Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 112 Some surprises

The next one to demonstrate was Lei Guangyao. He looked at Shi Xuan with contempt. The blue sword light was also extraordinary. This Jinghai Sword with more than five layers of heaven, coupled with Guanhai Qi, even outlined a scene of the sea in the air. Unlike Ling Hong's exquisite swordsmanship, this was to use the characteristics of Qi and the power of magic weapons to suppress people with continuous offensives. Zhao Jinyu looked at her lover's performance and was dazzled. When it was her turn, she woke up and took out her own six-layer perfect Yulong Sword. Suddenly, the jade-colored sword light of the Yulong Sword was as graceful as a swimming dragon and as moving as a startled wild goose. Against the background of the light blue Guanhai Qi, it seemed like a real dragon swimming in the sea. It was hard to tell that Zhao Jinyu's swordsmanship was also quite good. When Ling Hong watched Zhao Jinyu's demonstration, his eyes showed deep love. He was no longer sad when he saw Zhao Jinyu's affection for Lei Guangyao just now, and drank the small wine pot that seemed to always have wine. After Zhao Jinyu finished her demonstration, she also looked at Shi Xuan with contempt, and then walked to her father Zhao Jingding. Zhao Jingding touched his nose and smiled bitterly: "My little girl is naughty, and her swordsmanship can only be regarded as compromise. I am sorry to make you laugh. I will show you my skills below, so as not to be accused of being rude as the host."

"Sister Jinyu's swordsmanship is superb. I like it so much that I can't wait to laugh at it." Shi Xuan looked at Zhao Jinyu with a flattering smile, and after causing the other party to snort heavily, he continued: "And Senior Zhao, you have great magical powers. It is my blessing to see it."

Zhao Jingding smiled without answering. The light blue true energy around him rushed into the sky, and actually formed a turbulent sea of ​​true energy within a radius of dozens of feet. The waves that madly beat the surrounding space made loud noises from time to time, which made the faces of all the cultivators present frightened.

Although it was not the first time for other cultivators except Shi Xuan to see it, they would sigh involuntarily every time they saw it, sighing at the power of the Soul Stage to control the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, sighing at the huge gap with the Soul Stage, and sighing at the shallowness of their own cultivation.

As for Shi Xuan, even the Grandmaster of the Golden Core Stage had seen it once or twice. Although Meng Li did not use his full strength at the beginning, the pressure of the Soul Stage alone could make it difficult for him to turn his thoughts, and it was difficult to use the true energy and magic. His performance was many times better than Zhao Jingding.

So what he was amazed at at this time was not the power of the Soul Stage, but a little surprised. Shi Xuan looked at Zhao Jingding with a solemn expression. When he entered Guangyang Immortal Mansion a hundred years ago, he had just entered the Soul Stage. In the past hundred years, it was rumored that he had always stayed in the realm of "the combination of spirit and soul". However, according to Shi Xuan's knowledge, Zhao Jingding should have reached the perfection of the realm of "the combination of soul and spirit" to be able to control such a large range of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and was only one step away from the Golden Core. Sure enough, rumors cannot be trusted!

Zhao Jingding seemed very satisfied with the expressions of other cultivators. With a finger, a deep blue sword light broke out of the sea, as if gathering all the waves of that sea of ​​true energy, and rushed towards the stone wall opposite. With a roar, the stone wall several dozen feet high was shattered to pieces without even a powder. This was not an ordinary stone wall, but contained the essence of fine iron.

"My wave sword now has exactly seventy layers of restrictions, which is not bad." Zhao Jingding smiled faintly.

It seems that the information provided by Gu Yun is outdated. This wave sword is not more than six layers of heaven, but more than seven layers of heaven! With the perfect cultivation of the soul stage and the wave sword close to the perfection of the eighth layer of heaven, it is no wonder that the three major sects let Guanhai City do whatever it wants.

The expressions of other cultivators changed again. They were no longer just sighing and envious just now, but shocked, solemn, and pale. It seems that Zhao Jingding should not have shown his power today before, and today he showed it to take the opportunity to establish his power and suppress the sneaky thoughts in everyone's hearts.

After looking around with satisfaction, Zhao Jingding put away the Wave Sword, stood back, and then extended his hand to invite: "Please show me something, Brother Sun."

In the demonstration just now, all the cultivators were very reserved. At least no one knew whether those magic weapons were the cultivators' life magic weapons, otherwise the power would be several times greater. As for Zhao Jingding, the Wave Sword was taken from Guangyang Immortal Mansion, and it was definitely not his life magic weapon. According to the time calculation, his life magic weapon was at least six times the sky, and its power was probably much better than the Wave Sword.

After hearing what Zhao Jingding said, everyone looked at Shi Xuan, with a relaxed look of curiosity, contempt, and ridicule on their faces. They thought that they didn't think this shameless rapist would have any real ability, especially since this rapist had just achieved a small success in inducing qi. Most of the time, he was just lucky enough to get the ancient true teachings, which led to his current achievements. He himself had nothing to recommend him.

This look was especially common among Zhao Jinyu, Xue Yingzhen, Liang Qingqing, Lei Guangyao, Ling Hong, and Gao Xing.

Shi Xuan didn't care at all. He walked to the center of the martial arts hall in a leisurely manner. The green true energy on his body appeared. The surroundings were suddenly whistling with strong winds and yellow sand. Suddenly, a clear light flew out from it, drawing a mysterious trajectory in the air, stirring up cold winds, whirlwinds, strong winds, and hurricanes from time to time. The sword energy was crisscrossed and seemed unstoppable.

