Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 111 Everyone has their own agenda

——Thanks to Frankwangh friends for the tip.

"Sister, I'll have to see it in the future." Hu Jiayu stretched out her pink tongue and gently licked her red lips before sitting back down.

"This is my young disciple Linghong. He has mastered my Guanhai Qi, using the Passing Water Sword. I would like to ask fellow Taoist Sun for your guidance." This is also a young monk with a handsome appearance, but unfortunately he is very decadent. His face is... His lips were covered with stubble, and he held a small wine bottle in his hand. He took a sip from time to time, but he still respected Zhao Jingding. When he saw the master pointing to him, he immediately stood up to salute. After the salute, he immediately sat down to drink. For Shi Jingding, Xuan was not interested in anything.

"My fellow Taoist has so much magical power that I can't match it." Shi Xuan was polite and didn't care what this decadent guy was thinking.

"The previous five were all monks who had perfected Qi-inducing, and these three are Taoist friends who have achieved great success in Qi-inducing. This is Taoist Jiao Zhige Jiao. He is also very good with loess zhenqi and Xuanwu seal." Zhao Jingding pointed to an immortal wind A cultivator with a Taoist character and a childlike face, he just nodded lightly to Shi Xuan.

"This is fellow Taoist Jin Shijie. He has mastered the Netherworld Soul-Calling Qi, making him a nine-section bone whip. He can be regarded as an outstanding figure in the recent spiritual world. He is to be feared in his later life." This is the handsome man with a pale face. He He smiled slightly at Shi Xuan, with a cold air in his smile.

Shi Xuan had heard a lot about him. He was cruel, ferocious, and a cannibal. He was also sexually promiscuous, but he had hundreds of concubines in his care. Among these people, he was the one who was most accepting of Sun Bufan's status as a prostitute. However, he looked down upon Sun Bufan's cultivation that he had just achieved.

"This is Fellow Daoist Xue Yingzhen. The Ice Qi and the Snow Soul Sword complement each other and are extremely powerful." This was a cold and beautiful girl with exquisite facial features and a tall and plump figure. She showed obvious disgust towards Shi Xuan.

Shi Xuan secretly glanced at her while pretending to salute, which caused her to give her a cold look, and then he looked at the two monks behind him with a smile.

"These two, as well as my second disciple and my daughter, are just as accomplished as Taoist Master Sun. This is Taoist Master Xu Zhaolin. He has developed a body of green wood true energy, which is the longest and longest, and he has nine wooden evil swords. That's incredible." This was a silent middle-aged man with a green face, who also just nodded slightly in greeting.

"This is fellow Taoist Liang Qingqing. Baihua Zhenqi, Splendid Palace Lanterns, and Colorful Ruyi are all famous among our casual cultivators. Fellow Taoist Sun should have heard of them." This is a pure and charming girl with a beautiful country. When she sees Shi Xuan looked over and uncomfortably lowered his head to play with the ring, with the same disgusting look on his face, but with a hint of shyness.

Shi Xuan saluted with a smile, "Fellow Daoist Liang's name has been deeply engraved in my heart for a long time. Every time I think of the fragrant fragrance of the flowers' true energy at night, I toss and turn and find it difficult to fall asleep. When I see it today, it is even better than I imagined. I am really overjoyed. I am so happy. Seeing that Fellow Daoist Liang is not very old, he should not be able to compare with Sun. I wonder if I can boldly call him Sister Liang."

This Liang Qingqing is considered the goddess in the hearts of most low-level monks in the casual cultivator. She is pure and beautiful, shy and silent, and is surrounded by flowers and fragrant with the fragrance of her true energy.

Liang Qingqing's face suddenly became embarrassed, and it took a long time before she said with gritted teeth: "No, fellow Taoist Sun should be addressed as fellow Taoist." The other male monks all had sneers on their faces. They had never seen such a frivolous and despicable person, in a woman's eyes. The bones in front of me are a little too soft.

The several female monks had different reactions. Hu Jiayu's charming smile remained unchanged, she was just watching a show. Xue Yingzhen's face became colder and her disgust became more and more expressive. Zhao Jinyu showed a look of disdain. This lewd thief Sure enough, when you see a beautiful woman and praise her, the words in your mouth cannot be taken seriously.

Shi Xuan wanted to tease him a few more words, but when Zhao Jingding looked over at him, he immediately stiffened his spine and said seriously: "That's very good. Please continue to introduce me, Senior Zhao."

Zhao Jingding laughed and said, "Fellow Daoist Sun should already know these two. This is my second disciple Lei Guangyao, who uses the Jinghai Sword. This is my eldest daughter Zhao Jinyu, who uses the Jade Dragon Sword. They both have just achieved success in channeling Qi. You need to communicate more closely.”

"Yes, I will have a close communication with Miss Jinyu." Shi Xuan looked at Zhao Jinyu, smiled what he thought was handsome, and let out three cold snorts, one from Zhao Jinyu, one from Lei Guangyao, and one from that person. The decadent young man Ling Hong.

"Fellow Daoist Sun, except for my disciple's daughter, there are nine other monks here. You are the tenth. Please tell me what kind of Qi you practice and what kind of magic weapon you usually use. After all, we will practice formations later, and everyone needs to cooperate. ." Zhao Jingding sat back in the front seat and asked Shi Xuan in a friendly tone.

No wonder Zhao Jingding introduced it in such detail just now, introducing each monk's true energy and magic weapon one by one. It turns out that it is because they need to practice formations, and they cannot cooperate effectively if they are not familiar with each other.

Shi Xuan did not hide anything: "I have practiced the Samadhi Divine Wind Zhenqi, using the Wanxiang Shadowless Sword and the Peach Blossom Fan." However, the matter of Zhenqi cannot be hidden from others.

