Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 495 The Author's Logic Is Closed

"Pull it out!"

"Pull out the thorn!"

The bee skull begged in pain in the jar, Zhang Xibao pointed to his ear that was blocked by earplugs, and waved his hand, meaning that he couldn't hear.

"I said, I said!"

"What do you want to know, let me tell you!"

Bee Skull yelled again.

Zhang Xibao pulled out the earplugs and asked, "Well, let's talk!"

The bee skull's face was distorted from the pain, it had never seen such a brazen person in its hundreds of thousands of years of life.

Zhang Xibao pulled out the black thorn between the bee skull's eyebrows, held it in his hand, and clicked on the Qingqi pager. A picture of the relationship between the characters appeared on the wall opposite the laboratory. It was exactly what Zhang Xibao analyzed with the Four Sages during the meeting that picture.

The map shows the earth and stars (human beings), the world of demons (demons and monsters), the great world (gods) and the relationship between all parties.

"Come on, let me think about what to ask first..."

Zhang Xibao pinched his chin and thought for a while, then asked: "Tell me why you gods are not swallowed by the demons, but retain your self-awareness instead!"

Bee Ku fell silent, Zhang Xibao shook the black thorn in his hand and said, "Do you want to taste it again?"

"We have indeed died with the collapse of the great world, and the shattering of the godhead. We have no possibility of resurrection, but after the demon took over our god body, it awakened our consciousness and not only helped us obtain a new source of power , and brought us endless wisdom!"

The tone of Fengku became a little excited, and he roared: "We are the demons! We have broken free from the shackles of the Dao!"

"Heavenly Demon? I think it's a spiritual parasite?" Zhang Xibao suddenly asked.

Fengku's voice suddenly disappeared, he looked at Zhang Xibao in shock, and asked uncertainly, "What do you know?"

Zhang Xibao didn't know much, but he planned to trick Fengku, so he said proudly: "I know the Pukapora Exile, I know what you are, and I also know that you are just the sons of the Great Emperor." slave!"

The bee skeleton seemed to be petrified, its mouth was slightly open, and the eyes in the eye sockets seemed to have been opened to the maximum.

Suddenly, Bee Skull laughed again, and it asked Zhang Xibao: "Since you know everything, why do you ask me?"

Zhang Xibao had no expression on his face, but in fact he yelled in his heart that you are really clever, and he calmly replied: "There are a few key points missing in this picture, I just want to verify it."

Fengku had already imagined that Zhang Xibao knew a lot of things, so he snorted coldly: "Then you can ask!"

Zhang Xibao pointed at the vital point and asked, "What is the relationship between the Hertera tribe, gods, demons, monsters, and the emperor?!"

Bee Ku replied: "It's a long story..."

"Let's make a long story short!"

Zhang Xibao urged: "My time is precious, hurry up!"

"Since you're curious, let me tell you a story!"

Fengku opened his mouth slowly, wanting to tell Zhang Xibao a story, but Zhang Xibao didn't stop it, but quietly turned on the recording device.

"Once upon a time, there was a manor. The Emperor was the absolute dictator of the manor. Everything in the manor belonged to the Emperor. There were still many shepherds in the manor who were absolutely loyal to the Emperor and served the Emperor."

"There is a pasture in the manor, and two prisons. The Hertera people are raised in the pasture. In the two prisons, one is for demons, and the other is for gods."

"Compared to gods and celestial demons, the Hertera tribe is like herbivores to carnivores. Gods need faith, and celestial demons need hosts. Gods are biological weapons cultivated by the emperor, and celestial demons are the creators of black cores and the source of energy. source."

"The biological weapons didn't know that they were also slaves. They thought they were gods and kings above the Hertera tribe, so they began to compete for limited territory."

"The gods broke the wall between the two prisons during the battle, and the demon was released. The thing that suppressed the demon disappeared when the wall was broken. Without that thing, the shepherds of the manor were no match for the demon. Most of them died The turmoil created by the demons!"

As the bee skeleton narrated, Zhang Xibao's brain was spinning rapidly, he had no time to be shocked, he was completely using all his brain power to analyze the protagonists in the story.

"In this way, the Hertera tribe is indeed human beings. Human beings are the source of power for the gods, and they are also the hosts of the demons."

"The shattered world is a laboratory for manufacturing biological weapons for the emperor, and the gods were actually manufactured?"

"The demons can produce black cores, so they were raised by the emperor to obtain a large amount of energy. The emperor's battles in all directions became the greatest existence, relying on these black cores and completely loyal god warriors!"

"I knock, I knock..."

Zhang Xibao trembled with excitement: "I finally understand!"

He boldly guessed: "Earth Star is the pasture for raising the Hertera tribe. The revival of the aura is because the gas that is beneficial to the gods in the laboratory escaped, causing some mutations in the Hertera tribe. This is the aura. The truth of recovery, this is the truth of supernatural beings!"

Zhang Xibao drew a few clear lines on the mind map, so that the logic is perfectly closed!

Why is the bee skeleton afraid of the black thorn in the hand of the weirdo?

The weirdos are the emperor's most loyal shepherds, and they have the means to deal with the experimental gods!

"So Fang Rui is the one who suppressed the Heavenly Demon?"

Zhang Xibao narrowed his eyes, recalling the strange man's method of using Fang Rui's avatar, and muttered to himself: "The emperor's shepherds are not dead, they are also looking for Fang Rui..."

The current enemies of the earth star are already very clear, the sky demon and the god puppets occupied by the sky demon, the shepherd and the owner of the manor, the emperor!

And human beings, as the lowest-level existence in the manor, are actually resisting two such behemoths?

"Do not!"

Zhang Xibao shook his head: "No, such a big thing happened in the Emperor's Manor, it's impossible for it not to respond!"

From a macro point of view, the little brothers are dying, the demons and gods are jumping to rebel, and the Hertera tribe in the pasture has also begun to evolve, so why didn't the owner of the manor react at all?

Is it dead?

Zhang Xibao tapped his swollen forehead with his knuckles. With Fang Rui by his side, he was not too worried about the Heavenly Demon. The main reason was the mastermind behind the scenes, the super invincible villain——Emperor!

Whether the emperor is a thing, whether it is a person or a force, I don't know at all now.

You don't even know what the enemy is, how do you fight? Can't fight!

Zhang Xibao took a deep breath, and grinned: "Zhang Xibao, Zhang Xibao, think of the best in everything, maybe the Emperor is really dead, otherwise why didn't he respond?"

Earth Star Resurrection OL is almost cleared, the game is going to be played with a smile...

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