Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 102 Chapter 47 Chapter 48

————I don’t have time at noon, so I updated the two chapters together. It will probably be the same for the next few days==. I’m really busy during the Chinese New Year

Chapter 47 It’s time for another ten-year Dharma conference

In the end, Shi Xuan made a decision that was not a decision, which was to choose which of the three natal magic weapons had the refining materials collected first.

After using magic to clean his body and clothes, Shi Xuan turned off the formation and walked out of the cave where the retreat was in high spirits, breathing in the fresh morning air.

When the disciples on duty at the cave saw Shi Xuan coming out of seclusion, they quickly stepped forward and saluted: "Uncle Shi, you are finally out of seclusion. I hope your skills will be greatly improved."

"Thanks to the good words, I have gained something." Shi Xuan replied politely. The outer disciple in front of him was very unfamiliar. However, Shi Xuan was suppressed a few years ago and was on duty at Yinfeng Cave all year round. Later, he worked hard at Tianji Peak. He is practicing cultivation, so he is not familiar with most of the outer disciples, and it is normal for many of them not to know each other.

After setting up the breeze, Shi Xuan first went to his master Mo Yuan's cave to pay homage. First, he expressed that he had left seclusion, and second, he asked his master for advice on the problems he had accumulated in the past five years. But when they arrived at Mo Yuan Cave, they found that no one was inside, only the formation guarding them.

Since the master is not here, Shi Xuan is going to Xinyue Peak to see his two friends Yu Ruoshui and Zhou Dielan, to see how their cultivation has progressed in the past five years, and to hear about any interesting things they have done in the past five years.

After pressing Qingfeng and landing on Xinyue Peak, Shi Xuan arrived in front of Yu Ruoshui's cave with ease, but there was still no one inside. Fortunately, Yu Ruoshui's maid Yulan told Shi Xuan the reason. It turns out that this period happens once every ten years. At the Dharma Assembly to recruit disciples, Yu Ruoshui, Zhou Dielan and others took over the task of doing good deeds and were responsible for picking up the monks who were preparing to attend the Dharma assembly. They would not be back until very late today, and tomorrow the new disciples would go to Tianshu Peak. The day when the initiation ceremony takes place.

Shi Xuan had no choice but to return to his cave, inspect the cultivation of his servants and maids, and encourage them. Among them, Qinglian and Qingsong were about to break through to the out-of-body stage, and Qingzhu was a little worse, but not far away. , the rose is much worse, but it is a flower essence, and its longevity is twice as long as that of the other three.


The next day.

The new disciples were sitting in Chuanyunzhou, preparing to go to Tianshu Peak to participate in the initiation ceremony. On the Chuanyun Boat, they were all excited and jubilant. After all, being able to be selected from among many monks to join the Penglai Sect was indeed a great event that changed their fate.

Being so happy, and having not yet arrived at Tianshu Peak, they started whispering on the Chuanyun Boat.

"This Penglai sect is really big. The place where we live is on a huge mountain, but there are only about forty of us disciples. It's so empty." A male disciple with a sunny smile and a few friends were getting close to some female disciples. .

A sweet female disciple enjoyed the male disciple's intimacy very much and replied with a smile: "We are only more than thirty, so it is very empty. However, there are many handymen, maids, cooks and farmers on the mountain peak, so it's okay." It doesn’t show emptiness. We women all think so, why are you men afraid of emptiness? Wei Wuji, you are the second in the out-of-body stage.”

"Wei'er, you also know that my second out-of-body period is a lot of water. If it weren't for the Jade Master's uncle who set up an extremely huge illusion, allowing the monks to be in the illusion from the beginning of Yingke Island, to examine their words. In this group, I don’t know how many talented family members lost their temper and were demoted one by one. I must be ranked at least tenth place." Wei Wuji replied with a smile.

Wei'er also responded with a sweet smile: "Yes, Uncle Jade Master is really my role model. He is beautiful and a lady, and has profound magic power and vast supernatural powers. He is ranked first in the list of secrets, and he also takes good care of us and other casual cultivators." , not caring about the face of those big families at all.”

At this time, another handsome male disciple intervened and said, "Why did I hear rumors that Grandma Jade Master has a very bad temper? When she gets angry, no one dares to stand in front of her?"

"Liu Jixian, you are talking nonsense. During the ceremony to recruit disciples, Uncle Jade was so quiet and elegant, how could he have a bad temper?" The pretty disciple next to Wei'er also admired Yu Linglong and immediately retorted.

Liu Jixian glanced at the pretty disciple and smiled flatteringly: "Biyun, I heard that after the last Dharma assembly, the Jade Master's uncle accepted two disciples. He might also accept two disciples this year. You girls don't hope so." Small, nothing like us men.”

