Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 79 The Deadly Black-Bone Chicken

"Come, come, these bottles of treasure pills are yours!"

Zhang Xibao pushed a few bottles of Qi and Blood Pills to the leader of the Spirit Ape, stuffed the remaining Dali Pills and Qi and Blood Pills into his pocket, and then began to check the equipment of the beta testers.

Eight huge travel bags, there are quite a lot of things in the bags, food, clothing, and use, and one guy even brought instant hot pot!

You are on vacation!

Luckily, one guy had a folded steel frame in his pack, which is much stronger than wood.

Zhang Xibao put several steel frames together to make a handle for a large slingshot for the leader of the spirit ape.

The rubber band is made of dragon carp whiskers, the pocket is made of animal skin, and the handle of the steel frame is carefully wrapped with animal skin to prevent the handle from slipping.

A giant slingshot is complete!

Zhang Xibao fired a few stones with the slingshot, and showed the leader of the spirit ape how to use the slingshot.

Soon, the leader of the spirit ape got started, and couldn't put it down with the big slingshot.

It picked up a stone the size of a head and stuffed it into its leather pocket. It pulled the half-meter-long dragon carp's whiskers to a full two meters.

Aim, shoot!


The bombardment of rocks smashed a large hole in the mountain.

Times have changed!

This thing is indeed stronger than a wooden spear!


The leader of the spirit ape grinned wide, and gave Zhang Xibao a thumbs up. Zhang Xibao had taught him this gesture.

The power of the weapon gave the leader of the spirit ape great confidence, and he pulled Zhang Xibao to sit on the big rock to finalize the final plan.

The iron-winged eagle model made of wood is held by the leader of the ape in one hand to make it fly, and the leader of the ape's other hand is used as a slingshot to shoot stones.



The leader of the spirit ape dubbed himself.

The wooden model fell on the stone slab, and the leader of the ape yelled excitedly, as if he had really killed the iron-winged eagle.

Zhang Xibao patted the arm of the leader of the spirit ape, pointed to the big slingshot and said, "This is plan one, don't forget we have plan two!"

Zhang Xibao pointed to his temple: "Just focus on hitting the iron-winged eagle's head, if you don't kill it, it will also irritate that big bird, as long as it is willing to fall, I will use the Five Thunder Talisman to blow it up! "

The leader of the spirit ape nodded and made a gesture of ok, which was also taught by Zhang Xibao.

Zhang Xibao took out all his five thunder talismans in stock, 20 apricot-yellow talismans and 3 blood-red talismans.

He used 20 apricot-yellow talismans to set up a talisman array as a trap, waiting for the iron-winged eagle to take the bait, and used the remaining 3 precious blood-red talismans for self-defense.

Looking at the densely packed talisman papers in the talisman array, Zhang Xibao muttered to himself: "Okay, just wait for the prey to appear!"

The iron-winged eagle forages for food once every three days. Zhang Xibao has not been idle these three days. He is collecting ingredients desperately.

Guided by the leader of the spirit ape, Zhang Xibao collected a lot of herbs for seasoning in the mountains, smashed some mineral salt on the cliffs, and also set his sights on a wild boar-shaped beast.

The wild boar beast is digging up the roots of the mountain with its fangs, rummaging through the soil to find a root of a plant to eat.

Zhang Xibao quietly lay on the ridge, looked at the wild boar like a hill, and muttered to himself: "Little baby, I'll come to you after the iron-winged eagle is dealt with!"

Zhang Xibao touched the blood-red talisman in his arms, and retreated quietly without disturbing the wild boar-shaped beast.


Three days later, Zhang Xibao was looking for wild ginger in the forest, when he suddenly heard the howling of the leader of the spirit ape, which was a signal, representing the attack of the iron-winged eagle.

He ran away, following the sound to meet the leader of the spirit ape.

The leader of the spirit ape ordered all the people to hide in the cave, and rushed out with only a few brave brothers.

It picked up the huge slingshot with its right hand, and stuffed a round stone into the leather pocket with its left hand from the younger brother's arms.

The stones have been collected long ago, the size is right, and the shape is round.

Several spirit ape brothers held stones in their arms and followed the pace of the leader.

Without waiting for Zhang Xibao to come over, the leader of the spirit ape decided to launch an attack first to avoid further casualties.

