Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 103 Chapter 49 Chapter 50

Chapter 49: Going on a trip soon

The first to arrive were some new male disciples, including Wei Wuji and Liu Jixian. Seeing Shi Xuan already sitting on the pulpit, they all respectfully saluted and said hello: "Hello, Uncle Shi!" and then hurriedly said. We found a futon below and sat down together, longing for it and secretly determined to have it.

Then came the new female disciples. When they saw Shi Xuan sitting on top of him, many female disciples showed admiration and reverence, and rushed to say hello. For a moment, the hall was filled with sweet voices. After Shi Xuan responded to their greetings with a smile, they all sat on the futon with excited faces and whispered.

The last ones to come were the other outer disciples. They looked at the people they once looked down upon and ridiculed, sitting upright on the pulpit and receiving their salutes and greetings. They all showed complicated expressions, some containing shame and introspection, some containing shame. It includes disparagement and displeasure, but also dissatisfaction and contempt.

Shi Xuan looked at the outer disciples who came in in twos and threes and saluted him and said hello. Suddenly, he felt like he was in a dream. A few years ago, I was one of the people who came in to say hello and listened quietly to the class. Now I am sitting here and accepting greetings from others.

How could such a feeling not make Shi Xuan feel that everything in the world is so wonderful, like a dream.

Shi Xuan talked today about the importance of soul control and physical body tempering during the out-of-body period. He combined it with his own experience and spoke vividly. The new disciples all looked thoughtful and even excited. They should plan to follow this cultivation path in the future, but how many of them can persist?

The other outer disciples had various expressions, but there were only about twenty of them who showed a look of astonishment, because they had heard similar sermons countless times, but in their daily practice, when others In the midst of ridicule, cold looks, and sarcasm, he had given up on this path long ago and felt that this path was wrong. No matter what Shi Xuan said, he could not change the views that most of his disciples had formed.

After Shi Xuan finished speaking, it was time for each disciple to ask questions. The new disciples were still immersed in the sermon and had not yet sorted out their own thoughts, so the first to ask questions were the senior outer disciples.

An arrogant young outer sect disciple stood up and said, "Uncle Shi, why do I remember that in the outer sect's monthly tests, you were always at the bottom?" Shi Xuan remembered that this person was from Yu Wendao's group. One of the disciples, but I don’t know his name.

"How can we have the best of both worlds? Soul control, physical tempering and soul strength must be coordinated and unified. We cannot unilaterally enhance one thing." Shi Xuan replied with a smile, and added at the end: "So, sitting here today It’s me here, not you.”

As soon as these words came out, many outer disciples couldn't help laughing. The arrogant young disciple turned pale with anger and was speechless, not knowing how to respond.

At this time, Yu Wenwen stood up. After five years of not seeing him, he looked even thinner. There was not much arrogance left on his face. He looked taciturn, but his look of contempt was still there: "Uncle Shi, why do I think so? Because you have a master who is a master of Jindan?"

Shi Xuan shook his head and said: "With Grandmaster Jindan as a master, there are about a dozen in the sect, but are there any like me who can break through to the Qi-entraining stage in six years?" Ming Qingyue must have been less than six years old, but She made the breakthrough before she started, and the disciples didn't know the specific time she spent.

"That's just your luck. Why don't we compare again to see who can form a golden elixir first?" Yu Wenwen, who had been losing consecutively, actually bet again, and he seemed very confident. He didn't know what trump card he had.

But his words were loudly laughed at by the new disciples who had heard about the past deeds: "You are so shameless. You just admit defeat, like a mangy dog."

"Bibi, if you do what he does, you won't be able to finish the competition until you die."

"That's it, why don't he compete with Uncle Shi to see who is more like Yu Wendao? Then he will win without losing."

Amid the ridicule, Yu Wenwen's face turned gloomy, but he still looked at Shi Xuan with stubborn eyes. Shi Xuan smiled lightly and said: "I still said what I said, and I won't compete with my defeated general again."

"Okay! Okay! Okay! After I achieve the golden elixir, I will take a closer look at your faces." Yu Wenwen walked away with a puff of his sleeves. When he was about to leave the hall, Shi Xuan saw him whispering to himself. He didn't know. Talking about something.

After Yu Wenwen left, the new disciples began to ask questions one after another. However, their questions were a piece of cake for Shi Xuan, who was familiar with Taoism and had made steady breakthroughs. Among them, the new female disciples were asking questions. , and also reported his name, such as "Uncle Shi, my name is Xu Wei, you can call me Wei'er. I would like to ask, for disciples like us who have just made a breakthrough, which method is more effective in enhancing soul control?" "

"Shi Xuan, my name is Jian Biyun. I would like to ask to what extent soul strength and soul control should be coordinated?"

