Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 117 The formation changes—the terrifying last burst (

——Thanks to SOS members and friends for the two rewards

As soon as they came out of the yellow vortex, the monks immediately felt that the world was spinning and they were involuntarily floating in all directions, unable to stay in the formation position at all.

"Everyone, get together." Zhao Jingding shouted loudly, and then his light blue Qi emerged, transformed into a big hand, and grabbed at his daughter, trying to bring Zhao Jinyu to him.

Shi Xuan was also fully inspired by the Samadhi Divine Wind True Qi, and was about to turn into a breeze and fly towards Zhao Jingding. Suddenly, a sudden change occurred. Shi Xuan felt a strong suction force coming from the sky. The true energy was completely unable to resist it. It was like falling from a high altitude, rising sharply upwards. In this change, some monks fell downwards. Some monks flew in all directions, and each encountered different experiences.

"Yu'er!" Zhao Jingding lost his composure for the first time and shouted loudly, using all his energy to activate. There was a rolling light blue sea all around, but it had no effect at all. He could only stabilize himself and did nothing to prevent Zhao Jinyu from flying upward. With a little help, at the critical moment, Zhao Jingding took off his belt and threw it to Zhao Jinyu. The belt glowed with golden light and grew in the wind, but the lengthening speed was slower than the speed of Zhao Jinyu flying away.

Surrounded by Zhao Jinyu's true energy, the Jade Dragon Sword was also in harmony with his body. Especially like this, it could not resist the suction from the sky and floated upward like a kite. He watched Zhao Jingding's belt pass by his feet.

"Junior sister!" "Junior sister!" Two shouts rang out at the same time. Lei Guangyao and Ling Hong looked anxious and tried their best to fly towards Zhao Jinyu, but Zhao Jingding could only manage to steady his body. How could the two of them stop themselves? Fly out horizontally.

"Ah!" Ling Hong screamed to the sky, and the light blue energy on his body deepened. The sword light that matched his body flashed and released a huge blue light beam. It had some effect, and it rose up into the sky like a snail pulling a cart. However, Zhao Jinyu had already disappeared without a trace.


Zhao Jinyu had experienced such a thrilling incident, and was a little confused for a moment. It was not until he saw a vast and boundless yellow-brown continent appearing above his head that he came back to his senses.

At this time, a stone on the yellow-brown continent that was standing upside down compared to Zhao Jinyu actually moved and transformed into a stone man. He flew over and punched out.

Zhao Jinyu circled the jade dragon sword and easily cut the stone man in half. Just as he was about to breathe a sigh of relief, he saw thousands of stone men flying out of the yellow-brown continent. His heart was trembling, and he harnessed the sword light and flew to the side. Then he got in from a place where there were few stone men.

The white sword light wandered around among the many stone men. Taking advantage of the stone men's bulkiness, he killed one or two stone men from time to time. Zhao Jinyu felt slightly proud. Suddenly, a Zhangba stone man with a terrifying aura suddenly appeared next to the sword light. , waved his huge fist and struck at the white light.

Zhao Jinyu saw that he couldn't evade, so he felt a little contemptuous. The sword light was blazing, and he rushed towards him. "What a powerful force!" Just such a thought flashed through his mind, and he was already knocked back dozens of feet, and his body was covered with blood. Trembling as if being hit by a hammer, the Qi is wavering, and the chest feels tight.

Before she could control the sword light again, the stone men were all punching in front of, behind, above and below her. In panic, Zhao Jinyu hurriedly crushed the life-saving jade pendant given by her father. Suddenly, with her as the center, a wave of waves spread out in all directions. Running towards it, the color turns dark blue, with the sound of waves hidden in it.

Once those stone figures were touched by the waves, they became stiff and motionless, and then slowly turned into sand, as if they had been soaked in water for a long time. The surroundings of Zhao Jinyu suddenly became empty. At this time, Zhao Jinyu did not dare to relax. The white sword light avoided the stone man and flew towards the Loess Continent, hoping to find clues to the formation from there.

