Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 485: Soil Layer Monster


No. 437 arakkoa obediently spat out the thing.

The black object sticking with saliva was spat out, a crow man picked it up and wiped it, and presented it to Zhang Xibao.

"what is this?"

After hearing the movement, Xuan Ming was the first to walk over. He stretched his neck to look at the object, and asked back, "A piece of scale?"

The black scales are fusiform, with one side sunken and one side protruding. The surface is very smooth. At first glance, it looks like the carapace of a beetle. No wonder the No. 437 arakkoa stuffed it into its mouth.

"No. 437, where did you get this thing?"

Zhang Xibao asked the No. 437 Raven Man while pinching the scale.

Arakkoa No. 437 pointed to a corner covered by wreckage and said, "Gah, there are a lot of them!" 』

Zhang Xibao walked over and saw more than a dozen of these black scales attached to the outer wall of the cabin in the corner.

"take a photo of!"

The photo-reliable treasure continued to light up, recording the situation of that bulkhead.

After the recording was finished, Zhang Xibao knelt down and took off the scales one by one, and then the wall collapsed.


Zhan Nian also came over, staring curiously at the black scales in Zhang Xibao's hand.

Zhang Xibao was stunned for a moment, then turned his head and said to Zhan Nian: "Tell me, is it possible... This spaceship is alive? No, it used to be alive. These scales are the armor of the spaceship."

Zhan Nian frowned, and spit out a sentence: "Everything is possible..."

Although the spaceship was huge, only half of the remains remained, and with the fact that there were so many arakkoans, the search for the remains was completed soon.

The exploration team basically did not get the actual object, because the spaceship has been floating for many years, and most of the things on it have collapsed.

Except for the strange scales that Zhang Xibao took off and an astrolabe-like thing, the rest are all photos and videos taken.

There are a large number of strange patterns in the spaceship, which are probably some kind of characters. Under Zhang Xibao's order, all of them have been recorded. When they are taken back, He Xiansheng and the others will have a headache.

"Didn't you find the power cabin of this spaceship? Maybe it's broken?"

Zhang Xima immediately thought of another possibility, maybe this spacecraft does not have a power cabin at all, because it is alive!

"Alive, alive..."

Zhang Xibao suddenly patted Fang Rui on his wrist, and asked, "Can you try to swallow the wreckage of the spaceship?"

Fang Rui slipped from Zhang Xibao's wrist, and then began to wrap around a large piece of spaceship wreckage and swallowed it.


Fang Rui spat out the wreckage of the spaceship.

"Too bad to eat!"

Under Zhang Xibao's questioning, he learned that Fang Rui disliked the wreckage of the spaceship.

"If you can't swallow it, forget it."

Zhang Xibao didn't make things difficult for Fang Rui, and led the exploration team back to the Qilin.

"Fly again and see if you can find other floating spaceships. If you can't find them, then fly down!"

Zhang Xibao has seen the whole picture of this planet, it is a dead star!

The entire planet is shrouded in a thick layer of black smoke, silent, and no living things can be seen. If you use words to describe it, it is dead silence!

The Qilin began to cruise at low altitude, following Zhang Xibao's instructions to find the Heavenly Demon Gate in Nanshi.

After all, the Void Gate was dug out according to the Heavenly Demon Gate, so Zhang Xibao was very familiar with this gate, and Zhang Xibao still had one thing to worry about, which was to find out what it was that cut Fang Rui off that day. 7K 妏敩

"It feels closer..."

The Qilin flew for a while, and an open black portal appeared in front of the French ship. This was the Omen gate leading to Kirishima, Nanshimi.

Zhang Xibao couldn't see the situation on the ground clearly through the black fog, so Zhang Xibao waved his hand: "Come and follow me to a group of people to have a look!"

The fighters who followed Zhang Xibao were Fire Armor and Water Armor by default. The reason why these guys ranked first was not because of good luck, but because they had the best adaptability to the body and the strongest combat power.

Before Zhang Xibao and the others went down, Zhan Nian found Zhang Xibao and said, "I plan to explore alone, and Gen Yuan and Xuan Ming also have this idea."

"Okay, be extra careful, and contact us through the magic circle at any time!"

Zhang Xibao agreed without any hesitation.

Each of these three great gods has the ability to protect themselves, Zhang Xibao is not worried about them, and Zhan Nian has one more method than Gen Yuan and Xuan Ming, and that is to use the black stone core...

Zhan Nian, Gen Yuan, and Xuan Ming each chose a direction to leave, and the red dragon and lion-headed wild gods also followed their masters to leave.

The light wings spread out, and a group of people followed Zhang Xibao and jumped off the Qilin.

Bang bang bang!

There was a crisp sound mixed with the dull landing sound.

Tujia felt something wrong with his feet, lowered his head and found a foreign object, and immediately reported: "Master Ansheng, there is something under the soil!"

Under Zhang Xibao's gesture, Tujia reached out to pull out the thing in the soil, and found that it was a decayed bone fossil.

It is not difficult to guess that Fang Rui controlled the avatar to come in that day, and touched a tooth fossil scattered on the ground.

"It's strange, a bone with such a thick diameter, and it's still hollow, looks like some kind of exoskeleton?"

Zhang Xibao ordered: "Everyone, look around again to see if there are any of these things."

The team members searched around, and found a few more strange bones under the soil layer.

Zhang Xibao asked them to collect the bones so that they could take them back to the laboratory building for research.

"There's another one, like a skull?"

Mu Jia shouted in surprise.

If the skull is found, it can be deduced in reverse to what kind of creature the bone is.

Mu Jia stretched out his hand to grab the skull, and the bone rose up by itself!

No, there's something under the skull!


A spike pierced the wooden armor's calf.

Although Mu Jia's body was refined by Fang Rui's avatar, when the body was damaged, it would also feed back to the soul.

Mu Jia's reaction was not slow either. He clenched his right hand, and a sword blade emerged from the back of his hand, and slashed towards the sharp thorn.


The spikes didn't break!

Mu Jia was stunned for a moment. His sword blade was made by Fang Rui's avatar. Even the body of a wild god couldn't bear the sharpness of the sword, but the spike resisted it?

Puff puff puff!

Spikes continued to emerge from the soil, piercing the wooden armor's insteps, thighs, and torso.

"Enemy attack!"

Mujia didn't have time to control himself, and yelled at the team, a spike emerged from the back of his throat...


The soil fell with a clatter, and everyone saw a monster covered with spikes slowly rising from under the soil layer, and the wooden armor was hanging on it like a broken puppet.

The shape of this monster is very unreasonable. The skull just now is its head, and the torso is directly under the head, but the torso is covered with spikes, and the lower body is covered with long claws!

"What the hell is this?"

Tu Jia asked loudly: "Wu Jia, is the spirit core not damaged?"

"I can still talk after my spirit core is rotten!" The wooden armor hanging on the spike waved his hand feebly.

Looking at the monster, Zhang Xibao suddenly felt relieved, and he muttered to himself: "You cut off Fang Rui's avatar, right? That's easy..."

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