Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 104 Chapter 51 Chapter 52

Chapter 51 The oriole is behind

At this time, Shi Xuan has two options. The first is to activate the last jade thunder coat to block Meng Li's attack, but he will also be entangled by Meng Li, and it is only a matter of time before he dies.

So Shi Xuan chose the second option without hesitation, which was to risk serious injury and use the Taoist Jade Breaking Art! Shi Xuan suddenly felt that both his soul and body were getting hot. His face turned red and blue veins appeared. His body became a little bigger. His escape speed increased by 50%. When Meng Li's nine flame dragons attacked, he escaped with just a hair's breadth. Entered the secret sea channel and disappeared into the fog of space.

Meng Li could no longer suppress the anger in his heart and roared again and again. As a master of the golden elixir, he actually allowed a little thief in the Qi-entraining stage to escape. It was really a huge shame, and looking at it today, there was a high probability that Yuchang was Die at the hands of this little thief!

At this time, a faint voice came from behind: "Senior Brother Meng is really angry."

Meng Li's expression froze, and he turned around to see a handsome young Taoist wearing a Tai Chi robe parked in the air not far away. He was looking at him expressionlessly. It was Mo Yuan!

Meng Li was calculating in his mind and asked calmly: "Junior Brother Mo, why are you here?"

"Senior Brother Meng, you are only allowed to hunt down my disciple, but I, the master, are not allowed here?" Mo Yuan responded coldly.

Meng Li's heart sank: "Have you seen it all? By the way, it seems that your invisibility and energy-containing spell has long been a Taoist technique. If you want to follow secretly without being discovered, it is very easy as long as you don't show murderous intent."

Mo Yuan replied calmly: "Well, from the beginning to the end, Senior Brother Meng is really old, and he can't even deal with my disciples in the Qi-Entraining Period. Well, Senior Brother Meng, you have violated the sect's commandments by killing one of our disciples. Santiao, according to the commandments, you will die here today."

Meng Li looked at Mo Yuan with an incredulous expression, and shouted angrily: "You have already planned it, Mo Yuan, you just want to kill me!"

Mo Yuan thought for a moment and continued to answer in that cold voice: "In the words of my apprentice, this is called 'fishing law enforcement'. And I have left a record of what happened just now and will present it to the boss."

Meng Li had blue veins popping out on his forehead: "Then why did you just watch me deal with your little thief apprentice instead of stopping him immediately?"

"Because my apprentice is always cautious in doing things and likes to seek decisions before taking action. Everything must be under control. However, there are always many variables and emergencies in the world. How can we make a plan for everything? Move, unexpected things will always happen. Being able to be calm, decisive, and ruthless when faced with a crisis that cannot be controlled is what I taught him today through the hands of Senior Brother Meng." Mo Yuan's tone. No ups and downs.

But Meng Li was so angry at these words that the Three Corpse Gods jumped. His Qiqiao almost smoked, and he pointed at Mo Yuan: "Aren't you afraid that your apprentice will die in the space mist in the inner sea of ​​Falling Star Sea?"

Mo Yuan finally showed a bit of relief: "My disciple performed pretty well today. When something unexpected happened that my master couldn't make it to, he was able to calm down, make a decision, and finally escape on his own. Yes, That's right. As for the fog of space, looking at the movement of my apprentice looking for the sign and rushing there with a purpose when escaping, you know that he must know a secret passage. Moreover, being able to escape from the master Jindan is precious to him. The wealth of experience is also a great encouragement to his confidence. Thank you so much, Brother Meng!" In the end, Mo Yuan actually bowed his hand.

Meng Li was almost mad to death and shouted: "Mo Yuan, you don't take me seriously at all!" Then the nine flame dragons' divine light suddenly hit Mo Yuan, and he turned around and ran away. It seemed like he hadn't completely lost his cool yet.

A piece of cyan jade-like clothing appeared on Mo Yuan's body, and he easily blocked Meng Li's attack, then turned into cyan lightning and chased after him. At the same time, he said lightly: "In my eyes, low-grade golden elixirs are also more powerful souls." It’s just a period.”

When he caught up with Meng Li, Mo Yuan opened his fingers, and a mirror-shaped magic weapon with a depression in the middle appeared in his palm. The depression was divided into thirty-six uneven parts, each part covered with extremely mysterious symbols. The seal pattern is divided into one hundred and eight even parts around it, and is also covered with simple and mysterious talisman and seal patterns.

At this time, all parts of the magical weapon lit up. Red, white, cyan, gold, silver, green, orange, blue, purple, and countless thunder balls of different colors appeared around Mo Yuan, spinning around him.

Then Mo Yuan pressed his five fingers together, and various thunder balls drew mysterious trajectories to surround Meng Li from all directions, and then all struck him. Meng Li was hit by countless thunder balls from the sky to a larger island. , during this process, red, fire, and cyan lights shone on Meng Li's body, but they were all broken within a moment. Finally, with his shrill scream, his body exploded continuously and fell to the center of the island.

