"Evil animal, look at the talisman!"

The running Zhang Xibao turned around and threw out a blood-red talisman.

This blood-red talisman was more than ten times more powerful than the apricot-yellow talisman, and the body of the fried hairless iron-winged eagle was burnt.

Twenty apricot-yellow talismans combined couldn't kill the iron-winged eagle, but one blood-red talisman could do it?

The blood-red talisman wounded the iron-winged eagle's flesh, but on the contrary aroused its ferocity, and it bit Zhang Xibao's ass with its bloody mouth wide open.

Zhang Xibao raised his chest and raised his buttocks, his butt barely brushed against the tip of the iron-winged eagle's beak and dodged it.

"Well, I'm already five years old, why are you chasing me?"

"No, this time I have used all my energy, and I will run out of energy sooner or later if I continue running, I have to find a way to solve it!"

"Think of it, think of it, think of it!"

Zhang Xibao turned his head a few times like a camera, and quickly locked on to the target.

A ray of sky!

Because the distance between the two mountains is too close, there is a gap between the mountains, commonly known as a line of sky.

As long as Zhang Xibao ran into the crevice of the mountain, the iron-winged eagle's huge body would definitely not be able to pass through.


The hair is gone and it still flies?

Zhang Xibao leaped over a fallen ancient tree, turned a corner and ran towards Yixiantian with the hairless iron-winged eagle. The ancient tree behind him was trampled into pieces by the iron-winged eagle's claws.

Although the picture is funny, the situation is really dangerous. If you are caught up by an earth-level beast, you will die!

Zhang Xibao rushed into the sky, and the iron-winged eagle bumped straight into it.

There was a loud bang.

The iron-winged eagle's huge body was blocked by the narrow mountain crevice, but its head and neck plunged into it fiercely, just like a woodpecker picking worms out of a tree hole.

Ka Ka Ka!

The sharp eagle's beak kept opening and closing, but it was always four or five meters away from Zhang Xibao's head.

"Hey hey hey... come on, come on!"

"An iron-winged eagle without hair is not as good as a chicken..."

Zhang Xibao picked up a stone and threw it into the iron-winged eagle's mouth. The stone was crushed with a sharp beak, and the crumbs flew around.

The iron-winged eagle started to scratch the ground frantically with its claws, and its body slowly squeezed into the crevice of the mountain.

I must eat this nasty hairless monkey today!

"No way, so hard?"

Zhang Xibao backed away slowly, getting further away from the ever-approaching mouth.

There is a way behind him, Zhang Xibao can escape, but once he goes out, the iron-winged eagle will go around the mountains and continue to hunt him down.

Zhang Xibao looked up for a while, and took out two blood-red talismans from his chest.

"Bite me, bite me, I can't bite!"

While teasing the iron-winged eagle, Zhang Xibao slowly climbed up the cliff.

There was a big crack at the top of the mountain crevice, Zhang Xibao wanted to use the blood-red talisman to enlarge the crack, as long as the mountain peak broke, the falling boulder could kill the iron-winged eagle!

The explosive ghost Zhang Xibao stuffed the two blood-red talismans into the crevice of the stone, and then dodged far away.

"God bless, it must explode..."

Zhang Xibao was muttering to himself, suddenly took a deep breath, and shouted: "Explosion!"


The two blood-red talismans exploded with a bang, and the huge mountain tip rolled down with the momentum, hitting the iron-winged eagle's neck with a snap.


The iron-winged eagle wailed and ended its sinful life.

Zhang Xibao slowly approached to check, to prevent the iron-winged eagle from cheating on himself.

He checked and found that the iron-winged eagle's anger had disappeared, probably because it was broken by a rock.


In the distance, the leader of the spirit ape rushed over with his mace in his hand, followed by a large group of younger brothers with dust flying behind him.

The iron-winged eagle, the natural enemy of the spirit apes, is finally dead!

The leader of the spirit ape wanted to set off two strings of firecrackers to celebrate, but it was a pity that he was just an orangutan, standing on the head of an iron-winged eagle, holding a big stick high and cheering.


The leader of the spirit ape hit the iron-winged eagle's ass with a stick to vent his anger, and found that it felt good, so he smashed a few more sticks.

The little spirit apes behind it followed suit, picking up stones and the like and throwing them at the iron-winged eagle.

Zhang Xibao became impatient.

"Hey, don't hit it, don't hit it, it won't taste good if you hit it again!"

These were the ingredients that Zhang Xibao had already ordered, not sandbags for the spirit apes to vent their anger.

The leader of the spirit ape looked at Zhang Xibao suspiciously.

Zhang Xibao made a gesture of eating: "Hit it again, it won't taste good!"


The leader of the spirit ape gave Zhang Xibao a thumbs up to show his understanding.

