Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 110 Lord of Guanhai City

Shi Xuan spread his hands to everyone with an innocent expression, then waved his folding fan and followed Zhao Jinyu and the others with a smile on his face, walking slowly towards the city lord's mansion.

As for the young couple who woke up, they glanced at each other. The pretty girl Zhixuan lightly hit the honest boy A Lin on the chest, looked at him with jealousy and said: "Don't be brave in the future, you have to take care of yourself first."

The honest young man Arin smiled comfortingly: "Isn't it okay? You are not allowed to sacrifice yourself to plead for me in the future, otherwise I would rather die."

Zhixuan lowered her head slightly, blushed, and responded in a low voice: "I understand."

Seeing Zhixuan's beauty, A-Lin was extremely happy. However, when he looked up and saw the figure in white that was about to disappear at the bottom of the street, he felt great worry again. He was in a daze for a while, with a look of determination on his face. , looked at Zhixuan and said solemnly: "Zhixuan, I want to be more powerful!"

"Eh?" Zhixuan looked up at him in confusion.

A Lin showed a doting smile: "Si Zhixuan, I mean, I want to protect you!"

"I don't want your protection!" Zhixuan hit Alin with a red face.


Lei Guangyao walked in the middle of the team with hatred and murderous intent in his heart. If it hadn't been related to the master's treasure hunt in a few months, he would have killed the scoundrel and adulterer on the spot today. He would have been skinned and cramped and couldn't vent his resentment.

Suddenly, a white and soft little hand stretched into his palm. He felt warm in his heart. He tightened it quickly and looked to his side. However, when he saw that he was sad, his junior sister quietly slowed down and walked side by side with him.

Zhao Jinyu felt that his senior brother's big hands were extremely warm, and a bright red flushed on his face. He forced himself to look ahead calmly, and said to himself in the air in front of him: "Jinyu also deeply hates that lewd thief, what are you worried about, senior brother? Besides, That thief still dares to force Jin Yu to do it."

Lei Guangyao knew that his junior sister was extremely shy and did not look at her. He also looked at the air in front and said to himself: "That thief is just a scoundrel and disgusting. He will just kill him after the incident in the Immortal Mansion. What I am most worried about is that the same will happen to my senior brother." I have fallen in love with you, and the senior brother has profound cultivation, has already perfected the Qi guidance, and won the master's favor, I'm afraid..."

The blush on Zhao Jinyu's face never faded, and he continued to look at himself and said to himself: "My senior brother and I grew up together, and I just treat him as an older brother. As for my father, I will tell him after the incident in the Immortal Mansion. , Senior brother, please don’t think too much.”

"But when practicing the formation, you have to hold hands and use the secret method of embracing all rivers to make the formation eyes. I hate that I am not cultivated enough and can't be taught the secret method of embracing all rivers like my senior brother." Resentment appeared on Lei Guangyao's face. It turned out that today Such hatred and murderous intent were revealed, and it was an explosion of emotions that lasted for many days.

Zhao Jinyu lowered her infinitely beautiful little head and said in an inaudible voice: "Didn't I ask you to do it?"

Lei Guangyao sighed and said affectionately: "Then I will hold you tight and keep moving forward."

Shi Xuan walked slowly behind the guard. After performing like this today, and adding the peach blossom fan, no one should doubt that he is Sun Bufan, and making the gods and ghosts hate him is his goal, so no one is willing to fight with him. If you are close to yourself, you will have fewer opportunities to discover secrets.

However, it would be troublesome to wait for the city to give a few maids to serve and warm the bed mainly because of its good nature and womanizing. One is that after being influenced by beauties such as Ming Qingyue, ordinary vulgar fans can't even look down on her. Secondly, who knows if any of these maids have been enchanted by someone so they can spy on themselves. So the best way is to refuse directly. As for what excuse to refuse, you have to think a lot.

Just when Shi Xuan was thinking of an excuse, the magnificent City Lord's Mansion appeared in front of him. Zhao Jinyu let go of his hand and walked quickly into the mansion to report, leaving Lei Guangyao and others standing at the gate with Shi Xuan.

Lei Guangyao naturally had nothing to say to Shi Xuan, and Shi Xuan also put on a folding fan and looked like he was not a beauty and ignored her. Then there was a strange silence at the door of the city lord's mansion.

Fortunately, Zhao Jinyu was a monk in the Qi-entraining stage, and he was very fast. He quickly turned around, looked up at the sky with a contemptuous expression, and said lightly: "My father invited fellow Taoist Sun to come to the hall to talk."

Shi Xuan smiled and leaned forward: "Then please lead the way, Miss Jinyu. Well, it smells so good." He took a deep breath of the sweet scent of Zhao Jinyu. Completely ignoring Lei Guangyao's murderous gaze.

Zhao Jinyu glared at Shi Xuan bitterly, her face turning red and white. It took a while before she could hold it back and strode towards the house.

Shi Xuan also walked hurriedly, always very close to Zhao Jinyu, but not so close that he was touching. He shouted along the way: "It smells so good!" "Miss Jinyu, are you born with body fragrance, or do you use some kind of fragrance?" pink?"

Zhao Jinyu was so angry that she almost made a move, but Shi Xuan was still one or two steps away from her. At most, he could only say it lightly, but there was no actual move, so he just said coldly: "Fellow Daoist Sun, still... It’s better to be careful in your words and actions, otherwise you may be speechless one day.”

Lei Guangyao also caught up and was about to grab Shi Xuan's shoulder. Shi Xuan spun his steps and dodged his attack. He said without restraint: "If I can get Miss Jin Yu as my wife, I can't say anything." I accepted the words.”

Zhao Jinyu knew that the more he talked to this lewd thief, the angrier he became, so he tightened his face, said nothing, and walked straight to the hall. Lei Guangyao said: "I hope your cultivation, Fellow Daoist Sun, is as good as your mouth."

