The white-haired man pinched his chin and asked, "Do you want Baodan?"

"Yeah!" Zhang Xibao nodded.

"You still want the strange treasure?" the white-haired man asked again.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Zhang Xibao's eyes were full of longing.

"Send you some cheat books or something?" the white-haired man added.

"Yes yes yes!" Zhang Xibao smirked.

The white-haired man asked with a strange face: "Don't you have Tongtianbao Curry?!"

Zhang Xibao looked at the golden book spirit with a confused face.

The white-haired man seemed to know what was going on, it should be that Shu Ling didn't give Zhang Xibao anything.

Tsk tsk tsk, then this guy is a bit miserable...

The white-haired man turned his head: "Shu Ling, open the Tongtian Treasure House, let me take a look."

The white-haired man's pupils instantly turned golden, and he looked up at the book spirit in mid-air.

After seeing the sight of the treasure house clearly, the white-haired man stroked his forehead and fell silent.

Zhang Xibao also looked confused, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Tongtianbao Curry seems to be... a rat?"

Zhang Xibao turned to look at Chinchilla, the little mouse looked innocent.

The white-haired man shook his head: "It's not it, it's my former spiritual pet Tong Tianshu, who ate up all the strange treasures and most of the treasure pills in it..."

No wonder Shu Ling had a slight disgust towards Chinchilla back then...

This little emotional mouse has suffered an indiscriminate disaster!

The old ancestor Tongtian Shu didn't do human affairs, and Jin Maoshu took the blame!

Nima, my elixir, my strange treasure, my golden finger!

Zhang Xibao and the white-haired man fell silent again...

"How about it... I still have three usable things in my hand, and I can give them to you."

The white-haired man thought for a while: "But you have to pass my three tests first to prove that you are the qualified owner of Baojian."

As soon as Zhang Xibao heard that the white-haired man still had three treasures in his hands, Zhang Xibao regained his spirits.

If you say that, I won't be sleepy...

After all, the white-haired man is a clone of Old Man Tongtian, and the three things he is holding, even if they are garbage, are still the garbage of gods, and taking them outside the alien world is the most precious treasure for everyone to grab.

Zhang Xibao looked at the white-haired man with burning eyes, and asked, "What test?"

"It's a very simple test, it's just my temporary idea."

The white-haired man stretched out a finger: "The first test is that I want to see your strength. I haven't seen any fluctuations in the movement of Qing Qi in your body. You must be taking the road of body training. Use your best If you attack me with all your strength, I will only block you with one finger, if you can defeat me with one finger, then you will pass the test."

As soon as the words fell, the white-haired man saw a fist that was constantly enlarged in front of his eyes.

The villain dies because he talks too much and is unprepared to attack the enemy. This is Zhang Xibao's consistent principle.

Want to countdown and zoom in? dream!


A layer of fluctuations visible to the naked eye appeared in the air.

Zhang Xibao punched, the white-haired man stretched out his fingers to block, the two touched, and a loud noise erupted.

The clear air on the top of the mountain was surging, and the surrounding clouds trembled a few times.

Broken clouds rippled around the summit.

Zhang Xibao didn't hold back, and used the most powerful left fist. In front of Old Man Tongtian's clone, he had to go all out, and he didn't have to hide it.

The entire right hand of the white-haired man disappeared.

The man looked surprised at the disappearing right hand, and nodded in satisfaction: "Strength is your pass."

Because the white-haired man was transformed by Qing Qi, the man's right hand returned to its original state in an instant.

He stretched out his second finger: "The next step is to test your character."

Speaking of the test of xinxing, what appeared in Zhang Xibao's mind was a mess of illusions. With the method of a white-haired man, if the entire illusion came out, wouldn't he be playing himself to death?

Zhang Xibao seemed to be facing a formidable enemy.

The white-haired man spoke slowly: "The test of character is actually a multiple-choice question."

Zhang Xibao looked at the man suspiciously: "Multiple choice?"

"The problem is this. There are two switch knives connected to the left and right by a rope. There are ten people under one switch knife. These ten people have committed serious crimes. There is only one person under the other switch knife. This person has done good all his life. The rope is about to break. You save Which side?"

Zhang Xibao's eyes lit up: "Isn't this the train track experiment?"

"Train? What is that?" The white-haired man was puzzled, he had already heard several meanings that he didn't understand from Zhang Xibao's mouth.

Zhang Xibao explained the train track experiment to the white-haired man, and the white-haired man nodded: "Yes, the essence is the same, so, which track do you choose to move?"

"Save those five bad boys, or save that one good boy?"

Zhang Xibao fell silent.

The white-haired man quietly waited for Zhang Xibao's choice.

Hard to choose, really hard to choose...

The person who came up with this question is really a bt!

Zhang Xibao said hoarsely: "If I can, I knock down the train?"

His fists were clenched and rattled.

Zhang Xibao looked at the white-haired man and said, "Give me some more time, I can do it!"

"Break the rules with strength..." the white-haired man muttered to himself.

"You pass!"

Zhang Xibao asked curiously: "If it were you, how would you choose?"

The white-haired man replied casually: "I didn't want to save either side, but I chose that one in the end."

Then the man said something Zhang Xibao didn't understand: "I don't have time, you are lucky, you have..."

"Actually, no matter what you choose, I will pass the test for you. Okay, okay, let's enter the third test!"

The white-haired man stretched out his third finger: "The third test is cooking."

"What the hell?!"

Zhang Xibao looked confused: "Do...cook?!"

"Yeah, although I don't need to eat."

The white-haired man blinked at Zhang Xibao: "But after being silent for so long, I still miss the taste of food."

Zhang Xibao suddenly remembered, Old Man Tongtian is a glutton!

In today's words, he is a pure rice cooker!

What does the autobiography in "Tongtian Dabaojian" say: Yu Ku eats dragon liver and phoenix marrow...

At the level of the old man Tongtian, he no longer needs to eat, but he still catches a dragon from time to time and eats his liver, and catches a phoenix to suck the bone marrow!

Alas! Tut tut...

While Zhang Xibao was thinking, the white-haired man said again: "Don't fool me with dragon liver and phoenix marrow..."

I lost it!

If you want to eat dragon liver and phoenix marrow, I have to be able to beat it!

Who is willing to donate their own kidneys or something for others to eat?

Zhang Xibao asked: "How about we change it?"

The white-haired man grinned coldly: "Do you dare to bargain with me?"

Seeing the white-haired man's expression, Zhang Xibao felt bad.

In the next second, the white-haired man waved his hand, and Zhang Xibao returned from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain with a whoosh.

The man's words still linger in his ears: "Go find the ingredients, or you don't want the baby!"

"I'll trap you monkey!" Zhang Xibao's roar echoed in the forest.


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