Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 105 Chapter 1 Chapter 2

Chapter 1 The Nameless Cultivation World

After Shi Xuan was restrained by the eerie Yuanshen Zhenren, he used the teleportation array to teleport him out. After the familiar spinning and turning upside down, Shi Xuan felt his eyes light up, but found himself in mid-air. When he was about to float up with a small breeze, he heard a burst of birdsong, and a bird with a head above his head. The tumor-like eagle-like monster attacked him, and the long pointed beak glowed with cold light, and it looked extremely sharp at first sight.

Shi Xuan took a breath, landed quickly, pointed his finger in the air, and a clear light appeared, and then struck at the eagle monster. The monster did not dodge, but actually tried to block Shi Xuan's Shadowless Sword with his body. .

Shi Xuan was surprised and did not change the direction. He just changed the sword technique. The clear light turned into cold light and hit the eagle monster. Although Shi Xuan could only use 10% of his strength, the Wanxiang Shadowless Sword was already at the fourth level of perfection, and could fight even a monk with a small degree of success in the Qi-entraining stage. Therefore, the eagle-like monster screamed and its entire body was hacked. It was broken in two, and the lungs on both sides were frozen into ice, and no blood flowed out. Then it fell like a stone and fell into the small lake below.

It was very strange to control the sword light. After taking action, Shi Xuan had already judged that the strength of this eagle-like monster was at its peak in the out-of-body stage. Its body was hard and difficult to be hurt by ordinary flying swords and magic weapons, but this monster was so stupid. When it comes to forcefully connecting to the All-Seeing Shadowless Sword of the Fourth Heavenly Perfection, the sword will naturally reach the body and be opened without any hindrance.

However, it can also be seen that this stupid bird has never encountered a magic weapon above the third level of heaven, so he came up to it so stupidly.

Shi Xuan fled to the place where the eagle-like monster flew, and saw a spiritual grass growing on the boulder next to a nest on the cliff, emitting seven-color light, which seemed to be one of the raw materials of the Supreme Sensing Pill. Seven-color grass.

At this time, cheers came from the bottom of the cliff: "The bald eagle is dead. I don't know which disciple did it. Let's go up and pick the seven-color grass. This may be exchanged for a Supreme Sensing Pill."

"Brother, forget it, the disciple who killed the bald eagle should be up there, we have no chance." A clear female voice advised.

The senior brother chuckled and replied: "Junior sister, you don't understand. The bald eagle has a body as strong as iron and wings as strong as steel. It is one of the top five monsters in this secret realm. If you want to kill it, don't pay any price. It’s impossible. I estimate that the disciples who killed him must have been seriously injured. Let’s go up and take a look, maybe we can get some bargains.”

The clear female voice didn't want to take risks, but after a few words of advice, she was persuaded by the senior brother and they climbed up the cliff together. There was no flying magic weapon!

When Shi Xuan saw this, he landed on the bald eagle's nest, picked the seven-color grass in his hand, and played with it nonchalantly, secret realm? Could this be the secret realm that the master mentioned? Then which sect's disciples are below? I will wait here. After the senior brother and sister come up, I will ask them carefully. If they don't hide anything and answer well, it is not impossible to give the seven-color grass to them.

A burst of noisy footsteps came, and five or six monks in yellow clothes emerged from the cliff below. Led by a young monk with a smile and a little cold eyes, they looked at the pair of climbing masters. Brother and sister.

"Senior Brother Zhang, those are the disciples of the Zixia Sect. Do they have the strength to kill the bald eagle?" A monk in yellow asked the leading young monk.

The young monk sneered: "Even if it is true, then they have almost used up all their trump cards. We just happened to get some bargains. You must know that the bald eagle is not that easy to kill. My master specially gave me a four-stroke The talisman seal is just to try and see if I can kill the bald eagle."

Another monk in yellow said strangely: "Brother Zhang, why did Uncle Li let you try to kill the bald eagle? You must know that many other spiritual herbs are guarded by second-level monsters. Why bother to provoke this third-level peak bald eagle?" Diao, anyway, it’s just a piece of spiritual grass in exchange for a Supreme Sensing Pill.”

The young monk gave him a cold look: "Does my master need you to nag me about my actions?"

