The Chinchilla squeaked and yelled, strongly demanding that Zhang Xibao change some pills to eat.

"You don't look good, but you think beautifully!" Zhang Xibao curled his lips: "My points are hard-earned, how can I just exchange them for pills?"

"fart! 』

The Chinchilla wrote two large characters, which it could see clearly just now. Zhang Xibao achieved the achievement of a junior treasure appraiser in less than five minutes through the Baojian cheat, and was rewarded with 1,000 points! How dare he say that his points are hard-won?

The Chin Maoshu looked like it was going to crash into Zhang Xibao's head, and then both of them would perish together. Zhang Xibao, on the other hand, acted as if I let the wind blow from east to west, and I stood still.

In the end, Chinchilla sacrificed his own weapon.

It says on paper:

"I know the hiding places of some strange beasts. If you give me a pill, I can tell you the distribution of these strange beasts in the city. 』

"You tell me what's the use, I can't beat them."

The Chinchilla continued to write: "They are very weak, but they are hidden very well, so they have not been discovered by the supernatural beings. I can't beat them, but you can beat them. Afterwards, they will be divided equally!" 』

"No, 28 points!" Zhang Xibao continued to bargain: "I go to fight the strange beast, and I have to give you half of it, I won't do it!"

Chinchilla couldn't wait to write:

"Up to four or six points! 』

Zhang Xibao shook his head: "No, No, No, three or seven points, this is my bottom line."

The Chinchilla was about to die of anger, and couldn't help but squeaked twice.

"Sanqi is Sanqi, give me half of the elixir you exchanged for!" 』

Zhang Xibao's eyes lit up, and he thought it was feasible, so he agreed.

In the end, Zhang Xibao spent 300 points to exchange for five Qixue Pills, five Dali Pills and two Jiedu Pills. After filling in the delivery address, the transaction was successful.

With a touch of the little hand, 300 points were deducted, leaving 700 points in Zhang Xibao's account.

"The payment was successful, thank you for your purchase! 』

"Baoye, we will deliver the goods to you as soon as possible!" 』

Zhang Xibao reluctantly closed the pill mall, his eyes suddenly landed on the Yibao mall, and he let out a little surprise.

"Huh? I seem to have found a bug!"

He clicked on the Alien Treasure Mall, directly ignoring those worth tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of strange treasures, and after screening, he selected a few cheapest standard exotic treasures.

The so-called standard exotic treasures are the same as synthetic treasure pills. They are the products refined by some supernatural beings who obtained opportunities in foreign lands and changed their professions to become craftsmen and alchemists. Although these products are not as good as exotic treasures and treasure pills in foreign lands Precious, but better in quantity and cheapness.

There are three cheapest standard exotic treasures in the point mall, namely: a short knife worth 500 points, a warm jade worth 300 points, and a thunder charm worth 100 points. Converted into money, they are 50,000, 30,000, and 10,000 respectively.

I don't know why, but Zhang Xibao's mind always converts the points into money subconsciously!

The short knife has no magical effect, but it is sharper than ordinary alloy knives and can break through the fur of ordinary animals.

The warm jade worth 30,000 yuan has the effect of calming the mind and calming the mind, and can assist people with supernatural powers in their cultivation.

As the name suggests, the Thunder Talisman can release a bolt of lightning, which is a consumable item for wealthy supernatural beings, but it is considered a luxury item for Zhang Xibao.

As for the short knife, Zhang Xibao can't use it yet. As for Nuanyu? If Zhang Xibao spent 30,000 yuan to buy this piece of warm jade to wear on his body today, he might not be able to calm down again.

The old saying goes well, do you know what is the most painful thing in life? People are alive, but the money is gone!

The cheapest and cheapest is the Thunder Talisman, and the price of 100 points is still within Zhang Xibao's acceptance range.

"Hey, will the "Tiantian Dabaojian" continue to spit out marrow-cleaning and bone-cutting pills after eating this kind of thunder talisman?"