However, as soon as Zhao Jinyu flew a little distance away, three stone men of eight feet and eight feet surrounded him. Zhao Jinyu was unwilling to fight head-on, and hurriedly changed the direction of the sword light, trying to avoid these tall stone men.

Whoosh, whoosh, a gust of wind sounded. Zhao Jinyu found countless pale white wind blades flying from all directions at extremely fast speeds. He quickly took out an object from his storage bag and threw it into the sky. It immediately turned into a huge black iron shield, emitting a cold light. and two white qi, blocking all the wind blades. At this time, the Zhangba Stone Man had arrived, punching each one on the shield. A huge sound of gold and iron was heard, and the shield's cold light and white energy shrank by half.

Wind blades were flying from all sides, and stone men were blocking the way in front of him. Although Zhao Jinyu was frightened and frightened, he still understood that he had to seize the time to kill the stone men, otherwise if he was still entangled here when the formation changed next time, he would There is only a dead end.

The light of the Jade Dragon Sword rose and transformed into a jade-colored real dragon with a huge head. It pounced directly on a tall stone man. Then he saw the tall stone man slowly fall down and split into several pieces from head to toe. Zhao Jinyu's true energy shrank slightly and he gasped frequently. It could be seen that the sword strike just now was by no means easy.

Taking a deep breath, Zhao Jinyu kept up his efforts, slashing at another tall stone man with a jade-colored dragon-like sword light, completely ignoring that the black iron shield had been slapped by the stone man and had cracks all over it.

Just when the second stone man turned into pieces, the hair on Zhao Jinyu's back stood up. A sense of danger and fear that he had never experienced in his life arose in his heart. In his panic, he once again inspired the second life-saving measure given by his father. Fu Zhuan saw round water balls appearing around Zhao Jinyu. The attacks of the wind blade and the stone man could not even cause the water balls to fluctuate in the slightest.

However, the sense of danger in Zhao Jinyu's heart had not disappeared. When he looked down, he was suddenly distraught and trembled uncontrollably. It turned out that there were two rays of light, one red and one white, rising rapidly from below.

The red light was a burning flame, green with purple, and countless fire lotus appeared in the flame. In a short period of time, the flowers bloomed and fell, and the flowers bloomed. Along the way, everything within a few dozen feet around the flames turned into smoke.

The white light is a cold light. Just looking at it makes you feel cold and deep. The center is faintly blue, and all the way it passes is covered with ice.

It was too late, but it was too soon. When Zhao Jinyu spotted two rays of light, the fire and cold light had already hit the round water ball. The water ball suddenly became half smoke and half ice. It couldn't even be stopped for a moment before it collapsed. Zhao Jinyu's mind was at a loss. Blank, extremely nervous in my heart, my whole body was stiff, my thinking was slow, I couldn't even move my fingers, let alone activate the last thing my father gave me to save my life.

Watching the tall stone man disappear in the flames, watching the black iron shield freeze and shatter, Zhao Jinyu's emotions of fear, panic, panic and fear reached the extreme, "Am I going to die?" Flashbacks to her childhood flashed through her mind. Pleasure flashed through the joy of breaking through the realm, the joy of teasing the senior brother, the happiness of being in love with the second senior brother, the love of the father and mother, and the naughty amusement of the little sister.

All the past events flashed by like lightning and thunder, converging into a faint voice in my heart: "I don't want to die."

In a daze, a wave of warmth seemed to come from him. He buried his head in the warmth. There were sounds of collision of spells from all directions, but only here it was calm and peaceful. Zhao Jinyu thought in confusion: "Is this what happened after death? It seems pretty good.”

"Sister Jinyu, are you okay?" Hey, why did I hear that lewd thief's voice? Could it be that he won't let me be clean even after death? Zhao Jinyu thought quietly.

The sound of the collision became louder and louder, and Zhao Jinyu gradually woke up, "I'm not dead yet!" The surging joy and calm happiness in his heart were strangely mixed together, and he raised his head slightly, wanting to see who his savior was. Who, who would have known, took a look at that familiar face, familiar eyebrows, Zhao Jinyu couldn't help but feel shocked, it turned out to be that hateful thief!

