Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 77: Spirit Ape, My Good Helper

I set you monkey!

you monkey!


Zhang Xibao's angry howl echoed in the mountains.



All of a sudden, the spirit apes in the valley roared.

Ape cries three times and tears stain his clothes...

Now Zhang Xibao really wants to cry.

He not only has to find ingredients, but also has to cook a dish that satisfies the white-haired man.

Hey, come on, brave master, not afraid of difficulties.

Find food, find food...

Hearing the calls of spirit apes all over the valley, Zhang Xibao and Chinchilla looked at each other: "How about getting a monkey brain?"

"Hey, no, no, no, as expected, I still can't accept this kind of bloody thing..."

"Besides, Old Man Tongtian has never eaten any delicacies, and he rarely eats monkey brains?"

Zhang Xibao felt that if he dared to put a bunch of white melon brains on it, the white-haired man would dare to kick himself off the mountain.

"What are you doing?"

"Oh tui!"

Zhang Xibao just strolled, kneading the nuts of Juling Peach while walking.

Unknowingly, I wandered to the vicinity of Juling Taolin.

"Spiritual ape can't do it, what about iron-winged eagle?"

"What if I can't beat Earth Rank C?"

"Maybe, I can find some help..."

Zhang Xibao stepped into Juling Peach Forest again.

In Juling Peach Forest.

Earlier, the leader of the spirit apes led all the apes to escape the pursuit of the iron-winged eagle, and relaxed his vigilance a little, calling for the apes and grandchildren to pick juling peaches.

The group of spirit apes spread out in Juling Peach Forest, looking for food individually, and picked the spirit peaches that the leader needed by the way.

A strong spirit ape found a huge juling peach and was reluctant to eat it. He wiped the dust off the peach skin and planned to keep it for supper. Then he picked a smaller juling peach and stuffed it into his mouth Satisfy your hunger.

"Oh tui!"

A peach pit was spat out from the tree and fell at Zhang Xibao's feet.

Zhang Xibao looked up, hehe, he's still an old ape!

It was the spirit ape whose head was smashed with his fist!

"Hi!" Zhang Xibao greeted.

The spirit ape stared wide-eyed at the hairless monkey under the tree.

Suddenly, the pupils of Spirit Ape trembled.

Young birthday!

The evil spirit is back!


Warning must be given!


The spirit ape stood on the branch and shouted excitedly.


Venus is shining.

Zhang Xibao, who climbed up the tree, knocked the spirit ape unconscious with his fist.


"I don't care about other people's greetings at all, just screaming and screaming!"

"Do you want to lure people over to beat me up?"

Zhang Xibao dragged the huge spirit ape towards the depths of the forest.

This spirit ape was the ape he had captured, lest he single-handedly break into the spirit ape group and be beaten again.

In the depths of Juling Peach Forest.

On top of a huge stone platform.

The leader of the spirit ape was lying on the stone platform like a human being, holding a large stone bowl, and was drinking the green juice from the bowl.

After drinking a large bowl of green juice, the leader of the spirit ape burped in satisfaction and let out a mouthful of foul air.

Zhang Xibao's elbow cracked his sternum, it may take a long time to heal.

Alas, the iron-winged eagle ate two more apes, and the leader of the spirit apes had three points of resentment in his eyes.

But it can't be beaten, racial suppression, what can I do? A third of regret flashed in the eyes of the leader of the spirit ape.

The damn hairless monkey hit me there? Embarrassment and anger flashed in the eyes of the leader of the spirit ape.



The spirit ape guarding the periphery suddenly screamed wildly.

The leader of the spirit ape jumped up, his eyes full of vigilance. Could it be that the iron-winged eagle is coming again?

A familiar voice came.

Zhang Xibao came in dragging a huge spirit ape, and waved his hands: "Oh, oh, everyone is so enthusiastic, don't welcome me, really don't!"

The bald ape was dragged by Zhang Xibao like a dead dog.

The leader of the spirit ape stared at Zhang Xibao with wide eyes.

Here he is again!

How dare he come? !

Zhang Xibao grinned, and pointed to the spirit ape on the ground: "This guy accidentally fell from a tree and fell unconscious. I brought it back to you, don't thank me!"


The leader of the spirit ape smashed the stone bowl in his hand, and pulled out a two-meter-long mace from the corner of the stone platform.

The main body of the stick is the trunk of an ancient tree, which is inlaid with the canines of strange animals. It looks like a good stick.

"Hey hey, that's wrong!"

Zhang Xibao pulled up the fainted spirit ape, stood in front of him, and pointed to the big stick of the leader of the spirit ape: "I didn't come to fight with you, put that down, or I won't be polite."

The apes once again remembered the fear of being hit back and forth by Zhang Xibao like a hammer.

The leader of the spirit ape twitched the corners of his mouth, and inserted the mace back into the crevice of the stone.

"That's right!"

Zhang Xibao took a few steps forward: "I'm here this time to send warmth."

He waved his arms back and forth in a soaring motion: "The iron-winged eagle, your natural enemy, is more than twenty meters long, chasing the one you eat."

Zhang Xibao stared into the eyes of the leader of the spirit ape and asked, "How about we kill it together?"


The leader of the spirit ape grabbed a wooden spear made by the tribe and threw it viciously at a big stone. The sharp wooden spear hit the stone and shattered.

The leader of the spirit ape shook his head, which meant that the iron-winged eagle's feathers were harder than stones, and wooden spears couldn't get in at all. They couldn't defeat the iron-winged eagle at all.

It waved its hand again, signaling Zhang Xibao to get out of here quickly, and not to entertain himself.

Zhang Xibao was a little surprised, the spiritual intelligence of the ape was so high that he could use tools to deal with the iron-winged eagle?

However, their small heads are still not as good as human beings. If the wooden spear doesn't work, can't they use another method?

Zhang Xibao refused to leave.

Seeing that Zhang Xibao had no malicious intentions, the leader of the spirit ape lay back on the stone platform and sulked.

"Hey, don't be discouraged, it's me!"

"Isn't it just a bird, why don't you just grow bigger, but there must be flaws in your body!"

"You can't bear the apes of the Heart Clan to be swallowed by the iron-winged eagle, one bite at a time, crunchy?"

Zhang Xibao talked non-stop around the leader of the spirit ape just like Tang Seng.

The leader of the spirit ape turned around irritably and pointed his butt at Zhang Xibao.

After a while, Zhang Xibao left, and the ears became quiet again. The leader of the spirit ape turned his head and took a look, as if he was a little disappointed.

Then Zhang Xibao came back again.

He holds a wooden bird in his left hand, and a huge slingshot made of dragon carp whiskers in his right.

Zhang Xibao found a fist-sized stone and stuffed it into the straw bag, pulled the dragon carp's whiskers, and the stone flew out and hit the previous stone slab, causing the slab to crack.

But the force was too great, and the simple slingshot was broken.

"See, this thing is much more powerful than a wooden spear, but mine is rough, we can make a bigger one, and use it to deal with iron-winged eagles."

"Isn't it just a bird, how can it bully us monkeys?"

Zhang Xibao showed the broken slingshot to the leader of the spirit ape, hooked his shoulders and said: "Who said that the feathers of the iron-winged eagle must be broken, using this thing, blunt objects can cause internal injuries!"

Zhang Xibao frightened the leader of the spirit ape for a moment.

Then one man and one ape held a wooden bird model and sat on a stone slab to study the countermeasures of the dead iron-winged eagle.


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