Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 113 Ready to go

——Thank you to classmate Yang Wenli for the reward and continued support, as well as the support of friends Qingqiu Yangui, the voting king.

Zhao Jinyu's reaction to this was initially a cold look, and then he couldn't help but take action. Finally, after realizing that the pervert was temporarily incapable of committing crimes and could only tease him with his mouth, he treated him with silence and turning a blind eye, which was quite effective. Not bad.

Xue Yingzhen, on the other hand, said nothing from the beginning and directly greeted him with the Snow Soul Sword, allowing Shi Xuan to fully appreciate the strength of a Qi-inducing cultivator. Whether it was the quality of Qi or the level of the magic weapon, it was higher than Shi Xuan's. One chip.

Liang Qingqing usually ignored Shi Xuan's explicit teasing. If she was just chatting with him normally, she would occasionally reply with a sentence or two. Her beautiful eyes were looking forward to her appearance, and she showed a moving smile, which made Shi Xuan have to show an outstanding expression of soul-giving and kindness. .

During this process, Lei Guangyao would always rush forward to take action. Unfortunately, his strength was inferior to that of Shi Xuan, so he was unable to vent his anger for his junior sister. As for Ling Hong, he just watched coldly from the side. Shi Xuan was furious, feeling that if Zhao Jingding hadn't taken care of Zhao Jingding's treasure hunt, he might have directly fought with him to the death.

Of course, Shi Xuan would not be stupid enough to tease his daughter in front of Zhao Jingding, and he also worked very hard when practicing the formation. Now the Wanliu Guihai Formation has begun to take shape, and it is majestic when used.

Hu Jiayu occasionally teased Shi Xuan, and then covered her mouth and smiled charmingly when Shi Xuan dodges.


At night, in the room.

Shi Xuan sat cross-legged and was breathing in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. The cyan Qi emerged from his body. It was much thicker than when he first succeeded in drawing the Qi. This was because Shi Xuan had completed the Qi transfer. The samadhi kamikaze energy in his body was compressed again.

The nine turns of Zhenqi are also an increasingly difficult process. The first six turns only take about three to five years, while the next three turns take anywhere from ten to thirty years depending on personal efforts, qualifications, and skills. So Some monks turned to elixirs for help, and some monks turned to the evil spirits of heaven and earth, just to save a little time.

The green zhenqi in Shi Xuan's body suddenly contracted, then expanded, and then contracted again. It became more and more violent with the rhythm of Shi Xuan's breathing. Finally, Shi Xuan took a sudden breath, as if it had turned into a funnel with no limit. , the aura of heaven and earth from the entire room, and even the entire courtyard, converged on him.

After a few breaths, Shi Xuan, who seemed to have turned into a statue, let out a fierce breath, which only caused the tables and chairs in the room to fly across the room, making bursts of noise. The green Qi on his body reappeared, but it was thicker than before. Some.

There was a gentle knock on the door, and then two sweet voices shouted anxiously: "Senior Sun, what happened?" But it was Bi Wen and Zi Tan who were sleeping in the next room who were shocked by the movement in Shi Xuan's room. woke up.

"It's nothing, just come in and clean up." Shi Xuan finished adjusting his breath and said calmly. Within one year, his true energy had changed twice, which is considered within the normal progress.

The two little maids pushed the door open and came in. Seeing the messy scene in the room, they looked at Shi Xuan with some surprise and uncertainty. They didn't know how this perverted thief behaved like this. Could he be possessed? However, the two of them did not have the courage to ask a monk in the Qi Entrainment Stage about his cultivation status. They each lowered their heads and started to clean up the room where debris was flying and tables and chairs fell to the floor.

The two women arrived in a hurry, so they only wore a large robe over their obscene clothes. At this time, they bent down to pick up things, but they exposed the infinitely beautiful scenery on their chests.

Shi Xuan looked at it with admiration and thought of the past few months. After Bi Wen and Zi Tan failed to seduce them repeatedly in the first month, they were disheartened and did not make any seductive moves anymore. Shi Xuan enjoyed peace and quiet.

I remember once hearing two women crying relative to each other in the room.

"We are still innocent, why do those people look at us like this?" Bi Wen sobbed angrily.

Zitan said coldly with a crying voice: "I chose to serve this perverted thief. What difference does it make if I am innocent or not? Didn't you think about it when you stood up?"

Bi Wen sobbed twice: "I thought about it, thinking about losing my innocence. In exchange for the benefits, I just let them talk, but now there is no benefit."

"Brother Xiao Zhong came to see me a few days ago and said that he believed that I did not come to serve this thief voluntarily and that he was willing to wait for me." Zitan sighed and said quietly.

Bi Wen stopped sobbing and asked curiously: "Then how do you answer? Ah Zhong is so infatuated, he is considered a good match."

"I told him that I volunteered. I don't want my child to have to serve others in the future. I want him to become an upright hero. Now that I have the opportunity, I don't want to let it go." Zitan's voice was hollow, as if he was not talking about himself. "Brother Xiao Zhong turned pale, looked at me desperately, then spit, turned around and left."

Bi Wen was silent for a moment and said with a wry smile: "Why did you stand up? I know it's not that reason. My elder brothers and younger brothers always look forward to embarking on the path of immortality and becoming monks who are soaring in the clouds and aloof, because I am in I work as a third-class maid in the city lord's palace. Every time I go home, they look at me with expectant eyes, hoping to get the secrets of immortality from me. But third-class maids like us have no chance to come into contact with the secrets of immortality. We can only do it again and again. I let them down once. Growing up, my elder brother loved me the most, and my younger brother was also very attached to me. Thinking of them, I stood up in a fit of enthusiasm that day, hoping to get a book of exercises that would give them what they wanted. , As for myself, I can just find someone who doesn’t dislike me and marry me in the future.”

