Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 106 Surprised and delighted

It seemed that Guangyang Immortal Mansion had to be investigated by himself, so Shi Xuan asked about the situation of the casual cultivators: "What about the situation of the high-level monks among the casual cultivators?"

Fang Xuan thought for a while and said: "There are two ancestors in the Soul Stage among the casual cultivators. One is Zhao Jingding, the lord of Guanhai City whom the junior mentioned earlier. The other is the lone Sky-Breaking Sword Lu Lingxiao. Qi Qi seniors and juniors just thought about it, except for the monks who have made breakthroughs in recent years and are still cultivating quietly, there should be only about ten people in casual cultivating.

Lu Lingxiao, who lives alone, doesn't have to think about it. He can only join Zhao Jingding's team of casual cultivators: "What about senior Zhao Jingding?"

Fang Xuan smiled slightly: "I had several adventures when I was young, and after entering the soul stage, I discovered a vein of spirit stone, so there is no shortage of external objects, but he is also a rare good person among casual cultivators. However, there are rumors in private, This senior Zhao Jingding is a man of words and a sword. When he explored the Guangyang Immortal Mansion, only a few of the fellow cultivators returned, otherwise there would be more than just this amount of seniors in the Qi-entraining stage."

Shi Xuan nodded. He had regained his strength when he was at his peak, and with the three Taoist skills in his possession, even if it was difficult to escape calmly, there was still hope that he could survive at a certain price. Could it be that he could still compare to a low-level man like Meng Li? Isn’t he a golden elixir master?

Although he no longer has the Golden Light Escape Talisman and Seal, his Taoism can directly threaten the life of the Soul Stage. However, Shi Xuan did not dare to be careless. Who knew if those monks who had practiced for a hundred or two hundred years had any strange methods, and if he faced two soul-stage monks, he would have no choice but to run away in embarrassment, or even die on the spot, so Shi Xuan He asked lightly: "Then what kind of Qi does Zhao Jing set, and what magical weapon does he use?"

Gu Yun smiled and said: "Senior, this junior knows, because this junior grew up in Guanhai City when he was young. Zhao Jingding's Qi is Guanhai Qi, and the magical weapon is the Wave Sword, which he got from Guangyang Immortal Mansion. Now It’s already more than the sixth heaven, and it’s close to the seventh heaven.”

This Zhao Jingding seems to be very powerful, and his magic weapon is worthy of his strength, which is equivalent to the strength of two divine soul stages.

For general magic weapons, the first to third heaven magic weapons correspond to the strength of the out-of-body stage, the fourth to sixth heaven magic weapons correspond to the three stages of the entrainment stage, and the seventh and eighth heaven magic weapons correspond to the two realms of the soul stage. Therefore, although Shi Xuan cannot exert the full power of the Qianyang Qingdeng, a monk with perfect Qi Entrainment can still fight, and this does not count Taoism.

As for the natal magic weapon, because it is a blood sacrifice and is related to one's own soul, during the magic weapon period, it can challenge the magic weapon of two levels beyond its own restrictions. For example, the perfection of the first heaven is equivalent to the perfection of the third heaven, and the perfection of the sixth heaven is equivalent. Perfection in the eighth heaven, perfection in the seventh heaven is equivalent to a semi-spiritual weapon, and perfection in the eighth heaven is equivalent to a first-level spiritual weapon. When it reaches the spiritual energy stage, the natal spiritual weapon can challenge those at a level higher than itself. The natal spiritual weapon that is perfect in the fourth heaven is equivalent to a magic weapon that has just been successfully refined.

Moreover, if my cultivation reaches the golden elixir stage, there will be no obstacle to the promotion of the natal magic weapon to the spiritual weapon, and it will be much easier to promote the magic weapon. Therefore, these are the reasons why monks attach so much importance and caution to the refining of the natal magic weapon. If you choose When it comes to the natal magic weapon that does not conform to the mind and nature of the practice, there is no difference between that magic weapon and ordinary magic weapons.

As for the quality of the materials used, it is not only related to the highest achievement that the natal magic weapon can achieve in the future, but also related to the power of the natal magic weapon that is successfully refined.

The quality of materials is divided into several grades:

The first level is the innate spiritual object, that is, the spiritual object is disturbed and interrupted in the process of evolving into the innate spiritual treasure, and its innate spiritual prohibition cannot be completely evolved, and several important links are missing in the middle. If it reaches the Hedao stage, You can deduce which links of the restrictions are missing, and then come up with a refining method and use other genius treasures to refine them together. In the process, the innate spiritual restrictions will be reduced and completed, so once refined, Success is a magical treasure.

