Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 116 The formation is sinister

——Today I should make up for the missed update on the first day of the new year, around 11pm, and the time of the first two updates will remain unchanged.

Gao Xing and Hu Jiayu teamed up to avoid the attack of the fire in the air, but they were hit by the Samadhi Divine Fire several times. Relying on the powerful magic weapon and pure true energy, they took it forcibly, but they were also in a mess, their bodies were black, as if they had escaped from the fire scene, but they still entered the red vortex intact.

The black light transformed by Jin Shijie was surrounded by flames. He had a sinister expression on his face, and then a black gas appeared on his face. At the same time, one of the nine white bone skulls on the white bone nine-section whip turned into a huge head, opened his mouth and sucked all the flames into his mouth, and suddenly there was a fire-free zone around Jin Shijie.

Jin Shijie waved his hand, and the huge head broke away from the white bone nine-section whip and flew far away. He took this opportunity to exert his full strength to escape the light and threw himself into the red vortex.

Jiao Zhige's Xuanwu seal turned into a huge tortoise shell, covering his body, and the yellow earth true qi emerged from it. The two were surprisingly harmonious, blocking the surrounding flames one after another. However, Jiao Zhige was not at ease. When he encountered the fire in the stone, the tortoise shell was left with a charred lump, and the true qi was also swaying. He was also lucky that he did not encounter the air fire or the three fires at the same time, and entered the red vortex at risk.

Originally, Liu Heng was the second to escape the formation, but when he escaped a distance, he looked back and saw Liang Qingqing with hundreds of flowers entangled on her body, and the brocade palace lantern in her hand was shining brightly, resisting the flames coming from all directions, with a sad and begging look on her face. While struggling there, he actually sighed and flew back again.


As soon as Shi Xuan came out of the red vortex, he immediately released his true qi, his whole body was burning with green qi, and he secretly held the Qianyang Green Lantern in his hand, intending to use the Qianyang True Fire Net as soon as he saw something wrong.

But there is no sky above and no ground below in this formation, and the surroundings are empty, as if they are in the void, and there is no danger. At this time, Zhao Jingding, Ling Hong, Hu Xingwu, Zhao Jinyu, Xue Yingzhen, Lei Guangyao and others came out from the red vortex one after another. Zhao Jingding looked at the monks, his tone unchanged, still so calm: "I believe everyone has seen the death of Brother Xu just now. In the formation, it is not possible to break out by personal strength alone. Even if everyone has some means hidden, how much are there? If you can pass this formation, what should you do when you get out of it? Let's form a formation. You must believe in me. I will not joke about my own life." Everyone nodded silently. At this time, they can only unite and gather the strength of all families to have a hope of passing through safely. If they all fly away when a disaster strikes, they will only seek death. So, they quickly formed the Wanliu Guihai formation again. It is also that the Wanliu Guihai formation has no limit on the number of people. Otherwise, if a few monks are missing, the formation cannot be formed, and everyone will have a narrow escape. As soon as the formation was completed, Gao Xing and Hu Jiayu flew out of the red vortex, looking extremely embarrassed and dusty. When the two saw everyone forming a formation, they also understood the reason and rejoined the formation without waiting for explanation. Later, Jin Shijie and Jiao Zhige did the same.

"If fellow Daoist Liu and fellow Daoist Liang don't come out, then we can't wait any longer. We need to find a passage before this formation is activated." Zhao Jingding looked around at everyone.

As soon as the voice fell, a golden light flew out of the red vortex. It was Liu Heng. The gems and tin rings on his demon-subduing pestle were all bright and generous, protecting his whole body. However, seeing that half of his hair was burnt black and his Taoist robe was full of black holes, it can be seen that he paid a lot to get through.

"Fellow Daoist Sun, look, there are people who are more compassionate than you. You run very fast." Jin Shijie resumed his usual cold and relaxed smile, pointing at Liang Qingqing in Liu Heng's arms. Liang Qingqing's body didn't have a single burn mark, her hair wasn't messy, and her pretty face leaned shyly on Liu Heng's chest.

Shi Xuan smiled and said nothing. Could he still argue that he wasn't a rapist? However, Zhao Jingding said calmly: "Daoyou Sun's escape method is extremely outstanding. Among all the escape methods I've seen, it ranks in the top three."

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Shi Xuan with strange eyes, some were alert, some were solemn, but Zhao Jinyu said unconvincedly, "A thief must run fast." "Okay, let's think about how to get through this formation, right? Why can't I see where the exit of the passage is? "Jiao Zhige said with a sad face.

Hearing this, everyone's face was ugly. This formation was not like the last flame formation, which had two passages for you to choose. This place seemed to be empty, and it was the same in all directions. You couldn't see where the way out was. Fortunately, the formation had not been activated.

Zhao Jingding took out a compass covered with ancient patterns, looked at it carefully for a long time, and then said: "My Tianyan exploration array disk didn't find the way out either. Everyone, please think back and see if you have heard of similar formations."

After a while, Gao Xing hesitated and said: "I once heard that in ancient times, there were some formations called absolute formations. The blood sacrifice of the people who broke into the formation was required before the passage would appear and there was a chance to break out. The current situation seems to be somewhat similar."