Shi Xuan shook his head and smiled, tapping the folding fan lightly without answering. It seemed that Lei Guangyao was not in his eyes at all, and followed Zhao Jinyu to the hall.

As soon as he entered the hall, Shi Xuan saw the elegant middle-aged man dressed as a scholar sitting at the head of the hall. He was wearing a silk scarf and a brocade robe, with regular features and a gentle smile: "This should be Sun Bufan, Fellow Taoist Sun." Well, I didn’t expect that after disappearing for a few years, it would break through to the entrainment stage.”

Shi Xuan understood that the man in front of him who had no aura of a monk was Zhao Jingding, the city lord of Guanhai City and a great master in the Soul Stage, so he straightened his expression and saluted respectfully: "Junior, I met Senior Zhao. I had some adventures in the past few years and luckily made a breakthrough. At the time of entrainment, as soon as I came out of Deguan, I found that the day of the birth of Guangyang Immortal Mansion was coming. I also heard that Senior Zhao was recruiting loose cultivators to plan big things, so I came here to see if I could follow your example, Senior Zhao. ”

Although he has to pretend to be a frivolous and shameless thief, Sun Bufan is not a fool, and he will be so slutty in front of Zhao Jingding. On the contrary, Sun Bufan is very smart. Since he debuted, he has attacked many women, but none of his victims are the same as those of Zhao Jingding. It’s clear that those monks in the Qi-Entraining Stage and Soul-Entraining Stage have something to do with it. Only recently when I was out of seclusion, I was so horny that I randomly found a young and beautiful girl without investigating the other person's background.

Zhao Jingding nodded with satisfaction. This thief seemed to have some self-awareness. To be honest, if he was the kind of person who didn't have self-awareness, he would have died several times before he could achieve the Qi-Entraining Stage: " Fellow Daoist Sun is being polite, I am licking my face to occupy the position of leader, but I still have to rely on the help of everyone to make it happen. Fellow Daoist Sun has come all the way, and I am not ready to welcome you." Then he stood up and pointed. The ten monks sitting under him said: "I'm here to introduce fellow Taoist disciples Sun."

"This is Fellow Taoist Gao Xing. His karst true energy is extremely domineering, and his Yanghuo Sword is also unique." Zhao Jingding pointed at a bald man. The man just glanced at Shi Xuan lightly and raised his hand perfunctorily. .

"This is Fellow Daoist Hu Xingwu. He is good at using flying swords. His black iron energy is also very powerful." This is an extremely arrogant young man who always seems to have his head raised. He just nodded slightly at Shi Xuan's salute. .

"This is Fellow Daoist Liu Heng, Liu Heng. The Demon-Subduing Pestle and Demon-Breaking Qi are both famous in the spiritual world. Fellow Daoist Sun should have heard of it." Liu Heng was a thin, middle-aged man, and he was indifferent to Shi Xuan's salute. Extremely.

Shi Xuan thought to himself that the previous performance had already spread. These long-famous Qi-entraining monks looked down on such frivolous and shameless juniors. Although they could also do some murderous things, but They all feel that they are more upscale than Shi Xuan, a perverted thief.

"This is Fellow Daoist Hu Jiayu. Her pink gauze, floral skirt and girlish energy are also outstanding. You two should get closer and closer." This is an extremely charming and scantily clad female monk. He looked at Shi Xuan with seductive eyes: "I have heard of Fellow Daoist Sun's name for a long time. In the future, we will have more competitions, hehe, let's see who is better." As for how to compete, everyone present could hear it.

"I don't dare, I don't dare." Of course Shi Xuan didn't want to have a fight in bed with this guy who was called a witch. He was not the real Sun Bufan, and he didn't know how to have peach blossoms and true energy. When the time came, he would be miserable if his essence was collected. .

"Is that the peach blossom fan you have in your hand, Bufan?" Hu Jiayu asked lazily, calling her by name directly.

As soon as Shi Xuan shook the folding fan, a pink miasma was revealed: "It is exactly this peach blossom fan, but the sacrifice is not enough, so it has to go to the fourth level." Sure enough, there are still some people who are worried about their true identity and want to check something out.

Hu Jiayu came over and took a sip, her face flushed, and she moaned softly: "It is indeed a peach blossom fan, and it is a good prop to add to the fun."

Shi Xuan smiled bitterly: "I told my sister to make fun of me."

Hu Jiayu smiled and said: "Why can't you let go of Bufan? Aren't you so interested in teasing the little girl outside? Do you think you don't like me, sister?"

Seeing the doubtful looks in some people's eyes, Shi Xuan shook his folding fan and sighed: "My younger brother is practicing a secret technique, which requires abstinence for three years. It is my favorite to tease little girls, but I can control it when it comes to the critical point. My sister is so beautiful, Very charming, I'm afraid I won't be able to bear the temptation."

Hu Jiayu enjoyed Shi Xuan's compliment and covered her mouth with her gauze sleeves and chuckled: "Then my sister has been waiting for you for three years. I wonder what kind of secret skills she has learned?"

After Shi Xuan gave his excuse, he had already thought of the technique, so he said calmly: "It is a secret technique on the path of lust. After practicing it, you can arouse the other person's lust with just your eyes. You can even use it directly when it comes to Taoism." The look in your eyes makes the other person pregnant.”

Although this kind of secret method sounds scary, there are many weird secret methods in the world of cultivation. Everyone showed relieved expressions, thinking that they had given up their intention to interrogate, but most of the monks snorted heavily and looked at Shi Xuan was quite disdainful for practicing this shameless secret method. The only ones who did not express their disdain were Hu Jiayu and another handsome man with a pale face.

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