The thousand points for feelings are not for nothing, the Bureau of Appreciation of Treasures advertised that Zhang Xibao was on the list!

It stands to reason that the answer list of junior appraisers is not impressive at all, and the score list has gold content, but why is Zhang Xibao's nickname flashing on the national channel? This matter has to go back to ten minutes ago.

Just after Zhang Xibao finished answering the questions and was on the top of the answer list, the Beishi Appreciation Bureau got a system notification, which means that someone from your Beishi has been on the answer list.

The person on duty at the Appreciation Bureau clicked on Zhang Xibao's answer record and glanced at it. Hehe, this guy has something. Far away.

The staff on duty told the director about it, and when the director touched his chin, a golden idea popped out.

Isn't the second foreign land in Beishi about to open? The foreign land management office next door is planning to publicize this event, attracting supernatural beings from all over the country to come and explore together.

Now there is another top answer list, what does this mean? Explain that our Dabei City has outstanding people!

The director of the Appraisal Bureau made a phone call with the director of the Alien Administration Bureau next door.

Hey, brother, take advantage of this opportunity to make a publicity!

Hey buddy, you can do it!

The two hit it off immediately, and immediately issued an instruction to do something special, so they spent 3,000 points to buy these three messages and the national channels will roll for a month, until the opening of the Beishi Foreign Land!

Propaganda, publicity is very important!

As soon as the users of "Different" opened the national channel, they were dazzled by the three top golden messages.

The management bureaus of other cities saw the three scrolling golden messages a little toothache, sucked their teeth, and gasped.

You are rich and powerful in Beishi? Buy three messages with 3,000 points and roll for a month. Why, points are not money. Your family’s money is blown by the wind?

Still outstanding? I bother!

Double different worlds are amazing? We are also twins!

Top answer list? Have the ability to rank first in the scoreboard!

You also welcome supernatural beings from all over the world to settle in Beishi? Blatant poaching?

We must know that since the global change, supernatural beings have been an important indicator to measure the strength of a city. It is a shame for Beishi to win over supernatural beings from other cities in such a way!

Number one on the answering list, who is it?

Lord Bao? It's an arrogant name, isn't it?

Someone became interested in Master Bao, clicked on his profile and saw that he was a trumpet who had just registered not long ago, and immediately lost interest.

I'm afraid this account is not a trumpet opened by the boss of Beishi Appreciation Bureau! After playing such a game, Beishi's stinky face is awry!

beep beep

Users continued to add Zhang Xibao as a friend, and the remarks were either to make friends, or to scold the Beishi Baobao Bureau for being shameless.

Zhang Xibao temporarily disabled the button for users to add themselves as friends, but these guys started following the account instead.

Unless they are banned, these people will pay attention to themselves, and there is nothing they can do! Zhang Xibao felt a bit of a headache.


Jack Donkey sent another text message.

"This is you, right? 』

"It's less than five minutes, how fast you are, hahaha, you are from the Beishi Appreciation Bureau?" 』

"Are the points redeemed yet? I have a discount for you, one for one hundred, but I need to use your name to promote it to me. 』

Men can't be said to be fast, Zhang Xibao saw that he quit, and hurried back to the news:

"You are fast, your whole family is fast!" 』

"Don't even think about spending 500 yuan to advertise with my name?" 』

Jack Donkey: "The answer list doesn't have any gold content, let's talk about your trumpet, how about I add 1,000 to you?" 』

Bao Ye: "No, I will redeem 100 points, if not, I will delete the friend." 』

Jack Donkey: "Okay, okay, let's open a ticket for you and make friends!" 』

Bao Ye: "Yes, how to exchange it?" 』

Jack Donkey didn't speak, and after a while, the opposite party directly transferred 9,500 to Zhang Xibao on "Different"!

Zhang Xibao was stunned, and directly transferred nearly 10,000 yuan. Aren't he afraid that he would directly block and delete friends and swallow the money?

Zhang Xibao took the money, manipulated it, and transferred 100 points to Jack Donkey.

Across the screen, Donkey Jack grinned after collecting 100 points.

If it was anyone else, Donkey Jack would never do this, because people's hearts cannot be tested, how much money can the family afford to be so cruel?

The reason why Jack donkey took the initiative to transfer nine thousand and five thousand five thousand was actually carefully thought out.

If Master Bao on the opposite side takes money and blackmails him, Jack Donkey will take a screenshot immediately. With this picture, he can promote his account, and he can also go to the Beishi Appreciation Bureau for compensation!

In addition to these, the Beishi Appreciation Bureau had to pay himself a hush money, otherwise the advertisement and the reputation of Beishi bought by spending 3,000 points would be ruined immediately!

"Society is very simple, it is people who are complicated~"

"Unfortunately, unfortunately..."

Jack donkey hummed an out-of-tune tune, closed the chat interface with Master Bao, and went to the chat channel to greet the eight-generation ancestor who was traveling with him just now.

On the other side of the screen, Zhang Xibao didn't expect so much, he was just confused by the sudden money.

Happiness came too suddenly! I, Zhang Xibao, are out of poverty now?

At the same time, the chat channel in Beishi also exploded.

"I'm an outstanding person in Beishi, and I'm a bully, 666, my baby!" 』

"Who knows who Baoye is, please buy Baoye's information for a fee. 』

Zhang Xibao: ...

"Same request, Liuli Jianbao Company welcomes Master Bao to apply for a job, and the monthly salary points are 200+"

"Fuck off the advertisers! 』

"I just went to see it. It took less than ten minutes for Master Bao to be on the top of the answer list. I guess this guy either has a superb memory or has a background in the Beishi Appreciation Bureau. 』

"Two questions in one second, it takes me a few seconds just to read the questions, how is my brain so long?" 』

Zhang Xibao rubbed his nose guilty, there was nothing we could do.

Messages in the chat channel passed by one after another, and Zhang Xibao found that most of these messages were about the strange land of Beishi and himself.

"It's very hot, isn't it?"

"Why don't you take advantage of this opportunity to increase the popularity of your account."

Chin Maoshu stood on Zhang Xibao's shoulder and squeaked in support.

After all, a rising tide lifts all boats and Zhang Xibao becomes richer, and the Chinchilla has many benefits.

The number of people who followed Bao Ye rose to more than 10,000 in a short period of time.

Zhang Xibao tried to apply for the live broadcast permission of "Different", but he didn't expect the system to send a message soon, telling Zhang Xibao that the application had been successful.

"Bao Ye, your live broadcast permission has been successfully applied, and the live broadcast room number is 15888666. 』

"Quite fast."

Zhang Xibao tried to send a message on the national chat channel and Beishi chat channel.

"Hi everyone, at eight o'clock tonight, see you at 15888666 in Jianbao live broadcast room!" 』

Ordinary news will be suppressed by the constantly refreshing news, but if Zhang Xibao sends a message as a junior treasure appraiser, the message box will have a silver light effect, so this news is quickly discovered by everyone.

"Master Bao is going to start a live broadcast? 』

"? ? ? 』

"Get hot? 』

"The room number seems to be 15888666"

"The name of the room is Ai Jian Bu Jian? 』

"Quite arrogant? Housing management! ! ! 』

Zhang Xibao sent out the news that he was going to launch Jianbao live broadcast, and in an instant, the news on the channel exploded again!


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