And so on.

Among the senior outer disciples, only those who had a favorable impression of Shi Xuan were the ones who raised similar questions. The other outer disciples remained the same. For most of them, their mistakes were proven by facts. Instead of thinking about corrections, they keep making excuses and reasons to defend their mistakes, and even continue to regard mistakes as right, completely ignoring the facts.


Seven months later.

Shi Xuan is quenching his body in the Yinfeng Cave. With the help of the Yinfeng Cave, his physical body has been almost refined by the true energy, and he is just a little short of reaching the state of complete integration and Qi guidance.

As the Yin Qi invading the body is slowly removed, the physical body and the Qi become more and more synchronized. With each exhalation and inhalation, the inner world and the outer world exchange with each other, and the green Samadhi Kamikaze Qi on the body surface vibrates like a heartbeat.

Suddenly, the green Samadhi Divine Wind Qi penetrated into the body, and a black wind came out from the pores with impurities in the body. Shi Xuan suddenly felt his whole body shaken. His body was light, and the inside and outside were integrated. He relied solely on the Qi It has already floated into the air, and between the breaths, what is produced inside the body is no longer the inner energy, but the true energy of the divine wind of Samadhi.

Shi Xuan finally channeled his energy into success!

He is about to travel around the world to sharpen his Taoist heart!

At the same time, for more than seven months, Shi Xuan rummaged through the Taoist books collected by his master, and even exchanged the few good deeds he had left for jade slips with various anecdotes, and finally found those kinds of materials that might appear The place.

Not to mention the Wanzai Ice Soul, it can only be found in the far north, under the tens of thousands of feet of ice. The Heart of Rock is the seed for the birth of new stone people in the stone people tribe, one of the hundred tribes in ancient times. In the world of cultivation now, the stone people tribe has disappeared for a long time, and we can only see if they still have their shadows in the deserted sea. The origin of the colorful sacred stone is unknown.

The Chaos Fish and the Divine Iron of the Void can only be found in a place where the void is opened up and chaos is first separated from the pure and the turbid. As for the Yin-Yang Jade Gui and the Divine Stone of the Two Realms, they must be found in the extremely yin place in the extreme yang, or on the contrary, in the extreme yin. A very sunny place in the shadow. In ancient times, there was a real man named Yang Shen who once collected the Chaos Fish and the Divine Stones of the Two Realms in order to refine a magic weapon that could transform Yin and Yang. Unfortunately, he fell into the Great Destruction while on his way back to the cave. Well, as for his cave, it is located in the inner sea of ​​the Sea of ​​Falling Stars that was hit by the falling stars, and 89% of it has been destroyed.

Shi Xuan can only use these clues to find the materials for his own magical weapon.


After Shi Xuan came out of the Yinfeng Cave, Yu Ruoshui and Zhou Dielan happened to reach a certain stage of cultivation and stopped to rest. Seeing Shi Xuan, Yu Ruoshui said doubtfully: "Shi Xuan, don't you practice until dusk every day? Today How come you came out so early?"

Shi Xuan looked at the two women with a smile: "I have completed the Qi Entrainment today, and I just happened to come over to say goodbye to you." Shi Xuan was preparing to leave as soon as possible, as his natal magic weapon was still waiting for the materials to be refined.

Yu Ruoshui and Zhou Dielan showed sad expressions as if they were bidding farewell to Ming Qingyue, but Yu Ruoshui quickly calmed down: "You have to be careful along the way. I hope that before you come back, we will have broken through to the entrainment stage. You have to give us some gifts then, haha." Although he smiled, his eye circles were a little red.

Shi Xuan nodded, thinking in his mind that when the time comes, both Yu Ruoshui and Zhou Dielan will refine their natal magical weapons. He hopes that his Lihuo Gold Essence can be sent out in a fair and just way, so he replied: "That's natural, but You can’t be too impatient in your cultivation, you still need to maintain a calm mind.”

Yu Ruoshui nodded in agreement, and Zhou Dielan held back tears: "Brother Shi, you must be careful in everything, don't show off."

"Okay, I will be careful not to disturb your cultivation state of mind here. When I go back and say goodbye to the master, I will set off quietly. Today will be my official farewell."

After saying that, Shi Xuan held up the breeze and flew towards Tianji Peak, leaving the two women to watch in silence for a while.


Tianji Peak, Moyuan Cave.

