Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 90 It's Time To End

Sleep, sleep a fart!

People are smashing their windows!

The mud bodhisattva is still angry, it seems that it is time to take a trip to the Dongshan villa area.

Zhang Xibao divided Fang Rui into two parts, maybe because of Aotian's blood, Fang Rui seemed to have grown a bit bigger?

He took the smaller part of Fang Rui and covered his face, twisted his face a few times, and his face was shaped into an arrogant look.

Zhang Xibao looked at the strange face in the mirror: "The appearance is basically the same, but the voice can't be disguised, it seems that he can't speak."

As soon as he raised his hand, the remaining part of Fang Rui stretched out and turned into a dark green thorn.

"It's quite bluffing, shouldn't you see it?"

The thorns that Fang Rui turned into were only similar in appearance, but they were completely different from plants in essence, and because the body was too small, it could only become a short section, unable to reach the level of Aotian's body covered in thorns.

Dongshan villa area.

Zhang Xibao disguised himself as Aotian and hid in the corner.

The security in the villa area is tight, with cameras and patrols all over the place, and even a low-ranking supernatural being in charge!

"Go explore the road and find the most concealed route out."

Under Zhang Xibao's order, the Chinchilla disappeared.

Although it can't be as poor and penniless as its ancestor Tongtianshu, the little mouse that slips through doors and picks locks is a professional.

The little mouse is not low in intelligence, and since he followed Zhang Xibao, his IQ has even taken over the high ground. Although he doesn't know which villa Qi Delong's house is, but he can be sure of it according to the one with the largest area!

After a while, Chinchilla came back, beeping twice to signal Zhang Xibao to follow.

The two guys evaded the patrols and electronic probes and headed towards Chidron's villa.

In the villa.

Qi Delong was sitting in the living room drinking, and Qi Dongqiang was playing games on a projection cloth the size of a wall.

"You said Aotian went out without asking for leave?"

The butler nodded yes.


Chidron put the wine glass heavily on the table.

Qi Dongqiang took a look at Qi Delong who was full of anger, and fanned the flames: "Father, this Aotian really doesn't listen to you more and more. People who don't know think he is the young master of the Qi family, not a bodyguard!"

Qi Dongqiang also complained to Aotian, when Ye Chen was well, he would smile and call himself young master, but the new Aotian also called him young master, but the disdain in his eyes did not hide at all!

Qi Delong glanced at his son and knew what he meant, but he still said: "You must not say this again..."

Aotian is disobedient, but he is an important combat force in charge of the Qi family, so there is no need to tear his face.

But if the dog is disobedient, he must find a way to beat it, otherwise he will shit on his owner's neck sooner or later.

"What did he do?" Chidron asked again.

The housekeeper hesitated for a while and replied: "Aotian asked me to get a copy of Zhang Xibao's investigation materials..."

"It's against him!"

Qi Delong re-patted it on the table again: "Didn't you say it's a long-term plan? If he makes a move on Zhang Xibao, he will attract the black dragon society's shame..."

ding dong~

Doorbell rang.

The housekeeper looked into the screen, and Aotian stood at the gate expressionlessly, with a joy on his face: "Master, Mr. Aotian is back!"

"Let him in!"

Qi Delong took a deep breath and felt that it was time to beat Aotian.

Usually Aotian doesn't ring the doorbell, just sweeps his pupils and enters. The butler thinks it's a bit strange, but he doesn't take it seriously, so he presses the switch to let "Aotian" in.

The clothes are not right, maybe they changed into regular clothes when they went out?

The butler muttered without speaking, and stepped back a few steps to stand aside, guessing that Aotian would be scolded by Qi Delong soon.

So what about supernatural beings, aren't they money's lackeys? The housekeeper gloated a little.

Seeing Qi Delong sitting in the living room and Qi Dongqiang playing games not far away, Zhang Xibao was a little surprised.

Come in now? I thought it was going to be a 300-round battle...

Zhang Xibao walked over in silence with Aotian's face on his face.

Qi Delong's face was frosty, and he asked in a deep voice: "You took action against Zhang Xibao? Didn't you mean to think long-term! You don't even listen to my words?"

Zhang Xibao approached Qi Delong silently and within three steps, he slapped a section of dark green thorns, and the thorns pierced Qi Delong's stomach like a steel bar.


There was a bang.

A ring on Qi Delong's right hand was directly blown to pieces.

It seems that this ring is some kind of protective treasure, which blocked the fatal blow for Chidron.

"You dare to attack me?!"

Qi Delong yelled, raised his hand and pointed the other ring at Zhang Xibao.


Zhang Xibao tilted his head, three streaks of transparent sword energy brushed his cheeks and pierced into the wall behind him.

Two of the three rare treasure rings in Qi Delong's hand were broken.

Now that the thorn attack was blocked, Zhang Xibao slipped out the mouse claw knife from his sleeve, grabbed Qi Delong's pajama sleeve with one hand, and stabbed with the knife with the other.

This posture has a kind of bravery of Jing Ke's assassination of the King of Qin.



The third ring created a transparent barrier, but it was shattered violently by Zhang Xibao's enormous force, and the Rat Claw Knife continued unabated, piercing Qi Delong's throat.

Ho ho ho... Qi Delong hugged his neck and kept shaking.

From Zhang Xibao popping the thorns, to Qi Delong's roar, and then to the mouse claw knife in Zhang Xibao's hand piercing Qi Delong's throat.

The housekeeper and Qi Dongqiang didn't react at all.

The butler pressed a red button on the wall with horror on his face, but Zhang Xibao kicked him down on the wall and passed out.

Qi Dongqiang was still holding the game controller, standing there like a dumb chicken.

Qi Dongqiang couldn't accept that Aotian actually killed his father? !


Qi Dongqiang yelled out the french window while pulling his throat. At the same time, he pressed his wrist a few times, and a violent alarm sounded.

Zhang Xibao rushed over, smashed Qi Dongqiang's teeth with a slap, and Qi Dongqiang fell to the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.


Chinchilla suddenly appeared on Zhang Xibao's shoulder as a warning.

The supernatural being sitting in the villa area seems to have rushed over.

Zhang Xibao didn't want to cause trouble, so he ran away and took the door away.

It's over!

When Qi Delong belches, the Qi family will definitely fall, and no one will take revenge on him.

The murderer is Aotian, Aotian fled after finishing these things, even the Black Dragon Society couldn't find him, because he had already turned into ashes.

In the villa.

Chidron got up covered in blood, and his brain began to faint due to lack of oxygen.

He is not dead!

The blade of the Rat Claw Knife was too short. The knife only pierced the trachea but did not cut off the blood vessel. The blood blocked Chidron's respiratory tract.

Trembling, Chidron took out a transparent catheter from a drawer and thrust it into his throat.




Chidron breathed heavily.

Qi Dongqiang wakes up faintly, and sees Qi Delong's blood-red eyes staring like ghosts.

"Father!" Qi Dongqiang rushed over.

Qi Delong grabbed Qi Dongqiang's arm and said in a strange and hoarse voice: "!"

Qi Dongqiang called an ambulance, and then said in a tearful voice, "That bastard, Aotian, dares to devour the Lord!"

Qi Delong stared at his bloodshot eyes, and said something Qi Dongqiang couldn't understand: "Then...not!"


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