Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 119 Gathering

Ling Hong glanced at him with contempt: "Actually, you are afraid of death! If we stay here for one more breath, junior sister will be in more danger. If you don't go, I will go myself!"

"You think you're the only one who's worried? Where's the master? Junior sister is his daughter! Isn't he worried or impatient?" Lei Guangyao pointed at Zhao Jingding with an excited expression.

"Okay, you two, stop arguing. After I recover for a while, I will naturally save Yu'er. Yu'er has the three life-saving things I gave her, and I believe she can survive for a long time." Zhao Jingding's voice was hoarse and low.

Now that the master had spoken, the two could only look at each other hatefully, then walked to one side and wandered anxiously.

Suddenly, the two people's faces perked up, with expressions of anticipation and hope on their faces. Even Zhao Jingding opened his eyes from the breath adjustment and looked into the depths of the gray mist.

A one-armed man flew in from the gray mist. Seeing the disappointed and sad expressions of the three people, he was slightly surprised, but he still said nothing and walked to the side to meditate to heal his injuries. This man was Hu Xingwu.

"I wonder if Fellow Daoist Hu has ever seen my little girl?" Zhao Jingding spoke anxiously and slowly. Ling Hong and Lei Guangyao also looked at Hu Xingwu nervously.

Hu Xingwu thought for a while: "I have never seen Hu, but Miss Zhao is not weak in cultivation and smart. With some things given by you, City Lord Zhao, I believe she will arrive safely." The emotion that stimulated Zhao Jingding at this time was Seeking death, Hu Xingwu comforted him very cooperatively.

"Yeah." Zhao Jingding continued to close her eyes and adjust her breathing. Ling Hong and Lei Guangyao seemed to be disappointed, but also seemed to be relieved. There was no good news, but there was also no bad news. There was still hope.

After a while, Gao Xing, a bald man, walked in from the gray fog. This time, Zhao Jingding and others discovered Gao Xing's dazzling karst energy early, so they did not expect to be disappointed again.

However, Ling Hong couldn't help but ask: "Fellow Daoist Gao, have you ever met my junior sister?"

Gao Xing chuckled: "Miss Zhao was sucked upward, and Gao was sucked into the stars below. How could we see it?"

The best news is that there is no bad news. Ling Hong comforted himself and asked casually: "I seem to see fellow Taoist Hu Jiayu walking in the same direction as fellow Taoist Gao, and they are not far away. I wonder if fellow Taoist Gao saw her?" "

Gao Xing's face twitched and he sighed: "Fellow Daoist Hu fell into the red lotus and red flames. That thing is so terrifying!"

Ling Hong and Lei Guangyao were silent. The power of the red lotus flames and the freezing cold light was beyond their abilities. If Zhao Jingding hadn't arrived in time, they would have been helpless. Even Zhao Jingding, a master who had completed the Soul Stage, It was only after he had almost used all the magic weapons, talismans, secret treasures, etc. on his body that he rescued them in an unusually embarrassed manner.

The so-called secret treasures can be roughly divided into three categories: one is a jade pendant similar to Shi Xuan's jade thunder coat that has been sealed three times - this kind of artifact that was sealed by the golden elixir master to seal Taoism and high-level magic.

The second is that it is similar to Shi Xuan's Gengjin Sword Qi. It is a product of seeking for low-level monks to also practice Taoism. However, those who practice Taoism are not practiced in their own bodies, but combined with magic weapons. The refining method and the addition of blood sacrifices, life sacrifices, etc., practice Taoism in the utensils, forming a one-time thing that looks like Taoism but not Taoism, and looks like a magic weapon but not a weapon. This kind of utensils are mostly in the magic way. After all, they They prefer things that seek quick success and instant benefits. Similar things include the Tiangang Restriction of spiritual weapons, the Treasure Restriction of magical weapons, etc. The treasure of transcending tribulations of Master Yuanshen is the latter.

Third, it has sealed some very rare and strange spells with miraculous effects.

Hu Xingwu was also particularly frightened: "This red lotus, red flame, and freezing cold light are probably more powerful than the ninth-level magic, but I don't know if it has reached the Taoist level?"

"No, it can only be regarded as half-level Taoism, otherwise none of us here can survive. Of course, when the formation is normal, there must be more than one level of Taoism." The person who spoke was Zhao Jingding, and his expression seemed to have softened a lot. , I should be able to fully recover in a while. I don’t know what good elixir I have taken.

After Zhao Jingding finished speaking, he stood up. Ling Hong asked in confusion: "Master, you have only recovered half of your strength, why are you standing up?"

"Yu'er is still in danger. As a father, how can I calm down and fully recover? If my strength hadn't been reduced to only 10% before, even flying was difficult, I wouldn't have sat down to adjust my breathing and recuperate." Zhao Jingding said calmly. The ground said, about to fly towards the gray mist.

Ling Hong and Lei Guangyao opened their mouths, not knowing what to say. It was really difficult to choose between their respected master on one side and their beloved junior sister on the other.

"Hey, Miss Zhao?" Gao Xing pointed suddenly into the gray mist, where a graceful female monk flew over. This gray mist blocked spiritual senses, spiritual consciousness, etc., so everyone could only watch with their eyes, unless Gao Xing was like that. Dazzling Qi, otherwise it would be difficult to see clearly who it is from a distance.