"It turned out to be the Samadhi Divine Wind True Qi passed down from ancient times. Fellow Taoist Sun, it's really good luck and a good opportunity." Zhao Jingding, who had always been calm and indifferent, also praised slightly in surprise. The other monks had different expressions, but most of them were surprised and envious.

Zhao Jinyu, Xue Yingzhen, and Liang Qingqing all snorted slightly, with ugly expressions on their faces. They probably couldn't figure out why such a dirty thief had such good luck to obtain the ancient true biography. Hu Jiayu's eyes were shining, her pink lips were slightly open, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

You must know that in the world of cultivation here, there has not been another Jindan Grand Master for who knows how many years. Many sects have long since declined. Most of the various techniques evolved from the ancient true methods and have no longer regained their original power. Only a few are still ancient. The most powerful ones have become the true successors of the three major sects.

Of course, as the restrictions in Guangyang Immortal Mansion were cracked layer by layer, many jade slips of the techniques were circulated, which made up for the shortcomings of many people in practicing the techniques. However, only the first few levels have been cracked, and the techniques that have been circulated can only be regarded as second-rate, and are incomparable with ancient true traditions like Shi Xuan.

However, none of the monks doubted Shi Xuan. Although it was a coincidence that he encountered the practice method of Samadhi Divine Wind Zhenqi in Yu Yutian, it was not difficult to understand. Instead, it was an extremely normal thing. Therefore, after Zhao Jingding finished praising, He regained his indifferent expression: "It seems that Fellow Daoist Sun is preparing to focus on swordsmanship. Please show it to me tomorrow. Of course, all the fellow Daoists will also show it to you, Fellow Daoist Sun. The sooner you get familiar with it, the better you can practice the formations and strive for safety." Pass through the four levels of earth, fire, and feng shui.”

Shi Xuan nodded and smiled: "Everything is at the command of Senior Zhao."

Zhao Jingding told Lei Guangyao: "Guangyao, please take Fellow Daoist Sun to another courtyard to rest, and arrange for a few maids who are knowledgeable and interested to go over and serve you. Although Fellow Daoist Sun cannot be sexually attracted to women, he is definitely willing to raise his eyes."

Shi Xuan could only agree with a smile: "That's right, Senior Zhao was thoughtful." Regardless of other people's faces, he said goodbye to the beauties one by one, and then left with Lei Guangyao.


After Shi Xuan left, the Qi-Entraining Stage monks also said goodbye one by one. Gao Xing and Hu Jiayu lived in a similar courtyard, so they walked side by side.

When he reached a certain rockery, Gao Xing used his spiritual sense to check around, and then asked with a bad expression: "Is that person really that perverted thief Sun Bufan?"

Hu Jiayu's bumpy figure pressed tightly against Gao Xing's ear, breathing softly in Gao Xing's ear: "What, my friend, are you jealous? I'm just testing it out. You know, since I followed you, there has been no one else. "

Gao Xing shook his bald head: "The main reason is that the boy looks so disgusting. By the way, has the test come out?"

"The Peach Blossom Fan is indeed real, but if you rob something like a magic weapon, you can't be sure at all. Who knows if he is the real Sun Bufan. Anyway, no one has seen the real Sun Bufan. He said it is That's Nuo." Hu Jiayu pouted slightly.

"Aren't you afraid that there is something wrong with him?" Gao Xing said this without any emotion on his face.

Hu Jiayu covered her mouth and chuckled: "Hehe, what's the matter? Anyway, it is confirmed that it is an entrainment period, which can enhance the power of the formation, so that we can successfully pass through the outer formation of Guangyang Immortal Mansion. As for getting inside, that's it. It depends on your ability. I’m afraid everyone will have ghosts by then, and your enemies will be the same, right?"

Gao Xing showed a ferocious smile: "That's true. If we can't find the elixir to break through the soul stage this time, the two of us won't be able to live for another twenty or thirty years. When the time comes, hehe, I want to see that damn thing What's the point of this kid?"

"It's not just you and me. I bet that nine out of ten of those guys today have this kind of plan. Even the sanctimonious Senior Zhao is the same. I'm afraid he has other ideas." Hu Jiayu rarely spoke seriously.

"Hmph, he has a clever plan, and I have a conspiracy. We want to see who is the winner in the end!" Gao Xing hugged Hu Jiayu and chewed on her face.

Hu Jiayu smiled coquettishly: "My friend, it's so itchy. Let's go back to the yard and do it. People are coming and going here."

"Okay, but I'm warning you, don't get close to that nasty thief in the past few months." Gao Xing said fiercely.

Hu Jiayu chuckled: "Are you afraid that people will fall in love with that lewd thief? Oops. People only like tall and burly people like you, and they don't like pretty boys like you. Speaking of which, the Samadhi Kamikaze Qi is really good. It's a pity. "


The inner management office of the city lord's palace.

The middle-aged woman sitting on the chair was drinking a cup of fragrant tea, looking at the eight beautiful maids standing in a row in front of her, and then said lightly: "The city lord has sent a message, choose two from you. Serve Senior Sun Bufan."

The eight maids suddenly turned pale. The news that Sun Bufan, the pervert, had come to the city lord's mansion had already spread throughout the mansion. The maids were all worried about being selected to serve this pervert. It would be like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth, and there would be no luck. . How could I not be frightened when I heard that Manager Shen wanted to choose from the eight of his own.

Just when the eight maids were looking pale, their palms were sweating, and their whole bodies were shaking, Manager Na Shen said leisurely: "You must think clearly, that is a senior in the Qi-entraining stage. A little leakage between his fingers is enough for you." If you live a life of wealth and honor, you may even acquire some skills and embark on the path to immortality, and your descendants will no longer have to work lowly for a living.”

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