Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 489 Invisible Monster

buzz buzz...

The magic circles on the belly of the Qilin were operating normally, Zhang Xibao opened the magic circles by relying on the Qilin's command, and the four of them entered the arsenal.


Zhang Xibao frowned and inspected the boxes in the armory, and found that the bullets, grenades and spare puppet bodies made with Fang Rui's avatar inside had all disappeared, leaving only ordinary weapons made of ordinary materials.

Zhang Xibao suddenly remembered the monster that devoured bullets, and he asked through the communicator in the armory: "Huo Jia, when did you enter the armory?"

Huo Jia immediately replied: "Master Hui Ansheng, we went into the armory once after we returned to the Qilin. It was two hours ago. I took three useful bodies for Mu Jia and them. At that time, everything in the armory was normal!"

In other words, within these two hours, something took advantage of Zhang Xibao's absence to touch the ship, and controlled the Red Dragon without the eyes of the Yaman and the warriors. Tens of thousands of bullets and grenades, as well as dozens of useful bodies were taken away!

"Looks like we won't be able to return to Earth for the time being..."

Zhang Xibao turned his head and said to everyone: "Since Gen Huan said that the thing is still on the boat, then we have to stay in this Heavenly Demon World for a while, so as not to bring back anything to Earth Star!"

"Since it is interested in Fang Rui's avatar, it must be more interested in Fang Rui's main body on me!"

Zhang Xibao directly ordered to the crew: "Check, check every corner of the Qilin, or we won't even think about going home!"

The crew of the Qilin began to check themselves. They searched every corner of the Qilin, but found nothing.

"It is estimated that the enemy has already left!"

Zhang Xibao waved his hands to let the crew work normally, and Zhan Nian, Gen Huan and others also returned to their rooms.

Sitting in the captain's room, Zhang Xibao began to check the various video materials taken in the Demon World this time.

There are a lot of alien characters on the wreckage of the high-altitude spaceship. Although Zhang Xibao doesn't know these characters, he already has a vague guess in his mind.

This world of demons definitely has more than just the race group of demons, there may be other intelligent life...


There was a crisp sound.

Zhan Nian's sword intent hit somewhere in the captain's room, and there was something in the transparent air that forcibly resisted Zhan Nian's sword intent.

It turned out that Zhang Xibao deliberately let the crew members relax their vigilance, and then distracted Gen Yuan and Xuan Ming, colluded with Zhan Nian, and used himself as a bait to attract the guy who was hiding.

"Sure enough, it's still there!"

The Qilin sword in Zhang Xibao's hand came in an instant, and the surging divine power poured into the flying sword. This sword Zhang Xibao directly used all his strength!


The Qilin sword slashed in the transparent air, and something was blown out, broke through the thick wall of the captain's cabin, and fell directly to the deck.

Buzz buzz!

The Qilin's shield was activated instantly, and the power was directly turned on to the maximum, no matter how much high-grade spirit stones were consumed. This shield can not only prevent things outside the Qilin from entering the deck, but also prevent things on the deck from going out!

"I want to see what the hell you are!"

Zhang Xibao flew towards the deck through the big hole in the wall, Zhan Nian, Gen Yuan and others also arrived in an instant, Crow Man, Huo Jia and others also surrounded the deck tightly.

A large hole was smashed on the deck, and the air in that area became distorted and made a squeaky sound.

Two seconds later, a slim monster over three meters tall appeared on the deck.

The strange man was covered in black scales, and there were only three big holes on his face with no obvious facial features. The sound of the scales all over his body was constantly rising and falling with the subtle movements of the strange man's body.

"It turned out to be a person who can hide..."

Zhang Xibao stared at the strange man carefully for a few times, and at the same time, the book spirit in his consciousness was also recording what he saw.

The strange man stared at Zhang Xibao and began to make noises. It had very slender fingers but only three, all three fingers pointing at Zhang Xibao.

Although Zhang Xibao couldn't understand what the strange man was saying, he felt that the strange man was referring to Fang Rui on him.

"I don't understand what you're talking about. You invaded my Qilin and stole the contents of the ship. You should be punished according to the law, but if you don't hurt anyone, return the things and I can let you go. .”

Since the other party didn't make a move, Zhang Xibao tried to communicate with the other party.

The strange man wiped it from his chest, wondering if it had some kind of spatial treasure, and pulled out a large lump of transparent jelly-like substance.


Zhang Xibao instantly recognized what it was, the jelly-like substance was Fang Rui's avatar, and this strange man turned the spare body and bullet equipment back into reverse!

Fang Rui's avatar in the strange man's hand began to squirm, part of the jelly-like substance climbed up the strange man's arm to form a bone wing, and the other part melted directly into its arm to form a twisted weird weapon.

This behavior of the weirdo directly made the crew nervous. Judging from its posture, it might be about to start a war.

Zhang Xibao, Zhan Nian and the others are also ready to fight, since this weirdo wants to go to war, let him stay today, no matter if he lives or dies!


The Qilin's shield suddenly made a loud noise, and a crack appeared on the light shield above the deck.

I don't know what is attacking the shield from the outside, but the force is really terrifying, Zhang Xibao thought, does this weird guy have accomplices?


There was another loud noise, and a black shadow appeared on the light shield above the deck. Zhang Xibao opened his Tongtian Tong and glanced, and found that the black shadow turned out to be the monster that had attacked them near the Heavenly Demon Gate.

The strange man suddenly flapped his bones and wings, and his figure rose instantly.

Zhang Xibao and Zhan Nian shot at the same time, Zhang Xibao fired a cannon towards the back of the strange man, and Zhan Nian condensed three sword intents to attack the strange man's neck, back and tailbone.

The sword intent and bullets landed on the strange man one after another. The strange man swayed in mid-air, and then he smashed the shield of Qilin with the weapon in his hand, and flew away on the deformed monster.

That monster can still fly? !

A few pieces of scale armor with cut and shooting marks fell on the deck, Zhang Xibao walked over to pick up the scale armor and have a look.

"This scale armor looks familiar!"

Zhang Xibao compared the scales obtained from the spaceship with the monster's scales, and found that although the two were different in size, their materials were very similar.

"The red dragon has calmed down, there is nothing on this ship, you can return!"

Zhang Xibao returned to the captain's room, and Zhan Nian followed.

Zhan Nian said: "I just used 80% of my strength, but only cut off a few scales, this guy is terrifying!"

"Well, I also know the power of the black nuclear bullet. The armor on that strange man is indeed powerful, but it is much weaker than that monster's defense. The monster didn't die after receiving a black nuclear grenade with its mouth!"

Zhang Xibao paused and said: "This strange man can directly restore and refine the things made by Fang Rui's avatar. I suspect that Fang Rui's source has something to do with it, but Fang Rui said that he doesn't know anything. This matter is really getting worse. It's getting weirder..."

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