After everyone looked at each other, Jin Shijie, Hu Xingwu and others looked at the deacons in the formation with malicious eyes. Among them, Jin Shijie said coldly: "Whether it is true or not, you will know if you try it, otherwise what's the point of bringing them in. "

Among the deacons, a white-haired old man rushed out, kowtowed three times to Zhao Jingding without saying a word, and flew out of the formation in front of Zhao Jinyu's reluctant, uncomfortable and painful eyes, then slapped himself on the head with his backhand, and immediately died with his head tilted.

Strangely enough, after the deacon died, there was a faint roar in the void, and the surrounding area began to show a faint red color. After a while, a red wave like blood flowed down from above, and the old deacon's body was only stained a little. The water droplets turned into dirty blood within a breath and merged into the bloody water.

As soon as the blood water appeared, Gao Xing murmured to himself: "It is indeed an ancient formation. This is a blood formation formed by red water. The red water contains the essence of Gui Water. Those who fall into it will immediately turn into dirty blood. They need to sacrifice another person's blood in order to survive." A channel appears.”

This wave of bloody water rushed to the seawater shield that everyone had put up, and immediately adhered to it, constantly corroding the light shield. If the monks had not increased the transmission of true energy and held on to the protection, the seawater shield would have been It will be corroded away in just one breath. However, in this case, the energy consumption is very huge.

Several casual cultivators who were usually ruthless looked at the deacons fiercely. Zhao Jingding sighed: "I still say the same thing, you don't have to worry about your family." Then one of the deacons stepped out again, taking advantage of the break in the red water attack, He flew out of the formation and fell into the blood wave.

After the deacon turned into dirty blood, the red sea rolled continuously. In a moment, the blood receded from there to both sides, revealing a narrow passage. Although it was said to be a passage, the red water kept pouring onto it, but eventually it flowed to both sides.

"Everyone, act quickly." Zhao Jingding shouted sharply. Firstly, he didn't know how long this passage would last. Secondly, there was an endless supply of red water above. At this time, the lower part had turned into a red ocean. If it were delayed any longer, the entire space would be covered with water. If they are full of red water, everyone's energy will definitely not be able to keep up with the consumption, and they will sit back and wait for death.

Following Zhao Jingding's fierce shouts, the monks also increased the input of true energy. For a moment, the light blue light flourished, and the ripples like sea water faintly showed primitive patterns, bouncing the red water back.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, everyone quickly flew to the passage while maintaining the formation.

The people under the protection of the light blue light shield seemed to be driving a small boat under the strong wind and huge waves of the red sea. From time to time they were shaken left and right, and sea water leaked in from time to time. Two deacons suffered from this unreasonable disaster and turned into Bloody water.

Fortunately, after the lessons learned from the previous formation, no one dared to escape from the formation privately at this time. Everyone even used their strength to make the simple patterns in the ripples appear all the time, emitting bright light and blocking most of them. red water.

Just when their true energy was about to run out, a red whirlpool finally appeared in front of them. Shi Xuan and others mustered up their courage and plunged into the whirlpool at a much faster speed than before.

Coming out of the red vortex, everyone immediately released their true energy, formed a formation, and then took out the elixirs and drank them to restore almost the same amount of true energy that they had consumed earlier. Only Zhao Jingding and a few monks who had perfected the Qi induction seemed to be able to do so with ease. Each of them only took one pill.

The space we were in at this time was a desert, with the scorching sun high in the sky, yellow sand flying, and tall sand dunes in the distance. Zhao Jingding looked surprised: "It's actually a formation of yellow sand all over the sky. I didn't expect such a good thing to happen."

Everyone felt relieved when they heard this. Regarding the formations they had experienced, masters like Zhao Jingding and other divine souls must have thought of countless ways. Everyone can rest assured to restore their true energy to deal with the final hurdle.

Sure enough, Zhao Jingding threw out a turtle shell-shaped magic weapon, which emitted a yellow light and enveloped everyone in it. Then he escaped into the ground and sneaked quickly. The yellow sand hit it, but only a few holes appeared, which could not damage the essence. When everyone was fully recovered, a yellow vortex could already be seen in front of them.

"Thanks to City Master Zhao's careful consideration, we actually had no casualties in this formation." Jiao Zhige smiled happily.

"Where, where, since I came out last time, I have thought about many ways. Although I know that the possibility of encountering this time is unlikely, I still want to be prepared and refine such a magic weapon. Unfortunately, the sacrificial refinement is still shallow. After using it this time, it will be almost useless." Zhao Jingding didn't look proud at all.

As the distance from the yellow vortex got closer, the wind and sand got bigger. Gradually, Zhao Jingding's magic weapon was seriously damaged. In the end, Zhao Jingding directly self-destructed the magic weapon, blowing up all the yellow sand in the sky. Then he Protecting everyone fell into the yellow vortex.

Just when everyone came out of the yellow vortex, feeling proud that they had preserved their strength for a while, and should be able to pass the last level safely, a sudden change occurred.

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