Zhang Xibao was sitting at the desk reviewing, the big black cat was lying cross-legged and snoring at his feet, and Chinchilla was lying on the sofa watching Gongdouju.

After a few days of running-in, the big black cat knew one thing, that is, the golden mouse cannot be eaten, and it will get angry if it eats Zhang Xibao.

Chinchilla also understands one thing. It is irreversible for this green tea cat to live in Zhang Xibao's house, and he must find a way to consolidate his family status.

Rats are not ruthless, their position is unstable!

Let's watch a few Gongdou dramas to learn...


Zhang Xibao picked up his phone, and the administrator 233 sent a message.

"Tomorrow morning at eight o'clock, Director Li will have a meeting, and you will be called to attend. 』

Zhang Xibao replied: "Can I not go..."

The administrator 233 replied: "I must come, something happened, and it has something to do with you." 』

Zhang Xibao was confused: "What? 』

"Five administrators of the Gan City Foreign Land Management Bureau died, [Tianfulu] did it, you reported this matter, you have to come to the meeting. 』

Administrator 233 stopped replying after sending this sentence.

"[Tianfulu] killed five administrators?!"

Zhang Xibao thought of that master who took every mouthful, his attitude was too good, even a little humble [Heaven Blessing].

It's really a biting dog that doesn't bark!

Zhang Xibao frowned: "Didn't I remind you already?"

"Oh, I have to ask for leave again..."

Zhang Xibao dialed Lao Bao's phone: "Moses Moses, Lao Bao, I have something to do..."

"roll roll roll!"

The old Bao on the other side of the phone was very irritable: "Don't tell me you are going to ask for leave again?!"

Zhang Xibao bargained: "I'll just ask for a day off..."

"You frankly asked for leave four times a month, last time you asked for a full week, you are not asking for leave, you are here for school vacation!!!"

The phone was vibrated and buzzed, Zhang Xibao picked out his ears.

"The last time, just one day!"


Lao Bao's attitude was a little firm: "I still want to get you a spot in Qingbei. I'm not worried about the physical fitness test. I'm afraid you won't be able to keep up with the culture class!"

Zhang Xibao pinched his nostrils: "Written tests are all small cases, believe it or not, I just won the first place casually?"

Director Bao on the other end of the phone smiled contemptuously: "Is it number one?"

"Yes, yes! Oh, just ask me for a day off!"

Zhang Xibao finally asked for a day off.

Early the next morning, Zhang Xibao went to the Beishi Appraisal Bureau, found an empty corner, covered Fang Rui's face, and swaggered into the appraisal bureau.

Zhao Ba seemed to have been waiting for Zhang Xibao early on.

"Oh, I'm just waiting for you, don't let Director Li have a big spectrum, hurry up, hurry up and follow me!"

Zhao Ba took Zhang Xibao outside a conference hall, knocked on the door cautiously, and after hearing the sound of coming in, the two guys walked in silently and found two empty seats to sit down.

Zhang Xibao looked at the people in the conference hall. Director Li was sitting at the main seat, Director Zhang from the Bureau of Appreciation of Treasures also came, and the old Director Fox Wang was also there. There were also a few unfamiliar faces, all of whom looked like sculptures.

"Xiao Zhao, tell the leaders of the Red Dragon Society what happened yesterday."

Red Dragon Society? !

The Red Dragon Society that oversees the other four dragons...

Zhao Ba crackled a bamboo tube and told the story of yesterday's live broadcast. While he was talking, a member of the Red Dragon Society with an expressionless face was recording something on the paper.

Zhao Ba sat down, and Director Wang motioned to Zhang Xibao: "Comrade Xiaobao, please tell me."

Zhang Xibao stood up and scratched his head: "I just saw that those guys didn't look like living people during the live broadcast, so I gave Comrade Xiao Zhao a warning, nothing else..."

Several people from the Red Dragon Society looked Zhang Xibao up and down, and the recorder asked, "Why is this Comrade Xiaobao wearing a mask?"

Director Wang explained: "Comrade Xiaobao is a non-staff member of the Baojian Bureau. He is more concerned about privacy. According to the ban of the Black Dragon Society, the Baojian Bureau will not force him to show his true colors."

"Oh..." The man nodded and recorded something on the paper.

"Okay, thanks to everyone from the Beishi Appraisal Bureau and the Alien Administration Bureau for your cooperation!"

"It should be, it should be to cooperate with everyone's work!"

The God of Plague was about to leave, and Li Ju and Zhang Ju, who were installing sculptures on the side, hurriedly stood up to send them off.

After seeing off the members of the Red Dragon Society, Director Li sat back in his chair and let out a sigh of relief.

"It seems that the Foreign Land Administration Bureau of Gan City is going to be in bad luck."

Zhang Ju muttered: "The red dragon will make a move, it is estimated that a large number of people will be dismounted..."

"It deserves it!"

Li Ju snorted coldly: "Our Appreciation Bureau has warned them, but they didn't take it to heart, how can such a thing be careless!"

Director Li raised his eyes and glanced at Zhang Xibao: "Comrade Xiaobao has done a good job, this time the advanced individual quota in the Appraisal Bureau will be granted to Comrade Xiaobao!"

Everyone was unwilling to discuss unlucky things anymore, and instead began to praise Zhang Xibao: "Yes, yes, Comrade Xiaobao is really my lucky star in Beishi."

"Um...thank you, Director."

Zhang Xibao was in a daze, and he came to the Appraisal Bureau and said a word, and then a lot of rewards fell on his head.

Well worth the day off!

Appreciation outside.

Not far away, a man wearing a peaked cap and a big mask stared straight at the door of the Baojian Bureau.

Zhang Xibao came out of the gate in a daze, he was thin-skinned, how could he stand up to these old foxes' boasting.

"Tsk, flattering is also a science..."

Zhang Xibao sighed, Li Ju and Zhang Ju's flattery was moderately soft and hard, and the filming made people feel like a spring breeze, as expected of the veterans of Huanglonghui.

"Hey, where's the fungus?"

Zhang Xibao was named Fei, Heidou Taitu, Cocoa Bean and Niang, so he simply named the big black cat Fungus.

"Let's find a place to take off the mask first..."


The man in the peaked cap stared straight at Zhang Xibao, unaware that a big black cat quietly appeared behind him.


There was a long meowing sound, the man in the cap seemed to hate cats, and he turned his head viciously following the sound.

The big black cat's dark eyes reflected the man's reflection, and the man stood still.

The fungus jumped on top of the man's head, and the man walked slowly towards Zhang Xibao.

Just as Zhang Xibao was about to pick Fang Rui off, he heard rustling footsteps behind him, he turned his head abruptly, and saw the fungus standing on top of the man's head.

The man's eyes were dull, as if he was controlled by the fungus.

"You still do this?"

It was Zhang Xibao who asked the fungus. He only knew that the fungus could make the beast into a temporary state of stiffness, but he didn't expect it to be able to control the corpse.

The fungus meowed twice in response.

"This person is watching me, no, it's not a person, it's a corpse puppet?"

Zhang Xibao took off the man's mask. Under the mask was a row of sharp teeth without lips.

"Mom, it's too ugly, let's wear it!"

Zhang Xibao put the mask on the puppet again.

The moment he saw the corpse puppet, Zhang Xibao's mind popped out "God Blessed".

"You're staring at me so quickly?"

"Is there a ghost? People from Gan City or Bei City..."


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