Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 108: Effortless

The Black Dragon Swamp is only eight or nine thousand miles away from the Wild Wind Valley. With Shi Xuan's long magic power and amazing speed, he saw the big island filled with black miasma in less than two days. There is a market to the east of it. There are many sea ships docked at the wharf, which should be used by monks in the out-of-body stage who venture here.

Shi Xuan didn't stop, looked at the lighter part of the black miasma, and escaped directly into it.

The surrounding trees were tall and leafy, but they were all black, looking strange and eerie. Shi Xuan took out the Ecstasy Flag and released black light to protect his whole body. At the same time, he was also exploring the limit of the miasma and filth that the Ecstasy Flag could absorb. Under the same conditions, Shi Xuan was naturally willing to collect more ferocious and terrifying miasma and filth.

The black miasma here is still very peaceful. At least Shi Xuan doesn't need the ecstasy flags and infuriating energy. With his strong body, he can pass without hindrance, so Shi Xuan walked toward the center of the woods where the black miasma was thicker.

While slowly moving forward, I accidentally encountered several monks in the out-of-body stage who were using magic weapons to protect their whole bodies. They were walking in the woods. When they saw the power of Shixuan's ecstasy flag, they all left with greedy and regretful expressions.

After walking for a quarter of an hour, the black miasma became thicker and thicker, and the trees began to become sparse. It seemed that they were about to walk out of the woods. Sure enough, it didn't take long before a huge swamp with some low shrubs appeared in front of it. The black miasma emitted from this swamp, but the black miasma was far lower than the ferocious limit of the miasma that the Ecstasy Banner could absorb, so the stone Two green clouds floated under Xuan's feet, and he lifted his body up and slowly advanced towards the depths of the swamp.

At the beginning, you can still see those monks in the out-of-body stage using magic weapons to protect their bodies, looking for spiritual herbs and elixirs on the edge of the swamp, and occasionally fighting with monsters in the swamp. As Shi Xuan went deeper and deeper, the miasma became more and more fierce, and it was almost impossible to see the monks in the out-of-body stage.

Suddenly, a cry of "Help! Help!" came from the front. It was a rather immature female voice. Shi Xuan Lingjue looked over and saw a handsome man in white using pink zhenqi to clothe a miasma-free area. In the space, he was pressing on a pure and delicate girl of fifteen or sixteen years old, but he did not use force, as if he was waiting for something.

After a while, the young girl seemed to be affected by the pink zhenqi, and her exposed skin became flushed, and her cry for help became quieter and quieter, until finally it was as thin as the sound of a flute, and the man in white laughed: " My peach blossom energy is indeed extraordinary, I have been in seclusion for several years, so I am going to enjoy it greatly!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he had a look of horror on his face, and then he saw a shallow clear light that was invisible to people piercing through his chest. It was the Wanxiangwuying that Shi Xuan had emitted since he heard the cry for help. The sword, when the man in white was burning with desire, passed through the thin pink Qi silently and stabbed into his back.

After the man in white was severely injured, he still had to muster the remaining strength to run away. Unfortunately, the white light emitted from the stars on Shi Xuan's ecstasy flag froze him in place, and his face was dull. At the same time, the white light also fixed the immature girl who was beginning to have sexual feelings.

Shi Xuan walked slowly to the man in white, stretched out his right hand, pressed it on his Niwan Palace, and used the Soul Searching Technique. It is natural to use such a cautious method for the first time to use it on a monk in the Qi-entraining stage.

It turns out that the man in white is a famous lone prostitute in the world of immortality - Lianxiangxiyu Sun Bufan. He had an adventure a few years ago and broke through to the stage of entraining qi, so he retreated in the Black Dragon Swamp, separated a trace of peach blossom miasma from the miasma, and practiced Peach Blossom is so angry. After a few years, I finally came out of seclusion successfully. Because he was so hungry and thirsty, he snatched a beautiful girl from the market and took her to a deserted place deep in the swamp. He was ready to enjoy it, but unfortunately he met Shi Xuan.

Shi Xuan secretly nodded. This thief is so in line with his requirements, because he is a thief who is despised by thousands of people. From his memory, it can be seen that those who know him do not know that he is a thief, but they know that he is a thief. They don't know him, and since he has just broken through, no one knows what kind of Qi he has cultivated, so it is perfect to use him as an imposter.

Sighing, Shi Xuan took Sun Bufan's storage bag, and according to the method in his mind, he took out his signature magical weapon, the Peach Blossom Fan that has reached the fourth level of perfection - it can attack, defend, and release. Peach blossom is full of lust.

Thinking of pretending to be a prostitute in the future, Shi Xuan felt overwhelmed. He threw the women's bellybands, obscene clothes, jewelry, etc. in the storage bag onto Sun Bufan, who had become an idiot after the soul-searching technique, and took out A bright green lantern, a spark fell on it, and after a while, there was no more Sun Bufan in the world.

As for the young and beautiful girl, Shi Xuan used the Ecstasy Flag to brush away the pink zhenqi from her body. At the same time, she fainted, and then turned into a breeze and sent her back to the inn where she was staying in the market. .

Two quarters of an hour later, the young and beautiful girl woke up faintly, then her face turned pale and her eyes were red. She looked around and found that she was still in the guest room. Shouldn't she be deep in the Black Dragon Swamp?

She hurriedly checked herself up and down and found that she had not lost her virginity. Then she breathed a sigh of relief and calmed down. After a while, she didn't know what to think of. Her cheeks turned red and she spat with gleaming eyes: "It's all Xiu'er's little prodigal hoof." I had such an inappropriate dream after showing them those inappropriate pictures yesterday. Yunyan, how could you have such a shameful dream! Still in the Black Dragon Swamp! How shameless!"

