Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 496 Re-Entering The Demonic World

Seeing Zhang Xibao fell silent, the bee skull in the jar suddenly bewitched, "Little baby, why don't we make a deal?"

Fengku's words pulled Zhang Xibao back from his thoughts, Zhang Xibao raised his head and glanced at the big-headed sunflower seed, and asked, "What deal?"

Bee Skull smiled and said, "Xuqi and the others will come to this world sooner or later. Imagine a scene where hundreds of gods arrive at the same time. At that time, the demons will dance around. You don't know the power of the demons at all. If you don't stop them, we just need to stop them." How about the human beings outside your country?" 7K 妏敩

"Don't dream, who doesn't understand the truth of the lips and teeth, really treat me as a three-year-old child? If you let your development continue, we will also be fish on the chopping board."

Zhang Xibao snorted coldly, and waved his hands: "Spit out all the information you have in your mouth, as long as you are useful to us, there will be no new specimens to replace you."

Fengku was also sneering: "You don't know the power of Heavenly Demon at all!"

"I will know." Zhang Xibao replied.

Bee Skeleton shouted: "You don't know!"

Zhang Xibao shook the black thorn in his hand: "If you tell me, I'll know?"

Bee Skull: "..."

"Tell me, what power does the demon have?"

Zhang Xibao tilted his head, and muttered to himself: "I think they are quite weak."

"Would you try again without the thing in your hand?"

Fengku stared at Fang Rui on Zhang Xibao's wrist: "Without it, the whole world will fall within three days!"

"That's right, now tell me what power the Heavenly Demon has!"

Zhang Xibao didn't have much patience to quarrel with Fengku, he wanted to return to the Demon World as soon as possible to try to find that strange person.

Since the so-called Emperor never showed up, it meant that the weirdo lost the means to contact the Emperor. Zhang Xibao still needs to get more information, and he thinks he can start with the weirdo who is alone.

"The heavenly demons you see are still in their infancy. They contain enormous power in their bodies, but they are still extremely fragile."

Bee Ku paused and said: "The reason why we want humans in this world is to make them the carriers of the celestial demons. Once the bodies of the celestial demons and the Hertera tribe are combined, they will evolve into the most terrifying creatures in the universe!"

"It turned out to be like this..."

Zhang Xibao thought to himself that he had made a mistake by refining Fang Rui's avatar into a magic weapon for protection, and then selling the magic weapon for protection to others.

If it is true as Bee Skeleton said, once Earth Star falls, it will become a breeding ground for horrible creatures.

"So, what is your ultimate goal?"

Zhang Xibao asked further: "If you obtained the bodies of all the Hertera tribe and cultivated countless biological weapons, what would you do? Occupy the universe or seek revenge from the Emperor?"

"Of course it's both!"

Bee Skull was silent for a moment and then said: "We are all looking for something that can accurately locate our home planet and the Emperor's sphere of influence. In addition, we also need a ship, which is hidden in the place where the Hertera tribe is located. pasture!"

"Boat?" Zhang Xibao narrowed his eyes.

Didn't expect the earth star to hide a ship?

Although this ship is old, its technology must be much higher than the current technology of Earth Star, as can be seen from the Pukapora Exile.

Bee Skull laughed sinisterly: "That is a mothership that can carry countless demons and Hertera tribes to this world. You don't think you guys were born in this world from the beginning?"

Finding this mothership became another goal of Zhang Xibao.

After Zhang Xibao finished the interrogation, he realized that Zhan Nian had been standing in the corner of the laboratory like a shadow, and all the conversations between him and Feng Ku were overheard by Zhan Nian.

The two left the laboratory together, and when they were walking in the corridor, Zhang Xibao turned his head and asked Zhan Nian: "How do you feel after listening?"


Zhan Nian said in a daze: "I was born as a dragon, entered the Tao with a sword, and became one of the most powerful gods. I never thought that we were experimental products!"

"Then we are still 'sheep' in the pasture!"

Zhang Xibao patted Zhan Nian on the shoulder: "It's no big deal, you won't be heartbroken because of this, right?"

"of course not!"

Zhan Nian's face became calm again, he squinted his eyes, and seemed to be looking at the boundless universe through the thick laboratory wall, muttering to himself: "I want to see that power!"

Zhang Xibao intends to enter the Heavenly Demon World again. This time he does not intend to bring Genyuan and Xuanming, nor does he intend to bring them with the fire armor. As a shepherd, that weirdo will restrain the gods to death, so there is no doubt that he will bring them with the fire armor More materials for Fang Rui's avatar will be sent to the weirdo.

Zhan Nian originally belonged to a god, but now he has the god body made by Fang Rui's avatar and the ability to use the black core, so bringing Zhan Nian is undoubtedly the best choice.

"I have already mastered the means to communicate with that weird person. Let's go in and look for it. It's best if we can communicate peacefully. If not, then catch it!"

Zhang Xibao and Zhan Nian discussed it, and the two came to Nanshi in a divine bird, and after opening the gate of the void, they flew into the world of demons again.

"There is no possibility of any relaxation between us and Xuqi and the others. The god puppets must be wiped out."

Zhang Xibao asked again curiously: "What about your divine body? Who is it inside?"

Zhan Nian was silent for a moment and replied: "If it can be recycled, I would like to refine it into my body, the guy inside is another me!"

"Another Zhan Nian?" Zhang Xibao was a little dumbfounded.

"Well, the other me who was cut off by Taishang Nian Jue, I didn't expect it to be still alive, it must have been left behind by Xu Qi to deal with me..."

Zhan Nian chuckled: "Compared to the Emperor, Xu Qi and those guys feel like clowns."

"Yeah, it's hard to imagine how powerful that emperor will be!"

Zhang Xibao clenched his fists, glanced at the sky, and muttered to himself: "No matter how powerful a guy is, don't even think about stepping on us humans. If he dares to stretch out his feet, he will cut off his feet. If he dares to stretch out his hands, he will cut off his feet." its hands!"

Throughout the history of the earth and stars, although there have never been gods and shepherds, various natural and man-made disasters have never disappeared, but human beings have tenaciously climbed to the top of the natural world.


Humans never stop fighting!

Zhan Nian asked: "What do you use to fight?"

Zhang Xibao replied: "Destroy demons, hoard black cores, catch monsters, find spaceships, plan ahead, and be fully prepared!"

"We can't predict what the future holds, but we've been doing the right thing!"

Zhan Nian nodded: "In that case, let's go on together and see what the future holds!"

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