The monk in yellow turned pale and immediately knelt on the ground: "Junior brother, I don't dare, I just asked casually."

"Get up, my master wants to refine the natal magical weapon, so he needs the feathers of the bald eagle. Now it saves trouble, so naturally I go up and get the seven-color grass together." The young monk put on a magnanimous look. Then he looked at the two Zixia Sect disciples climbing above.

After the monk in yellow stood up, he followed respectfully, but from time to time he looked at the back of the young monk with a malicious expression.

Their conversations and expressions could not be seen by the senior brother and sister. Only Shi Xuan's spiritual sense, which was cultivated in the Qi Entraining Stage, could see and hear clearly from such a long distance.

"Zixia Sect? Why have I never heard of it?" Shi Xuan muttered to himself in confusion, further deepening his intention to wait for further questioning.

After a while, the pair of senior brothers and sisters had climbed onto the boulder next to the nest. The man was tall and handsome, with a happy face, and the woman was young and delicate, with a faint look of worry on her face. They were wearing purple robes, but they were stunned. There, they saw a young Taoist sitting in the nest, looking at them with a half-smile, playing with the seven-color spiritual grass in his hand.

After the man was shocked, his eyes became fiery again, but when he looked at the seven-color grass, he raised his hands and saluted: "I don't know which disciple of my fellow Taoist is? I am Gu Yun of the Zixia Sect, and this is my junior sister Fang Xuan."

While saluting, he secretly signaled to his junior sister with his eyes, and immediately pounced when the young Taoist was not paying attention to her reply. Because he judged that this was the monk who killed the bald eagle, and he looked seriously injured - his face was pale, his lips were bloodless, and he must be sitting there recovering from his injuries, which was a good time to strike.

This is because under the influence of the sequelae of Broken Jade Art, Shi Xuan can only use 10% of his strength now, and he is seriously injured, so the pressure of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth on Shi Xuan's body is very little. Gu Yun was overjoyed. Completely oblivious.

However, his junior sister was a cautious and timid person, and she released her spiritual thoughts as soon as she came up. Naturally, she sensed the pressure of spiritual energy on Shi Xuan's body, and her legs were already weak with fear.

Gu Yun pulled the junior sister Fang Xuan a few times. Seeing that the junior sister had not responded, he looked over and saw that the junior sister's face was white and her lips were trembling. He didn't understand why for a moment, and gave his junior sister a heavy tug. Suddenly, the junior sister seemed to wake up, jumped a little, and then knelt straight on the boulder, saying in a trembling voice: "Senior, please forgive me. .”

When Gu Yun heard the word "senior", he reflexively released his spiritual thoughts. He was immediately frightened and fell to his knees. He said to spare his life, but a strange thought flashed through his heart. Didn't this secret realm say that no Qi-entraining stage monks could enter?

Shi Xuan watched their every move in silence until they understood the situation, and then he said calmly: "I have something to ask you. If you answer well, I can't give this seven-color grass to you. You can also Obviously, it is of little use to Pindao. At most, it can be exchanged for some spiritual stones."

After understanding Shi Xuan's words, the two of them were overjoyed. The senior seemed to be the more talkative and generous type, and they immediately said at the same time: "This junior must tell you everything he knows."

"Well, let's get rid of a few bad guests first." Shi Xuan looked at the monks in yellow clothes who were about to climb up.

The brothers and sisters looked back when they heard Shi Xuan's words, but their faces turned pale with fright, and they said to Shi Xuan tremblingly: "Senior, those are disciples from Huang Maple Valley. The leader is Zhang Tai, and his master is also a disciple. Senior Ming Yingqi, he is the most ruthless, predatory and murderous person."

The two brothers and sisters were so frightened that they spoke garbled and confused, but the general idea was conveyed. Then they saw the young Taoist senior take out an ancient bronze lamp and hold it in his hand. Judging from the simple appearance of the lamp, could it be that the seniors also used low-grade magic weapons like me?

At this time, the young monk had already climbed up. When he saw three people on top, he immediately felt strange. But strange was strange. He was not afraid. He was not slow at all, and a green sword light struck at the three of them. , and shouted at the same time: "Take action!"

