"The star map projected by the astrolabe has been fully recorded, but I don't know what the red and blue dots on it represent."

He Xiansheng woke up the experimenters immersed in the wonders of the star map, and asked them to use instruments to make many copies of the star map scene in the room.

Zhang Xibao didn't need to do it himself, he carefully observed those light spots, and suddenly pointed to a certain place in the laboratory and asked: "Is there a piece missing in that area, is the star map broken?"

Everyone looked towards the northwest corner of the laboratory in unison. Originally, the star map could cover the entire space of the laboratory, but the area in the northwest corner was a large area of ​​darkness, as if the star map was missing a piece.

He Xiansheng went up to observe carefully for a while, then waved to Zhang Xibao: "Master Bao, this area is very strange, it's not that a corner is missing, it seems to be covered by something."

"Well, this area must be very special, otherwise it wouldn't be covered up."

Zhang Xibao pinched his chin and thought for a while, then suddenly remembered that strange man who flew away riding a monster.

They don't know what the star map is for, and they don't know what the light spots of different colors on the star map represent. It's like having a treasure mountain without knowing how to dig it.

"Maybe I should find someone to translate for us..."

Zhang Xibao diverted his attention from the star map, called He Xiansheng over and asked, "Give me a copy of all the symbol data of Data Curry, I will be of great use."

There are only so many characters and symbols in total. After a while, He Xiansheng downloaded the characters of Data Curry and passed a copy to Zhang Xibao.

Zhang Xibao entered that information into the Qingqi pager in his sea of ​​consciousness, which is equivalent to asking Shuling to help him record all kinds of words. When he meets that weird person next time, he can know what the strange person said and the spaceship. The characters above do not match.

Just when Zhang Xibao was considering whether to go back to the Omen World alone to find that strange person, news came from Qinglong that the Omen Gate in the foreign territory of F City was about to open.

The cities where the different worlds are located have been equipped with shooting weapons and explosives made by black cores. The guardians of the cities have magic weapons to protect themselves and counterattack with various weapons. The pressure should not be too great, but Zhang Xibao still plans to move forward. Go to support a wave, so as not to have accidents happen.

After all, Zhan Nian said that among those god-body puppets, there are existences that can pass through the gate of the demon.

City F is not even close to the emperor. It was midnight when Zhang Xibao set off, and he arrived in City F just before sunrise.

City F has abundant resources of alien beasts, but most of these alien beasts are water-type alien beasts. Even if the gate of Heavenly Demon is opened, it is impossible for a large-scale beast tide to appear, so compared to Nan City, the pressure on the soldiers on the defense line is relatively heavy. Small.

Without a large-scale beast swarm, the demons would not be able to harm the soldiers who had protective magic weapons, and once they started fighting, they would kill them unilaterally.

People's ability to adapt is not so strong. They used to be terrified of demons, but now that they have protective magic weapons and weapons, the soldiers on the defense line have begun to have a fearless mentality.

After Zhang Xibao arrived at the defense line of City F, Qinglong came to greet him with a smile on his face.

The opening of the Heavenly Demon Gate should be a very serious matter. Qinglong's expression must be favorable to the Five Dragons Association.

Before Zhang Xibao could ask, Qinglong said: "The gate of the demon was opened as early as an hour ago. The defense line has already fought a wave with the demon. The weapons and equipment brought from the laboratory building are very useful. We have already suppressed the demon. In a foreign land."


Zhang Xibao warned again: "Don't forget to collect black cores. This thing has now become a strategic resource. People outside of Daxia have begun to notice black cores. I guess that guy Xuan Ming is secretly collecting them." Instruct believers to collect black cores, and let them exchange black cores when selling the magic weapon in the future!"

Qinglong nodded, signaling Zhang Xibao to rest assured. He pointed to the warehouse at the base and said, "I have already collected some of the black cores. When the demons in the foreign territory are wiped out, all the black cores will be sent to the laboratory building."

Zhang Xibao walked around the defense line and found nothing wrong, so he planned to withdraw. He planned to enter the world of demons again.


The earth trembled.

As soon as Zhang Xibao rode on the back of the divine bird, he heard a loud noise from another world. He looked at Qinglong in surprise, and the smile on Qinglong's face disappeared.

Previously, Taihuohu and the others were ordered to take a lot of explosives made by black cores to the foreign land, intending to kill them on a large scale before the demons did not attack the defense line of the foreign land gate.

But this sound is not the sound that explosives can cause, the sound of explosives is not so loud!

"problem occurs……"

Zhang Xibao used the divine bird to take Qinglong to a foreign land, intending to check the situation and rescue the stars who were going on missions.

When the divine bird just flew to the gate of the foreign land, Tail Huohu and the others ran out of the foreign land in embarrassment, and told Zhang Xibao and Qinglong: "Something got out of the gate of the demon, and we barely escaped with the explosives we carried. No one was injured."

"Tell me exactly what's going on!"

Zhang Xibao asked: "What got out, is it big?"

"Not big, but a lot!"

Tail Fire Tiger described it: "There are many winged insects, and they are quickly devouring the water-type beasts in the strange world of F City!"


Zhang Xibao felt that something was wrong, so he planned to enter the foreign land to check it himself.

Qinglong originally wanted to enter with Zhang Xibao, but a group of dragons cannot be without a leader, so Zhang Xibao asked him to guard the front line in a foreign country.

Zhang Xibao flew into the foreign land on the divine bird, and at a glance, he saw those flying insects that were densely packed like locusts passing through the land.

The full-coverage battle armor tightly wrapped Zhang Xibao, Zhang Xibao slowly approached the swarm, and saw a terrifying scene.

Those worms were only the size of a fingernail, with a head like a cricket, with two sharp teeth, a body divided into three parts, three pairs of wings on the back, and a poisonous needle that glowed from the tail.

Bugs are poisonous, Zhang Xibao is so sure, because such a small bug can kill a three-meter-long water lizard!

As soon as the water lizard was stabbed by the bug's tail needle, it died suddenly, and immediately a large group of bugs lay on the water lizard and began to devour the flesh and blood.

Within three seconds, the huge water lizard turned into bones, and the bones turned into debris. Those bugs didn't even spare the bone marrow! 7K 妏敩

After feasting, the worms carried the bone chips and flew away. Some worms that hadn't eaten flesh and blood began to focus on Zhang Xibao, but neither their teeth nor tail needles could break through Fang Rui's defense.

Zhang Xibao rubbed out a stream of fire from all directions, and the flying insects covering his body instantly turned into fly ash.


"Isn't it a pure beast?"

Zhang Xibao casually grabbed a live bug and crushed it to burst. The scene of splashing juice didn't happen, and the bug's body turned into a ball of black light and disappeared.

"It's still here..." Zhang Xibao muttered to himself.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Xibao remembered the death zone of the Zong Emperor, and he was sure of one thing, that is, there was a puppet with a god body coming through the gate of the demon.

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