The group of spirit apes began to collect materials in situ, and built dozens of timber piles.

"When it comes to eating, you still have to look at my Lord Bao..."

Zhang Xibao patted the leader of the spirit ape on the shoulder: "The whole thing is tasteless and not cooked well. It's best to take it apart and roast it, and then brush it with a layer of exotic animal oil. Don't forget to sprinkle some herbs and spices!"

Zhang Xibao and the leader of the spirit ape sat on the stone slab, watching the little spirit ape brothers busy in the distance.

Iron Winged Eagle has been dismantled into dozens of parts.

"Don't forget to leave me the two bird legs!"

Zhang Xibao yelled from a distance, "Spirit Ape Brothers who are busy with work, the leader of Spirit Ape patted Zhang Xibao, signaling him not to worry about these trivial matters.

The head of the ape spirit took out two large stone bowls, quietly went to the depths of the stone crevices, and when he returned, the bowls were already full of green juice.

The green juice exudes a strong alcohol smell.

Baojian reacted, and golden characters appeared: Monkey Wine

"Monkey wine: Brewed by the spirit ape, its efficacy is comparable to that of the first-class black pill. It tastes sweet and refreshing. 』

Zhang Xibao's eyes lit up, he inserted his finger into the stone bowl, licked his finger, and found that the wine smelled strong and fresh.

He picked up the stone bowl and tasted it again. After taking a sip, he felt hot all over his body, which is a sign of surging energy and blood.

"Good wine!"

Zhang Xibao gave a thumbs up.

The leader of the spirit ape motioned Zhang Xibao to pick up the bowl.

It seems that the leader of the spirit ape is going to invite him to drink. Zhang Xibao picked up the stone bowl and knocked against the leader of the spirit ape. The two guys laughed and started drinking.

After the pre-dinner wine was finished, the spirit ape brothers came over with two huge bird wings. The bird wings were roasted and browned, and they were lying on a clean stone plate, exuding fragrance.

Zhang Xibao and the leader of the spirit ape moved their index fingers, and the two guys picked up the bird's wings again and began to gnaw.

After three rounds of wine and five tastes of food, it's time to talk about serious business.

The leader of the spirit ape patted Zhang Xibao drunkenly, and pointed to the huge slingshot.

The rubber bands on the huge slingshot are still made of Zhang Xibao's two dragon carp whiskers.

The leader of the spirit ape saw that the most precious thing on the slingshot was the rubber band, so he invited Zhang Xibao to drink monkey wine and wanted to ask for the slingshot.

Zhang Xibao narrowed his eyes and asked, "Do you want this big slingshot?"

The leader of the spirit ape, Chickie, nodded.


Zhang Xibao thought about it. There are 14 dragon and carp whiskers in total, and one fish whisker was divided into two halves to make a slingshot rubber band. He still has 13 in his hand, which should be enough, but he always feels at a loss because of it...

Zhang Xibao thought for a while, then stretched out three fingers: "It's fine if you want a slingshot, but you have to promise me three conditions!"

The leader of the spirit ape nodded, motioning for Zhang Xibao to say.

Zhang Xibao said: "First, I want to take away the iron-winged eagle's feathers, claws, beak, and two legs. We are friends, so it's not too much to pack a gourd of monkey wine for a friend as a souvenir, right?"

The leader of the spirit ape scratched his head, why did he feel that Zhang Xibao combined the two conditions into one?

But it still nodded, motioning for Zhang Xibao to continue.

"Second, slingshots are not allowed to be used against Daxia people!"

This is simple, the leader of the spirit ape nodded.

"Third, you have to do something for me..."

At the foot of the mountain, a huge wild boar-shaped beast was digging the soil and rummaging for food.

"Hey, silly pig!"

Zhang Xibao stood on the ridge, provocatively with his hips akimbo.


The wild boar-shaped beast raised its head, and when it saw Zhang Xibao who was provoking him, its eyes turned red, and it rushed over with two fangs raised, like a tank.

Boom boom boom!

Wild boars and beasts trampled the ground, but Zhang Xibao showed no fear on his face.


Zhang Xibao roared, and a stone the size of a human head hit the wild boar on the head.

This blow probably knocked out the wild boar's brains, and its huge body crashed to the ground.

From a distance, the leader of the spirit ape gave a thumbs up.

Of course, this time it's really thumbing, not aiming at the distance...

Zhang Xibao had previously taught the leader of the spirit ape how to measure the distance with his thumb, but he didn't expect this guy to be able to do anything at all. He is really a natural gunner seedling!


Zhang Xibao carried a huge travel bag on his back, which contained various herbs and spices collected earlier. He carried two big bird legs on his left shoulder, and dragged a smoked and roasted pork knuckle in his right hand.

Ants move mountains...


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