Zhao Jingding, Ling Hong, and Lei Guangyao's eyes lit up and they stared at the slender figure. Unfortunately, it was Liang Qingqing who flew over. She was in a mess, her clothes were torn, and she was in an indescribable embarrassment.

"Congratulations to Fellow Daoist Liang for returning from danger. Have you ever met my little girl?" In the hearts of Zhao Jingding and Gao Xing, Liang Qingqing is definitely not among those who can come back alive! He even thought that she should be the second to die, and there was a hint of surprise in her tone.

Liang Qingqing forced a smile: "I didn't see sister Jinyu, she should be fine." Her face was full of fear and fear.

Zhao Jingding's eyes dimmed, and he walked quickly to the edge of the gray stone area. Ling Hong and Lei Guangyao also summoned their flying swords and prepared to go together.

At this time, a light in the gray mist lit up, and in an instant, the light was bright and shining in all directions. The light was warm and quiet, shining on several cultivators, and they all felt calm.

A white figure, holding an ancient bronze lamp in his hand, slowly flew out of the mist. The light on the ancient lamp was as small as a bean, green with red, emitting thousands of rays of light. Eighteen sparks around him circled up and down, forming a fire net to protect him.

"Dead rapist?!" "Sun Bufan?!" "Stinky boy?!" The cultivators blurted out in great surprise. If they thought Liang Qingqing would not survive, or even die the second time, then everyone felt that Sun Bufan would definitely be the first to die!

After Zhao Jingding was surprised, his eyes condensed, and he murmured to himself: "Yu'er?" Then he shouted in ecstasy: "Yu'er!" But he saw that Sun Bufan was holding a girl in crimson clothes in his arms. The girl was leaning against Sun Bufan's chest, directing the jade flying sword with one hand and gently holding Sun Bufan's shoulder with the other hand.

"Junior sister!" "Junior sister!" Ling Hong and Lei Guangyao also shouted in ecstasy after they reacted.

The Qingyu Leiyi had reached its limit after Shi Xuan entered the gray fog. Shi Xuan was afraid that there was any danger in the fog, so he had to take out the Qianyang Qingdeng, release the Qianyang True Fire Net, and then fly towards the four-color vortex.

Seeing several monks in front of him, Shi Xuan breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that this was indeed the exit. He lowered his head and whispered in Zhao Jinyu's ear: "Sister Jinyu, we are at the exit. Senior Zhao is here too."

Hearing that his father was also there, Zhao Jinyu was delighted. He didn't care that his ears were red, hot and numb from the little pervert's breath. He turned his head and looked. Zhao Jingding's cry came at that time. Somehow, tears could not help but flow down. When he heard the shouts of the two senior brothers, he couldn't stop crying.

Shi Xuan pulled the corner of his mouth slightly: "Sister Jinyu, if you cry like this, others will think I did something to you?" If Zhao Jingding got excited and hit him, there would be no place to complain.

Zhao Jinyu wiped her tears with her free hand, crying with a smile: "I am happy." Shi Xuan saw this performance and laughed in his heart. This girl was protected too well before. She should have accepted various dangers step by step, but this time she jumped directly to the test of life and death. It is inevitable that her emotions are a little abnormal. However, after this, Zhao Jinyu has gained a lot of experience and will grow up. Maybe Zhao Jingding brought her in for this purpose.

As soon as he stepped on the gray stone, Shi Xuan loosened his arms. Zhao Jinyu ran towards Zhao Jingding like a little white rabbit and cried bitterly in his arms. If it weren't for the fact that she couldn't fly in the gray stone area, this girl would probably fly directly over.

Shi Xuan himself walked silently to the side to take pills and adjust his breath. It was rare to have such a place to recover before going out. If he didn't seize the time, would he have to wait until the battle in Wanbao Tower to recover?

After Zhao Jinyu calmed down, he looked at his father and two senior brothers and said happily: "I thought I would never see you again."

"Thanks to Master for saving us." Ling Hong is now smiling.

Lei Guangyao was happy, but when he thought of the scene just now, he felt a little sour and confused: "Junior sister, did that rapist do anything to you?"

Zhao Jinyu blushed, not knowing what he was thinking of. After a while, he said: "Second senior brother, don't talk nonsense. This time, thanks to Xiao, Sun Daoyou's rescue, I was able to arrive safely, otherwise you wouldn't see me."

Zhao Jinyu's abnormal behavior made Lei Guangyao feel a little painful in his heart, and his doubts became stronger, but he still had a smile on the surface: "Haha, I didn't expect this rapist to be so capable."

"Second senior brother, no matter what Sun Daoyou did in the past, at least he is my lifesaver now, can you please not call him a rapist." Zhao Jinyu suddenly felt that Lei Guangyao's name was a bit harsh.

"But..." Lei Guangyao wanted to say that he was originally a rapist.

"That's true. Fellow Daoist Sun saved Yu'er's life. Even if he is my benefactor, Guangyao, you should not address him as such." Zhao Jingding regained his composure.

"Disciple obeys." Lei Guangyao's emotions were mixed. He didn't expect that his master would speak for the rapist. However, considering that he saved his junior sister, he didn't bother with him. But, when the two were alone together, did anything happen? Why did the junior sister suddenly blush? In the midst of life and death danger, and alone, Lei Guangyao felt that the more he thought about it, the bigger his head was. Apart from other things, he had never held his junior sister's body!

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