Zitan hugged her legs and sat on the bed, and said calmly: "My parents died young and I have no brothers. Only Brother Zhong is the only one in the world who treats me well. He is just an ordinary handyman and can only practice some superficial kung fu, so he always expects He hopes to save up money to buy a good book of martial arts, enter the out-of-body period as soon as possible, and become a deacon in the mansion. However, his talent is average, and the mansion will not give him immortal skills at all. , I’m afraid he will save his money until he is old. Seeing him always depressed, I can’t help him at all. If I have the chance this time, I will give it a try.”

"Then if you act like this, isn't Azhong more sad? More depressed?" Bi Wen was very puzzled.

"Relationships don't survive time. A few years ago, Mi Xiang and Manager Shen's second son were inseparable. After they were forcibly separated by Manager Shen, the two of them sought death and survival several times. But look at it now. I have encountered people who are not marrying, but who are marrying. I don’t want to be too happy after getting the secret book of immortality. Brother Xiao Zhong will be prosperous in a few years, build a big house and marry a beautiful wife. , How can I still think of these sad things?" Zitan said calmly.

"But, but, that dead lecher, what kind of lewd is he? What kind of pity is there for the fragrant jade? I think it's more like burning the harp and boiling the crane!" Bi Wen cursed bitterly, feeling sad and started to cry again, Zitan I also shed tears silently.


After cleaning up the room, the two women quietly left. Shi Xuan also took his mind back and thought about the birth of the Immortal Mansion more than ten days later.

In the past nine or ten months, Shi Xuan's true energy has not only improved twice, but his innate magical powers have also reached the sixth level. His strength has improved a lot, and he has become more confident about matters in the Immortal Mansion.

Within two or three days, Zhao Jingding should start to prepare the monks, and then set off to the deep sea abyss where the Immortal Mansion was born.

Sure enough, on the third day after Shi Xuan broke through to the second level of Qi, Zhao Jingding invited the monks to the hall to talk after finishing practicing the formation.

"Fellow Taoists, the day when Guangyang Immortal Mansion is born is getting closer and closer, we should also set off to the abyss." Zhao Jingding said with a smile.

"City Lord Zhao, when the Guangyang Immortal Mansion was born last time, some of us either just reached the Qi-entraining stage or have not yet broken through, so we have never gone there. Please tell us about the things inside. After all, we all work together Cooperation can also bring more benefits." Gao Xing was the first to stand up and reply.

"That's the truth." "That's true." Liu Heng, Jiao Zhige and others nodded in agreement.

Zhao Jingding picked up the tea cup and took a sip: "I am just about to tell you fellow Taoists."

"Thank you so much, City Lord." Gao Xing sat down with a beaming face, and the other monks, including Shi Xuan, were also attentively preparing to listen to Zhao Jingding's narration.

"The four major formations of earth, fire, water, and wind change every time. They are different every time. When we entered the immortal mansion last time, we followed the order of fire, wind, water, and earth. There are the Samadhi God Fire Formation and the Soul-Blowing Soul Formation. , Black Water Bone Corroding Formation, Yellow Sand Sky Formation, and when we enter this time, there is a 80% chance that we will not encounter these formations, so I will only briefly talk about them. If we really encounter them, it will be the greatest luck among great blessings. There are enough preparations to ensure that everyone can get through safely." Then Zhao Jingding briefly explained the four formations.

All the monks also nodded in agreement. It is known to everyone that the formations are different every time they enter Guangyang Immortal Mansion. The casual cultivators cannot be like the three sects, who can use the formations they encounter every time. The method is described in detail and passed down to the younger generations - after the younger generation is familiar with it, the possibility of encountering familiar formations is very high.

After Zhao Jingding finished talking about the four formations, he continued: "After passing the outer guardian immortal formation, it is where Guangyang Zhenren preaches. After that, there will be four roads, one of which goes to Wanbao Pavilion, one to Baicao Pavilion, and one to the classics library Fellow Taoists, you need to think carefully and make a choice, but there is no way to go to Baicao Pavilion to fight for the treasure after getting it in Wanbao Pavilion, because these roads can only go forward and not back, otherwise it will be thunderous. When the body dies and the path disappears, both sides of the road are also extremely dangerous, even more dangerous than the outer guard formation. "

The next monks looked at each other, and finally Gao Xing stood up: "I wonder which way the city lord is going to take?"

"I will naturally go to Baicao Pavilion to see if there is a chance to compete for the Nine Turns and Nine Returns Jade Liquid Divine Pill." Zhao Jingding raised his chin slightly proudly.

"This junior is willing to go with the city lord." Five voices sounded at the same time, namely Gao Xing, Hu Jiayu, Liu Heng, Jiao Zhige, and Xu Zhaolin.

"I want to go to Wanbao Tower to find a flying sword." Hu Xingwu, a cold and arrogant man, stood up and expressed his attitude.

"Qingqing is also going to Wanbao Tower to find some materials to refine the natal magic weapon." Liang Qingqing said shyly.

"I'm going to Wanbao Tower too." Jin Shijie raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"Junior and sister Qingqing have the same goal." Shi Xuan looked at Liang Qingqing flatteringly.

The last person to speak was Xue Yingzhen. She glanced at everyone and said calmly: "My technique has some flaws, and I am going to the classics library."

As for Ling Hong, Lei Guangyao, and Zhao Jinyu, none of them expressed their opinions, and they should have completely followed Zhao Jingding's arrangements.

"Okay, fellow Taoists, now that you have made your decision, let me continue." Zhao Jingding raised her hand and suppressed everyone's private exchanges.

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