"If you want to become a registered treasure appraiser of "Odd", you must first answer the questions on the software, answer 500 questions, and get a full score before you can become a junior treasure appraiser?"

Zhang Xibao chuckled, and clicked on the phone to start the test.

Five hundred questions with a 100% correct answer rate will definitely make it difficult for 99.9% of those who want to become treasure appraisers, but it will definitely not be difficult for Zhang Xibao. Why? Because Zhang Xibao has the trick of "Tiantian Dabaojian" in his mind!

『Start the test. In order to prevent the testers from cheating, do you want to turn on the camera and microphone? 』

"Do you want to turn on the camera?" Zhang Xibao scratched his head, hesitant.

Then a line of small words appeared on the screen:

"Reminder: The camera and microphone will only capture the tester's eye sight and identify the surrounding prompts, and will not record and save the tester's appearance, voice and other privacy! 』

"Haha, this is too humane!"

Zhang Xibao focused on this option without hesitation.

The camera started to capture Zhang Xibao's eye marks to prevent cheating when answering the questions, and the microphone also started working.

Pictures of strange treasures and beasts began to appear on the screen in his hand, and at the same time, the time in the upper right corner began to jump.

0:01, 0:02, 0:03...

"Please choose the correct treasure according to the picture? 』

"Please choose the function of the treasure according to the picture? 』

"Please choose the correct beast according to the picture? 』

"Please choose which animal body the following materials come from? 』

One question, two questions, three questions...

One hundred questions, two hundred questions, three hundred questions...

Zhang Xibao answered the questions while walking, and he chose a question almost in the blink of an eye. By the time he finished answering all 500 questions, he hadn't left the commercial street where the cafeteria is located...

"After answering the questions, do you want to hand in the paper?" 』

"Hand in the paper!" Zhang Xibao clicked on the option.

"The test report will be released soon, please wait..."

"It must be a perfect score, right?"

Zhang Xibao stared at the phone screen intently.

"Your answer rate is 100%! 』

"Your test took four minutes and eighteen seconds, exceeding 100% of the testers! 』

"Baoye, congratulations on becoming the first person on the answering list of junior treasure appraisers!" 』

"So simple?" Zhang Xibao scratched his head and smiled, it feels so good to have cheating!

Zhang Xibao exited the answering interface, returned to the user module, and found that his ID had changed, and his nickname Baoye had become silver, followed by a line of small characters: junior treasure appraiser LV1.

The appraisers in "Odd" are divided into five levels: junior appraiser, intermediate appraiser, senior appraiser, appraiser master, and appraiser king.

You can classify treasurers by looking at the ID color. The junior treasurer is silver, the intermediate treasurer is gold, the senior treasurer is black gold, the master treasurer is transparent crystal, and the king is colorful glass. .

Since the software "Different" came out, no one has been able to reach the level of the King of Treasure Appreciation.

With a jingle, an unread email came to the software mailbox.

Zhang Xibao clicked on the email, and a group of numbers slowly emerged with gorgeous fireworks special effects. He looked at the content of the email, and saw that the email read:

Congratulations to [Baoye] for being ranked No. 1 on the list of junior treasure appraisers. According to the positioning of the system, your answering theater is Beishi. The Beishi Appraisal Administration will reward you with 1,000 points. I hope you will continue to work hard and contribute to the construction of Beishi!

"Damn it, one thousand points!" Zhang Xibao rubbed his eyes and found that he was not dreaming, his account really had an extra thousand points.

"This is one thousand points of "Different"!"

With an excited heart and trembling hands, Zhang Xibao slowly clicked towards the software credits mall.

When it comes to points, other software is mostly used to exchange rice, noodles, oil, toilet paper, etc., or coupons for shopping, but the points in "Different" are more valuable than gold!

In the software "Different", points can be traded between users, which shows that the relevant departments have defaulted to the behavior of exchanging points for money.

