Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 115 Flame Array

Fang Xuan looked at Shi Xuan doubtfully, frowning, not knowing what he was thinking. Seeing this, Gu Yun pushed his junior sister gently: "Junior sister, what are you doing?"

"Why does that thief feel so familiar? Have you seen him somewhere before?" Fang Xuan turned her head sideways, with a confused expression on her youthful and beautiful face.

Gu Yun's eyes widened: "Junior sister, have you ever been raped by that lewd thief..."

"Keep your voice down, I'm just saying that it feels very familiar. Don't you think?" Fang Xuan looked around. Fortunately, the uncles and uncles in the Qi-entraining period in front were all watching the vortex movements below intently. The brothers in the Qiao period were all indifferent, and no one heard the conversation between them.

"I don't think so. Hey, the two of us have always kept a low profile. How could we be selected into the treasure hunting team in the Immortal Mansion? We must know that we disciples in the out-of-body period are just cannon fodder." Gu Yun did not dwell on this issue, and said with a sad face. Sighed.

Fang Xuan also sighed: "Forget it, can you still resist? Senior brother, just think on the bright side. If you can come out safely this time, everyone will get three Supreme Sensing Pills, plus the last trial In exchange for the spiritual grass, it will be enough for us to reach the Qi-entraining stage, otherwise we will have to save for another ten years. "

"That's all I can think of." Gu Yun also knew that there was no other way to think of it.


As time went by, the large whirlpool turned faster and faster, and even generated a strong suction force. Seabirds flying in the sky were sucked directly into the whirlpool from the air.

Suddenly, a green sword light flashed in the distance, and in the blink of an eye, he was above the maelstrom, and a man with a white robe and a white crown appeared with a stern face. At a glance, it was impossible to tell whether he was a young man, a mature man, or a middle-aged man. Of course, the monk Age has little to do with appearance.

"Lu Lingxiao, why are you here? Do you dare to break into Guangyang Immortal Mansion alone? I really don't know how to write the word death!" Zuo Kongtu was surprised but did not forget to sarcastically say. And his surprise was also the confusion of several Divine Soul Stage masters present.

Lu Lingxiao glanced at Zuo Kongtu indifferently: "Even if I seek death, what does it have to do with you?" After that, he stopped answering, connected his body with the green sword light, and stopped steadily on the big whirlpool with his eyes closed and meditative. .

The monks did not want to cause more trouble at this time, so they suppressed their surprises and continued to look at the big whirlpool intently.

Two quarters of an hour later, when the wild rotation of the large vortex reached its extreme, a loud noise came from the center of the vortex, and then a white light shot straight into the sky.

Through the white light, you can see a majestic and magnificent fairy palace emerging under the sea water in the center of the whirlpool. It is vaguely present, ups and downs, and there are faint fairy sounds singing a cappella.

At this time, Zhao Jingding turned around and said to the dozen monks behind him: "Fellow Taoists, get ready!"

So Shi Xuan and the others quickly set up the formation according to the stance of the Wanliu Guihai formation, passing the true energy to the two formation points, and at the same time protected the several deacons brought by Zhao Jingding in the center of the formation.

When the white light gradually faded away and the fairy palace became clearer and clearer, emitting dazzling seven-colored light, Zhao Jingding suddenly used all the gathered magic power at the eye of the formation, wrapping everyone around and heading towards the seven-colored light in the maelstrom of sea water. Throw it.

The first thing that hit us was the fishy waves, and then the huge pressure of the sea water. However, in the eyes of the monks, these can only be regarded as small obstacles. But when they rushed into the colorful light, they felt that their whole body was sluggish and it was difficult to move. If it weren't for The true energy has already been gathered in the formation eye and controlled by Zhao Jingding. I am afraid that a few monks with poor control ability will stay here.

Zhao Jingding led the monks to fly familiarly towards a small black dot the size of a needle's eye in the colorful light. The closer they got, the more they felt blocked by the rebound of the colorful light, and the black dot became bigger and bigger, as if from another place. A whirlpool.

