Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 493: Puppet Bee Skeleton

"A puppet with a god body is here, in a foreign land in F City"

Zhang Xibao notified Zhan Nian, and Zhan Nian responded immediately: "I'm near you, I'll be there soon!" 』

The speed of Zhan Nian was indeed unimaginable. Within three minutes, a flying sword crossed the sky and entered the gate of the foreign realm. The flying sword spun and retracted, and Zhan Nian was already standing on the back of the divine bird.

"So fast?!" Zhang Xibao was amazed.

Zhan Nian replied as if nothing had happened: "Using the black cores you gave me, this thing is much more powerful than divine power."

Those bugs couldn't get close to Zhan Nian's body at all. Once they flew within three meters of Zhan Nian's body, they would all explode and turn into black light and fly away. 7K 妏敩

Zhang Xibao twirled a worm and asked: "Which great god is this gifted ability, do you know it?"

"Hehe, of course I recognize..."

Zhan Nian reminded Zhang Xibao: "In fact, we have seen it in the black mist of the Demon World, and it is an old friend of Gen Huan."


Zhang Xibao asked: "Which monster clan great god?"

Zhan Nian replied: "Bee Skeleton!"

"Bee Skeleton? It sounds familiar..."

Zhang Xibao's memory is very good. He recalled what Genhuan said in the black mist that day, and he did hear the name Fengku, besides Yuantai, Gulian...

Whether it is the great god of the monster race or the righteous god of the court, they are now the puppets of the gods of the sky demon, and they are the enemies of the earth and stars.

"The bee skeleton I saw that day is not like this..."

Zhang Xibao recalled the appearance of the bee skeleton. It was a godlike body like a tattered scarecrow, kneeling and kneeling in the black mist with its head bowed. It didn't look like a bug at all.

"The divine body we saw is not the real body of the bee skeleton, it's just its nest. Don't you see that the bugs are rebuilding their nests?"

Zhan Nian pointed to the insects who were busy, Zhang Xibao saw that the flying insects began to gather bone chips, gravel, branches and other things to the same place.

Zhan Nian explained: "Flying insects will collect materials from anywhere, and then refine these things into the god's nest. The god's nest is the strange straw man we saw. Once the nest is refined, it will be extremely strong, and it will not be invaded by water or fire!"

"The moving castle belongs to..."

Zhang Xibao urged: "Let's hurry up and get rid of these bugs, lest they succeed in building a nest, we have to work hard."

"No hurry, let them build!"

Zhan Nian smiled: "These insects can't be killed at all, and if there are so many insects, as long as one escapes, our efforts will be in vain. That insect will divide into a swarm and build a new nest. Let them build a nest successfully, and all the insects will They will all return to their nests, and now is the chance to kill the Bee Skeleton!"

"So that's the case, then let's sit on the sidelines and wait for the rabbit!"

Zhang Xibao nodded, and controlled the divine bird to fly towards the place where the flying insects gathered.

There were more and more bugs, and after they had eaten up all the water-type beasts in the foreign territory, they began to gather at the gate of the demon with bone chips, mudstones, and vegetation in their mouths.

A mountain of rubbish was piled up under the gate of the demon, and countless flying insects with poisonous needles crawled around inside.

"This... is this a garbage nest?" Zhang Xibao expressed his incomprehension to the behavior of the flying insects.

"Just look at it and you'll know."

Zhan Nian smiled: "The bee skull was a great god with high combat power at the beginning. It was hunted down by the court for hundreds of years, but it would come back to life every time. The bee skull would build nests in secret places, and there were more than one nests. , even I haven’t seen it with my own eyes, so today is an eye opener.”

The pile of rubbish is getting higher and bigger, and the overall shape is very similar to a graveyard, but Zhang Xibao has never seen a graveyard bigger than a pyramid, and it is also full of poisonous insects!

"here we go……"

The garbage mountain began to glow, and the flying insects began to return to their nests. Countless insects got into the mountain and never came out again.

Zhang Xibao frowned: "Something's wrong, no divine power response?"

"It's true that there is no divine power response, but there is something else, the energy of the black core. The power of these puppets comes from the black core of the demon!"

Zhan Nian is now very familiar with the power of the black core, and he immediately discovered that the bee skeleton used the power of the black core.

"Well, this makes sense. After all, the bee skull is already a puppet of the sky demon. It doesn't even know if the godhead has collapsed, and there are no believers to provide divine power."

The two continued to observe the garbage mountain, and a thick black fog began to emerge from the mountain.

Ka Ka Ka...

It sounded like the cracking of an eggshell.

Zhang Xibao saw a big black hand slowly protruding from the inside of the mountain.

"It's starting to take shape, let's do it!"

Zhang Xibao was a little impatient, he took out his Qilin sword, intending to strike first, and cut off the palm of the bee skull with one sword.

"It's not over yet, wait for it to pop up!"

Zhan Nian asked Zhang Xibao to wait, these two guys were like fishermen guarding the mouth of the dike, as soon as the fish entered the net, they immediately handed over the butcher's knife.

The mountain cracked open, revealing a huge scarecrow-like head.

"Do it!"

After Zhan Nian gave an order, the two of them rushed forward with their flying swords.

Zhan Nian was responsible for beheading the bee skull, and Zhang Xibao was responsible for beheading its arm. When the bee man lost the ability to fight back, Zhang Xibao burned the entire mountain of rubbish to white ground with the Four Heavenly Fire.

A sword light composed of divine power flew out from Qilin's sword, and the half-moon-shaped golden light cut across the black palm, splitting the palm in half from the middle, but the two halves of the palm closed together again in an instant.

Zhang Xibao shouted at Zhan Nian: "Divine power is useless, use the power of the black core!"

Zhan Nian withdrew his divine power, took out a handful of black cores to absorb the power in it, then put his two fingers together, and chopped towards the bee skull.

Fengku seemed to have a premonition, and quickly blocked the palm that was injured by Zhang Xibao towards the door.


The palm of the bee skull was smashed by the sword of Zhan Nian, but the head injury was not serious. It finally raised its head from the garbage mountain, and looked in the direction of Zhan Nian with two deep eye sockets. Zhang Xibao wasn't even sure if there were eyes in those eye sockets!

Just as Zhan Nian was about to slash with his sword again, a voice came out of Fengku's hollow mouth: "Zhan... Nian! 』

Zhan Nian's movements stopped abruptly, Zhang Xibao looked at Fengku in shock.

The god puppet is still conscious? !

Haven't their godheads been shattered, their god bodies have been invaded by heavenly demons, and they have become rotten puppets?

It was true that Fengku was calling Zhan Nian's name just now, although the shouting was intermittent, but Zhang Xibao heard it very clearly.

"Bee skull?" Zhan Nian responded to the other party.

"Unfortunately, I!"

The bee skeleton's divine body was still gathering, and its words began to flow smoothly.

"You also mastered that power?"

"Why don't you join us?"

With a bang, the garbage mountain exploded completely, and the bee skull's divine body was condensed, but judging by its appearance, it still refused to give up.

Zhan Nian didn't hesitate at all, one sword slashed down, thousands of swords rose, and countless black lights split the bee skeleton into pieces, except for the head...

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