Facts have proved that Xuan Ming's words are correct.

As Zhang Xibao and others went deeper, they first discovered the wreckage of the lion, and then they saw the body of the god king Xuqi.

The god king puppet had finished eating, and was sitting cross-legged on the ground and fell into a deep sleep. Its body was as huge as a mountain, and it was covered in tatters, like a skeleton that was about to rot.

"I'll try to see if I can use Fang Rui to devour the heavenly demon in the puppet of the god body..."

Zhang Xibao experimented with Fang Rui, and found that the god-body puppet had completely merged with the heavenly demon. If he wanted to destroy the heavenly demon in the god-body, he had to destroy this huge god-body first!

"Don't do it for now, let's go in and have a look!"

Zhang Xibao's proposal was approved by everyone. They concealed their aura, and with the black mist blocking their sight, the god king's puppet did not notice them.

They didn't wake up the puppet either, but went around the puppet and explored deeper into the black mist.

In the depths of the black mist are more god puppets, and they are either lying or sitting quietly staying in place.

This area shrouded in black mist is like the tomb of a god.

Before, Genyuan was still laughing at Xuanming, but now she is also a little speechless, because the puppets here are not only the great gods of the original Shenting, but also her old friends...

"Bone lotus, bee skeleton, primordial fetus..."

Gen Yuan counted the names of those familiar great gods, the more he checked, the more frightened he became.

When they met the last puppet, Xuan Ming and Gen Yuan exchanged a glance, and they looked at Zhan Nian together, only to see Zhan Nian's face was livid, Zhang Xibao had never seen Zhan Nian like this before.

"what happened?"

Looking at the last god puppet, Zhang Xibao seemed to have seen some tricks.

This puppet with a god body has three big horns like a dead tree on its head, and its pale hair covers its entire face. Ferocious, because this god body is pieced together from broken pieces.

"This is my divine body..."

As soon as Zhan Nian finished speaking, the puppet of the first-born triangular god body suddenly moved, and the long pale hair exploded instantly. Zhang Xibao saw that the face of the god body was densely packed with scales and three crimson dragon pupils in the shape of a character.

"Wake up!" Xuan Ming said in shock.

Zhan Nian's hand was already touching Feijian, but was stopped by Zhang Xibao: "Zhan Nian is calm, the other god puppets are also waking up, there are at least a hundred god bodies here, if we fight, we may suffer! ".seven

Zhan Nian raised his eyes and looked at the puppets with god bodies who slowly opened their eyes, put down the raised flying sword and ran out of the black mist with Zhang Xibao.

At the beginning, the war of gods broke the sky, which attracted the demons. Later, the god king Xuqi teamed up with other great gods to blow up the big world. One can imagine how powerful the gods are.

Although these god puppets are not as powerful as the living gods, but if hundreds of god puppets attack together, if Zhang Xibao and the others are entangled, sooner or later they will die due to exhaustion of divine power.

"Let's withdraw first, sooner or later they will be wiped out!"

The four guys didn't care whether the divine power would attract the attention of the god puppets, and they used their divine power to escape from the range covered by the black mist as quickly as possible.


With a bang, the earth instantly cracked, and demons began to dance wildly in the black mist...

Back on the Qilin, Zhang Xibao ordered to go back the same way.

They came to the Demon World this time with the idea of ​​exploring. Now that they have obtained a lot of information, it is time to return and prepare for the big battle.

"This trip is safe and sound, everyone is ready to go back to Earth Star!"

The puppet bodies of Mujia and others were swallowed by the monster, so Huojia replaced the three guys with a spare body as soon as they returned to the Qilin. Although the spare body is not as powerful as the custom-made body, it is worse than It is stronger if the soul stays in the spiritual core.

The crew went back and forth on the Qilin to prepare for the return to the planet. In addition to a lot of information, they also obtained a lot of real pictures and videos, as well as exoskeleton fossils, spaceship wreckage, black scales and Something like an astrolabe.

The lion wild god brought by Xuanming died at the hands of the god-body puppet, but the outer body of the red dragon was unscathed. Because the red dragon was too big, they didn't bring this head when they entered the black mist to explore. Red Dragon, but leave it on deck to guard the ship.

"Master Dark Saint, this red dragon howled like crazy just now for some reason, but now it doesn't howl anymore..."

Huo Jia came over to report the suspicious situation he found to Zhang Xibao.

Zhang Xibao turned her head and asked Gen Yuan with her eyes, but Gen Yuan's face suddenly changed drastically. She hurriedly flew to the side of the red dragon, and took off two black spikes from the back of the red dragon's neck.

The black spikes were removed, and the red dragon stood up abruptly, roaring towards the deck of the Qilin.

Genyuan took the two black thorns and asked Zhang Xibao: "What are these things?"

Zhang Xibao spread his hands: "You ask me how I know, isn't this dragon with bone spurs?"

"If it wasn't done by your people, then something touched the boat!"

Gen Yuan held up the two black thorns and said: "This thing was stabbed in the back of the red dragon's neck. One cut off the connection between the red dragon and me, and the other restricted the red dragon's ability to move!"

As soon as Gen Huan finished speaking, Zhang Xibao was startled. He didn't expect these two small thorns to be so capable, so someone must have touched them on the boat, because Wulonghui doesn't have this kind of technology!

Zhang Xibao yelled at the crew behind him: "Everyone, get ready for battle, assemble on the deck, and count the number of people!"

The Ravens, Huojia and other fighters quickly gathered on the deck. Zhang Xibao checked the crew and found that no one disappeared or was controlled.

Zhang Xibao didn't know whether the thing he touched on board was still on board or not, so he asked Zhan Nian, Gen Yuan and Xuan Ming to use their magical powers to quickly search every corner of the Qilin.

The red dragon was still roaring anxiously, and Gen Huan said to Zhang Xibao: "That thing must still be on the boat!"

Zhan Nian directly took off the dragon spirit from his ear, and the little golden snake disappeared in an instant. After a while, Zhan Nian said to the three of them: "There is something wrong with the arsenal."

The arsenal is located on the belly of the Qilin, where various weapons and puppet bodies of the soldiers are placed, and various magic circles are arranged, and the defense is quite tight.

The four of them ran towards the Qilin's armory, wanting to see what they could sneak into the Qilin's armory while they were not there and hide from the guarding crew.

Zhang Xibao took out the control talisman of the Qilin, which is the key to each area of ​​the Qilin. He checked the magic circles in the arsenal, and found that all the magic circles were in normal operation.

"The magic circle is fine, just in case, go in and have a look!"

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