
The monster let out a scream, and ran towards Huojia and the others, its dense claws crawled across the ground, and dust flew up for a while.

Seeing the wooden armor hanging on the monster's back like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, the Huojia and the others became anxious, drawing their weapons to meet them.

Mu Jia's body was already tattered, and there was basically no possibility of repairing it, so the top priority was to keep his spiritual core, and then replace him with a spare body on the Qilin.

Zhang Xibao didn't do anything, he just took out the black stone nuclear explosives and shooting weapons prepared by He Xiansheng for this operation in case of emergency, he wanted to see how powerful this monster is.

Being able to instantly incapacitate the wooden armor shows that the monster's combat power is not low, and this guy is hiding under the soil without being noticed, which shows that it has special concealment methods.

So is it intelligent? Was it the guy who cut off Fang Rui's avatar behind the door that day?

The monster is rampaging, relying entirely on its own brute force and super defensive ability to fight. Compared with the wild gods, this guy's blood bar is too thick!

At the beginning, Huojia and the others besieged a wild god and chopped it into rotten flesh, but this monster only broke two or three spikes under the besieging of Huojia and the others.

Under the joint attack of a group of people, the wooden armor was rescued, and the fire armor directly took out the spirit core of the wooden armor and put it into a square-inch treasure, and the broken body of the wooden armor could only be recycled afterwards.

Sasa Sasa!

Although it was being beaten, the monster was extremely excited. It kept twisting the skull on its torso, aiming back and forth at Huo Jia and the others.

"Be careful!"

With a roar, the fire armor stretched out its left arm, which instantly turned into a thick shield.


A white spike hit the shield, and the shield instantly cracked.

The huge impact force of the spikes caused the fire armor to slide back several meters. This was only when the water armor supported his back, otherwise the force would be enough to knock him into the air!

The golden armor and the earth armor were half a beat slow in reacting, and were shot in the left shoulder and stomach by the white spikes respectively.

The impact nailed the golden armor to the ground, and a hole the size of a bowl appeared in the stomach of the earth armor!

"Depend on!"

Jin Jia wanted to pull himself out, but couldn't get up for a while.

Tujia was too shocked to speak, if the hole in his stomach moved up a few inches, the spiritual core in his chest would be crushed.

These fighters, the puppet's physical body will be fine even if it is broken. The only weakness is the spiritual core. Once the spiritual core is broken, the soul will be completely wiped out.

Sasa Sasa!

Seeing the spikes hit the earth armor and gold armor, the monster rubbed its densely packed claws, as if cheering, it suddenly noticed Zhang Xibao who was watching the battle not far away, turned around and rushed towards Zhang Xibao.

Zhang Xibao took out a hand cannon. This hand cannon was modified from the original Mo Ya Type 2, which is a projectile weapon made by He Xiansheng with Fang Rui's avatar and black stone core.


The hand cannon fired a bullet made from Fang Rui's avatar.

The monster moved in a snake-like position, deftly dodging the bullet.

Zhang Xibao fired continuously, finishing the bullets in the hand cannon within a few seconds. The bullets hit the monster's body, but they didn't break the defense, but only broke a few spikes.

Zhang Xibao didn't expect the hand cannon to kill the monster, but was testing the monster's defense and reaction ability.

The results showed that this monster was much fiercer than the wild god, whether it was defense, reaction ability or speed, it was far superior to the wild god.

When Zhang Xibao put away the cannon and was about to do it himself, the monster suddenly braked suddenly, and its inertia caused it to plow a ditch on the ground.

"Stop attacking?"

Zhang Xibao looked curiously at the monster's unreasonable behavior.

The monster sniffed the air, then turned and ran in the direction of the bullet.

rub rub rub...

The monster started to dig the soil, and it dug out the bullet that Zhang Xibao shot just now.

The monster's mouth grew under the skull and was divided into three parts. It stretched out its black tongue with thorns to roll the bullet, and then Gulu swallowed it into its stomach.


"Are you eating?"

Zhang Xibao took out the hand cannon again, loaded a round of bullets, and fired a cannon towards the ground under the monster's feet.


The bullet penetrated deep into the ground.

As expected, the monster started to dig the soil again. This time, because the bullets penetrated too much into the ground, the monster directly dug a big hole in place.


The monster swallowed the bullet it found again.

Fire Armor and Water Armor inspected the wounded Gold Armor and the completely incapacitated Earth Armor, and found that they had lost their combat effectiveness, and decisively put away the spirit cores of the two guys.

Zhang Xibao kept firing cannons to attract the monster's attention, and waved his hands at the two of them: "You two step back first, no, go back to the Qilin first, try to get as far away as possible, and get out of the sight of this monster."

Fire Armor and Water Armor didn't know what Lord Dark Saint meant, but they still did so. They spread their light wings and flew towards Qilin with three recovered spirit cores.

After the monster swallowed all the bullets, it swallowed the remnants of the earth armor, gold armor, and wooden armor, and then turned its attention back to Zhang Xibao.

Zhang Xibao looked thoughtful, and muttered to himself: "This monster likes to eat Fang Rui's avatar?"

In order to test this idea, Zhang Xibao asked two arakkoa to harass the monsters, one of which had taken off Fang Rui's battle armor, and the other was still wearing the battle armor. .seven

Sure enough, the monster kept shooting spikes to attack the arakkoa wearing Fang Rui's battle armor, and was not very interested in the other arakkoa's attack, after all, the arakkoa's attack was not painful to it.

"My lord, you are really good at predicting things!"

Crow King Xiaoni couldn't help butting up, and asked again: "Should the crows take off their armor and attack?"

"Do not!"

Zhang Xibao shook his head, and asked Xiao Ni with a strange expression, "Do you think this monster looks like a dog?"

"My lord, you mean it's single?" Xiaoni thought Zhang Xibao was joking.

"What and what, I mean it looks like a dog!"

Xiao Ni still didn't understand what Zhang Xibao meant.

Zhang Xibao took out a black grenade, which was also made of Fang Rui's avatar and black stone core.

"Hey, dog, look this way!"

Zhang Xibao shook the grenade towards the monster.

Sure enough, the monster was attracted by the thing in Zhang Xibao's hand. The Yaman flew too high, and the spikes missed it, so it ran towards Zhang Xibao again.

Zhang Xibao pulled out the peg of the grenade and threw it high.


The monster's claws bent slightly, and then jumped up while supporting its body.

The three-petal mouth was split open, and the long tongue rolled up the grenade, and the monster put the grenade into its mouth.


There was a muffled sound.

The skull was blown to pieces, revealing the monster's true face. It turned out that the skull was the monster's faceplate!

The three-petal big mouth drooped weakly, and the monster shook its head, as if it was a little dazed by the explosion, and the excited cry of "Sa Sa Sa" turned into a "hiss hiss" in pain.

Zhang Xibao was a little surprised, the monster's head was almost blown to pieces, but it was still alive, what a tenacious vitality it was!

"hiss hiss"

Suddenly, a large cloud of black mist appeared from the monster's body. After the black mist dissipated, the monster had disappeared.

Zhang Xibao suddenly had an intuition, he felt that the guy who cut off Fang Rui's clone behind the door that day was not this monster!

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