There are countless pale white wind blades in all directions, and fire lotuses are blooming all around. From time to time, icebergs are like wolf fangs, and ice cubes are like swords. In the distance, stone people are throwing boulders. The cyan thunder on the body of the lewd thief is shining, and he is about to attack. All attacks were blocked, and his face was full of solemn concentration. Although he was not very handsome, he still had an indescribable charm. He held the sword art in one hand, and the clear sword light appeared like a ghost. The other hand seemed to be hugging his waist, uh, hugging himself?

Noticing the twisting of Zhao Jinyu's fragrant body in his arms, and the two definitely big plump lumps grinding on his chest, Shi Xuan frowned slightly and said with a smile: "Sister Jinyu, you'd better not move around, otherwise you'll hurt me." I can't protect you within the range of the Jade Thunder Clothes." Because he was worried that he would not be able to break the restriction after being dispersed, and because he had enough power, Shi Xuan took the risk to save Zhao Jinyu's life.

As for why he used the Sapphire Thunder Clothes, it was because as soon as Shi Xuan was sucked into the sky, he was hit by wind and fire. Occasionally, stone men attacked, and the protection of the True Qi and the Ecstasy Flag was frequently broken. Originally, he wanted to just use Qian Yang. True Fire Net, but the fire and cold light coming from below made Shi Xuan feel extremely dangerous, so he had to use the only remaining jade thunder clothes, blocked the attack, and quickly escaped, and then he found Zhao Jinyu. Stone blocker.

In fact, there was no need to save him in such a dangerous situation. Who knew that Zhao Jinyu had no experience in life-and-death situations, and ended up staying on the spot, which made Shi Xuan have to go through a lot of trouble.

Understanding that what Shi Xuan said was correct, Zhao Jinyu did not dare to move. She buried her head in Shi Xuan's arms with a blushing face. She did not dare to look at the lewd thief again. She felt ashamed and annoyed, but she had no choice but to think randomly. When I was a child, it was the first time I had been so close to a man besides my father. The slut smelled sweet, and he had no bad habit of wearing perfume or oil. His chest was also very broad and warm, and he felt very comfortable lying down. He had just come back from the edge of death. She felt tired and peaceful, and just wanted to rest on this chest.

Shi Xuan twitched the corner of his mouth. This girl was actually still shy, and she also had some bad symptoms after wandering between life and death. I just told her not to move, but I didn't tell her not to move! Using your little magical powers, flying swords, and pointing the way can also relieve you of a lot of stress! You must know that the Jade Leiyi can only last for a quarter of an hour under such an intense attack. If you can't find a way out or a safe place, you will have to wait for death.

In order to help Zhao Jinyu wake up from the bad symptoms after wandering between life and death and help him, Shi Xuan planned to say some nonsense to make her angry to see if it would have any effect. He looked around during the battle. Suddenly an idea came to mind.

"Sister Jinyu, look around, do you still remember what you said to me at the door of the martial arts hall that day?" Shi Xuan said with a chuckle.

What words? Zhao Jinyu turned her head in confusion and looked around. Above her head she saw the vast boundless yellow-brown continent, with large lakes and seas on it, but they were all dry; all around were wind blades flying towards them, fire lotuses blooming, ice knives, and ice cubes. Flying around, the tall stone men show off their power; beneath their feet is a dazzling starry sky, full of sun, moon and stars. The sun is cold, the bright moon is red, and the stars are brilliant. The white cold light is emitted from the pale sun, and the red lotus flames are emitted from the crimson red sun. The moon is coming.

The pale sun rises in the east and sets in the west, the trajectory of the full moon and stars is also extraordinary, and the endless void is filled with light blue ice cubes and red fire lotuses. The whole scene looks extremely dangerous, but it is also gorgeous, spectacular, majestic, and has a strange charm that makes people addicted to it.

When Zhao Jinyu was shocked by this dangerous and beautiful scene, Shi Xuan's words came to his ears: "If you want me to fall in love with you, unless the heaven and the earth are reversed, the sun and the moon are upside down, the mud and rocks have spirits, the rivers and seas dry up, and the fire Zhonghua. Sister Jinyu, did I remember correctly?"

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