"I, ancestor, will never let you go..." Meng Li's last words left in the world.

Boom, boom, boom... Violent explosions kept coming from the island. In the end, with a loud noise, the entire island was exploded from the middle, spewing out countless rubbles and pieces of wood, and then hundreds of pieces of wood in a radius of The island inside slowly sank into the sea, leaving only a huge whirlpool on the sea.

Mo Yuan looked at the huge whirlpool, was silent for a moment, and then said calmly: "Senior Brother Meng, your ancestors have not been able to break through to the soul for more than five hundred years, so there is no hope. It's a pity for your spiritual weapon." Then. Turn around and turn into light.


Time goes back to before Shi Xuan said goodbye to his master.

Shi Xuan breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that he no longer had to worry about not being able to return to China, so he stood up and paid homage to Mo Yuan: "Then I will take my leave and leave on my own after going to the General Affairs Hall."

"Wait, there is one more thing." Mo Yuan suddenly called Shi Xuan.

Shi Xuan looked at the master in confusion: "I wonder if there is anything else important, master?"

Mo Yuan said in a calm tone: "Many monks have died in the waters of the Three Islands recently. According to my master, they all had some quarrel with Meng Yuchang."

Shi Xuan was shocked: "Master, do you mean that Meng Li has finally started to go crazy and wants all those who have a grudge against Meng Yu to be buried with him?"

"That should be the case. It's just that Meng Li is still purging non-sect monks and is temporarily taking action against the disciples within the sect. It's hard for the Zhanglu Hall to say anything." Mo Yuan stated the fact that it was impossible because Meng Li probably seemed to be able to Take action against this disciple and deal with him first.

"Master, what do you mean, you are going to escort me temporarily so that Meng Li can't find me if I'm far away?" Since he couldn't deal with Meng Li, Shi Xuan could only guess that the master wanted to escort me.

Mo Yuan said expressionlessly: "No, if you just escort me, can I protect you for the rest of your life? Besides, being targeted by the Golden elixir master will really make you have trouble sleeping and eating, and you can't relax day and night. Even though it's just a low-grade Golden elixir, because no one can I don’t know if he has the means to find you.”

Shi Xuan somewhat understood: "What about you, master?"

"Well, this trip is the best opportunity for Meng Li to deal with you. When you choose a route, choose a remote place with few people so that he can attack without any scruples. At that time, he will violate the sect's commandments. With three words, I can kill him openly and it will be over." Mo Yuan described his arrangement in a calm tone.

Shi Xuan was startled: "Master, isn't this 'fishing law enforcement'? Also, is it too cruel?" The last sentence was purely Shi Xuan's casual saying. If he is not cruel, he will be the one who will be restless in the future. .

"Well, if you have to do it, then do it. What does 'fishing and law enforcement' mean?" Mo Yuan nodded.

Shi Xuan roughly explained the meaning of 'fishing and law enforcement', and then asked: "What should the disciple do?"

Mo Yuan said: "Master can't get too close to avoid being discovered, so you need to block at least a few of his attacks. However, since you have the jade pendant of the Jade Thunder Clothes, there should be no problem. Master will arrive later."

Shi Xuan thought about it and nodded in agreement.


Naturally, Shi Xuan didn't know that his master was so evil. After rushing into the fog of space, Shi Xuan followed Yu Cheng's words, turned left and right, and in a moment, he had escaped far away. He breathed a sigh of relief and wondered secretly, was the master tripped up by something? How come I didn't arrive? I almost had to risk my life here.

At this time, the huge explosion outside came faintly through the fog of space. Shi Xuan was refreshed. It seemed that the master had arrived and had fought with Meng Li. As for who would win and who would lose, do you still need to guess? The gap between the high-grade golden elixir and the low-grade golden elixir is a hundred times, and some seniors even compare it with the gap between the out-of-body stage and the entrainment stage.

However, Shi Xuan didn't dare to go out now, because after using Broken Jade Art, he could only use 10% of his strength in the first half month, and only half of his strength in the next three months. If he goes out now, The master has been defeated and left, and he encounters some sea monsters or those casual cultivators who like to plunder, and there is really no place to cry.

It's better to just stay on the small island that Yu Cheng and the others mentioned, stay quietly for three months, and then go out after recovering their strength. Besides, although I just escaped Meng Li's full attack by a hair's breadth, my back is still there after all. After being affected by some, he was already seriously injured, so in this case, the main task was to recuperate the injuries and regain his strength.

Shi Xuan followed the sea currents half-floating and half-sinking, dodging the cracks in space, and finally saw the desolate island. The island was gray as a whole, with no life at all, and not even a tree. All he could see was A little gravel.