The leader of the spirit ape stood on the canopy of the old tree, and the rubber band of the dragon carp's beard was pulled to more than two meters. It seemed to be transformed into a hero shooting eagles in the novel, except that the weapon slingshot was a bit funny.

It's aiming, waiting for the right angle.

The iron-winged eagle saw a few strange prey standing on the canopy to provoke itself, and immediately swooped down, screaming and opening its big eagle beak.


The sharp sound almost pierced the eardrums of the leader of the spirit ape, and the violent wind was about to blow down the ancient tree.

Several spirit apes shrank their necks subconsciously, only the leader of the spirit ape stood like a statue!

The swooping iron-winged eagle exposed its eyes.

It's now!

For the group!

For the Horde!


The leader of the spirit ape let go of the leather bag in his left hand with a roar, and a stone the size of a human head flew towards the iron-winged eagle's left eye.


The stone hit the iron-winged eagle's eye!

Although the iron-winged eagle closed its eyes at that moment, as Zhang Xibao said, the stone still pierced through its eyelids and shattered its eyeball due to an internal injury caused by a blunt instrument!

(Reminder, launcher toys don’t treat people, I’m not a word counter..._(??w??」∠)_)


The iron-winged eagle wailed, and fell from mid-air with its head on its feet.

With a loud bang, the iron-winged eagle hit the ground, knocking down many ancient trees.

Before the leader of the spirit ape cheered, the huge iron-winged eagle stood up!

A stream of dirty blood flowed from its left eye, and its dark right eye was staring straight at the leader of the spirit ape.

The leader of the spirit ape took a stone from the younger brother, stuffed it into his leather pocket and shot again.


The stone hit the iron-winged eagle's feathers, making a sound of gold and iron knocking, and a spark was thrown.

The iron-winged eagle raised an iron wing to block its head, and all the attacks of the leader of the spirit ape came to naught.

The attack is invalid!

The slingshot in the hands of the spirit ape leader is useless!

Boom boom boom!

It's like the gods playing drums.

The iron-winged eagle spread its claws and ran, and it was extremely fast!


The iron-winged eagle howled angrily and wanted to swallow the gorilla that hurt its eyes.

"Run, run to the old place!"

In the distance, Zhang Xibao who came running over roared.

Only then did the leader of the spirit ape come to his senses, and ran towards the talisman formation with his younger brothers who had already been stupefied with fright.

The leader of the spirit ape took a π-shaped route, bypassing the talisman array and ran to the distance. The iron-winged eagle ran straight over and stepped into the talisman array!


All 20 Five Thunder Talismans are activated.

The surrounding mountains trembled for three points.


The iron feathers of iron-winged eagles are flying all over the sky.



"Did it explode?!"

Zhang Xibao ran towards the talisman formation with a happy face.

After the dust cleared, Zhang Xibao suddenly petrified, and the smile at the corner of his mouth was still frozen on his face.

In the charred pit, the hairless and pitch-black iron-winged eagle was looking at Zhang Xibao with cold eyes.

"No way! Can you still live after being blown up like this?!"

Zhang Xibao ran in the opposite direction.

Behind him, a huge hairless chicken roared and chased after it.

Can you imagine the appearance of a chicken after plucking its feathers?

Can you imagine a plucked chicken that is more than ten meters high?

Can you imagine Zhang Xibao being chased and killed by a hairless chicken more than ten meters high?

This is the scene in front of you!

In the distance, a group of internal testers who heard the explosion of the Five Thunder Talisman and rushed over to check the movement watched.

"Damn, what's the situation, such a big black-bone chicken?"

"Huh? Isn't that Master Bao? He is being chased by a huge black-bone chicken?"

"Hurry up and take a picture, take a picture, go back and share it in the chat channel, won't it be liked?"

"Why do I think it's an ostrich? You see it runs so fast!"

"Fart, it looks like an iron-winged eagle! I don't know how Master Bao provoked that thing, but it's an earth-level beast!"

Earth-level beast...


There was a sudden hissing sound all around.

Isn't this obvious? Mao was stripped naked, and if he didn't chase him, he would hunt someone...


Photo Yibao ruthlessly recorded the scene of Zhang Xibao being chased and killed by the hairless iron-winged eagle.

In the picture, Master Bao's face is distorted, the monkey's face opens its mouth wide and howls silently, and the hairless iron-winged eagle is murderous, also roaring with its big eagle mouth.

This photo is said to have won the annual foreign photography competition award.

It once became the dark history that Bao Ye could not get rid of...


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