Zhang Xibao spent a lot of money this time, Long Lixu took out two rubber bands specially used for slingshots.

The slingshot made of tree branches is not very ideal, and it can't bear the huge force of the spirit ape at all.

Fortunately, when I fell asleep, someone would give me a pillow.

Just when Zhang Xibao was worrying about what to use as a slingshot, the group of spirit apes started commotion.

"what happened?"

The leader of the spirit ape told Zhang Xibao that an outsider had come to Juling Taolin.

"Outsiders... Could it be other beta testers?"

"Then go and have a look, lest the two sides have any conflicts and cause casualties."

On one side were the good friends of the spirit ape, and on the other side were the compatriots of Daxia. Casualties on either side were not what Zhang Xibao wanted to see.

The leader of the spirit ape picked up the huge mace and ran towards the accident site.

This time it learned how to be smart, so it took up the weapon first, so as not to encounter a freak like Zhang Xibao and suffer a disadvantage for itself!

Zhang Xibao followed closely behind and ran to the outskirts of Juling Taolin.

Sure enough, it was other beta testers.

Zhang Xibao asked the leader of the spirit ape to understand the cause and effect of the incident.

There are eight people in the beta tester team.

After they discovered this juling peach grove, the eight of them began to pick fruit frantically.

If you say to pick the fruit, you can pick the fruit. It is understandable to pick the big fruit and eat it, but these guys pick and bite while picking the fruit, throw it away after taking two bites, and continue picking.

Taking bamboo shoots, waste is a crime, how can the spirit apes agree?

No, a group of tall and mighty muscular apes surrounded the eight people.

The spirit apes were in awe of outsiders like Zhang Xibao, out of caution, they didn't launch an attack, but called the leader of the spirit apes and Zhang Xibao over.

Among the eight people, the highest level is the C-level of the Mysterious Rank, but in the face of the group of spirit apes, they all huddled together, holding up their weapons, and those who were less timid almost cried out of fear!

It's over, family members, it's hopeless, write a will!

Hope these gorillas don't eat paper...

Eight people complained in their hearts.

Originally, I wanted to go to a foreign country to make a fortune, but after trekking through mountains and rivers, I finally came across a forest of exotic fruits, and I hadn't eaten two bites yet, and was surrounded by a group of exotic beasts!

Seeing that the group of alien beasts did not attack, one of the insiders felt strange, boldly raised his head and glanced, and saw a familiar face!

Blinking and blinking, the beta tester realized that it was not a hallucination, so a shrill voice howled: "Bao Ye, help me, I am your fan!"

Zhang Xibao was a little surprised, hey, it's okay to meet Baoyou.

Zhang Xibao smiled and asked, "Are you my fan?"

"Hey, true love fan, I even sent you a gift!"

"Hey, that's a coincidence, isn't it?"

Zhang Xibao stood out from the group of spirit apes, and walked towards the beta testers in the encirclement.

"Coincidentally, coincidentally!"

The beta testers nodded like chickens pecking at rice.

Zhang Xibao knowingly asked, "What's going on?"

The internal testers explained in one go: "We just ate a few fruits, and this group of orangutans surrounded us."

Zhang Xibao pointed to the fruits all over the floor: "You go to other people's houses to steal fruits to eat, and it's a waste to eat them. If you don't surround yourself, who else? If you don't beat you, it's a good temper."

The internal beta tester quickly explained: "This fruit is not sweet, we thought it was not ripe, so we threw away all the bites, thinking about picking some good ones again..."

"You don't understand... this fruit is bitter!"

"We know we're wrong, Master Bao, do you know this group of orangutans? Tell us something nice and let us go!"

The beta testers have promised: "When you get out, go to Baoye's live broadcast room to buy gifts!"

Master Bao glanced back at the leader of the spirit ape, and the leader of the spirit ape gave you a casual look.

Zhang Xibao thought for a while: "It's not impossible to let you go, after all, you are all my good fans, but you have wasted so much of others, it is a bit difficult to leave unscathed!"

The beta testers looked at each other and took off their luggage one after another. They only took away the life-saving treasures, and the rest of the pills and equipment were piled up on the ground.

"Baoye, do you think we can take these compensations?"

Zhang Xibao gave them a thumbs up: "It's true!"

Can't this group of guys be let off so easily, and the atmosphere will be spoiled, and the future internal testers will have to destroy this Juling Peach Forest?

Zhang Xibao pointed to the fruit all over the floor and said: "No one has eaten the fruit you bit, right? Eat the fruit clean and you can go."


The internal testers were a little dumbfounded: "This fruit is very bitter, when will I have to eat so much?"

Zhang Xibao moved away, allowing the beta testers to see clearly the mace in the hands of the leader of the spirit ape.

"See, if you don't chew on it, the leader of the spirit ape will be very angry. When he gets angry, he likes to hit people with that big stick. Whether to eat the big stick or the fruit, you should think about how to choose..."

Seeing the sharp light shining on the mace, the internal testers shrank their necks in horror.

"Okay, let's eat!"

The beta testers began to pick up the juling peaches on the ground and eat them.

Zhang Xibao stood aside and cheered them up: "Hey, eat it clean, remember to put the cores together!"

After gnawing for a while, the faces of the beta testers turned into chrysanthemums.

Zhang Xibao encouraged them: "This fruit is called Juling Peach. After eating it, it can gather spirits and increase longevity. Other beta testers can't eat it if they want to eat it. Why don't you do it?"

The famous Master Bao is an expert in the world of appreciating treasures. He said that eating this fruit can gather souls and increase longevity, so he must be right!

The eyes of the internal beta testers lit up, suppressing their nausea, and continued to gnaw.

The fruits on the ground decreased at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the cores piled up on the ground to form hills.

cluck cluck!

"Holding...to death!"

"Going out this time, I won't eat fruit for a month!"

"So bloated, so bloated!"

The hiccups of the beta testers were like cock crowing, one after another.

Zhang Xibao held back his smile, thinking that it's not good for him to cheat fans like this...

He thought for a while, and grabbed a small handful of peach pits for each of them: "Souvenir products, take them home for the children to taste, nuts can also gather spirits and increase longevity!"

Then, Zhang Xibao pointed in another direction and reminded: "Don't go that way anymore, there is an eagle-shaped beast over there, on the ground floor, which specializes in eating people! When you meet other beta testers on the road, please remind them..."

The faces of the beta testers changed, and they took the fruit cores presented by Master Bao, and left with gratitude.

"Oh, fortunately, I met Master Bao, otherwise I'm afraid I'll be killed today!"

"Bao Ye is such a good man, he even gave us souvenirs to remind us that there are strange beasts!"

"Lu Zhuanfan, Lu Zhuanfan, I'll give Master Bao a big flying sword when I get back, don't let anyone stop me!"

Seeing that the beta testers were far away, Zhang Xibao took the equipment and pills on the ground into his arms.

"Ahahahaha, let's go, let's go back and divide the pill!"

Zhang Xibao lightly kicked the leader of the spirit ape, and quickly ran to the depths of Juling Peach Forest.


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