Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 64 The Image Ambassador Of Beishi Appraisal Bureau

Beishi Appreciation Bureau.

"Hi, Director, hey, I'm Director Wang."

The director holds an enamel jar in his left hand and a microphone in his right.

"I have something to report to you, that is, last time we made a theme of outstanding people in Beishi, and the outstanding people in Beishi are on the list again today, do you think it's a coincidence?!"

"Last time, other appraising bureaus said that we put scallions in the nose of a pig, and found a junior appraiser to pretend to be a fool. Now, he has become an intermediate appraiser and won the first place in the double list. I see who dares to say that our Beishi No one is outstanding."

The director stroked his baby jar and expressed his thoughts:

"That's what I was thinking about. Now the little anchor has more than two million fans, and he is quite famous. We Beishi got him here and made him an image ambassador. When the second foreign world opens, the supernatural person is not soooo Swish to our Beishi?"

"Let me take care of this matter? Hey, okay, can you transfer 5,000 points? Hey, okay, goodbye, director."

Director Wang tapped his finger on the desk for a while, took out something from the drawer, picked up his own tea mug, and strolled to the station of manager 233 Xiao Zhao.

"Little Zhao..."

As soon as Director Wang spoke, Xiao Zhao trembled in fright.

"Master... Director."

Director Wang took a look: "Why do I always feel that you are so afraid of me?"

Xiao Zhao stammered and said, "If you don't do bad things, you won't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door. How could I be afraid of you?"


Why is this saying a bit wrong?

Director Wang pulled a chair and sat down.

"Do you have any [Bao Ye]'s contact information? Find it for me."

Xiao Zhao hurriedly logged in to one of his accounts—administrator 233, and called out the contact [Bao Ye].

Although the Baojian Bureau manages the treasure appraisal module of "Different", it has no right to investigate user privacy. The Baobao Bureau only has the ID of [Bao Ye] and cannot see other information.

All user data is in the huge database of the Five Dragons Club in the Imperial Capital, and it is classified as SS-level secrets. Random reading is not allowed. The purpose is to maintain the order after the catastrophe. After all, no one wants to expose their privacy to the air.

Respect is mutual.

"Odd" has hundreds of millions of daily active users, of which only less than half of them are supernatural users. Buy exotic treasures and elixirs in the mall.

Therefore, in the early days of "Alien", the Five Dragons Club promised that as long as the supernatural beings do not destroy the established order at will, the Five Dragons will not publish the list of supernatural beings at will, unless the supernatural beings cross the line , the Black Dragon Society of the Five Dragons will make an arrest.

(The Five Dragons Club, namely Black Dragon, Red Dragon, Blue Dragon, Yellow Dragon, and White Dragon, among which the Black Dragon Club specializes in the management of supernatural beings and is the most famous. I will introduce it in detail later)


Administrator 233 sent a message, which was actually sent by Director Wang: "Are you there? 』

Zhang Xibao had just taken a shower, and was about to broadcast the goods live, when he suddenly saw the message from administrator 233, his brows twitched, feeling a little bad in his heart.

[Bao Ye]: "Is there something wrong? 』

[Administrator 233]: "Can you video chat? 』

【Bao Ye】: "..."

[Bao Ye]: "Wait a minute! 』

Zhang Xibao jumped up, picked up the mask and put it on his face, and replied: "Okay. 』

beep beep

Director Wang sent a video request to Zhang Xibao.

The video was switched on, half of the screen was Zhang Xibao wearing a mask, and the other half was Director Wang's face with a bland smile.


Director Wang cleared his throat: "My surname is Wang, and I am the director of the Beishi Appreciation Bureau."

When Director Wang reported his family name, Zhang Xibao's brains were spinning, thinking why such a big leader wanted me, did something happen?

"What's your name?" Director Wang asked.

Zhang Xibao thought about my nickname [Bao Ye], and you still asked me what to call me, but I thought it was true, how could such a big leader call me Lord...

In addition, the leader is very polite, it doesn't seem like something happened.

Zhang Xibao lowered his voice: "You can call me Baozi, Xiaobao, Baby..."

I still call you Little Tomato! Are you disgusting, old men? Director Wang rolled his eyes in his heart.

"Then call you Little Treasure, this Little Treasure——"

Director Wang made a long voice, then changed his tone abruptly, slapped the table, and pointed at Zhang Xibao: "Do you know what happened?!"

Zhang Xibao's pupils shrank sharply behind the mask, he almost jumped up and unplugged the network cable, and ran away carrying the train overnight.

Zhang Xibao took a deep breath, adjusted his emotions, and kept his tone unchanged: "What do you mean? What happened?"

Director Wang took out a small bottle and shook it at the camera.