As Shi Xuan performed swordsmanship, the relaxed and mocking expressions on the faces of the monks who watched gradually converged and became more and more solemn. Among them, Hu Xingwu and Ling Hong, two swordsmanship masters, were cautious and showed fighting intent, as if they wanted to jump into the field to compete with Shi Xuan in swordsmanship.

Zhao Jinyu was surprised. He didn't expect that this rapist's swordsmanship was so good, almost on par with the eldest brother. It seems that he is not without merit. You must know that this kind of swordsmanship cannot be cultivated by talent alone. Without persistence and hard practice day and night, there is no hope at all.

Lei Guangyao had an unpleasant expression on his face. He didn't expect that this lecherous villain's swordsmanship could be better than his.

Xue Yingzhen's face was still as cold as frost, but her disgust for Shi Xuan was greatly reduced. It doesn't mean that she no longer hates this lewd thief, but she has more respect for people with real abilities.

Liang Qingqing made no secret of her exclamation, her eyes flickered, and it was dark and unclear, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Hu Jiayu's face was not only dignified, but also touched her bright red lips with her white and tender fingers, showing a look of interest, while Gao Xing's expression was half solemn and half contemptuous. The solemn thing was that this hateful boy was so good at swordsmanship. Given time, He might not be the next Sky-Breaking Sword Lu Lingxiao, but what he despises is that this kid can only draw Qi to a small level, and his flying sword can only reach the fourth level.

Before Shi Xuan demonstrated, he had made up his mind that it should be neither high nor low. Not high means that the methods used as trump cards should not be exposed at all, such as the three Taoist techniques, Qian Yang Qing Deng, and Qing Jade Thunder Clothes and Jade Pendant, so as not to cause other problems. The monk's excessive attention will be disastrous when it becomes the target that everyone wants to get rid of before they can rest assured.

Not being low means that other monks should not be overly underestimated, lest they be treated as cannon fodder or insignificant chess pieces at the pass of the formation. Similarly, when you have opinions, others must listen carefully. So this requires Shi Xuan to show some strength that can threaten most monks, but is not a very big threat.

Putting away the Wanxiang Shadowless Sword and looking around at the expressions of the monks, Shi Xuan was very satisfied. This display of swordsmanship made these monks no longer look down upon him, but they also would not take him too seriously. After all, his swordsmanship It's just that he is on par with Hu Xingwu and Ling Hong, but his cultivation level is two small levels behind.

The only thing that Shi Xuan couldn't see through was Zhao Jingding's expression, which was still so indifferent and calm. Presumably, with strong strength as a guarantee, Shi Xuan's little swordsmanship was not in his eyes.

"Sister Jinyu, my swordsmanship is not bad." Shi Xuan quickly walked up to Zhao Jinyu and showed off proudly.

Zhao Jinyu's surprised look faded and she regretted in her heart. Just now, she thought that this lewd thief might have some merits, but now it seems that even if he has good swordsmanship, he is just a piece of scum! He kept a straight face and stopped replying, knowing that once he replied, it would be endless entanglement.

Two snapping sounds broke Zhao Jinyu's embarrassment, "Not bad." Zhao Jingding clapped his hands lightly, "I didn't expect Fellow Daoist Sun to have such swordsmanship, no wonder he wanted to go to Guangyang Immortal Mansion. Now let me explain the formation to Fellow Daoist Sun. "This time when casual cultivators were recruited, many of them were consummate and accomplished ones. The only monks who had a small degree of success in inducing qi were Xu Zhaolin and Liang Qingqing, who had good magical weapons. There were several other casual cultivators who had a small degree of success in inducing qi. The idea was to wait for another hundred years before going there. After all, they were not yet a hundred years old. Besides, there was still hope of buying it from the monks who had benefited from it.

"Please give me some advice, senior." Shi Xuan also restrained his expression, fully showing his respect for Zhao Jingding and his yearning for Guangyang Immortal Mansion.

Zhao Jing told Shi Xuan in detail about this formation called "The Great Formation of Ten Thousand Currents Returning to the Sea". The greatest function of this formation is to gather the power of other monks in the formation to the monk at the eye of the formation. This allowed all the monks to gather their strength to fight against the protective formation of Guangyang Immortal Mansion.

Except for the formation eye, this formation is very easy to learn for other monks in the formation, so Shi Xuan quickly learned how to integrate his own energy into the formation.

There are two formation eyes at this time, because each formation eye in the formation can drive up to six monks. One of the formation eyes is Zhao Jingding, both in terms of cultivation and prestige.

The other formation eye is jointly held by Ling Hong and Zhao Jinyu. The reason is that they have a secret technique of combined attack - the method of embracing hundreds of rivers, which can connect two people with the same true energy into one, and improve Ling Hong's perfect cultivation level again. Among the monks, they were only lower than Zhao Jingding, so they were appointed as the formation eyes. Although the other monks who had perfect Qi guidance complained, they had no choice but to accept it.

The next time was naturally spent practicing various changes in the Wanliu Guihai Formation every day. In the eyes of outsiders, although Sun Bufan, a pervert, was not unfaithful towards the two little maids in his room, he was teasing Zhao Jinyu, Xue Yingzhen, Liang Qingqing, on the other hand, enjoyed it endlessly, which proved that he could only look at women but not lust after them.

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