"Master, I'm here to say goodbye today. I've already achieved a small degree of Qi induction and will be traveling and looking for materials for my natal magic weapon." After Shi Xuan paid homage, he explained his future intentions to the master.

Mo Yuan was still expressionless: "Well, you can't continue to make progress just by practicing hard in seclusion. If you can find the right evil spirit outside to condense the evil spirit and practice it, you can greatly shorten the nine turns of the true energy and turn the air into liquid. time, and you will also save a lot of effort when condensing the divine light in the golden elixir stage in the future. Here are some evil places suitable for you and some tips for refining weapons. After you find the materials for your natal magic weapon, if it is urgent, you can Refining it yourself." After saying that, he handed Shi Xuan a jade slip.

"Thank you, master. I wonder if you have any other instructions?" Shi Xuan took the jade slip.

"What should be said, my master said it the day he accepted you as his disciple. Now I just give you a jade pendant, which contains my second-level Taoist Sapphire Thunder Clothes. It can be used three times in total. Even if you meet a master of the Golden Dan stage, It can also serve as a barrier. In addition, if you report your intention to travel to Senior Brother Lingxing, the sect will also give you a life-saving seal and a Tongxin Jade Pendant." Mo Yuan took out another white jade pendant. wear.

After Shi Xuan took the jade pendant, he remembered something and took out the mirror from the storage bag: "Master, this is a fragment of a magic weapon that the disciple got when he was in Middle-earth. Do you think it has any use?" It was Xu. The fragment of the magic weapon that the old Taoist got when he killed a century-old ghost with the Taiyi Thunder Talisman.

Mo Yuan carefully played with the mirror: "The material of this magic weapon is very good. It should be a medieval object that has been passed down for many generations. Its function is to fix the soul. I think it is somewhat consistent with your ecstasy flag. Can you use that flag?" Give it to Master, I will help you refine it."

Chapter 50 Suddenly

Shi Xuan took out the Ecstasy Flag as instructed and handed it to the master.

After Mo Yuan got the Ecstasy Flag, he spurted out a green-purple flame from his mouth, wrapping the Ecstasy Flag and the mirror inside. After a moment, the forbidden talisman on the Ecstasy Flag appeared, and the mirror began to change. soft.

Taking this opportunity, Mo Yuan continued to type mysterious talisman characters on the Ecstasy Flag and the mirror with both hands. The mirror gradually turned into hundreds or thousands of small pieces, which were combined with the restrictions on the Ecstasy Flag and were slowly inlaid into Above the Ecstasy Flag.

In the end, Mo Yuan locked his hands, the flames in his mouth were blazing, and the black light flashed on the ecstasy flag, and it returned to normal, except that there were countless shining stars on the black flag, which made people feel that it was bright and dark. Dizziness.

"The restraint of this flag is very good, but I can't see what effect it will have in the end. Now after the mirror fragments are added, it can emit thousands of white lights and freeze the monk's soul. Of course, it can only freeze the monk's soul at the moment. The monks in the out-of-body stage and the Qi-entraining stage must have their souls injured." Mo Yuan introduced the re-refined ecstasy flag.

Shi Xuan took the Ecstasy Flag respectfully and examined it carefully. The master actually perfectly embedded the mirror fragments without destroying the original prohibition, and it also became one with the original prohibition. It seems that the master had said before that his family If you are not a master of weapon refining, you are being modest, but why do these dots look like several words when connected together?

"Master, did you put four characters on the flag?" Shi Xuan frowned and looked at the ecstasy flag.

Mo Yuan said calmly: "If I arrange the pattern, it will look too dark and weak, so I arranged it into four characters."

As soon as Mo Yuan admitted it, Shi Xuan recognized the words above, "Walking for Heaven!" I don’t know where the master came from. If it is used by ordinary people, it is mostly a sign for gathering righteousness to cause troubles. But in the hands of monks, it is very unusual. They are not the kind of monks with great supernatural powers. They have not touched it. At the edge of Tao', no one was embarrassed to use it, and Shi Xuan felt a lot of pressure.

But judging from the master's appearance, he didn't intend to refine it again, so Shi Xuan had no choice but to accept it. Just as he was about to say goodbye, something else came to his mind: "Master, when I was in Middle-earth, I had a few disciples. This time I want to take advantage of the opportunity of traveling around the world to go back and see if their hearts are still firm in their devotion to the Tao. Their character has not deteriorated, so I am going to bring them to the realm of cultivation. However, I heard that monks in the Middle Earth who have reached the Qi-entraining stage will be removed from the Shenxiao Palace. I wonder if monks like me in the Qi-entraining stage can do so. Enter?"

