Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 109 The legendary thief

——Khan, I just discovered a big mistake when reading the book review section today. In the first volume, Xu Tianqi should have called Shi Xuan Junior Brother Du. I changed the content in the eighth chapter of the first volume to read, Shi Xuan asked Xu Tianqi to be outside. He calls himself by his pseudonym Shi Xuan in front of others. Yes, you are welcome to point out any mistakes. What a shame.

Shi Xuan was dressed in white clothes and holding a folding fan. He looked like a carefree and elegant young man. After landing at the city gate, he swaggered towards Guanhai City.

The two monks guarding the city saw that Shi Xuan was flying in without using a magic weapon. They knew that Shi Xuan was a senior in the Qi-entraining stage. Although they did not know him, they did not dare to stop him. They only sent one person to report to the city lord's palace.

There were many monks and mortals coming and going in the city, but when they saw Shi Xuan, they all hurried to both sides and stood respectfully. There was a big road in the middle for Shi Xuan to walk. This is because Shi Xuan released the spiritual pressure of the Qi Entrainment Stage without any scruples, and anyone who passed by him could feel the pressure like a roaring wind.

Suddenly, Shi Xuan gathered up the folding fan, tapped it on the palm of his left hand, smiled slightly, walked two steps to the left, walked up to a delicate girl, put the folding fan against her chin, and tilted her lowered head frivolously. He stood up and showed a hint of teasing evil smile: "Girl, I want to go to the City Lord's Mansion. I wonder if you can lead the way?"

The delicate girl's face was white and red, and she was about to cry. The white part was because she was scared, and the red part was because she was embarrassed. At this time, she said in a crying voice: "Senior, please follow this road. Turn left, turn left, and you’ll reach the end. I, I have something to do, so I can’t lead the way?”

The companion of the delicate girl also came to her senses, stood up suddenly, and stood in front of her. There was fear in her voice but she was still calm: "Senior, she is not familiar with the road. It is better for me to lead the way." But it was. A simple and honest young man.

Shi Xuan was secretly amused in his heart, but he still had to go to the end of the show. He retracted the folding fan and gently opened it, one by one in front of him: "We just saw that this girl is as beautiful as a fairy, so we let her lead the way. You man, where do I want to go?" use?"

The senior's explicit words shocked everyone around him. They had seen seniors in the Qi Qi stage who had sex and raped women in private, but they had never seen them preparing to rob civilian girls in Guanhai City in broad daylight. Yes, is this guy so horny?

The delicate girl burst into tears and shook her head tremblingly: "I, I won't go, I won't go."

The honest young man showed a determined expression: "Senior, this is Guanhai City, and the city has its own rules. Although you are a senior in the Qi-Entraining Stage, you don't have the ability to act arbitrarily in Guanhai City. If you want to lead the city today, Come on Zhixuan, just pass over my body."

Shi Xuan continued to show that evil smile that begged for beatings: "Oh, I don't believe that the city lord would come to trouble me for two young monks who are in the training stage. Do you think it will be troublesome to kill you? To tell you the truth, I want to You can’t live, you can’t die.”

As soon as these words came out, the honest young man just turned pale and still did not take a step back, but the delicate girl Zhixuan suddenly knelt on the ground and cried: "Senior, please, let him go, A-Lin He didn't mean it." He cried and moved forward step by step: "Senior, if you let him go, I, I will go with you."

The honest young man A Lin leaned down and hugged Zhixuan: "No, I will never let you be insulted by him."

"But, but, I don't want you to die. You have to live well."

"We will die together!"


The two just hugged each other and cried together, completely forgetting that there was a lustful senior watching there. Shi Xuan gently shook the folding fan and looked at the young couple on the ground with a smile on his face. He was completely immune to the contempt, hatred and curses around him. Well, after this experience, the relationship between the two children will go further, right? However, why haven't the city lord's guards come over yet?

"Stop the thief!" A clear female voice sounded from behind, conveying a murderous intent at the same time.

Shi Xuan held back the folding fan and spread his hands, indicating that he had not touched it at all.

The sound of stomping footsteps came, and a petite girl walked up to Shi Xuan. The frost on her face could not hide her natural beauty. She had big eyes and a beautiful nose, surrounded by light blue energy, and her pink lips were lightly parted. : "How dare you, the pervert, do evil in my Guanhai City!" He was followed by several tall guards, one of whom was a majestic young monk in his twenties who also showed light blue Qi. Two Qi-Entraining Stage monks were dispatched, but there were only three Qi-Entraining Stage monks in Guanhai City.

Shi Xuan showed an innocent expression: "The young man just asked for directions and asked this girl to lead the way. Why did he do something evil?"

"You, you still dare to quibble, what's going on with them?!" The petite girl pointed at the young couple crying on the ground.

Shi Xuan sighed: "Young students are also very surprised. How come they can cry so hard when they ask for directions in Guanhai City, then ask her to lead the way, and at the same time refuse the young man's request to lead the way. Girl, how about you? Let me lead the way. By the way, I don’t know what your last name is yet. Looking at your beauty, I think your name is also full of poetry.” At the end of the sentence, he looked at the girl with an expression of admiration.

In fact, the identity of this girl is easy to guess. There are only three monks in the Qi-Entraining Stage who can represent Guanhai City. The only woman among them is Zhao Jinyu, the daughter of Zhao Jingding, the lord of Guanhai City. She broke through to the Qi-Entraining Stage at the age of twenty-six. Of course, a genius monk cannot do without Zhao Jingding's supply of countless elixirs and spiritual stones.

