Hang Chi, Hang Chi, Hang Chi...

Zhang Xibao climbed to the top of the mountain with a mountain of meat on his back.


Zhang Xibao threw the iron-winged eagle's leg and the wild boar's elbow on the ground.


The white-haired man approached quietly.

"The leg meat of a ground-level and a mysterious-level beast?"

"Is this the ingredient you found?"

The white-haired man looked at Zhang Xibao with a half-smile: "Let's make it clear in advance that I won't swallow food that is too rough."

Zhang Xibao exhaled two thick white air from his nostrils, together with the hot air from the top of his head, it made him look like he was so angry that his seven orifices were smoking.

He climbed the mountain with a mountain of food on his back. The monkey wine he drank and the barbecue iron eagle wings he ate earlier had been digested, and his blood was flourishing.

Is this rough food? !

Not all the four sages of the Great Xia have ever eaten iron eagle meat, okay?

Zhang Xibao murmured softly: "If I can't beat you, labor and management will give you a big sinus!"

The white-haired man raised his eyebrows and asked, "What did you say?"

"Ah, I said the ingredients look a little rough, but I'm sure I can do it well!"

Zhang Xibao smirked and gave a thumbs up, this time he was measuring the distance...

"Well, since the ingredients are ready, let's stop gossip and start quickly!"

The white-haired man floated cross-legged to the side, urging Zhang Xibao to hurry up and stop beeping.

Zhang Xibao cleaned the meat of the iron-winged eagle leg in the mountain stream, and the pork knuckle was already cooked in the group of spirit apes.

Zhang Xibao took out the condiments from the travel bag, went to find a big rock nearby and came back.

"What are you doing?" the man in white asked him.

Zhang Xibao blinked: "Dig out a stone pot, the pot that comes with it is too small to cook these ingredients."


The white-haired man waved his hand, and a big black cauldron appeared in front of Zhang Xibao: "Tongtianbao Curry has this, use this to cook!"

Zhang Xibao circled the black tripod twice, and Baojian gave the introduction: Tongtian Ding.

"Tiantian tripod: a heavenly treasure, with three legs and two ears, the whole body is pitch black, the raw material is unknown, the effect is unknown, the old man Tongtian made the tripod..."


Zhang Xibao scratched his head, but Baojian didn't give an introduction. Could it be that he was too lazy to write in Baojian because of the tripod he made himself...

"Tongtian Great Treasure Mirror" was written by the old man Tongtian himself...

The tripod in Zhang Xibao's impression is the representative of supreme power and luck. There are legends about Xia Yu casting the nine tripods, and there are also words about aspiring to the Central Plains.

"This cauldron is a heavenly treasure, it should be a treasure, right?"

Zhang Xibao tentatively asked the white-haired man.

The white-haired man replied casually: "Ding, the meat cooking utensil, if it has any special ability, it should be that the cooked meat is soft and rotten?"

Zhang Xibao rolled his eyes to the sky.

Well, the heavenly treasure of emotion is the pot used by Old Man Tongtian to cook meat...

Now that the pot was in place, at least he didn't have to dig the stone pot himself. Zhang Xibao threw some meat and spices into the tripod, piled a pile of firewood under the tripod, took out the lighter, and started to light it up.

"What are you doing?" the white-haired man asked angrily.

Zhang Xibao looked puzzled: "Light a fire, how do you cook without a fire?"

The white-haired man was a little angry: "How long are you going to cook such a pot of meat? And...and this cauldron was not made with a fire!"

Zhang Xibao thinks that you still feel sorry for your pot...

"Who said I'm a fire?"

Zhang Xibao moved away: "Dang Dang Dang Dang! The internal test group has its own concentrated liquefied petroleum gas, and the temperature is super high. I don't believe that this pot of meat can't be cooked!"

"and many more!"

Zhang Xibao wanted to turn on the liquefied gas, but the white-haired man stopped him. He opened his hand, and a red lotus seed appeared in the palm of his hand.

"Can't even release a strange fire... eat this!"

Could it be that this red lotus seed is a rare treasure seed?

At the auction outside the foreign world, an ordinary rare treasure seed would cost hundreds of millions, how could Old Man Tongtian's strange treasure seeds be worse?

