Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 118 The final burst of terror (Part 2)

——Make up for the missed update on the first day of junior high school. I don’t know if any book friends can guess the name of the formation after the mutation. It’s easy to guess, haha.

ah? ! Seeing a dream-like scene in front of him, and hearing the gentle and mellow voice of a man in his ears, Zhao Jinyu felt a little crazy for a moment. When he came back to his senses and figured out what he meant, his face turned red with embarrassment, and even his pink earlobes were as red as fire.

Seeing that Zhao Jinyu's spirit finally became normal, Shi Xuan breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "Please ask sister Jinyu to help me, and we, husband and wife, will return the house."

"You perverted thief, who is married to you!" Zhao Jinyu also understood that what he had just done was the worst of the worst. When the perverted thief tried hard to parry and fight back, he forgot that he still had Qi and magical weapons. She was not a weak woman with no power to bind a chicken, just sitting there in a daze, so she let go of the Jade Dragon Sword, and the jade-colored sword light circled around Shi Xuan, helping him cut down some wind blades, fire lotus, and monsters in the boulders. A fish slipped through the net, but the words of this lewd thief were so abominable. Zhao Jinyu wanted to retaliate fiercely, but remembering his shy behavior just now and the fact that the lewd thief was his savior, for some reason, his cheeks heated up and he retorted. It's light and soft, like a coquettish girl.

"Sister Jinyu, do you know which formation this is? How to get out?" Seeing the invisible void on all sides, Shi Xuan couldn't waste time and asked Zhao Jinyu directly.

Zhao Jinyu recalled it intently and did not correct Shi Xuan's title at all. She thought for a while before saying: "Jinyu has never heard of it, but she recalled what her father once said, that in this century-old trough, most of the The guardian formation is gradually activated and gradually becomes stronger. The place where it sends out the strongest attack is not far from the exit of the formation. "

"So, the exit should be at..." Shi Xuan pondered for a moment.

"There!" The two of them said at the same time, pointing to the pale sun and fiery red moon below, and then smiled at each other, feeling that they had a tacit understanding. Shi Xuan immediately turned around, Xiaoyou Qingfeng launched at full speed and escaped downwards. At this time, there was no longer the strong suction force from up, down, left and right, so the Qingfeng transformed by Shi Xuan was extremely fast, even turning into a faint shadow.

While flying away, Shi Xuan could only focus on the front, commanding the Shadowless Sword to break through the fire lotus, boulders, ice, etc. in front of him. As for the attacks from both sides, he left it to Zhao Jinyu to protect him. After Zhao Jinyu recovered from having her will stolen, her swordsmanship was also at full display. A jade dragon was wandering around. With the cooperation of the two of them, no other attacks hit the sapphire thunder clothes. Only the pale sun and the fiery red moon came out. The cold light and fire can be suppressed with force, and the two of them joined forces to hit the sapphire thunder clothes, making the cyan lightning shine everywhere.

There are endless attacks from all directions. It seems that there are only two of them in the infinite void. The empty space in front of me seems to be endless. The stars seem to be always on the distant horizon, not getting closer at all. When resisting these attacks, , both of them felt small and lonely, and even felt that the power of heaven and earth was difficult to compete with. Shi Xuan's heart suddenly trembled, he gathered his thoughts, and with a flash of light, he took out the talisman and blessed himself and Zhao Jinyu with some spiritual protection techniques. This ghost formation was not only powerful and overbearing, but also disruptive. An attack on the human heart.

"Sister Jinyu, be careful of illusions, and be careful of emotions being aroused by the formation." Shi Xuan blessed Zhao Jinyu with good spells, and Yu was worried and warned Zhao Jinyu carefully.

"Yes." Zhao Jinyu replied softly. She had also felt that kind of decadence and wanted to give up, but somehow she remembered the extreme fear and despair when death just passed by her. The warm embrace that he had saved from collapse, he squeezed into Shi Xuan's embrace. Feeling the warmth, he watched the little lewd thief fly away with concentration, focusing on defeating the attacks in front, and the tacit understanding between himself and him was cooperating. Wu Bi helped him sweep the surroundings, and his heart suddenly felt calm. The despair was swept away, and he woke up from the mental attack before Shi Xuan.

In the void, Shi Xuan hugged Zhao Jinyu, and the two of them joined forces, dodging and blocking at one moment, and flew towards the starry sky below at high speed, forming a beautiful arc in the faint light.


Jiao Zhige was also sucked to the yellow-brown continent. He escaped from the light quickly and was surrounded by the stone man. He relied on the Xuanwu Seal and the loess energy to forcefully beat the stone man several times. But then the blow from the eight-foot-long stone man made him feel miserable, and he knew that if he stayed here, he would be beaten into pulp sooner or later.

So, he sadly took out an object from his bag and threw it in the direction of the Zhangba Stone Man. The object gradually dispersed in the air and turned out to be a handful of crystal clear golden sand. The sand changed more and more, and by the time it reached the top of the eight-foot-long stone man, it had turned into a sea of ​​sand, covering all the hundreds of stone men in that place.

In the sea of ​​sand, the stone figures struggled for a while but then stopped moving. Jiao Zhige glanced at the sea of ​​sand longingly, turned around and was about to run away, but a red lotus flame from below arrived first, Hitting Jiao Zhige directly, Jiao Zhige's Xuanwu Seal and Loess Qi turned into smoke in an instant. He himself only had time to throw out another jade shield, which turned into ashes together with the jade shield.