Several monks in yellow clothes at the back immediately jumped up. In mid-air, there were magic weapons to attack, talismans to attack, fireballs, wind blades, ice beams, and green wood. Then they saw the young Taoist. The ancient bronze lamp in his palm lit up, and eighteen sparks separated from the light, forming a network of fire in front of the disciple of the Zixia Sect, emitting warm light.

Their flying swords, sword rings, thin needles, fireballs, wind blades, ice beams, and green wood, as soon as they hit the fire net, they ended quietly like a mud cow entering the sea. Only a few magical weapons fell to the ground feebly. .

The young monk's pupils shrank, knowing that he had met an expert. He was about to kneel down and beg for mercy to see if there was any chance of survival, when he saw the young Taoist smile slightly, and a few sparks separated from the fire net, and they fell on him extremely quickly. On several people.

Gu Yun and Fang Xuan watched as several monks in Huang Maple Valley screamed in pain and rolled on the ground after the sparks fell on them. In just a few breaths, there were only a few black marks left, as if there was no one there at all. came.

The two of them were so frightened that they knelt down facing Shi Xuan. They no longer thought about Qisecao. They just wanted to leave here intact after answering the questions.

Seeing the performance of the two people, Shi Xuan nodded secretly. The inducement was followed by the coercion of showing off the means. In this way, the possibility of the two concealing things was basically gone. However, Shi Xuan still used the lie detector carefully to avoid concealing anything. , but there is deception.

"I entered this place by mistake. I don't know where it is?" Shi Xuan asked directly, because these two people had no strength to threaten him.

Fang Xuan tried her best to squeeze out a smile: "Senior, you were just in it, and you were confused for a moment. You will understand as soon as I explain it clearly. This is the secret realm in the hands of Zixia Sect, Huangfeng Valley, and Houtu Sect. Now It is the trial for disciples in the out-of-body period that occurs once every twenty years. As long as you find a spiritual grass needed to refine the Supreme Sensing Pill from the secret realm, you can get a Supreme Sensing Pill."

They are all sects that I have never heard of. Could it be that I was sent to another world of immortal cultivation by the real Yuanshen?

Chapter 2 So that’s how it is

Shi Xuan pondered for a moment and decided to ask the truth. After removing their experience of questioning, he said: "I am not a person in the world of immortals like you, and I have never heard of the Zixia Sect, Huang Maple Valley, and Houtu Sect. ”

Gu Yun was shocked: "Senior, are you from the legendary world of cultivating immortals outside?"

"It should be so, but you should first explain the origins of your world of immortality." Shi Xuan did not draw a conclusion first, but waited until everything was clarified.

Fang Xuan said: "Our world of cultivation is located in Yu Yutian. It is a world of cultivation that remained after the great destruction of the ancient times."

It seems that I am still in the great world of Yu Yu, so where is this place? Shi Xuan asked lightly: "Where are you located in Yu Yutian?"

"Senior Mingjian, in ancient times this place was called Wuya Sea Territory. As for now, I don't know how to call it." Gu Yun still knelt upright.

Endless sea? According to the Taoist book Shi Xuan saw, isn't this what part of the inner sea of ​​Falling Star Sea was called in ancient times? Wasn't it destroyed in the Great Destruction? Restraining his curiosity, Shi Xuan said calmly: "Then why did your sea area survive the great destruction?"

Fang Xuan showed a look of reverence on her face: "Thanks to the legacy of the real person Guangyang. At that time, the stars in the sky fell here, which inspired the formation protection of the legacy to protect the sea area with a radius of more than 100,000 miles, and beyond The world will be completely destroyed, and no life will survive.”

Guangyang real person? Isn't it the ancient Yang God who has collected the Chaos Fish and the Divine Stones of the Two Realms and is preparing to refine a yin-yang transformation weapon? Where is his legacy? No wonder the gloomy Master Yuanshen said there would be Chaos Fish and the Divine Stone of Two Realms here!

In addition, thinking about it, although Yang Shen Zhenren could not survive the destruction of space caused by the Golden Immortal War, the falling stars were still within the range that Yang Shen Zhenren could deal with. Naturally, his legacy can protect this sea area.