After being washed up on the island by the waves, Shi Xuan breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid that the secret passage would gradually change over time, and he would be cut in half by the space crack accidentally.

Shi Xuan's back was already numb, and there was only a burning sensation. He quickly took out the healing medicine given by his master, and swallowed the Baishui Pill to remove the fire poison, and the Xiao Huandan to treat physical injuries. After a while, he finally felt the pain, the burning sensation. The feeling also dissipated a bit.

Shi Xuan used his spiritual sense to observe his back. He found that the flesh and blood there were blurred and charred everywhere. If he had suffered such an injury during the out-of-body period, it would have damaged the origin. But now, after tempering the body with true energy, the physical body is stronger and recovered. His abilities were also greatly increased, and he could only be considered seriously injured.

According to Shi Xuan's judgment, it will take at least three or four months to recover from the injury. Unexpectedly, it will take longer than the Broken Jade Art to recover. This is just the aftermath of the low-grade Golden Pill Grandmaster's attack. How powerful is the frontal attack of the high-grade Golden Pill Grandmaster? ? Shi Xuan couldn't help but think about it.

Chapter 52 The end of this volume

When Shi Xuan came back from his trance, he found that the effectiveness of the Broken Jade Art had passed, and he only felt weak. It was similar to the feeling he had during the out-of-body period before, but Shi Xuan had become accustomed to the power of the Qi-Entraining Stage, and now I just feel extremely uncomfortable.

After crossing his legs and adjusting his breath for a moment, Shi Xuan found that there was no lack of spiritual energy on this island. It was basically consistent with the spiritual energy of the outside world. But why was there no life here?

Even though all life had disappeared under the huge impact of the falling stars, after so many years of recovery, the spiritual energy has returned to normal, but how could it still be so lifeless here. You must know that the sea water brought in a lot of life through the secret passage. Even large creatures like Shi Xuan got in. There must be a lot of small lives rushing over as well.

Based on this alone, Shi Xuan felt that this place was extremely strange and made up his mind to leave here after half a month when he could use 50% of his strength to avoid encountering any danger.

After regaining some energy, Shi Xuan carefully explored this weird island. The island was not big, just a few miles in radius. He quickly walked around it, but unfortunately there was nothing there, except for those that looked a little sinister. Stone.


More than ten days passed by in a flash, and today Shi Xuan was doing visualization and using elixirs to heal his injuries.

Suddenly, Shi Xuan felt that the spiritual energy around him was flying uncontrollably to the left. In a short period of time, the spiritual energy on the island had formed a huge wave, rushing towards that direction. The spiritual energy from other places was replenished to the island, and then joined the huge wave.

Shi Xuan was alert in his heart. He controlled the Shadowless Sword and rose to a certain height. He looked in that direction and saw that the fog dissipated and a huge island appeared over there. The island was full of bones, piled up one after another. The White Bone Mountain formed a mysterious formation.

In the center of the Bone Island, a huge amount of spiritual energy was thrown there in waves from all directions. Even the fog of space was absorbed. A fog of spiritual energy even formed over the island, and then a huge amount of spiritual energy was sprayed out from there. There is already some strange aura missing from it.

The entire island is like a huge lung. With each breath, the spiritual energy within an unknown number of miles is sucked in, and then breathed out, forming a spectacular and wonderful scene.

Shi Xuan's scalp was numb when he saw it. This kind of scene that could cause terrifying phenomena in the world was not something he had the ability to explore. Moreover, looking at the layout of the island, it was also a brutal and cruel type. He had better avoid it. For the best.

So, Shi Xuan quietly pressed the sword light, landed on the deserted island, huddled tightly between two boulders, and then used the invisibility spell to hide his figure and breath, without daring to take a breath.

The island's breathing became louder and louder, not only absorbing the spiritual energy, but also the vitality contained in the sea. If Shi Xuan hadn't had strong enough control over his body and soul, he would have had to use a magic weapon to protect him. Prevent vitality from being absorbed.

Finally, when the island's breathing reached its maximum, it came to an abrupt end. But Shi Xuan still didn't dare to move at all. It wasn't until one day passed that the fog of space spread again, covering the island in the depths of the fog again. Only then did Shi Xuan stand up from among the boulders and regain his figure.

Shi Xuan had just breathed a long sigh of relief when his body froze, because an extremely sinister voice sounded in his ears: "You kid is so calm, you almost hid it from me."

Shi Xuan quietly took out the Qianyang Qingdeng, the most powerful magic weapon currently on his body, and prepared to give it a desperate blow before escaping immediately. As for whether he could escape, that was another matter. He couldn't just stand here and let himself be slaughtered. Bar.

"Kids, don't panic. I failed to refine the Tribulation Treasure yesterday. I'm in a bad mood and won't kill anyone." The gloomy look continued.