Zhang Xibao recognized that it was the experience bottle he used to hold Zuixianjiu.

Wait...experimental outfit?

At the beginning, six trial packs were sent out!

[Jade Lion] and [Heaven's Blessing] are impossible, could it be [Second Master Wang] who is the third on the reward list? !

Zhang Xibao asked calmly, "What do you mean...?"

Director Wang held up the small bottle of experience bottle in his hand and said: "You don't have a production qualification certificate for this wine! Food safety is a big problem. It's no problem for you to sell talisman paper in the live broadcast room, but it's against the rules for you to sell this drunk wine. Already!"

"Hey, what am I supposed to do..." Zhang Xibao muttered to himself.

Director Wang and Xiao Zhao picked out their ears, but they couldn't hear clearly. What did you say to the other side just now, what is he doing? Did he do something else?

Mmp in Zhang Xibao's heart, there is something wrong with my wine and you still drank it all. Why didn't you think about safety when you drank it?

At worst, I will give you the reward?

With mmp in his heart, Zhang Xibao smiled and asked, "Director Wang, give me some guidance. At worst, I won't sell it. I'll drink it myself. Anyway, I'm not afraid of being poisoned to death!"

"Well, it's fine if you use the name of Beishi Appreciation Bureau. After all, Zuixianjiu is a rare treasure product, not food..."

"Then how can you get the approval of Beishi Appraisal Bureau?"

Director Wang asked himself and answered: "Be the image ambassador of our Beishi Appreciation Bureau!"

"As long as you become the image ambassador of the Beishi Appraisal Bureau, you will be labeled as the Appreciation Bureau. When the time comes, you can sell talisman papers and drunk fairy wine casually, and the Appreciation Bureau will pay you a salary. How about it?"

Zhang Xibao was dumbfounded, thinking that you old fox played such a big game of chess!

If I refuse, you are afraid that you will take the bottle and file for the record in the next second. If I don't refuse, what should I do if my identity is exposed? I'm just a high school student after all!

"Why are you silent about such a good thing?" Director Wang picked up the mug and took a sip.

Zhang Xibao lowered his voice and said, "I don't want to reveal my identity, please understand the director."

"Who said you exposed your identity?"

The director put down the tea mug: "You still have to wear a mask, so that you can be recognizable, so that you can have a sense of mystery. Everyone recognizes your face as a great saint, but this mask is so real. Go back to the treasure bureau It will be a bonus if I order one for you with exotic animal skins, and the image ambassador must be well-groomed!"


Zhang Xibao was at a loss for words for a moment, thinking too much about his feelings. The Baojian Bureau just wanted to take advantage of its own fame. But that's okay, there are still many advantages to labeling yourself as the treasure appraisal bureau.

Then it's goofing off time...

Zhang Xibao rubbed his hands: "Director, I just don't know what to do as an image ambassador, how much does the Appreciation Bureau pay? I usually have a lot of personal affairs, so I don't have time to go to work..."


Director Wang knocked on the table: "There are too many things to do. You need to advertise for the Beishi Appreciation Bureau in the live broadcast room, and you need to go to the World Channel to promote the upcoming second foreign land in Beishi. You have to post it at least three times a day. The news is that the Appreciation Bureau needs your profile picture to make a promotional video. Considering that you don't want to reveal your privacy, the Bureau may not let you come to work."

"As for the salary..."

Just as the director allocated 5,000 points, Director Wang stretched out five fingers, thought for a while, then withdrew two fingers and said, "Let's take the average salary of Jianbao Bureau, 300 points per month, but at the end of the year there will be Baodan as a Welfare."

"Oh, right."

Director Wang turned his head and asked Xiao Zhao: "How many points do we sell for the internal test qualification coupon of the Second Foreign Land?"

Xiao Zhao replied: "1000 points!"

Director Wang said to Zhang Xibao again: "The Beishi Bureau of Appreciation will give you a coupon worth 1,000 points for the foreign internal test experience for free. You will also have the opportunity to explore foreign lands with experts such as Weihuohu. How about it? Tempting, right?"

"It's really tempting!" Zhang Xibao nodded in agreement.

If Zhang Xibao knew that Director Wang had allocated 5,000 credits for image promotion, but Director Wang only paid him 300 credits per month, Zhang Xibao would probably drag Director Wang out of the screen and beat him up!

"Okay, the specific regulations will be compiled into a book and sent to you later, so that's it, bye."

The video link snapped shut.

Zhang Xibao pinched his chin and fell into deep thought.

"Does this count as my job?"

"Isn't the Second Foreign Land open in ten days? What is the qualification for the closed beta?"

"Also, what level am I among the supernatural beings?"

Let Director Bao test it tomorrow...


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