"Well, I hope so." Jian Biyun and Wei'er replied at the same time.

While a few people were chatting, Chuanyunzhou was almost at Tianshu Peak. Liu Jixian pointed at a disciple of Tianshu Peak and said: "That is the inner disciple who is questioning us. He is so arrogant and majestic!"

Wei Wuji continued: "Well, most of those inner sect disciples have their eyes higher than their heads. Hum, in the future I will definitely break through the Qi-entraining period early and enter the inner sect to show my authority in front of them."

Jian Biyun smiled sweetly: "Those female inner disciples are pretty good. Although they are a little cold, they are not arrogant."

At this time, a breeze flew from a distance and landed on Tianshu Peak, revealing a young Taoist priest wearing a blue robe. The inner disciples who had just been described as extremely arrogant by several new disciples all smiled and stepped forward one after another. Salute: "Well, Uncle Shi!"

"Look, look, those inner disciples are actually acting like this. Where is their arrogance? Where is their majesty?" Liu Jixian angrily pointed to the sky at the inner disciples below, relying on the protection of the cloud-piercing boat formation. , they can only hear the sounds below, but not the sounds in the boat above.

Wei Wuji also smiled disdainfully: "They smile so hard to please, but who is that person to be so majestic?"

Wei'er thought for a moment and then spoke hesitantly: "I heard them call Master Shi Uncle. Could it be Shi Xuan, a disciple of Uncle Master Mo? It was widely spread outside that he broke through to the Qi Entrainment stage in just six years. Unparalleled genius?"

"It should be! In six years, if I can break through so quickly, no, I can break through in ten years, I will be satisfied." Jian Biyun looked yearning, and then showed an admiring look: "It is said that Uncle Shi is not only A genius monk, he is friendly and has no airs. He is really a dragon among people! Now it seems that although his appearance is not very good, he is still able to see. Sure enough, no one is perfect. This kind of Uncle Shi makes people feel even more. Closer."

Jian Biyun's infatuation did not affect other people. Instead, it aroused discussions among many new disciples. They all said that if they could be like Master Shi, their life would be truly worthwhile. Only Liu Jixian sighed with a complicated expression: "This is how men of my generation should treat themselves."

Wei Wuji also sighed: "I hope that in ten years, new disciples will view us this way."


Shi Xuan said goodbye to the inner disciples standing outside and went straight into Jie Tian Hall. This was the right of disciples who had entered the sect's inheritance. As soon as they entered the main hall, they saw Yu Linglong standing among the elders and leaders with a smile. Most of the elders next to her had pale faces and teeth itching with hatred, but they did not dare to project their anger on Yu Linglong's face. .

His master was still standing at the edge with an expressionless face. When he saw Shi Xuan coming in, he nodded and motioned for him to come over.

After Shi Xuan bowed in a circle, Mo Yuancai said: "I heard that you have been released from seclusion when I came back yesterday. What have you gained?"

Shi Xuan reported his cultivation progress to his master, and then directly asked for advice on accumulated questions. Mo Yuan was very satisfied with Shi Xuan's seizing up the time and answered them one by one.

"Junior Brother Mo, how come you have accepted a disciple who is as boring as you? He only knows how to ask questions about cultivation. It's so boring." But Yu Linglong's beautiful face looked at the two of them with an expression of contempt.

Mo Yuan replied coldly: "Senior Sister Yu, you have to be careful to maintain your demeanor and don't reveal your true nature in front of the new disciples."

Yu Linglong glared and was about to get angry. At this time, the new disciples had already come in one by one, so she had to restrain herself and told Mo Yuan with her eyes that you will be good-looking later!

For an elder like Yu Linglong who has a childish personality, Shi Xuan feels that she lives a life of ease, but for the master, Shi Xuan is secretly shocked by his venomous tongue.

The initiation ceremony was the same as what Shi Xuan had experienced, and there was nothing surprising about it. However, Shi Xuan saw Yu Ruoshui and Zhou Dielan coming to watch the ceremony and motioned for them to meet at his cave later.

After the ceremony, Shi Xuan followed the master back to his cave first. As for Yu Linglong, she had completely forgotten about Mo Yuan's venomous words before, and was immersed in the happiness of many new disciples praising her for her beauty and lady.

After asking the question, Shi Xuan thought for a while and said: "Master, the disciple's other three Taoist magical powers need some rare materials as assistance, which are the Wanzai Ice Soul Heart, the Rock Heart, the Five Color Immortal Stone, and the Wannian Tree. I wonder if there are demon roots or many adult sacred tree roots in the sect?”

