Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 89 Another One Who Is Not Afraid Of Death

"Yo, isn't this Master Bao? It's been a few days since I've seen you like this?" 』

"Bao Ye was so handsome when he was hunted down by the iron-winged eagle, he was so heroic, and his escaping posture was so handsome! 』

"Everyone, look at my profile picture! 』

The portrait of Baoyou on the third floor: a monkey ran wildly with a grin, and was chasing after a big hairless bird.

Zhang Xibao stroked his forehead: "My dear friend, you are violating my right to portrait!"

As soon as the broadcast started, the number of people in the live broadcast room increased suddenly. It seemed that everyone was as bored as Zhang Xibao at night.

The bullet screen was rolling densely, and some people were frantically swiping gifts.

Someone left a string of words on the barrage: "The last time I entered the second foreign land, I was surrounded by a group of gorillas. It was Master Bao who rescued me. A wave of gifts is not a respect. Thank you Lord Bao for saving my life!" 』

"Easy to do, easy to do..."

Zhang Xibao waved his hand: "The group of spirit apes are my little brothers."

"Your Majesty, you don't want to brag! 』

"The second foreign realm has been opened. I heard that some supernatural beings went in to steal Juling peaches, but they were chased and hammered by a group of gorillas..."

"Who is bragging?"

Zhang Xibao grabbed a handful of juling peach pits and began to perform eating and broadcasting in front of the camera.

He threw a nut into his mouth, chewed it twice and said, "See, this Juling peach kernel is a local product that my younger brothers respect me!"

"Niu, Niu, Baoye Niubi! 』

"Have all the mysterious beasts become Master Bao's younger brother?" 』

"Master Bao, can you tell your little brothers that next time we enter a foreign land, let us pick some juling peaches, and we can exchange treasure pills..."

"Hey, easy to say, easy to say..."

Zhang Xibao was kneading peach kernels and chatting with his friends.

The peach kernel was a bit dry, Zhang Xibao poured a glass of monkey wine, took a sip, and immediately felt his blood churning.

The efficacy of this Monkey Wine is even better than that of Zuixian Wine!

"Hey, I'm so hungry, Master Bao, why don't you start a food broadcast in the future! 』

Zhang Xibao gave the camera a thumbs up: "That's exactly what I meant, I will live broadcast live eating exotic animal meat for everyone in the future!"

"That's a good feeling! 』

"Hiss~ I just found out that Master Bao changed his mask? Why does this mask look like it is on the face, eating and drinking is not a hindrance. 』

"It was awarded to me by the Bureau of Appraisal of Treasures. Wearing this mask is as shameless as the real one. It seems to be produced by Xinyuehu!"

The real mask of the pretender has been put away by Zhang Xibao, and now the mask on his face is transformed by Fang Rui.

"Xinyuehu, the Xingxiu under the seat of the Four Sacred Azure Dragons, is a supernatural being of the same level as Tail Huohu! 』

It seems that someone in the barrage has heard of Xinyue Fox, Zhang Xibao silently remembered the name in his heart.

Few people are looking for Master Bao to appraise treasures tonight. Occasionally, one or two treasures that need to be identified are still fake.

Because the foreign land only allows people with supernatural abilities to enter, 99% of Baoyou are very curious about the foreign land.

Under the strong request of Bao's friends, Zhang Xibao had no choice but to add fuel and vinegar to tell the story of the Second Foreign Territory.

"Weihuohu, we went into the closed beta together. Master Bao, I am now the image ambassador of the Beishi Appreciation Bureau. We have both sat at the same table and had a drink!"

"Hey, you guys don't know how powerful the ground-level iron-winged eagle is. The wind blown by its wings can blow down a thick old tree. The beast that can only be killed by the four saints is killed by my treasure master. You guys Just say it’s bullish or not?”

"There is also the mysterious spirit ape, who was still unconvinced at first, Master Bao, I went out and beat it until he was convinced, but in the end, he obediently recognized me as the eldest brother!"

Zhang Xibao was spitting all over the place, and his friends listened with gusto, and the heat of the live broadcast room increased a lot.


The desk lamp that illuminated Zhang Xibao's live broadcast suddenly went out, Zhang Xibao clicked the switch, and the desk lamp switched to battery power.

"What's going on, Master Bao, I'm stuck here? 』

"Suddenly it went dark. 』

"It's probably due to network lag. 』

creak creak...

Chinchilla wrote on the paper with a pen: "Someone is coming!" 』

Zhang Xibao nodded silently, and listened to the sounds outside.