Zhao Jinyu was so angry that her face turned red. She pointed at Shi Xuan and was speechless. Seeing this, the handsome young monk stepped forward and shouted, "You lecherous thief, you still have the nerve to ask me the name of my junior sister?"

"Oh, I can't ask. Then I will guess. This fairy must be the precious daughter of Senior Zhao Jingding, the genius monk Zhao Jinyu, who is rarely seen in a thousand years. Jinyu, Jinyu, is really poetic and picturesque. Wow, she is indeed a flawless jade. This skin, this appearance..." Shi Xuan seemed to be not affected by the other party's malice at all, and was completely teasing.

The handsome young cultivator was furious, and was about to attack with his true energy blazing. Zhao Jinyu quickly stopped him, took a deep breath, and said to Shi Xuan coldly: "My fellow Taoist, please be kind. I wonder what you are doing in my Guanhai City? If you come to make trouble, please take care of yourself, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless." Shi Xuan waved his folding fan again, grinning: "Originally, I heard that the city lord was sincerely recruiting talents to prepare for the birth of Guangyang Immortal Mansion in a few months, so I came here as soon as I came out of retreat. Now, I have another private matter." Zhao Jinyu's face was still ugly: "So you are a Taoist who has just broken through, no wonder you are a little too proud. By the way, what is your private matter? If it is related to my Guanhai City, it is better to tell it." " Of course, I have to say that when I saw Miss Jinyu today, I felt that the past few decades of my life seemed to have been wasted. Miss Jinyu, your beauty, your temperament, your words and smiles, even if you frowned, deeply moved me. "Shi Xuan completely ignored Zhao Jinyu's several words: "Shut up!" "Shut up, you lecher!" With an emotional look on his face, he continued to say: "So, I plan to ask the city lord to marry Miss Jinyu when I see him later." As soon as the voice fell, Shi Xuan shook his folding fan, and a green true qi mixed with pink miasma collided with the light blue true qi that came over. Finally, a strong wind burst out from the collision point and blew in all directions, blowing back the low-level cultivators and mortals who were watching for several steps. The crying couple also woke up and looked at the scene in front of them with a blank face. Shi Xuan looked at the handsome young monk opposite him, who was on the verge of a fight, and Zhao Jinyu and other guards behind him, who were full of hatred, disgust, and disgust: "Why would he be beaten to death for asking to marry Miss Jinyu? Men should get married when they are old enough, and women should get married when they are old enough. I am still single, and Miss Jinyu is not engaged yet. It is a match made in heaven. Oh, you hit me again!"

The green true qi mixed with pink miasma blocked the attack of the handsome monk again. Shi Xuan laughed secretly in his heart. This guy must be the legendary Lei Guangyao, the second disciple of Zhao Jingding, who was in love with Zhao Jinyu and broke through the Qi Induction Stage in his thirties. He flirted with his sweetheart in front of him, no wonder he couldn't help but attack.

Zhao Jinyu resisted the urge to chop the rapist into pieces, and looked at Shi Xuan coldly: "What's your name, fellow Taoist? My father is waiting for you at the City Lord's Mansion."

Shi Xuan waved his folding fan, ignoring Lei Guangyao's murderous eyes, and smiled at Zhao Jinyu: "Miss Jinyu, I am Sun Bufan, and I am right to be kind to you!" As he spoke, he put away his folding fan and saluted solemnly, of course, only to Zhao Jinyu.

Huh, there were gasps all around, all the aunties, grandmas, young women, and girls took a step back and covered their faces with their sleeves, as if they would lose their chastity if they looked at Shi Xuan. Even the ignorant five or six-year-old girl was pulled back a few steps by her mother, and then her eyes were covered by her mother's palms. She asked strangely in a childish voice: "Mom, why can't I look at that uncle?"

Her mother lowered her head and patted her gently: "If you look at it, you are not a good girl, and no one will want you in the future."

"Oh." The little girl nodded as if she understood. It turned out that if she looked at that uncle, no one would play with her in the future. Thinking of the miserable situation, she was overwhelmed with grief and burst into tears: "Wuwuwu, Xiaoxiao just looked at the uncle, and no one will play with Xiaoxiao in the future."

The rest of the male monks and mortals, after reacting, were curious and squeezed forward, all wanting to see what this legendary rapist looked like. It is said that since his debut, he has harmed thousands of women.

Zhao Jinyu couldn't hide his deep disgust and relief on his face: "So it's Brother Sun, you are really worthy of your reputation! It's better to meet in person than to hear about it!"

Shi Xuan gently waved his folding fan, standing in the middle like a gentleman in the world, and was happy to accept the curious, disgusted, hateful, and disgusting eyes around him. He smiled and bowed: "It's all because of your kindness. I still need to work hard."

Everyone was speechless. This guy's face was probably comparable to the perfect defense magic weapon of the fourth heaven.

Zhao Jinyu suppressed the rolling disgust and disgust, and looked at Shi Xuan coldly: "Since Brother Sun came here for the matter of Guangyang Immortal Mansion, please follow. At present, we have gathered nine Daoists in the Qi Induction Stage in Guanhai City."

After saying that, he didn't even look at Shi Xuan, led the guards, and went ahead with a cold face. Only Lei Guangyao looked at Shi Xuan with hatred and an enemy-like look, and then followed him up.

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