Mo Yuan thought about it carefully: "My teacher, Wan Zai Bing Soul Heart, I remember that there is a collection in Guanghan Sect, but it is too precious. If you want to exchange with them, you must prepare rare materials that are not inferior to this. Heart of Rock , Colorful Immortal Stone, Ten Thousand Years Tree Demon Root, our sect doesn’t have it, and other sects don’t know it either. You can only look for it when you travel. As for the roots of adult sacred trees, there are two types in our sect, the Fusang Sacred Tree. The roots of the tree, the roots of the Ten Thousand Years Blue Sky Tree, I’m afraid you can’t redeem them with your current good deeds.”

"I wonder how much it will cost?" Shi Xuan still held on to a glimmer of hope.

Mo Yuan shook his head: "More than half a million good deeds, but if you can break through to the divine soul stage, then you can go to Ziqi Donglai Tower to choose anything except magic weapons."

Shi Xuan nodded and decided to look for it while traveling. If he couldn't find it, it wouldn't be too late to go back to the sect to choose.

"Now that you have condensed your true energy, it's time to consider your natal magical weapon. Have you thought about what to refine? It's best to decide while you're still in the sect. Even though your teacher is not a master of weapon refinement, you can still use it. "Mo Yuan changed the subject and asked about Shi Xuan's natal magical weapon.

Shi Xuan hesitated for a long time, and finally decided to ask directly. Anyway, the master could not infer that he had the "Baolu" from the refining of the natal magic weapon. After thinking about this, Shi Xuan combined the Yin and Yang two gas bottles and the Du'e two instruments. The functions, power, and required materials of the Divine Sword and the Chaos Thunder Mirror were described to Mo Yuan. Finally, he explained that he learned the refining methods of these magical weapons through the adventure of acquiring Taoist magical powers.

As for the matter of being able to nourish the two natal magic weapons and the Tai Chi Diagram, I can only hide it temporarily. When I become a true disciple in the future and have a more important position in the sect, it will not be too late to talk about it. If the sect has always treated me like it is now. It is not impossible for me to perfect the "Shenxiao True Dharma" according to the "Baolu". It is the legendary task with the highest merit, but it is not specified in detail, and it feels like the price is negotiable.

Chapter 48 Sitting upright at the pulpit

Mo Yuan pondered for a while: "They are all yin and yang weapons. Your Samadhi Divine Wind Qi can also be regarded as belonging to yin and yang, which is quite appropriate. If you choose the Du'e Liangyi Divine Sword, then you will have to use it in the future. Follow the path of sword practice, otherwise you will waste this natal magic weapon. You must know that if you can achieve the golden elixir path, then the natal magic weapon is the only magic weapon that can unimpede the integration of the earthly evil prohibition and become the Tiangang prohibition. , if you reach the level of the soul, your natal magic weapon is also the most likely to become a magic weapon. "Because the natal magic weapon is connected to the monk's soul and is nourished in the body day and night, it is closely related to the master's cultivation.

Shi Xuan rejected it without hesitation. He wanted to practice "Baolu", and "Baolu" was not a sword practice method: "This disciple just likes swordsmanship and will not choose the path of swordsmanship."

Mo Yuan nodded: "The Chaos Thunder Mirror is similar to our Heavenly Gods Thunder Mirror. If you can practice the "Shenxiao True Method" in the future, it will be a match made in heaven. My master's natal magical weapon is the imitation of the Heavenly Gods Thunder Mirror. It's extremely powerful. It's just that your Chaos Thunder Mirror requires one more material than the Thunder Mirror of the Gods, which is Void Divine Iron. This is a level one genius treasure that is rarely seen even in so many worlds. "

Shi Xuan understood what the master meant, that is, if he chose the Chaos Thunder Mirror, he would most likely have reached the Yuan Shen and had not yet successfully refined the natal magic weapon. It seemed that he could only choose the Yin and Yang two gas bottles.

Mo Yuan added: "The Yin and Yang two gas bottles have wonderful effects. They are similar to a magic weapon that my teacher has heard of, which is the bipolar magnetic bottle. It can store magic weapons and capture enemies. It's just that your Yin and Yang two gas bottles have wonderful effects. The extra gas cylinder has the effect of turning enemies into dirty blood, and it can also turn the essence of dirty blood into nectar, which is extremely effective in healing and moisturizing things. It is the same as the true energy cultivated by our "Ten Thousand Thunder Transformation Water Art" "

"However." Mo Yuan changed his tone, "The materials for the Yin and Yang cylinders are equally rare. Other teachers can scrape them together here, and the sect can exchange some of their good deeds for them. But the most important thing is Material: Yin-Yang Jade Gui is a rare treasure of genius, so in the future, whichever material you can get first, then refine which natal magic weapon."