When Zhao Jingding and everyone were about to fly into the black vortex, a green sword light suddenly appeared in front of them, and then disappeared into the vortex, and then they saw the vibration of the seven-color light.

Zhao Jingding's eyes narrowed slightly, and with another exertion, he flew into the black vortex with Shi Xuan and the others.

It seemed like a short breath, or like thousands of twists and turns, when Shi Xuan and the others' eyes lit up, a blazing flame hit their faces.

Light blue Qi flew out, repelling the flames, and Zhao Jingding's faint voice rang in everyone's ears: "Stand up and gather the Qi."

Knowing that they had entered the formation, Shi Xuan and the others did not dare to neglect, stood up again, arranged the formation, and then used the two formation eyes, Zhao Jingding, Ling Hong and Zhao Jinyu, to allocate their true energy and display a layer of light blue. , there is a shield hidden by the flowing and undulating sea water.

At this time, everyone took a breath and looked around, and found that they were surrounded by billowing flames. There were green and purple flames in the sky, yellow and white flames on the ground, and red flames coming from all around. Among them There are two passages, but there is nothing else. Not even people from the three sects have seen it.

"They didn't enter the Immortal Mansion at the same time, and the order of the formations they entered was also different." Zhao Jingding seemed to see everyone's doubts and explained casually.

"Senior Zhao, do you know what this formation is?" Hu Jiayu asked with a charming smile.

Zhao Jingding directed the light blue water shield to resist the flames coming from all directions: "The surrounding flames are the Samadhi divine fire that I experienced last time. The ones in the air should be the fire in the air, and the ones on the ground should be the fire in the stone. Together they are fire." The strongest flame array in the array, we should find a way out quickly, otherwise if we wait until the end, no one will be able to escape, and all three fires will be reduced to ashes. "

Seeing Zhao Jingding's solemn words, the monks hesitated for a moment, and then Gao Xing said, "Who is going to explore the way?" He asked while looking at Liang Qingqing, Xu Zhaolin, and Shi Xuan.

Zhao Jingding pointed to the deacons who had been brought in: "Let the deacons from my house go there." Then he turned to those deacons and said: "I can make you a promise. Your children will definitely get my true biography of Zhao Jingding. If If you can survive in the end, the elixirs, magical weapons, and exercises are up to you."

The seven or eight deacons all knelt down and said: "I am willing to die for the city lord." Two of them walked out, took the magic weapon given by Zhao Jingding, calmly left the formation, and headed towards the only two passages.

As soon as they left the formation, the crimson flames from all sides flew out and rushed towards them. One of them immediately raised a golden bell to protect their whole body, and the other held a jade hairpin in his hand, and raised the ice and snow shield. They stood up and blocked the waves of flames. Just by looking at the way their magic weapons shook, you could tell how hard it was for them.

Not long after they disappeared into the passage, an extremely loud scream came from the left passage. Zhao Jingding frowned and pointed directly at the right passage: "This is the one, everyone, hurry up, or something will happen later."

So with everyone's formations in order, they quickly walked towards the passage on the right. Not far away, they saw the previous deacon struggling to support himself. The flames could no longer be blocked and began to burn on the surface of the golden clock. .

Zhao Jingding waved his hand, and the formation created a wave that fell on him, extinguishing all the flames. Then he motioned the deacon to return to the formation, and nodded in approval: "It's very good."

The deacon's face showed the ecstasy of escaping and the joy of hearing the praise. If nothing unexpected happened, several other deacons took action in the next few levels.

The monks did not dare to delay and continued to move forward. The flames flying around them became more and more intense, causing the light blue seawater shield to ripple and sway unsteadily. Shi Xuan also felt the thirst for true energy at the center of the formation, so he could only increase the intensity of delivering true energy.