Zhang Xibao opened his mouth with a smirk.

ah ah ah ~

The white-haired man popped the red lotus into Zhang Xibao's mouth: "This is the fire lotus seed. It blooms every three thousand years and bears fruit every three thousand years. There is only one left!"

A fire lotus seed entered the mouth, and Zhang Xibao felt hot all over, his body was as red as if he had been in a sauna.

"I can use the different fire now?"

Zhang Xibao stretched out his hand and said, "Fire!"

There was no response in the air.

"Don't just talk, use your consciousness to guide!"

Zhang Xibao took a deep breath, and silently recited fire in his heart.


A fire dragon emerged from the air and rushed towards the man in white.

The man in white casually scattered the fire dragon.

"Control the fire and save some fresh air."

The white-haired man looked like he hated iron for being weak: "Looking at the flow of clear air in your body, it should be that you have eaten the refining qi pill. The clear air in your body is enough for you to control the fire and cook this cauldron meat."

The white-haired man flicked his sleeves, he didn't care about Zhang Xibao any more, just go about it on his own, tired, whatever...

Zhang Xibao scratched his head, controlled the tongue of fire to lick the black cauldron, and started to cook the meat.

After a long time, the white-haired man couldn't help floating over to remind him: "It only takes a quarter of an hour to cook the meat of different animals with the Tongtian cauldron, and you have cooked it for seven or eight quarters..."


Zhang Xibao grinned: "I'm not cooking meat, but soup!"

"The wild boar meat is old, the leg meat of the iron-winged eagle is strong, plus the stick bones full of bone oil, together with various spices and herbs picked from the mountains, make a broth!"

"Oh? I'm talking about cooking, not soup!" The white-haired man looked at Zhang Xibao calmly, wondering what the hell he was doing.

"Hey... there are vegetables, there are vegetables!"

"Look here!"

Zhang Xibao opened the travel bag, and there was half a cabbage in it.

At the beginning, Zhang Xibao planned to use iron-winged eagle meat to make chicken popcorn, gnaw chicken or something to fool the white-haired man, but he changed his mind after seeing the side dishes of instant hot pot from the insider's backpack.

I don’t know which big brother came to the foreign land and brought not only the hot pot, but also half a fresh Chinese cabbage!

Old man Tongtian doesn't know how much he has eaten meat from different animals, but you always eat Chinese cabbage!

Our old Beijing Municipal People's Congress is here in winter, Chinese cabbage, no other way, hey, it's really authentic!

The dish that Zhang Xibao used to conquer the avatar of Old Man Tongtian was the famous boiled cabbage!

Great Summer State Banquet!

"Don't worry, it's only halfway there!"

Zhang Xibao took out the big bones and stewed meat from the tripod, leaving only the soup, and cut the pork and bird meat that had been purposely left before into minced meat and threw it into the pot to continue cooking.

He peeled off the skin of the cabbage, leaving only the heart of the cabbage, and carefully carved the heart of the cabbage into a flower with the knife in the travel bag.

"Knife skills are good..."

The white-haired man nodded, took out a black bowl and pointed, "Put the dishes here in a while."

Have you prepared your own bowls and chopsticks? !

Zhang Xibao shook his head: "The finished product is still far away!"

The white-haired man quietly watched Zhang Xibao busy.

Zhang Xibao put the carved cabbage in a stone bowl, scooped out the hot broth with a stone spoon, and poured it on the cabbage in the stone bowl.

The cabbage is cooked by the temperature of the broth itself...

The white-haired man watched curiously as Zhang Xibao poured the soup into other bowls, not the boiled cabbage.

"There is still such a way to eat?"

After doing all this, Zhang Xibao took away the black bowl in front of the white-haired man, put cabbage on it, and poured a spoonful of fresh broth on it.

"Dang Dang Dang Dang!"

"Boiled cabbage!"

"Golden legend!"

"There should be a soundtrack on the tip of your tongue!"

Zhang Xibao solemnly placed the black bowl in front of the white-haired man.

The white-haired man looked down, and in the black bowl, a golden flower was blooming. The soup was yellow-orange-orange and fragrant. It was indeed worthy of the four characters of golden legend!

He picked up a pair of black chopsticks and said, "Let me try it..."


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