Shi Xuan almost burst into tears. It turned out that the master had the same idea as him. It seemed that this was the only way to do it. Besides, after asking like this, he could also get some subsidies from the master's private collection, which was really good.

After saying goodbye to his master, Shi Xuan didn't wait long in his cave. Yu Ruoshui and Zhou Dielan came. Seeing their smiling faces and happy expressions, could there really be something good going on?

"Brother Shi, let me tell you good news!" Zhou Dielan couldn't hold back her words and spoke out first.

Shi Xuan said cheerfully: "What's the good thing?"

Yu Ruoshui couldn't help but said with joy: "When we went to recruit disciples to help with the Dharma Conference this time, we met Uncle Jade Master. She knew that we were friends of Sister Ming. After asking about our daily practice, she introduced us One of her senior sisters, the inner sect elder Yue Wanyin, replied today that if we are willing, we can join her sect."

"This is really a great thing!" Shi Xuan was very happy for them. Of course, in addition to Yu Linglong's introduction, their hard work in daily cultivation and persistence in the path were also the main reasons why Elder Yue Wanyin agreed. He didn't see Elder Yue being Didn't he agree after a few days? He must have gone to find out about their cultivation status in the outer sect.

Zhou Dielan was afraid that Shi Xuan didn't know Elder Yue Wanyin, so she introduced him to him: "Elder Yue is two hundred years old and has been in the soul stage for more than a hundred years. Recently, he found an opportunity in cultivation and is preparing to pass the stage. I went out to look for opportunities to form pills, but I was afraid that I would die unexpectedly after going out, and my cultivation would be lost, so I started to think about accepting a disciple. It was because Uncle Jade Master heard about this that he introduced us to her."

After sharing their joy, the two women told Shi Xuan what had happened in the sect in the past five years. For example, a certain senior brother and a certain junior sister formed a good relationship with Qin and Jin. Some senior brothers and sisters saw that there was no hope of breakthrough and said goodbye to the sect. , went to the human world to enjoy the glory and wealth, and so on.

But the funniest thing is that not long after Yu Wendao went into seclusion in Shixuan, he became obsessed with eagerness for quick success and instant gain, and almost died. Fortunately, there were many powerful people in the sect who pulled him back from the brink of death. . After that, he returned home to be raised for two years and returned to the sect after recovering his health. However, his temperament became eccentric, silent and cold, and he often talked to himself alone. Everyone guessed that it was the sequelae of being obsessed.

Later, the two women asked about Shi Xuan's progress in cultivation, and Shi Xuan answered truthfully: "I'm afraid he will be able to achieve a small level of Qi in less than a year and travel."

It was a pity for the two girls. Yu Ruoshui sighed and said: "We will be apprentices soon, because the master will go out to look for opportunities to form pills in a few years, so she sent a message saying that she hopes to protect us before we go out to receive the spiritual energy of heaven and earth for the first time. It looks like we will be working hard day and night in the next few years, and it’s a rare opportunity to chat together.”

Shi Xuan shook his head and smiled: "Everyone's lifespan is much longer than that of ordinary people. If we break through the realm, we can increase our lifespan by nearly a hundred years. There will definitely be many opportunities to chat and even search for the ruins of the cave together in the future. Why bother to stick to one moment?" Day. I wonder how your cultivation is going, Ruoshui and Dielan?"

Yu Ruoshui and Zhou Dielan nodded, agreeing with Shi Xuan's statement. Seeing Shi Xuan ask about his progress, Yu Ruoshui regained his smile: "I originally thought it would take about twenty years for me to break through, but after following Shi Xuan's cultivation method in the past five years, I feel that my soul strength has improved very quickly. It’s not as good as others, but my sense of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is clearer. Now that I think about it, if I take the Taishang Sensing Pill, I might be able to break through. Even if I don’t take it, I should be able to break through in about five years.”

"You won third place in the competition, didn't you have three Supreme Sensing Pills?" Shi Xuan joked.

Yu Ruoshui rolled her eyes at Shi Xuan: "I plan to learn from you and break through without taking the Supreme Sensing Pill. I have sent those three pills back to my family. My cousins ​​need this very much."

Zhou Dielan was a little embarrassed: "My cultivation progress is not as good as that of Sister Yu, but I can still make a breakthrough in about seven or eight years. Especially after becoming a disciple, with the guidance of the master, it should be faster."


On the second day, Tianshu Peak meets Tiandian.