"Well, it really can't be done. I'll wait for my master to get you a talisman. When the time comes, you can stick it on your body and enter the land of Middle Earth." Mo Yuan did not comment on the matter of Shi Xuan's disciples. After all, he didn't see it. I don't understand their human nature, and Mo Yuan's character will not make rash decisions.

Shi Xuan breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that he no longer had to worry about not being able to return to China, so he stood up and paid homage to Mo Yuan: "Then I will take my leave and leave on my own after going to the General Affairs Hall."

"Wait, there is one more thing." Mo Yuan suddenly called Shi Xuan.


Tianshu Peak, General Affairs Hall.

Shi Xuan stood respectfully under Grandmaster Lingxing and listened to his words.

"When you travel, remember to think twice before taking risks. It doesn't mean that you can't take risks, but you must be 60 to 70% sure before you do it. Well, here is the Tongxin Jade Pendant. Holding it can make you and everyone thousands of miles away Talk to the disciples of Tongxin Yupei on the phone, and never lose face when in danger. "Lingxing, an ordinary middle-aged man, has always been a good person and is very popular in the sect.

"Also, there are three life-saving talisman seals here, which are transformed by the Taoism of the Jindan Grandmaster in the sect. Although you have a life-saving thing given to you by your master, you can still choose one of these life-saving talisman seals." Lingxing took out one of the life-saving talisman seals. Three pieces of talisman paper with ancient cloud seals were drawn on them, and Shi Xuan was asked to choose one, "One is Shenxiao Purple Thunder, one is Jade Thunder Clothes, and one is Near Golden Light Escape."

In other words, these three talismans are one for a desperate counterattack, one for life-saving defense, and one for running away. Shi Xuan had already had an idea and said to Grandmaster Lingxing: "Uncle Lingxing, the disciples are so close. Aurora Escape.”

Lingxing nodded: "Well, the choice is very practical. Jinguang Escape, a second-level Taoist technique, can travel twenty-eight thousand miles a day. After using it, it can last for an hour, which means that it can escape more than two thousand miles. Even if it is golden Master Dan, if he didn't have an escape technique of level 2 or above, he wouldn't be able to catch up in a short while."


In the end, Shi Xuan chose the opposite route to Ming Qingyue. He started from the Falling Star Overseas Sea, went all the way to the seas of overseas countries, then crossed the Sea of ​​Storms to Nanman, then passed through the Hundred Thousand Mountains and returned to the Middle Earth, and finally passed through the Middle Earth. Storm waters, overseas countries’ waters, North Sea waters and back to the Three Islands waters.

Shi Xuan packed up the omnipresent shadowless sword of the fourth heaven, the ecstasy flag restricted by the thirty-eighth level, the Qianyang blue lantern restricted by the fifty-eighth level, as well as some healing elixirs given by the master, and replenishing the aura of heaven and earth. Feng Ling Dan left the Penglai Sect quietly.


Looking at the white-capped sea and smelling the refreshing and slightly fishy sea breeze, Shi Xuan just felt that he was in a good mood. Retreating and cultivating was a kind of enjoyment. Traveling and seeing all kinds of scenery was also a kind of enjoyment.

After pausing for a moment, Shi Xuan picked up a small breeze and turned it into a breeze, flying towards the sea outside Falling Star. He passed many islands along the way, including Mingyue Island Tidal House, without stopping. In half a day, he had arrived at Falling Star. At the edge of the sea, looking at the sea area covered with strong winds and huge waves, Shi Xuan took a deep breath and flew in.

Because there were constant storms outside the Falling Star today, monks below the Qi Entrainment stage did not dare to enter. Therefore, Shi Xuan felt like a lonely seagull in the storm between heaven and earth in the wind and rain.

Suddenly, an old monk with white hair and white eyebrows in a fiery red robe appeared in front of him. He looked at Shi Xuan with a smile and opened his mouth to say something.

Shi Xuan recognized Meng Li. He knew it was wrong, so he didn't answer. He changed direction, used all his strength to use Xiaoyou Qingfengdun, and fled quickly.

Meng Li didn't seem to expect that as soon as Shi Xuan met, he ran away without saying a word. His eyes glared fiercely, turning into a stream of flames, and chased after Shi Xuan.

Although Shi Xuan's Xiaoyou Qingfeng Escape can travel three thousand miles in a day, Meng Li, as a master of the golden elixir, has an escape speed several times faster than him. In one breath, he has already caught up to within a hundred feet.

"Boy, go and die, and be buried with Yuchang!" Meng Li couldn't see the slightest effort, and still had time to speak viciously, then raised his hand and hit Shi Xuan with a red divine light on the back.