Hu Xingwu was sucked into the starry sky below. These brilliant stars emitted golden wind blades and deep black magnetic light from time to time, making Hu Xingwu confused.

Although he has high cultivation and extraordinary swordsmanship, the light of deep black magnetism is the nemesis of his flying sword. The extremely strong magnetic force makes his Beidou sword unable to obey the orders at all, let alone those extremely fast wind blades. They were coming from all directions. Although they couldn't break his Black Iron Qi, they also made him unable to concentrate on controlling the Big Dipper Sword. For a moment, he was stuck there.

Hu Xingwu sighed and took out another flying sword from his storage bag. It was green in color and full of vitality. The green light transformed by this flying sword was not pulled by the force of magnetism at all, and turned into a whirlwind in the air, sweeping all the wind blades out of direction, allowing Hu Xingwu to seize the gap, withdraw the Big Dipper sword, and escape from this place area.

Just after escaping from the place where the stars gathered, Hu Xingwu was delighted to see a vortex of yellow, red, green and black emerging in the gray mist in the distance, but suddenly a pale sun appeared in front of his eyes. His eyes shrank, knowing that it was not good. The sword glowed brightly, covering his whole body. At the same time, he took out a talisman from his storage bag and activated it.

A cold, deathly cold light hit the green flying sword, and the life of the flying sword was quickly lost, and the ice cracked from it. Then the cold light hit Hu Xingwu directly. At this time, the white light flashed, and Hu Xingwu disappeared. In place, and then appeared fifteen feet away.

As soon as Hu Xingwu appeared, his left shoulder shook, he disconnected his left hand and flicked it away. The left hand that flew out was covered with a layer of light blue ice starting from the palm, and spread upward at a rapid speed. After half a breath, the left hand turned into a light blue ice sculpture.

Hu Xingwu took a pill to stop the injury and fled towards the yellow, red, green and black whirlpool he had just seen in the distance.


Jin Shijie really regretted it at this time. He really shouldn't have ventured into the Guangyang Immortal Mansion for the sake of that thing that might exist. He threw away the magic weapons, talismans, and disposable secret treasures in the storage bag with great heartache. Then either kill dozens of stone men, and then hundreds or thousands of stone men, or be directly hit by the terrifying red lotus red flames and freezing cold light, turning into green smoke or ice sculptures, or there will be a steady stream of them all around. They were all consumed by the attacks of wind blades, fire lotus and boulders.

There was no other way to use this last secret treasure. Jin Shijie's heart was bleeding, but he didn't dare to use it, otherwise he wouldn't even be qualified for heartache. He threw out a purple brocade handkerchief, shimmering with strange purple light, covering his whole body, and then flew towards the starry sky below. Along the way, there was a steady stream of wind blade attacks, or the terrifying red lotus and red flames. , the freezing cold light, all of which were about to hit the purple brocade handkerchief, but strangely bypassed it on their own.

However, the purple brocade handkerchief itself is also burning slowly, bit by bit, and it may disappear in less than half a quarter of an hour.


Gao Xing and Hu Jiayu joined forces, fought and fled, and after consuming a lot of magic weapons, talismans, and elixirs, they finally saw the four-color vortex of yellow, red, green, and black in the gray mist in the distance. They were overjoyed. , holding hands and throwing into the whirlpool.

But at this moment, the extremely headache-inducing, extremely fast and powerful red lotus flames and freezing cold light were emitted from the side, and the pale sun and fiery red moon were actually moving in front of the two of them. If they couldn't If you break through this attack, you can only take a detour.

If I take a detour, I will have no more elixirs in my body. I wonder if my true energy can sustain the consumption? Such a thought flashed through Hu Jiayu's mind, and at the same time he made a decision. He took out a red string from his storage bag and was about to throw it to Gao Xing beside him.

However, before he could throw it out, Hu Jiayu couldn't help but take half a step back, and there was a boom. The last thing Hu Jiayu saw in his life was Gao Xing's ferocious smile. How could he take action so quickly? How did he do it?

Because Hu Jiayu's standing position just blocked the red lotus and red flames, Gao Xing avoided the freezing cold light by a hair's breadth and threw it towards the four-color vortex.


Surrounding the four-color vortex, there is a quiet area made of gray stones, surrounded by gray fog. The wind blades, the light of the magnetism, the boulders, the red lotus flames, and the frozen cold light will immediately disappear as soon as they touch the fog. invisible.

In this area, Zhao Jingding crossed his legs and adjusted his breath. His Taoist robe was almost turned into pieces, covered with blood, and his face was extremely ugly.

Ling Hong and Lei Guangyao walked anxiously around him. Suddenly, Ling Hong stopped suddenly and was about to rush out. Lei Guangyao grabbed him and said, "Elder brother, where are you going?"

"You can still stand?! Junior sister's life or death is uncertain outside! You can actually live here and eke out an ignoble existence. Why do you like her?" Ling Hong grabbed Lei Guangyao's collar.

Lei Guangyao lost control and shouted: "You think I don't want to! But what's the use of going out?! We're just going to die! You don't even look at it. The master was seriously injured in order to save us. It's better to wait until the master adjusts his breathing and let him Only with the help of the old man can we save our junior sister!"

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