The second level is acquired spiritual objects. The principle is similar to that of innate spiritual objects. However, its evolution is incomplete and is the ordinary spirit restraint. It can also design a specially designed refining method to cooperate with other genius treasures to convert the spirit restraint in the process. The downgrading is complete, so once it is successfully refined, it will be a phantom magic weapon - because it has not survived the thunder tribulation, it is not a pure Yang magic weapon.

After reading this passage from a Taoist book, Shi Xuan understood that the magic weapon "Heaven, Earth, Mountains and Rivers" attached to "Baolu" was the refining method designed for the acquired spiritual object, the Mountain and River Pearl, in his body. Once refined, It was successfully made, and it was directly a phantom magic weapon. Shi Xuan took a look at the materials above, and found that there were some materials that required high exchange rates for good deeds in the sect, but two main ones were missing: Kunpeng stomach and Phoenix blood. . So Shi Xuan could only watch eagerly.

Both levels are very rare. The total number of births in a universe is estimated to be no more than half a hundred, and among them, only seven kinds of innate spiritual beings have appeared. This is a billion-trillion world!

The third level is a genius treasure, such as the Nine Tribulations Lightning Strike Wood, which itself contains restrictions. With the refining method and other materials, once it is successfully refined, it will be a magical weapon with several heavenly perfections, rather than a blank slate without any restrictions or restrictions. Magical weapon, and the subsequent refining time will be twice as fast as that of the same level.

This is the case with Shi Xuan's natal magic weapon. The Chaos Fish Skin, the Divine Stone of Two Worlds, the Yin-Yang Jade Gui, and the Divine Iron of the Void are all genius treasures. Once they are successfully refined, the Tai Chi Diagram will directly represent the perfection of the five heavens, and the Yin and Yang two gas bottles and The Divine Iron of the Void is the perfection of the fourth heaven.

That kind of sacrificial refining method that cooperates with spiritual objects must be calculated and created by at least the Golden Immortal Taoist ancestor, and this kind of sacrificial refining method that cooperates with genius earth treasures can only be calculated after going through a thunder tribulation, like Mo Yuan The imitation of the Thunder Mirror of the Gods of the Heavens, once successfully refined, will achieve the perfection of the two heavens. It should be a refining method calculated by a real person in the sect in the past, using the genius treasure of the Five Elements Divine Iron as the core.

It's just that the Five Elements Divine Iron is rarely produced. There is none in the sect, and Mo Yuan doesn't get much. He will use it up when refining his own natal magic weapon. Otherwise, he may suggest Shi Xuan directly refine the imitation of the Thunder Mirror of the Gods as a weapon. The natal magic weapon. As for the refining methods of ordinary natal magic weapons in the sect, Shi Xuan didn't like them at all.

The fourth grade is the best materials, such as Yiyuan Crystal Sand, Red Fire Copper, Taiyi True Gold, Western Gold Essence, Taibai Essence, Geng Gold Essence, Ten Thousand Years Cold Iron, Tianhe Star Sand, Star True Core, Five to Eight Tribulations Lightning Strikes Wood, these can greatly improve the quality and power of the magic weapon, making it stronger at the same level and more likely to be promoted in the future.

The fifth level is precious materials, such as Lihuo Jinjing, three to four calamity lightning strikes wood, materials from sixth and seventh level monsters, etc., which can also improve the quality and power of the magic weapon.

The sixth level is high-quality materials, such as ice dripping copper, one to two calamity lightning struck wood, materials from fifth-level monsters, etc.

The seventh level is medium materials, such as materials found on ordinary fourth-level and third-level monsters, fine iron essence, copper, etc.

The eighth level is low-grade materials, such as materials from low-level monsters, refined iron, copper essence, etc.

The ninth level is mortal materials, such as ordinary steel, bronze, etc.

After that, Shi Xuan asked about some situations in the world of cultivating immortals. Gu Fang and Gu Fang both told the truth. For example, the elixirs and herbs that can be used to refine the Taishang Sensing Pill in other places have been collected, and only the three sects have them in their hands. Only the Black Death Swamp produces this secret realm and the extremely dangerous place. Of course, some are also planted in the three sects, but due to environmental problems, the growth is much slower than in these two places. The Black Death Swamp is full of miasma, filth, and extremely dangerous. It is easy to die in it. Therefore, the secret realm has become the fundamental guarantee for the strength of the three sects to surpass the casual cultivators.