Shi Xuan had already activated the Blue Jade Thunder Clothes, and a piece of green jade-like clothing appeared on him, surrounded by lightning, which easily blocked the red divine light. However, Shi Xuan was not relaxed. On the contrary, it was very difficult. Grandmaster Jindan's spiritual consciousness was locked, which made Shi Xuan miserable, and the movement of his spiritual sense almost stopped. Fortunately, his control over his body was strong enough, so he didn't just stay in place.

Meng Li sneered: "I want to see how many times you can use this sapphire thunder suit?" He raised his hands, and the red divine light kept shooting out. Although it could not break Shi Xuan's sapphire thunder suit, it continued to consume Shi Xuan's mana. .

The second-level Taoist magic requires a lot of mana. Shi Xuan accidentally failed to replenish his true energy, and the green jade thunder clothes were broken by Meng Li's red divine light. Fortunately, in the blink of an eye, Shi Xuan had already inspired it again. A jade thunder coat blocked subsequent attacks.

Shi Xuan looked around anxiously, and gradually panicked in his heart. After a while, when the green jade thunder clothes could no longer be maintained, Shi Xuan looked at Meng Li's ferocious face, and watched the red divine light being blocked out. Finally, he even directly destroyed the top of a mountain. He made up his mind, gritted his teeth, used the Golden Light Escape, and escaped to a certain place in his memory. He disappeared into the horizon in the blink of an eye.

"Hmph, how can you escape if you are locked by my divine consciousness? I want to see how many golden light escape talismans you have." Meng Li snorted coldly, and the flame streamer chased after him even faster than before. .

An hour later, Shi Xuan stopped at a certain sea area outside the Falling Star, looking for some characteristic objects in his memory. Just when he saw the strange big rock next to the fog of space, a fiery red figure appeared on the horizon. .

Shi Xuan saw that there was still a long way to go before the weird big rock. If he wanted to pass by it with his own speed, he would definitely be stopped by Meng Li. He was extremely anxious. He stopped his thoughts and forced himself to calm down while heading in the direction of the weird big rock. He ran away and asked: "Uncle Meng, why do you want to hunt down my nephew?" But he planned to use the question to delay some time.

Meng Li sneered: "Because of Yuchang's death."

While fleeing, Shi Xuan said in an extremely aggrieved tone: "But Yuchang's death has nothing to do with me."

"I know that you don't have the ability to kill Yuchang, but who told you to offend Yuchang! His enemies will be buried with him!" Meng Li's expression was ferocious.

"Aren't you afraid of the sect's discipline?" Shi Xuan deliberately used an anxious and corrupt tone.

"Haha, I naturally managed to hide it. You don't have to worry about me, little thief. Why, you want to distract me with your words so that you can escape into the inner sea of ​​Falling Stars and get a chance of narrow escape?" Meng Li regained his calm expression: " I have never seen this technique before, and I have seen it for eight hundred. I just suddenly wanted to see your death struggle, little thief, so I didn’t point it out. Okay, the game ends here!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Meng Li Dunguang accelerated again and caught up with Shi Xuan. Knowing that he couldn't escape, Shi Xuan turned around and opened his mouth, and a purple-blue flame spurted out.

Meng Li's eyes condensed, and the red divine light on his body blocked the purple-blue flames, and fell into the sea of ​​falling stars, evaporating a lot of water vapor. If it were said that the previous Meng Li was holding his magic power and soul together, it was like a calm sea. , and now it is the sea that is pregnant with terrifying storms. The pressure of the golden elixir stage burst out instantly, and the surrounding weather even darkened.

However, Meng Li did not fight back immediately. Instead, he stopped in the air and roared to the sky. The roar was full of anger, and flames appeared faintly on his body.

Shi Xuan saw that Meng Li was careless and was taken advantage of by his virtual fire. Although he was almost unable to move due to the pressure of the golden elixir stage, Shi Xuan had the supreme method to restrain his thoughts and immediately turned around. Escape, because Shi Xuan knew that even if Meng Li was burned by virtual fire for a moment, with his cultivation level, it would only take a moment for him to regain consciousness. If he attacked and used Taoism, he would be seriously injured at most, and he might even be injured. No, after all, I don’t know what means Master Jindan has to save his life, so he might as well take this opportunity to escape into the secret passage mentioned by Yu Cheng and enter the inner sea of ​​Falling Star Sea.

Not far from the secret seaway, Shi Xuankan heard a roar from behind him: "Little thief, take your life!" Then he felt huge spiritual energy fluctuations appearing behind him, and the secret seaway in front of him was already visible to the naked eye.

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