Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 114 The Immortal Mansion is Born

"In addition to Wanbao Tower, Baicao Pavilion, and the Classics Library, there is another way to the residence of Guangyang Zhenren's handymen, but the formation restrictions there are weaker than other places, and they have been looted long ago. As for Wanbao Tower, The formations on the first two floors of Baicao Pavilion and Classics Library have also been destroyed. There should be nothing left. As for the formations on the third floor, they were almost destroyed the last time. If not for lack of time, I'm afraid. Now there is a Jindan Grandmaster among the three major sects," Zhao Jingding sighed.

Liu Heng asked doubtfully: "Then the city lord is sure that he can break the third level of the formation this time?"

Zhao Jingding touched her temples: "30% sure, but with the three major factions, it should be more than 70% sure."

Liu Heng nodded with satisfaction and sat down again.

"After coming out of Wanbao Tower, Baicao Pavilion, and the Classics Library, we continued forward until we reached Guangyang's living place and the formation center. However, the formation center's guarding restrictions are more stable than we can imagine. Also, At that time, several roads will come together again, and we must be extremely careful about the siege and plunder by the three major sects." What Zhao Jingding did not say was that he should also be careful about the stabbings in the back by his companions. This is something that every monk here is aware of. very clear.

"In the living place of Guangyang Master, there is a passage that leads directly to the outermost protective formation, which is one of the four formations of earth, fire, water and wind. If two or three people work together, they should be able to get through easily. After all, the formation There is no one in charge, and the protection against external invasion is very strict, but it is quite lax when it comes to internal invasion." Zhao Jingding's expression was very calm, but he immediately became solemn: "However, one thing, everyone must remember that the outer protection formation is lax on the inside. It refers to the performance at the lowest point in a hundred years, and this lowest point will only last for six hours. If you cannot come out of the Immortal Mansion within these six hours, then wait a hundred years later, or you may have gold. Danqi’s strength.”

Everyone nodded cautiously, deducting the time spent on entering the formation and the time spent on the road, leaving the time for the final exit. The time that can be used to break the restriction is no more than one hour. What gains can be achieved depends on this hour. .

Zhao Jingding took a sip of tea: "My daughter and two disciples will also go to Wanbao Tower. The three of them know the method of breaking the restriction, so fellow Taoists who go to Wanbao Tower don't have to worry, but if Fellow Daoist Xue goes to the classics library alone, , you can only rely on yourself to break the restriction, my method is to gather the strength of everyone."

Xue Yingzhen didn't look disappointed, and said calmly: "This junior is prepared."

"That's very good. By the way, Fellow Daoist Liang, how is your ritual ritual?" Zhao Jingding didn't ask much and turned to care about the conditions of other monks.

"Thank you, Senior Zhao, for your concern. Qingqing's two magic weapons will reach perfection in the fifth heaven after a day or two of sacrifice." Liang Qingqing smiled sweetly.

After caring about all the monks in turn, Zhao Jingding finally said solemnly: "Treasure hunting in the Immortal Mansion is not a child's play. The vast majority of people fall every time. Last time I went with sixteen fellow monks, and there were even proficient combined attacks. The three of them joined forces to be able to reach the level of a soul-level brother, but in the end, only the old man and two other comrades were able to return from the Immortal Mansion. Those three brothers who were worthy of the soul-level were all buried in it. Everyone Fellow Taoist, if you are afraid, it is not too late to withdraw now.”

All the casual cultivators had already made up their minds, and now they all said in unison: "This junior is willing to go."

"In that case, we will set off in five days." Zhao Jingding stood up and toasted everyone with tea instead of wine.


Five days later.

Bi Wen and Zi Tan sat stupidly in their room, their faces ashen, their eyes dull, tears streaming down from the corners of their eyes unconsciously. After a while, Zi Tan said to Bi Wen, "It's useless to think too much. It's the worst outcome anyway. We still have to think about it." Go and tidy up the room, and then report the errand to Manager Shen."

Bi Wen gave a forced smile: "I just said that the thief was extremely hateful and left without saying hello. We only found out from the other sisters that the city lord and the others had set off in the morning."

"I finally figured it out. There's no such thing as pie in the sky. Let's go." Zitan forcibly pulled Biwen up, and the two maids were going to do the final cleaning of Shi Xuan's room, and then the errand was over.

Bi Wen cursed while sweeping the floor: "Dead thief, stinky thief." After cursing for a long time, Zitan didn't respond. When he looked up, he saw Zitan standing in front of the desk blankly.

He walked over very strangely and saw Zitan looking at something on the desk. Biwen waved his small hand in front of Zitan's eyes. Seeing that she still didn't respond, he pushed Zitan and looked over: " What are you looking at so fascinatedly?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Bi Wen was also stunned. There were two smooth and smooth jade slips on the desk. Based on her knowledge of working as a maid in the city lord's mansion, these were the secrets of immortal skills! She stood there stupidly, in disbelief.

After a long time, a thin, gossamer-like cry that seemed sad, happy, sad, or vented sounded in the room. Then it got louder and louder, and then another similar cry came out. It took a long time to calm down. Go down.


"Fellow Daoist Sun really lived up to his reputation of being compassionate and caring. Those two little maids are so lucky." The speaker was Jin Shijie who passed by this morning and casually invited Shi Xuan to set off with him.

"Where, where, Sun always has such pity for women." Shi Xuan was talking to Jin Shijie, but his eyes were wandering on Zhao Jinyu, Xue Yingzhen, and Liang Qingqing. The meaning of his words was self-evident.