Shi Xuan watched Yu Ruoshui and Zhou Dielan become the disciples of Yue Wanyin. Yue Wanyin looked like a delicate young woman, wearing palace clothes, and belonged to Tianxuan Peak.

When the final ceremony was completed, Yue Wanyin gave each of the two women a magical weapon of the Sixth Heavenly Perfection. Yu Ruoshui was the fire cloud barrier and Zhou Dielan was the black cloud pocket. They were both magical weapons that could escape very fast. Yue Wanyin sighed and said: "In the world of cultivation, the most important thing is to save life. These two magic weapons can be regarded as first-class escape objects. When you two go out to travel in the future, you can't be brave, like my husband. Still. I am here to warn you not to be distracted on the path of cultivation, and to work hard while you are still young. After you reach the golden elixir, you will have enough time to do other things. This is the lesson my master has taught me over the years.”

Shi Xuan heard that Elder Yue Wanyin once had a Taoist companion when he was young. The two were very affectionate. Unfortunately, the Taoist companion encountered danger and died while traveling. Elder Yue Wanyin was heartbroken when he found out about it. From then on, his cultivation progress was very slow. Later, He even stagnated in the soul stage for more than a hundred years, and only recently got out of the mental barrier.

Now Yu Ruoshui and Zhou Dielan can be regarded as the sixteenth generation disciples, and they are the same generation as Shi Xuan. Their Taoist names are Tianning and Tianyun respectively, but looking at their looks, it is clear that they do not plan to use this Taoist name. As for Ming Ming Qingyue, Taoist name is Tianhe.

After the apprenticeship ceremony, Yu Ruoshui and Zhou Dielan followed Yue Wanyin to practice hard. Shi Xuan could only meet and chat with the two women practicing outside the cave when he went to the Yinfeng Cave to temper his body every day.

As for Shi Xuan’s two natal magic weapons, after plundering a lot of his master’s treasures and going to Ziqi Donglai Tower to exchange for good deeds, there are only a few main materials missing, namely the Chaos Fish Skin of Tai Chi Diagram and the Divine Stone of Two Realms. , the Yin-Yang Jade Gui from the Yin-Yang two-cylinder cylinder, the Void Divine Iron from the Chaos Thunder Mirror, in addition to the Tai Chi Diagram, whichever one is left first can be refined!


On this day, Shi Xuan was going to temper his body in Yinfeng Cave, when an inner disciple came and said he had something to tell him.

Shi Xuan asked Qing Song to invite him in, but it turned out to be an acquaintance, Wei Ning, who used to be on duty at Tianya Haijiao Tower. He greeted Shi Xuan with a smile, and then said: "Uncle Shi, this time there is a sect mission assigned to you. On your body!"

Shi Xuan suddenly realized that he had broken through to the Qi Entrainment stage and had finished the retreat. According to the sect's regulations, he was assigned tasks. He almost forgot about it. Thanks to Wei Ning who came to tell him, "Thank you, Master Nephew Wei." , I don’t know what the mission is?”

Wei Ning did not show off: "The task assigned to you by the sect, Uncle Shi, is to listen to the sermon given to the outer disciples in the Taoist Hall tomorrow. Almost every inner disciple will have this experience." For the inner disciples, , it is very sad to listen to the sermons in the Taoist temple, because you have to face all kinds of strange questions from the outer disciples, and it will be extremely embarrassing if you cannot answer them.

Shi Xuan thought it was some dangerous mission, but he didn't expect it was just a sermon. He nodded with satisfaction: "Thank you very much this time, but I almost forgot about it. Well, I will go to the Taoist Temple tomorrow."

After Wei Ning left, Shi Xuan prepared a lesson plan as a habit. When he looked back, he smiled to himself. There was no need for a lesson plan here, just use it as a lecture.

On the second day, Shi Xuan arrived at Shenshui Peak early, and then walked slowly into the Tingdao Hall. At this time, only the disciples on duty were present in the Tingdao Hall. When he saw Shi Xuan coming in, he saluted respectfully: "Uncle Shi Well, you are here very early, and there is still some time before the sermon."

Shi Xuan nodded: "You can go on your own, I'm just taking a look." Looking at the Tingdao Hall, which he hadn't been to for several years, Shi Xuan only felt familiar yet unfamiliar. The position to the left of the pulpit was It's something I often sit on, but I'm afraid I won't be able to use it in the future. Even if I want to listen to sermons, it will be at Yaoguang Peak.

After walking around in the main hall, Shi Xuan walked up to the pulpit, looked down for a while, sighed that he could preach here so quickly, then sat upright on the futon in the middle, closed his eyes and adjusted his breath to wait for everyone to come out. Disciple.

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