing could be hidden from Xuan Ming's eyes, maybe this guy was staring at him in the dark, so he ordered the crows to smash the ice sculptures to collect stone cores, before Xuan Ming could react, The stone core in the ice sculpture of the strange beast was removed.

After Zhang Xibao returned with a full load, Xuanming's figure reappeared. He picked up a stone core left behind and fell into deep thought. Although he didn't know what the black stone core was, he felt as if he had been fooled by Zhang Xibao again!


The heartache of losing a snow pill and the shame of being cheated made Xuanming roar, and Xuanming's roar resounded in the black and white alien world.

"There are no samples of the demon for the time being, but many doors will open soon, and I will go to catch them again, but I brought back a lot of black stone cores, and I will leave half of them for you to research weapons."

Zhang Xibao left half of the collected stone cores in the special laboratory, and the remaining half was collected in the Tongtian Treasure.

The Heavenly Demon Stone Core of Nanshimi Kirishima and the stone core of No. 24 Foreign Land have used up more than half of the huge space of Tongtian Treasure House. He Xiansheng said that there is a certain kind of energy in the stone core. If it can explode, that Zhang Xibao Now that's the mobile dynamite pack.

After leaving the laboratory building, Zhang Xibao went straight to Jianzhong, because the crisis in Nanshi had temporarily come to an end, and Qinglong and the others did not ask for help, so Zhang Xibao planned to find Zhan Nian and tell Zhan Nian the good news of his promotion, by the way Let's talk about the Heavenly Demon, and then ask Xuanming's Xue Dan about what it does.

Zhang Xibao doesn't know the specific function of Xuedan, he just knows that Xuedan is a good thing, so let's talk about it first...

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