Suddenly, Shi Xuan felt something was wrong under his feet, and he quickly used some of his true energy to protect his feet. Then he saw the flames on the ground erupting upwards like a volcano. Several strands of yellow-white stone fire burned through the seawater protection under his feet. The hood erupted in the formation, and a deacon was caught off guard, burned from the soles of his feet, and turned into ashes in one breath.

There was also a stream under Shi Xuan's feet. Fortunately, the true energy had already been separated. At this time, the Samadhi Divine Wind true energy was firmly resisting the flames and blowing them around. The same was true under the feet of Liu Heng, Jin Shijie, and Xu Zhaolin. Fortunately, the intensity of the flames was only at the end of the gas-entraining period, and a few people were still barely able to defend themselves.

Seeing this, Zhao Jingding hurriedly changed to a protective technique, and saw that the light blue seawater shield turned into a round blue water ball, wrapping everyone in it. Whether it was Samadhi Divine Fire or Stone Fire, as soon as they got close to the water ball , gradually becomes fainter, and then goes out.

It's just that this kind of protection consumes a lot of money. With Shi Xuan's magic power, almost 30% of his true energy was consumed in just a quarter of an hour. However, after walking through the passage for so long, there was no change at all, which made some monks with poor character cultivation feel a little bit confused. Impatient, such as Xu Zhaolin, Liang Qingqing, Jiao Zhige, Liu Heng, etc.

Zhao Jingding observed carefully and said: "According to my experience and formation knowledge, the exit should not be far away. Please stay calm."

Hearing that the exit was not far away, the somewhat impetuous monks became calm and continued to advance along the passage under the command of Zhao Jingding. Shi Xuan sighed secretly in his heart, and Zhao Jingding's unfinished words were probably: "The exit is not far away, but the power of the formation will be even greater."

Sure enough, when a red vortex appeared in front of us, green and purple flames flew down in the air. Just one blow made the blue water ball smoke, and the second blow made the blue water ball disappear into thin air. .

Shi Xuan was about to increase the input of zhenqi and let Zhao Jingding reorganize his protection, but he felt something strange in his spiritual sense. Then the formation on the left was disconnected. Xu Zhaolin exited the formation without saying a word and set up the formation. The escape light was thrown towards the red whirlpool.

His escape immediately caused a chain reaction. Jiao Zhige, Liu Heng and others gathered in a breath and followed him. The characteristics of scattered cultivators who were not united were fully exposed at this time. Zhao Jingding sighed, waved his sleeves and robes, wrapped up the deacons, and turned into light blue light and headed towards the red whirlpool. Shi Xuan was not stupid, he was even the quickest to react, and he immediately used the sixth-level Xiaoyou Qingfeng Dun.

At this time, the competition was about the quality of escape. Shi Xuan's Xiao Qingfeng Escape was fast and flexible. After turning into a breeze, he escaped several flame attacks and actually reached the red whirlpool before Zhao Jingding.

The person in front of Shi Xuan was Xu Zhaolin who was the first to escape. But just as he was about to reach the red vortex, it suddenly seemed like a volcano erupting. Fire in the sky was green with purple from top to bottom, and fire in the middle with white stone was from bottom to top. , the crimson Samadhi divine fire attacked from all sides, and for a moment, the three fires flew together. Shi Xuan's eyes were filled with dazzling fire, and he hurriedly controlled the escape light and stepped back a little.

As for Xu Zhaolin, it was very miserable. In the formation, you could not escape by running faster than your companions. The formation formed by the cyan light of the Mu Sha Zi Mother Sword only lasted for half an instant, and then he was standing in front of the stone. Xuan's face turned into fly ash. After this wave of flame attacks passed, Shi Xuan carefully plunged into the red whirlpool.

The rest, Ling Hong, Hu Xingwu, Zhao Jinyu, Xue Yingzhen, and Lei Guangyao, used flying swords. The sword light was extremely fast. Not long after Shi Xuan fell, they also flew into the red whirlpool with Zhao Jingding. In particular, Zhao Jinyu and Zhao Jingding were by their side to protect him. He shot away the flames that flew towards him one by one, and there was no big threat at all.

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