Shi Xuan only felt that his whole body was cold and he was only one step away from death, let alone activating the magical weapon. He could only pretend to calmly answer: "Senior, why don't you kill people when you are in a bad mood?" To be honest, Shi Xuan was also a little curious. , this is the living Daoist Yuanshen. You must know that other demonic and evil monks kill people when they are in a bad mood. How could this Daoist Yuanshen do the opposite?

The voice sneered in an ethereal way: "You orthodox monks just don't understand the beauty. How can you do such a beautiful thing as killing people when you are in a bad mood? Naturally, you have to wait until you are in a good mood and enjoy it slowly."

Shi Xuan was speechless. The idea of ​​​​this master Yuanshen was really strange.

"Tsk, I know that you think I am a lunatic, but the difference between me and those lunatics is that I know how you think about problems, and I can change it into your way of thinking when necessary. But I usually still follow the normal way. Do things with your own heart and nature." The voice seemed to have guessed what Shi Xuan was thinking.

Shi Xuan knew that he couldn't defeat this real Yuanshen, so he could only ask respectfully: "I don't know if the senior wants to say hello to the boy, but do you have anything to tell me?"

"What can happen? What ability can you have to help me? It's just that I have been hiding here from the heavenly tribulation and refining the treasure to overcome the tribulation for more than a thousand years. When I see a living person, I can't help but be curious? How did your kid get in?"

Shi Xuan told the story of being chased, accidentally discovering a secret passage, and then entering the inner sea of ​​Falling Star Sea. Of course, there were truths and lies in it, but Master Yuanshen would not ask these questions anyway.

"You're really lucky, you actually discovered the secret passage opened by me?" The sinister voice was surprised.

Shi Xuan was also startled: "Senior, was it you who opened that secret passage?"

"Of course. Do you think that a secret sea channel with such twists and turns will eventually reach a calm island? Hahaha, I am laughing to death." A sinister voice laughed.

Shi Xuan only felt anxious in his heart. He must not let this weird Yuanshen Daoist feel better, otherwise he would be in danger.

The laughter stopped, and after a while he said: "Look at your energy, are you from the Penglai sect? Or the Luofu sect?"

"This junior is from the Penglai sect." Shi Xuan reported to the sect, hoping that the real Yuanshen would take care of him when he was murderous.

"Penglai sect, haha, your sect's old ghost Jiang is not dead yet, right? He almost caused me to fall back then, and I still remember this account. Hey, but your sect is good, there is a sect when you are going through the tribulation. The magic weapon can be used, and Old Ghost Jiang may have already survived a catastrophe," the voice sighed.

Shi Xuan didn't know who this old ghost Jiang was. He only read the sixth generation of his sect's history, so he answered honestly: "I don't know, disciple."

"I guess you don't know. Judging from your cultivation, you should be a disciple who has just gone out to sharpen his Taoist heart." The voice continued, "Hey, after knowing that you are a Penglai sect, I will not dare to kill you at will. If you offend If you kill me, I will kill you. No one dares to gossip, but there is nothing wrong with you. If you kill me rashly, your parents will definitely come to me and say, can I survive the disaster? "

Shi Xuan felt relieved and replied politely: "This junior has just gone out to sharpen his Taoist mind and look for materials for his natal magic weapon."

The voice was confused for a moment: "Hey, are there any materials that your sect doesn't have? Is it because you can't exchange them, or do you really not have them?"

Shi Xuan answered honestly: "The materials are hard to find. They are Chaos Fish Skin, Two Worlds Divine Stone, Yin Yang Jade Gui, and Void Divine Iron."

"They are really precious and unusual materials. I have never used such good materials when refining my natal magic weapon. Uh." The voice suddenly fell silent, and after a while he spoke: "But I know that there is a place where I discovered the Chaos Fish Skin and the Divine Stone of Two Realms by chance while I was practicing cultivation here. I planned to go and search for it after surviving the catastrophe. How about it, kid?"

No matter what he heard, Shi Xuan felt that there was a malicious smile in this person's tone, so he was about to refuse, but the voice sounded again: "Well, I will be a good person for once and send you there. Hehe, can you get it? , It depends on your boy’s luck.”

So Shi Xuan only felt that his whole body was stiff and unable to move, and then he watched the spiritual stones flying from a distance one by one, forming a wonderful formation around him, which was the teleportation formation Shi Xuan had seen.

After a moment, a burst of white light flashed, and Shi Xuan disappeared from the teleportation array. The voice laughed loudly: "At first glance, this boy is the future true disciple of the Penglai sect. I don't dare to kill him at this time, so I will give you a gift." What a great benefit, there is indeed a Chaos Fish Skin and a Divine Stone of Two Realms, but I didn’t say you could come out from there. The Penglai Sect can’t be blamed for it, hahahaha. Clothes."

(End of this volume)

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