Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 63 This Man Is Too Fast

In Zhang Xibao's live broadcast room.

Although the screen was pitch black, the barrage was still surging like a tide!

Everyone was staring at a pitch-black screen the whole time, waiting for Zhang Xibao to challenge the intermediate appraiser's test.

"No, no, you can't really challenge it in the toilet, right? 』

"Unheard of, unheard of, if this challenge is passed, it may be recorded in the promotion history of intermediate appraisers..."

"What the hell, do you still want to smell it upstairs? I guess it's in the shiba, hahahaha, I'm a black fan! ! ! Convex ('0?) Convex'

"Upstairs are big paratroopers, where is the housekeeper, housekeeper?" ! 』

"I seem to hear the sound of fingers tapping on the screen..."

"I heard it upstairs too! 』

"I'm counting the time for [Bao Ye], more than five minutes have passed, I don't know how many questions he has answered. 』

If it is said that [Autumn Wind] the lower finger is like flying, Zhang Xibao's lower finger is as fast as lightning!

Clap clap!

Recently, Zhang Xibao's memory, reaction, and speed have been greatly improved due to eating the flesh and blood of alien beasts and treasure pills, coupled with unremitting exercise.

Zhang Xibao glanced at the question, and the meaning of the question was conveyed to his mind. Almost the moment "Tongtian Dabaojian" gave the answer, his finger had already clicked on it.

His speed is more than double that of [Autumn Wind]!

[Autumn Wind]'s live broadcast room.

[Autumn Wind] With a smile on the corner of his mouth, he focused his fingers on the option of the last question. After answering the question, the system will automatically start judging.

He let out a foul breath and glanced at the time. It took 18 minutes and 56 seconds, less than 19 minutes.

One thousand questions, less than 19 minutes, definitely the first person on the answer list.

Because he remembered that it took 27 minutes for the former intermediate appraiser to take the first place in the answer list!

Sure enough, the system sent a message:

"Your answer rate is 100%! 』

"Your test took 18 minutes and 56 seconds, exceeding 100% of the testers! 』

『[Autumn Wind], congratulations on becoming the first person on the answering list of intermediate treasure appraisers! 』

[Autumn Wind] He slammed his fist on the table excitedly.

He happily said to the camera: "Fans and family members, the results are out, I am the first, thank you for your long-term support!"

All of a sudden, gifts and barrages surged wildly in the live broadcast room.

"I see, I see, Feng Bao ranks first on the answer list of intermediate appraisers!" 』

"Fengbao, forever god! 』

"My Fengbao is really amazing, my sister will always love you??! 』

"It's safe now, that [Bao Ye] is waiting to lose!" 』

"I heard that the other party is also challenging to answer questions, so I started a live broadcast!" 』

Seeing this sentence, [Qiu Feng] frowned, and asked the camera: "When did he start?"

『It started seven minutes ago, I heard it was still in the toilet. 』

"real. High jump in the toilet - look for shi chant! Dare to compete with Feng Bao? 』

"Hahahaha, the other party has a black screen, can't even afford an extra device, I'm so laughing!" 』

"Jimei Chest Brother's family members, follow me to the battle, and destroy [Baoye]'s live broadcast room!" 』

A group of people rushed to Zhang Xibao's live broadcast room, and when they saw that the screen was black, they began to mock him.

"Can't even afford a piece of equipment? 』

"Are you really answering the questions in the toilet? Don't you think it's tasteless? 』

"I, Fengbao, are now number one on the answering list of intermediate treasure appraisers, so hurry up and admit defeat!" 』

The fans of [Bao Ye] saw that they were being bullied to the top, and they were not calm for a moment.

[Bao Ye] You are hitting the answer list, are you here to make trouble?

Really just ride on the neck and pull shi?

"Where are the housing managers, ban them!" 』

"It's true that my aunt can bear it, but my uncle can't bear it. I'm bullied to the point of being bullied!" 』

"[Autumn Wind]'s brain-dead fans are roughly chopped! ! ! (▼ヘ▼#)』

『@【秋风】Take care of your dog! 』

"Baby friends, rush to me! 』

The two gangs fought in the live broadcast room, and for a while, the barrage covered the pitch-black screen.

The two sides greeted each other with blood relatives as the center of the circle and eighteen generations of blood as the radius.

Appreciation Bureau.

Administrator 233 wiped the sweat from his brow, his hands almost cramp from the silence.