Then she was a little lost and bit her white fingers lightly: "That feeling is so strange, and the embrace in the breeze is so warm. Oh, Yunyan, what are you thinking! Is it really like Xiu'er said, that I am a heavy drinker?! "


After Shi Xuan returned to the depths of the Black Dragon Swamp, he continued to move in. After a while, the miasma and foul air became thicker, almost reaching the limit of the ecstasy flag's ability to absorb the miasma and foul air. However, Shi Xuan was not willing to give in, because if the foul air chose If it is not fierce enough, you will have to look for it again when the number of ban levels increases in the future. It is better to choose one that can be used for a while.

So Shi Xuan took out the Qianyang green lamp and held it in the palm of his hand. A small bean-like light in the bronze lamp emitted thousands of rays of light. The miasma and filth around him seemed to have met its nemesis. It immediately rolled back, leaving a full radius of space. the empty space inside.

Miasma refers to the mixture of the rotting air of trees and leaves over the years and the rotting air of dead people in the swamp with the earth's air. The miasma refers to the accumulation of resentment, unwillingness, hatred and other emotions of the dead people during their lifetime, which finally become real. The gas is then mixed with Yin Qi and rotten gas.

The miasma and filth outside the blank area kept rolling and expanding, as if there was an extremely powerful demon inside. Shi Xuan continued to move forward indifferently, and from time to time the black light of the Ecstasy Flag was flashed to test whether it had reached the limit of the Ecstasy Flag.

Suddenly, a black dragon shadow flew out from the rolling miasma and foul air in front, and rushed towards Shi Xuan with teeth and claws. Although he was still afraid of Qianyang Qingdeng, he came to kill him regardless.

Shi Xuan smiled slightly and immediately understood. This situation meant that there was an evil spirit here, and it was a real dragon evil! No wonder this place is called the Black Dragon Swamp. It should be that many years ago, a black dragon died in the depths of the swamp, and after a long period of evolution, it turned into the evil spirit of the real dragon. The outer edges of the swamp were affected by the evil spirit of the real dragon and turned into miasma and filth. It's there.

It's a pity that the real dragon evil is useless against Shi Xuan. If it is a white tiger evil or a yin and yang evil, Shi Xuan can borrow the evil spirit and the matching gang energy to turn the true energy into a liquid, which greatly shortens the time spent on nine turns of the true energy and turning the gas into liquid. time.

The green lamp in Shi Xuan's palm suddenly lit up, and a bit of light spread out, contaminating the black dragon shadow. The black dragon shadow rolled in the air, constantly absorbing the miasma and foul air nearby, trying to extinguish the Qianyang True Fire.

Shi Xuan did not continue to separate the lights, but waited until the black dragon shadow extinguished the initial Qianyang True Fire and became extremely weak. The Ecstasy Flag brushed out a white light and fixed it in place. Then Shi Xuan's face straightened. All the black light on the ecstasy flag came out, surrounded the black dragon shadow, and pulled it hard.

During the process, the black dragon shadow escaped from the white light several times to fix its soul. Unfortunately, Shi Xuan's ecstasy flag still had thousands of white lights waiting for it, so naturally it could only be absorbed into the ecstasy flag.

After that, Shi Xuan used the method of refining the evil spirit with the Ecstasy Flag, converting the Samadhi Divine Wind True Qi in his body into Yin and Yang Qi. From time to time, he sprayed out a puff of black Yin Qi on the Ecstasy Flag, while shaking the Ecstasy Flag frequently to activate the energy inside. Prohibition.

After a long time, Shi Xuan let out a sigh of relief and waved the ecstasy flag. Suddenly, there was a large formation of black foul air within a few hundred feet, with a dragon shadow circling and dancing in it.

According to this method, Shi Xuan captured eight more evil spirits containing the scattered souls of the black dragon. He did not stop until the ecstasy flag could no longer hold it. After that, he absorbed the surrounding miasma and foul air. After all, the great formation of inverted enchanted evil spirits cannot only contain the black dragon. Evil spirit.

It took Shi Xuan more than a month to capture the black dragon and absorb the evil energy. At this time, the inverted and enchanting formation of foul energy could even trap a monk who was accomplished in entraining energy to death. The restrained magic weapon also has to suffer a lot inside.

Shi Xuan was not in a hurry to go to Guanhai City. Instead, he found an inn near the Black Dragon Swamp and concentrated on retreating to heal his injuries. It was not until two months later that both the sequelae of Broken Jade Art and the injuries caused by Meng Li were completely recovered. , then controlled the breeze and flew to Guanhai City.

Guanhai City is not far from the Black Dragon Swamp, and it can be regarded as a remote corner of the world of cultivation, so Shi Xuan soon arrived at the island.

This is an island covered with spirit stone veins and metal veins. It was after Zhao Jingding discovered this secret after the Soul Stage that he established Guanhai City on this remote island and became a figure that rivals the three major sects.

In fact, in this world of cultivation, there are many metal veins suitable for flying swords, but there are very few other mineral veins and materials. Therefore, except for the magic weapons obtained from Guangyang Immortal Mansion, most monks use swords, knives, and needles. Magical weapon.

Shi Xuan looked at the huge stone city with formations below, at the numerous monks and mortals coming and going, and at the bustling scene in the city. He sighed slightly and took out the peach blossom that had broken Sun Bufan's mark. Fan, take it in your hand and drop it towards the city gate.

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