
Zhang Xibao and the strange man with a black cat on his head.


Zhang Xibao muttered: "Since the corpse puppet is here, the puppet master [Heaven's Blessing] must be nearby..."

"Agaric fungus, control it well."

Zhang Xibao moved his wrist, stretched out his hand to grab one of the corpse puppet's arms, and exerted force against its joints.

With a click, one of the corpse puppet's arms twisted backwards.

Zhang Xibao drew a gourd in the same way, and broke off the other arm of the corpse puppet.

"All right!"

Zhang Xibao admired his masterpiece and waved his hand to the fungus: "You can let it go!"

The fungus meowed, and jumped off the corpse puppet's head, and the sluggish corpse puppet returned to normal.


Seeing Zhang Xibao in front of him, the corpse puppet roared and was about to rush forward, but its two arms were already twisted behind its back, and its body lost its center of gravity.

"Well done!"

Zhang Xibao's fist was clenched, and he smashed his fist on the corpse puppet's chest and abdomen.

Ka Ka Ka...

There was a piercing sound of broken teeth in the alley.

The corpse puppet is known as copper-skinned and iron-boned, but under Zhang Xibao's punch, an unknown number of bones in the chest and abdomen were broken.

The corpse puppet flew upside down and fell on the wall behind, the cement on the wall was smashed flying.

"keep going!"

Zhang Xibao walked over with a grim smile.

The corpse puppet's intelligence is low, but it doesn't mean it is stupid. Seeing Zhang Xibao grabbing its collar like a tyrannosaurus and using it as a sandbag hammer, the corpse puppet finally couldn't stand it anymore.


The corpse puppet took advantage of Zhang Xibao's punch to send it flying, struggled to get up from the ground, and ran away!

With twisted arms, the corpse puppet's running posture is the same as that of the first strange species.

Zhang Xibao smiled, that's what he wanted.

The corpse puppet is scared, and must immediately seek protection from its master.

There is a corpse leading the way, let's see where [God's Blessing] hides?

The corpse puppet ran wildly in front, Zhang Xibao followed closely behind, and the two guys ran towards the south of the city one after the other.

Zhang Xibao's eyes lit up when he saw the corpse puppet rushing into an abandoned factory.

"Isn't this the place where I interrogated the man with the scar and his accomplices?! [Heaven Blessing] really knows how to find a place!"

Zhang Xibao entered the factory and saw a sloppy middle-aged man sitting there eating roast chicken. The man's hair was greasy than the roast chicken. Three corpse puppets stood obediently behind the man with their heads down.

"Blessings from God?" Zhang Xibao asked curiously.

"Exactly, exactly!"

Tianci Fulu wiped the fat from the corner of his mouth, grinned and said, "Master, are you here?"

"Why, are you here to ask me to surrender?"

Zhang Xibao looked at the surrounding environment calmly, he was very curious why the blessing of God was so confident, could there be ambushes around?

The abandoned factory was empty, and there were only three corpse puppets behind the god-sent Fulu, one of them was still useless, and it didn't look like there was a second hand.

Does he have any powerful treasures?

Not right, if there was such a thing, he wouldn't be chased by Heilongjiang.

Empty city plan...

"Yes, yes, Master is really smart, I am the one who surrendered himself!"

God Blessed Fu Lu stuffed a chicken leg into his mouth and chewed.

"The two rounds of Gan City have raised my bounty to 20,000 points. I was thinking that instead of letting the Black Dragon Society catch me, I might as well let the master catch me, and treat it as my last reward for the master!"

"Oh? It's interesting for you to reward me!"

Zhang Xibao frowned, thinking that God-sent Fulu might not be a lunatic...

"Before the reward, the master must not work hard, or I will be sorry for the reward that I sacrificed my life for!"

God Blessed Fu Lu moved his fingers, and the three corpse puppets behind him rushed towards Zhang Xibao.

"Three corpse puppets want to stop me?"

Zhang Xibao kicked off the corpse puppet that was rushing towards him, and stretched out his hand to pinch the crippled corpse puppet in his hand: "My hand is broken, why don't you be so dedicated! Give you an award?"


The corpse puppet can't speak, and can only obey the puppet master's orders, even if its arm is broken, it still rushes forward.

"Give you a good time!"

Zhang Xibao snapped the disabled corpse puppet's neck, and the corpse puppet did not move at all.

"Don't worry, come one by one..."

Zhang Xibao performed a miracle vigorously, and the remaining two corpse puppets were dismantled in his hands like toys.

Clap clap!

"Master has great strength and majesty!"

Tianci Fulu grinned and applauded Zhang Xibao.

"Are you afraid?"

Zhang Xibao slowly approached Tianfu Fulu.

"Then why don't you tie your hands and turn yourself back with me?"

God-given Fulu shook his head: "It is impossible to surrender yourself, and I will never surrender in this life. I heard that the prison food of the Black Dragon Society is not so delicious, and all the prisoners in it are killing gods. It’s not enough for people to plug their teeth.”

Zhang Xibao smiled: "Then you want me to help you?"

"Yes, yes, Master guessed right again!"

God-given Fulu put his head on the table, revealing his neck that hadn't been washed for many days.

"Master help me, help me take my head off, I'm afraid of pain, I'd better be quick!"

What a lunatic!

Zhang Xibao squeezed his joints, he is now in a state of extreme vigilance, because he really can't understand the behavior of blessings from heaven.

"Master doesn't want to do it?"

God-given Fulu was lying on the table, and his voice was vague: "That's right, don't dirty Master's hands, then I will do it myself!"

Tianci Fulu suddenly twisted out an ancient talisman, Zhang Xibao thought he was going to deal with him, and reacted abruptly to dodge, but Tianci Fulu pinched the talisman paper and pointed it at his neck.

This talisman paper is a precious sword talisman, which contains a sharp sword energy.


Tomato juice gushed out of Tianfu Fulu's neck.

God Blessed Fulu's head rolled down on the table, blinking at Zhang Xibao.

"Master, do you think I deserve a reward for my work?"

Zhang Xibao suddenly felt a discomfort in his chest.

"Blood as a contract, hehehe..." the head of Tianfu Fulu laughed.

Zhang Xibao frowned and opened his collar, only to see a blood-red skull on his chest!

"How dare you fuck me?!"

Zhang Xibao roared, and pulled out the horizontal knife to chop off Tianci Fulu's head to pieces.

"Don't, don't, wait for me to finish speaking, or you will die!"

Zhang Xibao stopped moving.

Tianfu Fulu's head stared at his eyes: "This is a blood contract. If you enter Tianlu's tomb within three months, the blood contract will be dissolved automatically, otherwise your body will be exhausted!"

Zhang Xibao stared: "It's Tianlu Tomb again, you've been with Tianlu Tomb all your life, right?"

The head of Tianfu Fulu smiled and said: "Yes, yes, mortals will take the initiative to enter foreign lands to hunt for treasures as long as they are lured with exotic treasures. People like Master can only use this kind of trick to attract them!"

"A person like me?" Zhang Xibao keenly captured the details.

The head of Tianfu Fulu did not answer directly, but slowly closed his eyes: "You can take my head to receive the reward, and we will meet again..."


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