"Everyone, today's live broadcast is coming to this end, see you next time!"

Zhang Xibao planned to end the live broadcast, and his friends quit.

"It's so exciting to listen to the anchor, why do you want to download it! 』

"Master Bao, let's broadcast it for a while longer!" 』

"The crack in the wall asks for a few more hours of talk!" 』

Zhang Xibao chuckled: "People have three urgencies, I'm going to the toilet, do you want to see it too?"

"Baoyou, this is so exciting to watch! 』

"Look, look, look! 』

"That's not okay, I'm afraid you'll feel inferior, hehe..."

Zhang Xibao said goodbye to the audience and cut off the live broadcast with a snap.

The water and electricity bills are sufficient, and the lights of the neighbor's house are still on. This time the power was cut off, and it was obvious that someone cut off the circuit in Zhang Xibao's room.

"There really are people who are not afraid of death..."

Zhang Xibao hid the mouse claw knife in his sleeve, pulled out the black horizontal knife and held it in his hand.

If the room is powered off, the first reaction of ordinary people is to check the circuit box in the room. If there are bad guys ambushing in the dark, it is easy to fall for it.

How could Zhang Xibao, an old idiot, be fooled!

He gripped the horizontal knife tightly and moved slowly, the soles of his feet making no sound on the floor.

The enemy couldn't ambush Zhang Xibao in the stairwell, so they would definitely enter the room.

Zhang Xibao planned to sit on the sidelines this time.

He was surprised in his heart, who is so bold as to dare to attack him in a residential building?

Apart from the Qi family and his son, Zhang Xibao didn't provoke anyone.

Have things been exposed?

Dispelling all kinds of guesses in his mind, Zhang Xibao slowed down his breathing, and slowly touched the security door.

He lived on the top floor, except for the door, he couldn't think of how the enemy could break into the room.

Zhang Xibao lowered his voice and said to Chinchilla: "Little mouse, go out and find out for me..."


The Chinchilla nodded and disappeared.

After a while, the little mouse came back, pointing at the window and creaking.


Startled, Zhang Xibao turned his head to look out of the window, and saw a black shadow standing outside the window.

"Flying abilities?"

Before Zhang Xibao could get confused, the glass of the window exploded, and the black shadow threw something at Zhang Xibao.

It would cost at least 50 yuan to replace a piece of glass, and Zhang Xibao's anger burst out.

How dare you smash the glass of my window! you wanna die?

Zhang Xibao rolled a donkey to avoid the hidden weapon, and the shadow had already rushed in through the open window.

That hidden weapon turned out to be a cane?

The speed of the black shadow was extremely fast, and there was a large group of tentacles behind him, just like Doctor Octopus in the movie. These tentacles lifted the black shadow and flew up to the top floor.

The tentacles suddenly covered Zhang Xibao, and soon became a cocoon.

It turned out that these tentacles were green thorns, and these thorny vines surrounded Zhang Xibao tightly, and they shrank tighter and tighter. The owner of the thorns wanted Zhang Xibao to suffocate to death in severe pain.

"Xiao Chen, I will kill this brat first to avenge you..."

Aotian grinned the corners of his mouth, with an expression of success.

Zhang Xibao in the cocoon of thorns trembled violently, Aotian felt that this guy was laughing wildly.

"So it's the plant department..."

Fierce flames emerged from the thorn cocoon, and burned all the thorns to ashes in the blink of an eye. Zhang Xibao, who was protected by Fang Rui, was unscathed.

Behind the flames, Zhang Xibao sprang out like a tiger, and rushed towards Aotian.

"Since you're here, don't leave!"

The horizontal knife in Zhang Xibao's hand slashed towards Aotian's neck, Aotian's neck instantly turned dark green, and the tough skin like rattan resisted the horizontal knife's edge.


Zhang Xibao pinched Aotian's neck with his palm, flames rose from his palm.

If you can't break it, then burn it!

Aotian turned into a torch, his mouth was tightly sealed by Fang Rui, unable to make a sound.

What was even weirder was that the flames only burned on him, but did not ignite anything in the room.

Aotian wanted to turn around and run away, but before he reached the window, his legs were shattered and his body was turned into a pile of ashes.

"Let me just say, this fire is really environmentally friendly..."

Looking at the pile of black ashes on the floor, Zhang Xibao turned his head and joked with Chinchilla.

The windows were left open, letting in the night wind and sending ashes flying across the floor.

real. Frustrated!

Zhang Xibao rushed over and pulled the curtain to block the gap.

If there is a room full of ashes, he won't be able to sleep...


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