"Then when and where did you leave this secret realm? Are there any monks guarding it outside?" Shi Xuan planned to take advantage of the chaos when they left to sneak out together. It would be best not to alert the guardian monks, so that he could easily blend into the casual cultivators. Let’s enter Guangyang Fairy Mansion to hunt for treasure.

Fang Xuan said respectfully: "Senior, this secret realm is attached to the Gale Valley. Its operating rules make an entrance appear every twenty years. The three major sects took this opportunity to arrange formations at the entrance to maintain an entrance. Month. After we enter through the formation, we collect mature elixirs and herbs, and then we can activate the formation outside at a fixed time one month later and pass through the entrance. If the senior wants to go out, he will have to wait until seven days later. There are two Qi-entraining seniors from each faction outside." Then she told Shi Xuan the specific location of the entrance.

Shi Xuan nodded: "I'm very satisfied with what you said about me. Here are two fifth-level Talisman Seal Script Golden Blade Divine Wind Slash, which can be regarded as rewards for you. The same goes for these seven-color grass." After speaking, Shi Xuan took out two pieces of gold. The talisman of the Blade Divine Wind Slash was casually refined by Shi Xuan when he was in seclusion, in order not to become unfamiliar with the talisman skill.

Gu Yun and Fang Xuan were overjoyed: "Thank you, senior, for the gift! Thank you, senior for the gift!" The fifth-level Golden Blade Kamikaze Slash can be used as a trump card during the out-of-body stage. Under a sneak attack, even monks who have not yet mastered the ability to draw Qi must also Suffer a lot, even die. If this senior can create a fifth-level talisman with one move, he is at least a master at entraining qi!

"Well, I have one more thing to say to you." Shi Xuan said calmly.

The two looked at Shi Xuan happily to see what the generous senior had ordered. If they could do it, they might be able to get some precious things.

"Senior..." The two of them only saw black whirlpools appearing in Shi Xuan's eyes. The more they looked, the more dizzy they became, and the more they looked, the more dizzy they became, and finally they really fainted.

Shi Xuan saw the two fainted, leaving the seven-colored grass beside them, and then turned into a breeze and fled towards the entrance.

After a while, Gu Yun and Fang Xuan woke up leisurely and looked at each other. They didn't understand why they fainted while picking the seven-color grass.

Suddenly, Gu Yun shouted in surprise: "Junior sister, the Seven-Colored Grass is right next to you!" After saying that, Gu Yun saw that his junior sister was motionless and worried, so he crawled over by himself, picked up the Seven-Colored Grass and looked around. After confirming that it was really a seven-color grass, I safely put it in the storage bag.

At this time, Gu Yun had time to see why his junior sister was motionless, but he saw that his junior sister was holding a talisman and was stunned there, so he pushed Fang Xuan: "Junior sister, what talisman are you looking at?"

Fang Xuan suddenly woke up and trembled: "Brother, look at this talisman and the pattern. It should be the ancient cloud seal. I'm afraid it is the fourth or fifth level!"

Gu Yun was startled. Just as he was about to snatch it from his junior sister's hand and take a look, he found that there was also one where he had been. He picked it up and looked at it carefully for a long time before murmuring: "I'm afraid there really are four or five levels." !”

Fang Xuan's face turned pale and she said: "I'm afraid something terrible will happen. Senior brother, let's put the talisman away and don't tell anyone! Treat it like nothing happened!"

Gu Yun gritted his teeth and said, "That's how it should be, otherwise those guys will be concerned about it." After putting the talisman away, Gu Yun was surprised to see three magic weapons on the ground not far away! Already too frightened, he pointed there: "Junior sister, junior sister, do you think there is a magic weapon there?"

Fang Xuan walked over and took a closer look, and her face suddenly turned paler: "This is the Azure Light Sword, a magical weapon belonging to Zhang Tai of Huang Maple Valley. I have seen him use this magical weapon to kill Houtu Sect disciples before. How come it is left behind now?" it's here?"

The two looked at each other and both felt that what happened today was too weird. They were really surprised and happy. Gu Yun said in his heart: "Junior sister, I think the knife wheel and the fine needle are good. It happened to be our magic weapon a few days ago." It was damaged by the venom of the one-horned snake. Why don't I ask for the knife wheel and you want the thin needle? As for the green light sword, let's not touch it to avoid causing trouble." After speaking, Gu Yun leaned down and picked up the knife. Come round.

Fang Xuan nodded in agreement, picked up the needle, and did not dare to stop here. She and Gu Yun quickly climbed down the cliff and disappeared into the distance.

The two of them only felt that there was nothing more wonderful and weird in life than today.

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