The three women all closed their eyes to rest and paid no attention to Shi Xuan's performance.

It's not that the two little maids impressed Shi Xuan, it was mainly that they had to perform to the end when performing a show. Two low-level skills exchanged for dozens of good skills as a reference are not valuable goods. As for the two little maids, How to see the contents inside the jade slips is not something Shi Xuan needs to consider.

At this time, fourteen people were sitting on Zhao Jingding's flying magic weapon, Ruyun Palace, and were rushing towards the abyss. The Ruyun Palace is said to be a palace, but in fact it is not big. It can only be regarded as a big white cloud house. Apart from flying and defense, it has no other functions. In addition, there are some deacons brought by Zhao Jingding in the Ruyun Palace.

Eight days later, Ruyun Palace flew to a strange sea area. The center of this sea area was concave with a circle of hundreds of miles and a depth of thousands of feet. However, the sea water around it did not have any intention of filling up the depression. It looked like It is a large still whirlpool.

"It's so late that City Lord Zhao has come, or do you have to be so confident that you dare to be so confident? The Immortal Mansion will be born soon." The speaker was a middle-aged monk wearing a purple robe, handsome appearance, and long beard. He stood on a purple cloud, and beside him stood another graceful middle-aged woman in purple palace clothes. Behind them stood about twenty monks, including Gu Yun and Fang Xuan, whom Shi Xuan knew, but their faces were very poor. .

Zhao Jingding's face condensed slightly, but he still calmly joked: "I didn't expect that the Zixia couple actually came together. Aren't you afraid of being taken away from the mountain gate?" It seems that these two people are Yue Dingyi, the head of the Zixia Sect, and him. Madam Ning Shouyi is also the only two ancestors of the Soul Stage in the Zixia Sect.

The middle-aged monk touched his long beard and smiled: "This time it is about the Nine Turns and Nine Returns Jade Liquid Divine Pill. Yue did not dare to ask for help, so he could only ask his wife to come with him. Only a few guides were left in the mountain gate. Elder Qi Qi. As for what City Lord Zhao is worried about about our sect being taken over by someone, don’t worry too much. Mr. Huang Fenggu Zuo and Mr. Qu, Mr. Houtu Zongtan and Gu Xianzi also came together. "

Zhao Jingding's face became solemn and she nodded slowly: "I see, I have to meet some fellow Taoists later."

Although he said he was paying his respects, he still stopped far away from Ziyun Palace, showing his clear distinction. Turning around, Zhao Jingding said solemnly to the monks on his side: "Everyone, this time the Immortal Mansion is born, the three major sects seem to be doing their best, and all the ancestors of the Divine Soul Stage are dispatched. If there are any who feel dangerous and don't want to go, please But Zhao will never force you to leave.”

At this time, if there was any monk who wanted to leave, Gao Xing laughed: "The ancestors of the three major sects in the divine soul stage don't dare to send out all of them. Who can get the Nine-turn Nine-Returning Jade Liquid Divine Pill? A golden elixir master can uproot the other two sects. What's the point of leaving people to guard the sect at this time?" The words were analyzing why the two soul-stage ancestors of the three major sects came together. Yes, if you fight for the Nine Turns Nine Return Jade Liquid Divine Pill, then we will have less trouble in finding the God Gathering Soul Refining Pill, and the opponents we face will be much weaker.

Gao Xing's words made the casual cultivators who were going to Baicao Pavilion nod frequently. Zhao Jingding glanced at them with a half-smile: "Zhao is very happy that everyone is so united."

At this time, another cold and cold voice came: "Fellow Daoist Zhao came really late. I think I gained something from practicing the Wanliu Guihai Formation, but I heard that Friend Zhao recruited casual cultivators, so why did he even recruit the perverted thief Sun Bufan?" "What flew over was a huge maple leaf, with about twenty monks standing on it. The leader was the middle-aged monk with a cold face and ordinary features. Standing side by side with him was a kind-faced monk holding a An old monk who plays a jade flute.

At the same time, a large yellow boat also flew over from a distance. Standing in front of the boat were a short, fat monk dressed as an accountant and a plain girl in yellow clothes. It seems that the three major factions have all arrived a long time ago, but they have been stationed far away because of each other.

As soon as he finished speaking, all the monks from Zixia Sect, Huang Maple Valley and Houtu Sect looked here with contempt, wanting to see what the lewd thief looked like. Shi Xuan walked a little behind Zhao Jingding with a smile on his face: "Thank you, Master Zuo, for worrying about me. Sun is very grateful." As he said this, he looked at the beautiful female monks among the monks in the Yellow Maple Valley with admiration. As for the middle-aged monk with a gloomy face, he is naturally Zuo Kongtu, the leader of Yellow Maple Valley, and the old monk is the great elder Qu Tongxuan.

When those female monks muttered in a low voice, "It's really shameless" and "He is indeed a lewd thief", the girl from Houtu Sect, who was dressed in goose yellow and had a cold and beautiful face, also snorted softly: "What a scoundrel." It was Gu Yizhen of the Houtu Sect, and the short and fat monk next to him was Tan Wangxian, the head of the Houtu Sect.

Zuo Kongtu was about to reply to Shi Xuan with a cold face when his expression suddenly became solemn and he turned his attention to the deep sea abyss. He saw that the water in the calm whirlpool began to flow slowly and faster and faster.

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