A gust of wind blew past, and the hair on the back of the administrator's neck stood out. He turned his head and saw that the director was standing behind him with an enamel cup.

"What's wrong with this live broadcast room? Why is it black? There's something wrong with the equipment?"

The director glanced curiously, and found that the barrage was billowing with thunder, and what the two gangs sprayed was wonderful.

The director's tea mug almost fell to the ground.


"Hey! This, this, this... How decent is this!"

The director pointed at the scrolling barrage with his index finger, and questioned the administrator 233: "Vulgar, vulgar, disgraceful! Why don't you ban the live broadcast room?"

Administrator 233 explained: "No way, director, the anchor didn't make any mistakes, and he didn't instigate fans to complain about each other. It's against the rules to close the live broadcast room."

"What's the matter?"

Administrator 233 explained the incident to the director clearly.

"Is this [Bao Ye] again..."

The director asked curiously: "Xiao Zhao, do you think he can succeed in the challenge? This [Autumn Wind] only takes less than 20 minutes. There are not no people in the whole country who can reach this time, but there are only a handful of them."

Administrator 233 replied honestly: "It's unlikely, I heard that [Autumn Wind] had been preparing for half a year, and it was already taking advantage of it. [Bao Ye] just became a junior treasure appraiser not long ago, not enough time, and squatting in the toilet Answering the questions, this environment... is a little bit worse, if you answer a wrong question carelessly, you will fail, and unless a miracle happens, [Autumn Wind] will definitely win."


The director was silent.

Suddenly, the black screen in the live broadcast room disappeared, and a blank ceiling appeared in the camera.

The crazy barrage also stopped.

『[Bao Ye] failed? 』

"It's only 8 minutes and 56 seconds, why is it over? 』

"Sure enough, it still won't work, right? 』

"and many more! The answer list of intermediate appraisers has changed! 』

"I'm going to Kangkang! 』

The audience rushed to check the answer list of the intermediate treasure appraiser, and it was impressively displayed: the first place on the answer list [Bao Ye] took 8 minutes and 38 seconds.

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh……"

"Guys, it took less than 9 minutes, Master Bao is on the list!" 』

"This is too fast! 』

"Damn it, Master Bao is awesome! 』

"Is it in the river?" This Ganges! ! ! 』

『[Autumn Wind] was squeezed out and became the second place! 』

"Hahahaha, it's so cool, it's so cool! Qiu Feng had only been on the list for two minutes, and before his butt was warm, he was kicked off, and his face was slapped so loudly! 』

"Why are the brainless fans of [Autumn Wind] silent? 』

"Your Majesty is mighty! Baoye will always be a god! 』

At this time, Zhang Xibao's hoarse voice sounded:

"Qiufeng, you must be watching my live broadcast, right?"

"You lost the first game, hurry up and prepare the 10,000 points, I will wait for you in the second game!"

With a snap, Zhang Xibao cut off the live broadcast.

The audience was dumbfounded, this hasn't been rewarded yet, why did it download it?

Zhang Xibao sent a private message to fans to explain: The anchor is not convenient for the live broadcast at the moment, see you next time in the live broadcast room! Refill! (?ー`)y??

Zhang Xibao hurriedly ran to the classroom, he had been out for more than ten minutes, if he didn't go back, the teacher would probably become suspicious.

Back in her seat, Han Meimei taunted her daily.

"Hey, Zhang Xibao, you're constipated, have you been here for so long?"

What she didn't know was that Zhang Xibao was the famous [Bao Ye], who took the time to go to the bathroom and passed the answer test of the intermediate treasure appraiser, and even took the first place in the answer list!

Zhang Xibao gave Han Meimei a blank look: "Men's kidneys are good, it took fifteen minutes to sprinkle water, can't you?"

"Is that your bladder, or an artificial lake?"

"Don't be a cow, the cow is blocked by stones?"

Zhang Xibao was speechless. He admitted that half of his mouth was influenced by Han Meimei.

Inside the Beishi Appreciation Bureau.


Administrator 233 gasped, and he was still in a daze until now, unable to react.

Is this [Bao Ye]'s head a computer? How did he achieve an average of two questions per second? !

The director was also thinking while holding the enamel jar.

"Is it less than half a month to be promoted from elementary to intermediate..."

"It seems that the Beishi Appreciation Bureau really needs an image ambassador."

"[Bao Ye], you have already attracted my attention..."


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