In this way, Shi Xuan's thoughts were spinning. In the blink of an eye, the two people kneeling opposite did not notice anything unusual about Shi Xuan. They only heard him continue to ask calmly: "Is Guangyang Immortal Mansion still there? "

"Of course it's still there. The high-level magic weapons and elixirs in our world of immortality today all come from Guangyang Immortal Mansion, and it is said that there are magic weapons in it, but the area that can be explored now is only one or two tenths. Others The place is still under the protection of the Immortal Law and is extremely dangerous." Gu Yun's face was full of yearning, and it seemed that he was dreaming about having an adventure in Guangyang Immortal Mansion.

"Pindao once read in a Taoist book that Master Guangyang collected two genius treasures, the Chaos Fish and the Divine Stone of Two Worlds. I wonder which monk with great luck in your world of immortality has obtained these two things?" This is the question that Shi Xuan is most concerned about.

Fang Xuan showed a wry smile: "But there are these two genius treasures, but they are both in the depths of Wanbao Tower. So far, countless seniors in the Qi Qi stage have fallen there for the sake of things in Wanbao Tower. under prohibition.”

"Oh, since it is deep in Wanbao Tower, why do you know about it?" Naturally, the more detailed the information in this regard, the better.

Although Fang Xuan knew that Shi Xuan was a foreign monk, she did not dare to hide it. She looked into Shi Xuan's eyes and said that she was not lying: "Because Wanbao Tower has four floors in total, and the second floor has been explored, and the floor above is filled with top-quality materials. , genius treasures, high-level magic weapons, and spiritual weapons. Many monks have reached the entrance of the third floor, but unfortunately they are unable to enter, but they generally know something about the items inside. "

"It seems that the fourth floor is where Guangyang's magic weapon is?" Shi Xuan deliberately changed the topic.

Fang Xuan answered first again: "Yes, based on the information obtained by the seniors on the first two floors, it is judged that the fourth floor contains the nine-day Yuanyang Ruler, a magic weapon successfully refined by Guangyang Zhenren. As for his portable magic weapon Guangyang Seal, it should be He fell to the outside world together with him. By the way, you don’t know something, senior, because the real person Guangyang has already fallen, and the immortal mansion has been consumed a lot by the falling stars. Among them, the immortal magic ban is getting weaker day by day, so the recent It took millions of years for the restrictions on the first two floors to be broken by the predecessors of the Divine Soul Stage and the Qi Entrainment Stage. The recent births of the Immortal Mansion are a good opportunity to explore the third floor of Wanbao Tower. "Fang Xuan actually connected to Shi Xuan. She said everything she didn't ask, making Gu Yun look at her in surprise.

Shi Xuan was already calm about the name of the magic weapon and raised his eyebrows slightly: "Why did you tell me so much?"

There was a determined look in Fang Xuan's eyes: "Because of the predatory nature of the world of immortality today, even among the three major sects, they bully each other and often secretly kill for a small profit. The seniors come from the outside world and can be so kind. Asking us, instead of directly using the Soul Searching Technique, he also stated that he would give us the seven-color grass. Naturally, I will tell the seniors everything I know to see if I can get more benefits from the seniors. "

It seems that this woman is quite able to seize the opportunity. She cannot imagine the treasures in Guangyang Immortal Mansion in a short time. Since it is not her own, it will not hurt at all to tell about it, and it can also please Shi Xuan. See if you can get any immediate benefits from this seemingly easy-to-talk senior.

When Fang Xuan said this, Gu Yun suddenly realized it and said loudly and excitedly: "Senior, I will also tell you everything." The seniors in the Qi-entraining stage in the sect did not even look at him, but they coveted Fang Xuan a lot. Fortunately, junior sister's heart is with her, so nothing unacceptable happened. Now that she has such an opportunity to benefit from the seniors in the Qi-entraining stage, what else should she care about? !

Fang Xuan spoke so straightforwardly, and judging from the light of her lie detector, she knew she was not telling lies, so Shi Xuan nodded: "If you can satisfy Pindao, Pindao will naturally not be stingy with the benefits. "

Seeing that Shi Xuan was very satisfied with his words, Fang Xuan immediately said: "The outer protective formation of Guangyang Immortal Technique will reach a low point once every hundred years. Only then can monks below the Golden Core stage be allowed to enter. This is dead. I don’t know how many senior monks have come up with this fact, and the next low point will be a year later.”