Since the birth of the software, the price of points has been soaring, and now it has stabilized at the exchange rate of one point to one hundred yuan. One thousand points is one hundred thousand yuan!

"What kind of thing is the Beishi Appreciation Bureau, but it rewarded me with a thousand points, which is equivalent to 100,000 real gold and silver. The boss is so generous!"

Zhang Xibao was ecstatic in his heart, he would get 1,000 points for being listed as a junior treasure appraiser. Wouldn't it be cool to use Baojian to brush up intermediate treasure appraisers, advanced treasure appraisers, and even great treasure appraisers?

But Zhang Xibao just thought about it and gave up. Although it is simple to use Baojian to earn software points, it is unrealistic.

Now he is just a little-known little guy, if he hastily brushed out the high level of treasure appraiser, wouldn't he be telling everyone that there is something abnormal about him!

Not thinking about earning points, Zhang Xibao rubbed his hands, and clicked on the points mall of "Odd". There are all kinds of exotic treasures in the mall, among which the standard weapons, exotic treasures and treasure pills are the most, and the prices are relatively reasonable.

"Oh, by the way, let's see the price of the marrow-washing bone-cutting pill?"

Zhang Xibao clicked on the list of elixirs, and all kinds of elixirs came into view, the cheapest of which were Qixue Pill and Dali Pill, the price was 10 points a piece, that is, 1,000 yuan a piece.

These two kinds of elixirs are synthetic elixirs, and as the name suggests, they can increase people's qi, blood and strength.

However, after taking these pills, you need to cooperate with a lot of exercise to dissolve the potency, otherwise there will be side effects, such as blood bursting all over your body.

"The cheapest one costs 1,000 yuan a piece. If I know how to make alchemy, wouldn't it be worth my money?"

Zhang Xibao only saw that the treasure pills were valuable, but he didn't know that the medicinal materials used to refine these pills came from foreign lands, and ordinary people would die in a foreign land, that's why the prices of these pills were so expensive.

Zhang Xibao searched for the marrow-washing bone-cutting pill based on the keywords, and the familiar black balls popped out. He looked closely at the price of the pill, and was so shocked that he almost dropped his phone.

The display on the screen shows that the exchange points for marrow-washing pills are: 1000 points. It happened to be the number of points that Zhang Xibao currently had.

"I'll go, isn't this elixir cost one hundred thousand yuan a piece, why is it so expensive!"

Zhang Xibao tapped his head, and said to the air: "Hey, Baojian, scold me a few words, and give me another marrow-washing and bone-cutting pill?"

"The Great Treasure of Tongtian": ...

Zhang Xibao called Baojian all the way, his head was almost swollen, but Baojian didn't move at all.

Let Zhang Xibao spend 1,000 points to exchange for a marrow-cleaning and bone-cutting pill. He must be reluctant. Well spent.

tick tock...

There was liquid flowing down Zhang Xibao's neck.

"Well, is it raining?"

Zhang Xibao looked up, the night was clear and cloudless.

He suddenly looked over his shoulder, and Chinchilla was drooling while staring at the pill on the phone screen.

"Damn, it's so dirty, I just took a shower!"

Zhang Xibao flicked Chinchilla's brains a few times, but the copper-skinned and iron-framed Chinchilla didn't care, just staring at the pill on the screen and drooling.

"Isn't it shameful, huh? I just treated you to a big meal!"

Chin Maoshu was so hungry that it stood on Zhang Xibao's shoulder and screamed, saying that there was no comparison between ordinary food and elixir.

"Don't you know how to change shape? Haven't you ever gone somewhere to steal pills?" Zhang Xibao asked in surprise.

The Chinchilla began to write on the paper, and finally Zhang Xibao learned that all the pills produced by various organizations were under strict protection.

Besides, Chinchilla is timid and has a lot of treasures, so it never dares to take the risk of stealing pills, for fear of attracting big bosses to chase and kill it.


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