Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 97 Blood Curse Transfer Dafa Is Good

"Head head..."

Director Wang's eyes almost popped out, because he saw Zhang Xibao put a garbage bag on the table, and there was a head in the garbage bag.

"Yes, head, otherwise you thought basketball?"

Zhang Xibao pointed to the head: "This is God's blessing."


Director Wang turned on the phone, took a look in the internal group, and found that this head was really a blessing from God.

According to the regulations, the Black Dragon Society called up the data of [Tianfulu] from Curry in the imperial capital. Just after posting the photos to the internal groups of the two bureaus in each city, Comrade Xiaobao brought back the head of Tianfufu. ?

Novel dare not write like this!

"How did you catch it?" Director Wang couldn't help asking.

Zhang Xibao shrugged: "As soon as I left the treasure appraisal bureau, he came to my door and offered me a cup of tea and roast chicken, and he chopped off a head for me."

Director Wang only thought that Zhang Xibao was talking nonsense.

"What about rewards? Didn't Gan City announce a reward of 20,000 points?"

Zhang Xibao urged: "Give me points quickly."

"Don't worry, it's a reward issued by Gan City. Only after cross-office communication can the Bei City Appreciation Bureau release the points to you."

Director Wang patted Zhang Xibao on the shoulder. Earlier, Director Li said that Comrade Xiaobao was the lucky star of the Appraisal Bureau, and he was to be rated as an advanced individual. Director Wang didn't care. Director Bao's face!

"Then communicate quickly!"

"No rush, no hurry..."

Director Wang pulled Zhang Xibao aside and sat down, then ran to the office and made a phone call.

After a while, a few guys from the Red Dragon Society came back, and they were in the same mood as Director Wang.

They hadn't left the boundary of Beishi before, when Beishi Appreciation Bureau called and said that God-sent Fulu had caught it?

Who dares to believe it?


Red Dragon will bring Zhang Xibao into the room for questioning according to the procedure, and Zhang Xibao will explain the process of the cut version.

The record book of the leader reads: God-given Fulu violated the ban of the Black Dragon Association to refine corpse puppets, killed five administrators of the foreign land in Gan City, and then fled to Bei City to wait for an opportunity to take revenge on the whistleblower (alias Xiaobao), and was finally reported People fight back.

The murderer was put to death, and everyone was happy.

People from the Red Dragon Society took away the head of God-given Fulu, and Zhang Xibao got the reward of 20,000 points.

The 20,000 points arrived in the account, but Zhang Xibao was not as happy as usual.

In front of the mirror, Zhang Xibao had a fist-sized blood-red skull on his chest, embedded in his flesh like a tattoo.

This is the blood contract in the mouth of Tianfu Fulu.

Those who didn't know thought Zhang Xibao was a spirited guy from the society.

"Blood contract..."

Zhang Xibao reviewed the treasure mirror, and there were two statements in it.

"Blood Pact: An agreement established with blood as a reference. After completing the agreement, the contract will automatically become invalid, and those who break the agreement will be punished. 』

"But I didn't sign a contract with Tianfu Fulu!"

The second statement in Baojian caught Zhang Xibao's attention.

『Blood Curse: The blood contract is transformed into a curse, and the cursed person must complete the blood contract of the caster. 』

Zhang Xibao savored these words carefully, and finally figured it out, he was under the blood curse.

"This blood contract was not signed between me and Tianci Fulu, but with someone, and after Tianci Fulu hiccupped, the blood contract was transformed into a blood curse, and I will complete the agreement, and this agreement is three Enter Tianlu Tomb within a month."

Zhang Xibao smashed his palm.

"Heaven's blessing is a primer for casting a curse."

According to the records of "Tongtian Dabaojian", there are two ways to unravel the blood curse: one is that the person who breaks the curse is of a higher rank than the caster, and uses clear energy to peel off the blood curse. The second is that the cursed person transfers the curse to the substitute, urging the outbreak of the blood curse.

"The first method is unrealistic. I don't know much about Qing Qi. It will only produce strange fires and drive strange treasures. Asking me to use Qing Qi to dismantle a blood curse is similar to asking a child to dismantle a bomb. Then There is only the second method..."

"In Baojian's records, if you want to transfer the blood curse, you need to find a human puppet, use the magic circle to transfer the blood curse into the human puppet, and the human puppet will accept the blood contract punishment instead of the cursed person."

"Isn't this just looking for a backer?!"

Zhang Xibao thought that he couldn't do such an outrageous thing.

"There must be another way!"

Suddenly, Zhang Xibao's eyes fell on his wrist.

Fang Rui!

Isn't this baby a ready-made puppet?

"Yes, yes, let's use Fang Rui as a puppet!"

With the human puppet, all that is left is to transfer the magic circle of the blood curse.

Zhang Xibao took out his mobile phone and began to buy materials for making magic circles in the shopping mall.

In order to verify the idea as soon as possible, Zhang Xibao specially paid an extra 50 points for an expedited express delivery.

Money can make a ghost, and express delivery is a cow.

In the evening, the magic circle materials arrived.

Zhang Xibao did not draw a formation in the room, but came to the rooftop of the residential building.

The movement to activate the blood contract is probably not trivial, so it is safer to arrange the magic circle outside.

Zhang Xibao drew a circular circle with a diameter of three meters on the floor of the roof with materials containing fresh air.

The circular formation is divided into two by a complicated pattern.

Zhang Xibao sat cross-legged on one side of the circle.

He fetched Fang Rui, cut his palm, and fed Fang Rui with blood.

"Baby, baby, if you help me with this, I'll find you something good to eat next time you enter a foreign land!"

After absorbing Zhang Xibao's blood, Fang Rui slowly changed, from an irregular mass to a human form.

After a while, a puppet exactly like Zhang Xibao appeared at the other end of the magic circle.

The facial features, body shape, height, and weight are exactly the same!

It's just that the puppet's eyes are relatively dull, not as aura as the real Zhang Xibao.


The puppet and Zhang Xibao sat cross-legged.

Zhang Xibao filled up the last piece of the transfer circle, muttering something.

The clear air stimulated the movement, and the magic circle began to operate.

The blood-red light reflected the faces of Zhang Xibao and the human puppet like cultists, and the two identical people sitting together looked very strange from a distance.

Zhang Xibao felt a heat in his chest, and the blood-red skull slowly peeled off from his chest, and then flew towards Fang Rui's human puppet.

"It actually worked!"

Zhang Xibao continued to activate the magic circle, and the skull on the puppet's chest began to expand and contract like a heart.


Like a deflated ball, the puppet's body began to shrink from its chest.

This should be the backlash in the mouth of Tianfu Fulu.


The red skull disappeared, Fang Rui and Zhang Xibao had a connection, he could feel that Fang Rui became a little sluggish.

"Thank you for your hard work, next time I will take you to a foreign land to eat well..."

Zhang Xibao fed Fang Rui a few more drops of blood, and guided Fang Rui to climb up the palm, turning into a wristband again.

"Dog thief!"

Zhang Xibao pointed to the south, which was the direction of Tianlu Tomb in Gan City.

"No matter who you are, if you dare to bully me, just wait for me!"


The author has something to say:

Hearing someone say it was really unpleasant, the author unplugged the network cable, got into bed, plugged his ears, and murmured to himself: "Don't scold, don't scold, woo woo woo, let's dig Tianlu's grave for the trouble in the back!" It's just a pit..."_(??`"∠)__The next foreign land is Yan Mogu, interspersed with the internal test of the college entrance examination, I think about how to write it, a bit stuck

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