"Washing Marrow and Cutting Bone Pill is worth 1000 points. If this bug works, I, Zhang Xibao, will earn the money while lying down!"

The more Zhang Xibao thought about it, the more excited he became. With a small hand, he successfully purchased a Thunder Talisman.

"There are 600 points left, should I exchange some money?"

Zhang Xibao looked through the chat channels of the software, and found that there are many brokers who buy points. These people are commonly known as Erdao dealers.

The managers behind the scenes of "Odd" acquiesce to the existence of brokers. These guys are looking for customers everywhere, selling information on foreign lands or strange treasures, or buying points, and taking a commission from them.

The chat channel was very lively, because Zhang Xibao was located in Beicheng, so the system entered the chat channel of Beicheng by default.

"Buy a large number of points, the ratio is one to ninety, the large quantity is favorable, and the purchase is scattered! 』

"Hey, ten yuan will be drawn for every point, it's a bit hard to earn!" Zhang Xibao shook his head while biting his teeth, and continued to look down.

"Shock! There are spatial fluctuations near Jiming Mountain, and Beishi may become the 23rd city with two different worlds in the country! 』

"I'm a beef batch in Dabei City! 』

"Beishi, Niupi, 666, my baby!" 』

"Eat Xiang on the first floor! It's so hard, I'm pissed! One point here is worth ninety-five, hurry up! 』

Zhang Xibao was amused when he saw it, and clicked on the last person's profile picture, nicknamed Jack Donkey, and his profile picture was a big black donkey grinning.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he was a grumpy old man, which really fits the name, this temper is really stubborn!

"Is it five yuan for one point? It's not bad."

Zhang Xibao thought about it for a while, planning to exchange 100 points into cash first, the other party will draw 500, and he will get 9,500. The savings are enough to last half a year.

With this in mind, Zhang Xibao clicked on Add Friend, noting that he wanted to sell points.

『Jack Donkey is verified by your friend. 』


Donkey Jack spoke first.

"Your nickname is quite arrogant, isn't it? 』

Zhang Xibao smiled dumbly, and touched the tip of his nose.

Before Zhang Xibao could speak, another message came from the other side.

Jack Donkey: "Want to redeem points? 』

Master Bao: "Mmmm. 』

Jack Donkey: "How much?" 』

Bao Ye: "100 points. 』

Jack Donkey: "It's too little. I redeem from 1,000 points here. With your 100 points, I can't earn 500 yuan. It's not enough for me to bother." 』

Zhang Xibao was a little embarrassed, his 100 points were indeed a bit small, only enough to buy two of the cheapest pills.

"and many more……"

Jack donkey sent over a picture, which was a screenshot of the junior treasure appraiser's answer list, and Master Bao's name was impressively ranked first.

"Is this you? ’ Jack the Donkey asked.

Because Zhang Xibao hasn’t set an avatar yet, the Baoye on the leaderboard uses the initial profile picture of the software, and users can’t see all IDs of other people, so Jack Donkey is not sure whether the two Baoye are the same person.

Zhang Xibao replied: "Well, it's me, what's wrong?" 』

Jack Donkey replied: "You can go to the National Channel to watch it." 』

Zhang Xibao temporarily exited the chat interface with Jack Donkey, and switched the chat channel of Beishi to the national channel, and three golden national shouts were flying.

[The second foreign land in Beishi is about to open, and all supernatural beings from all over the country are welcome to come and explore! Announced by the Beishi Alien Administration Bureau. 】

[Congratulations to Beishi Baoye for being ranked first on the list of junior appraisers! Announced by Beishi Appreciation Bureau. 】

[Beishi has outstanding people, welcome people with supernatural powers from all over the world to come and explore and settle here! It was jointly announced by the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Foreign Affairs and the Bureau of Appreciation of Treasures. 】

Zhang Xibao: "..."


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