"But even if the outer protective formation reaches its lowest point, it is still extremely dangerous. It is divided into four major formations: earth, fire, water, and wind. Each time you enter, there are new changes. You must break through them one by one before you can enter the immortal mansion. If you, senior, go alone, you will have a narrow escape. Therefore, in the world of immortal cultivation, we only have at least five Qi-entraining seniors under the leadership of one Divine Soul-stage senior. Even so, a few people will die. " Gu Yun immediately added.

"So, don't those three sects take a lot of advantage?" It is necessary to gather monks, and it is naturally much easier for those sects than casual cultivators.

Fang Xuan nodded: "It is indeed as the senior said, our three major sects have made the most profits every time Guangyang Immortal Mansion is born, but in recent times, the casual cultivators have also been under the auspices of senior Zhao Jingding, the lord of Guanhai City. There is a lot to be gained by bringing our forces together.”

"I wonder how many monks your three major sects send each time?" Shi Xuan knew that with his status, he might not be able to get into the three major sects, so he could only start from casual cultivators.

"Each of our three major sects only has two ancestors of the divine soul stage and about a dozen seniors of the qi-entraining stage, so every time they send one ancestor of the divine soul stage and eight seniors of the qi-entraining stage. As for those who didn't make it, , I will share some benefits with them when I come back. In addition, I will bring seven or eight disciples in the out-of-body stage to explore the way and replace them." At the end of the sentence, Gu Yun was simply indignant.

It seems that these sects are really cold-blooded. Shi Xuan sighed slightly in his heart, but asked: "Is there no golden elixir master?"

"Since the death of those Yin Shen Lords and Golden Pill Grandmasters in ancient times, because they were sealed here, our world of cultivation has never had a Golden Pill Grandmaster. However, if the Immortal Mansion was born recently, the Baicao Pavilion was opened. On the third floor, if you get the Nine Revolutions and Nine Returns Jade Liquid Divine Pill inside, as well as the monster inner elixir collected by Guangyang Master, there is a good chance that there will be another golden elixir master." Fang Xuan said with some yearning, and who doesn't want to achieve success. Where is the golden elixir?

"Being closed here means that you can't leave this world of immortality, and few people can come to this world of immortality?" Shi Xuan's heart sank.

Fang Xuan understood Shi Xuan's thoughts: "That's true. There are space cracks all over the outside of our world of immortality. Although it has calmed down a lot, it is not something that monks below the Yuan Shen can enter and exit. Like seniors, you have to accidentally come to the secret realm before you can From the secret realm to our world of immortality, if the senior knows the space landmarks in other places, it is not impossible to leave from the secret realm by setting up a teleportation array. However, the rules of this secret realm are incomplete and cannot withstand too strong a force, like a normal entrainment period. Seniors can’t enter.”

Shi Xuan smiled bitterly in his heart. He was sent here by the real person Yuanshen, and his strength was less than 10%, so he could reach this secret realm. Otherwise, he might be excluded from this secret realm and die in the void storm: "There is no other Is there any way to leave?"

Gu Yun pondered for a moment and then said: "There is still a way. In our world of immortality, there was once a senior Song Hezi who obtained the method and materials for refining a magic weapon while exploring the second floor of Guangyang Immortal Mansion. Later, he refined it He made a magic weapon called a stargazing disk. He used this magic weapon to prepare to leave the world of immortality through the weakest point in the outer space, but there was no news after that. But a hundred years later, he suddenly appeared again. In front of the world, he was already a golden elixir master at that time, but because he did not achieve the golden elixir in our world of immortality, he is not counted as a golden elixir master from our world of immortality." At the end, Gu Yun explained Fang Xuan's words. One or two.

"Oh, what happened next?" Shi Xuan was very concerned.

"Senior Songhezi suppressed the three sects and enjoyed the worship of the three sects. Unfortunately, later on, relying on his cultivation at the Golden Core Stage, he wanted to take the Nine Heavens Yuanyang Ruler in the Wanbao Tower, so he entered the Immortal Mansion before he was born. During this period, he never came out again. During the subsequent explorations of Guangyang Immortal Mansion, no trace of him was found, but everyone speculated that he should have died inside if he could find Song Hezi. The remains of the seniors should be able to leave our world of immortality after obtaining the astronomical disk." Gu Yun's words made Shi Xuan regain his composure.

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