Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 487 Weird People And Monsters

"hiss hiss"

A cloud of black mist rose, and the monster appeared shaking its head. It kept neighing and seemed very aggrieved.

The air trembled for a while, and the black mist was pulled and deformed by this invisible force. In the next second, a humanoid creature more than three meters high appeared in front of the monster.

The whole body of this humanoid creature is wrapped in a layer of black scale-like battle armor, as if the battle armor is its skin. There is no hair on the head and obvious facial features, only three holes shining with faint light.


The monster cheered and jumped in front of the humanoid like a pet dog, its torso wriggled, and spit out a bunch of stuff.

The monster spat out a handful of bullets made by Fang Rui's avatar, grenade fragments, and three puppet bodies.

The humanoid creature murmured for a while, touched the monster's head, and then sprinkled a handful of black stone cores.

The monster rolled its tongue and swallowed the stone core gruntly, and the wound on its head was healing rapidly.

The humanoid creature squatted down, picked up a puppet body, it muttered indistinct words, and then the puppet body and bullets miraculously began to return to the original appearance of Fang Rui's avatar.

The humanoid creature put away the jelly-shaped clone of Fang Rui in its hand, and pointed in the direction of the gate of the demon, and the monster began to lead the way for it.

Two strange creatures started running in the direction of the Qilin.

On the Qilin.

Zhan Nian and Gen Yuan returned to the Qilin first, and they found nothing abnormal in the two directions they explored.

Before Xuanming came back, just when Zhang Xibao was about to contact him, Xuanming said in the communication circle that he had discovered the situation and asked Zhang Xibao and the others to meet up.

The Qilin began to chase in the direction Xuanming left...

At the gate of the demon, the monster lured the humanoid creature over, only to find that the Qilin had disappeared, and the two guys continued to search for Zhang Xibao and the others.

The Qilin flew at high speed, and approached the place where Xuanming was after about half a day.

When Xuan Ming returned to the Qilin, the wild god with a lion head and a human body had disappeared.

Zhang Xibao asked him, "Where's your pet?"

Xuan Ming opened his mouth and replied: "Dead, killed by the demon."

The death of the wild god didn't seem to have touched Xuan Ming, for him the lion was just a cannon fodder for exploring the way. .seven

Zhang Xibao smiled, took a deep look at Xuanming, and asked again: "I remember you gave it a magic weapon for protection, why was it still killed by the demon?"

"Because the Heavenly Demon World has the divine body of Shenting!"

Xuan Ming said angrily: "I don't know how these things brought the body of Shenting here, but do you know who I just met? God King Xuqi!"

No wonder Xuan Ming was so emotional, it turned out that he had met the boss of Shenting, and the body of the boss was taken over by the demon and turned into a puppet!

Zhan Nian looked thoughtful, while Gen Huan looked surprised.

When Xuanming and Genyuan went to explore the foreign land near the polar circle, they got the Xuqi God Seal inside, but they didn't find the revived god king Xuqi, only met the servant god puppet left by Xuqi.

Unexpectedly, the body of the king of gods ran into the world of the demon, and was occupied by the demon, no wonder this guy didn't come back to life!

Zhan Nian suddenly said: "If the body of the god king Xu Qi is here, is it possible that the bodies of other great gods are also here?"

"If that's the case, it's troublesome..."

Genyuan said with a serious face: "If they go through the gate to the planet, it is estimated that a new round of battle will start again! After a resurrection, can they still not escape their fate?"

"Then continue to explore?"

Xuanming seemed to be frightened by the puppet body of his old boss, he turned his head and asked Zhang Xibao.

Zhang Xibao thought for a while, and replied: "Tell me about your experience in detail. We'd better find out how many god puppets are hidden in this demon world. Only by knowing ourselves and our enemies can we win all battles."

Xuan Ming began to tell his story.

After he left the Qilin, the lion-headed wild god returned to his real body and turned into a huge mountain-like lion. Then Xuan Ming used the lion as a mount to explore the demon world.

In fact, Xuanming took the initiative to explore the world of demons with another purpose, which is to collect black stone cores.

The last time Zhang Xibao stole away all the stone cores from Alien 24, Xuan Ming knew that the black stone cores were good things. Although he didn't know the specific function of the stone cores, he wanted to collect a large number of stone cores in the Demon World.

Xuan Ming relied on Fang Rui's avatar to refine the battle armor, which was not afraid of the invasion of the demons at all. The lion carried Xuan Ming on his back and started walking towards the place where the demons gathered.

Five pillars suddenly appeared from the black smoke, they were the five fingers of a big hand.

The big hand fell and instantly killed the lion, and then dragged the lion's body together with the godhead into the black mist.

Xuan Ming felt that the big hand was very familiar, so he concealed his breath and took a look. He found that his former boss, God King Xu Qi, was devouring the lion's body like a wild beast.

"I didn't say anything, I left that area quickly, and then contacted you directly..."

Xuanming recounted the whole incident, and suggested: "This dharma boat is too powerful, and it is easy to attract Xu Qi's attention, so let's sneak in quietly in the end, lest the noise of the fight attract other great gods. God puppet, after all, there are strange things everywhere in this world of demons, so we'd better be careful."

Gen Yuan asked directly and bluntly: "Speaking so much, are you cowardly? Although Xu Qi was the king of the gods before, but now the godhead has been shattered, it is just a body, and there is absolutely no one in battle."

Hearing what Gen Yuan said, Xuan Ming looked at Gen Yuan angrily, as if he would strike if there was a disagreement.

He used to be a member of the divine court, and now he saw that the body of the god king Xuqi was occupied by a demon, like a wild beast, and he couldn't help feeling sorry for him.

Zhang Xibao and Zhan Nian stood between the two guys to stop them: "Okay, don't fight among yourself, just do what Xuanming said!"

This time Zhang Xibao didn't bring any crew, he just went with Zhan Nian and the others to inspect the puppet of the god king Xuqi.

"The divine body of the god king Xuqi is in this thick fog..."

Xuanming pointed in a direction, and Zhang Xibao found that the black mist was thicker in the place he pointed to. Although there were black mist in other places, they were not so dark that they couldn't see anything.

"Go in and have a look, if the situation is wrong, we will withdraw!"

Zhang Xibao and others walked into the black mist together.

In the black mist, the screams of the heavenly demon kept ringing out. Zhang Xibao and the others moved slowly. This action was to explore rather than provoke a war. Because they were afraid of attracting the attention of the god puppets, they did not use their divine power to explore the way.

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