Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 120 Parting ways

——Make up for the missing update tomorrow on the sixth day of the lunar new year

"City Lord Zhao, what's going on with this last wave? Shouldn't it be the wind wave in the earth, fire, and feng shui?" Hu Xingwu had already nursed his injuries and recovered his energy, and he spoke doubtfully.

Zhao Jingding also looked solemn and said hesitantly: "If I guessed correctly, this formation should be the inverted four-image formation mentioned in the classics. It is formed by the integration of the four formations of earth, fire, wind and water. It is the most powerful formation in the Immortal Mansion here. The powerful formation is far more powerful than the Flame Formation and the Red Water Transforming into Blood Formation. If it had not hit a century-old trough, I am afraid that the Golden elixir Grandmaster would also have fallen during it. It is said that when Guangyang Zhenren was still alive, he used this formation to kill three people. Yuanshen Zhenren.”

"But why did the Inverted Four Symbols Formation suddenly appear?" It was Shi Xuan who interrupted. Changes in the formations often represent something bad happening in the Immortal Mansion. If you don't understand it clearly, entering the inner manor is also dangerous.

Seeing Shi Xuan open his eyes and ask questions, Zhao Jingding saluted politely: "Thank you, fellow Taoist Sun, for saving the little girl. I will definitely repay you later. As for why the Four Symbols Reverse Formation appeared, I really don't know. There have been so many births in the Immortal Mansion before. , this formation has never appeared before.”

"Could it be that the formation center sensed some danger, so it increased the difficulty of the formation." Gao Xing also speculated doubtfully.

"How is it possible? There has been no one in charge of the formation center for a long time, unless someone is trying to control the formation center, or there is someone fighting near the formation center, and the danger level reaches the golden elixir. But now all the monks who have entered the mansion are still trapped in In the formation, who has just come out? Even if someone goes quickly, who has the strength of Jin Dan?" Zhao Jingding retorted dismissively.

After discussing for a while, the reason for the sudden change in the formation was not found. Zhao Jingding calculated the time and said: "Let's quickly recover our strength and then go out to avoid being overtaken by the three major sects."

"Aren't you waiting for other fellow Taoists?" Zhao Jinyu asked in surprise, but he quickly realized that by the time everyone regained their strength, the formation should have reached 80% to 90% status, and those who had not arrived by then must be There is no way to come again.

Liang Qingqing hesitated for a moment, then said shyly: "I saw Liu Heng and fellow Taoist Liu fell, so there is no need to wait for him."

Oh, everyone gave her a meaningful look, but said nothing.

There was silence next, as everyone took the time to regain their strength. Zhao Jinyu recovered quickly because he did not consume much in the later period. At this time, he felt someone tugging at the corner of his clothes. When he opened his eyes, he saw that it was Lei Guangyao. He motioned with his eyes to go to the side to talk.

Following him in confusion, Lei Guangyao cast a spell to block the sound and asked, "Junior sister, I was really worried about you just now."

Thinking of the danger before, Zhao Jinyu was still a little scared: "I was really scared to death at that time."

"Well, how did Fellow Daoist Sun rescue you?" Lei Guangyao asked this question cautiously.

Zhao Jinyu blinked: "I don't know. I was so frightened that I couldn't help but when I woke up, I was rescued by fellow Taoist Sun. Then the two of us worked together and rushed to the exit." Thinking of his stupid performance, Zhao Jinyu said Blushing with shame.

After working together, Lei Guangyao felt a little unhappy, but knowing that his junior sister was in danger at the time, there was nothing he could do, so he stretched out his hand, preparing to hold her delicate hand and comfort her.

But when Lei Guangyao's hand was about to touch the junior sister's little hand, he saw the junior sister suddenly retracted her hand in panic and looked around uneasily.

"Junior sister!" Lei Guangyao's tone contained dissatisfaction. At this time, shouldn't the girl lie on her sweetheart's chest and let her sweetheart comfort her? No matter what, I can't even hold hands.

Zhao Jinyu came back to her senses, remembered her reaction just now, and frowned: "My father and senior brother are both here, it's not good for them to see me."

Didn't he say that he wanted to confess his relationship to his master before? Lei Guangyao was so angry and depressed that he blurted out: "Are you a little in love with that lewd thief?!"

"How is that possible?! Am I, Zhao Jinyu, that kind of person?!" Zhao Jinyu raised his eyebrows and became furious, "Second Senior Brother, if you continue to talk nonsense, I will ignore you!"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Lei Guangyao regretted it. How could he say such angry words that were obviously his own random thoughts? He was a lecher, how could his junior sister have a crush on him! So he immediately bowed his head and apologized: "Junior sister, I was wrong. I just said angry words. I was angry at myself for not living up to expectations and for not being able to save you when you were in the most danger."

"Hmph." Zhao Jinyu's anger subsided a little, "Senior brother, please don't think nonsense. For Fellow Daoist Sun, I can only be grateful for his life-saving grace. And don't belittle yourself, after all, you were too far away from me at that time."

"Yes, yes, yes." One sentence was wrong, and Lei Guangyao could only nod his head frequently.

"Okay, everyone is recovering soon, let's not hide aside and talk." Zhao Jinyu didn't give Lei Guangyao a chance to continue to apologize and walked back first.

Another person walked into the gray mist. Jin Shijie, like Hu Xingwu, became a one-armed man. Only one of the nine white-bone skulls on the nine-section white bone whip was left. The whole person looked as if he had just climbed out of the grave. The zombie is dry and thin, no longer as handsome as before.

"Ha, I didn't expect that so many fellow Taoists are safe and sound. It's really, really gratifying." Jin Shijie looked at so many people in surprise, and then grinned.

His surprise was also the surprise of everyone except Shi Xuan and Zhao Jinyu. Shi Xuan was because of incomplete information and insufficient information, while Zhao Jinyu had little experience in the world.

Since the monks began to form a team to break through the level, the number of monks who died in the formation outside the Immortal Mansion has been reduced to single digits every time. This is all the casualties of the three major sects plus the casual cultivators. The casualties caused by fighting among the inner government constituted the bulk of the death toll.

However, based on the terrifying intensity of this last burst, Zhao Jingding, Gao Xing, Jin Shijie and others all had a preliminary judgment, that is, it would be great if six of the thirteen monks who entered the Inverted Four Symbols Formation survived! It is reasonable for the entire army to be wiped out.

Now, there are nine people, Zhao Jingding, Zhao Jinyu, Ling Hong, Lei Guangyao, Gao Xing, Hu Xingwu, Jin Shijie, Liang Qingqing, and Shi Xuan. It is not even ruled out that there will be monks coming later.

"It seems that this team is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger." Many monks thought so in their hearts, "Especially the ancient bronze lamp of the lewd thief is probably of the quality of the seventh heaven."

"Fellow Daoist Jin, please hurry up and recover. We will be out in battle soon." Zhao Jingding nodded to Jin Shijie.

Jin Shijie quickly took out the healing elixir and drank it, then sat cross-legged and meditated.

After a while, another person walked into the gray mist, Xue Yingzhen, who was dressed in white as snow. Her appearance made all the monks' pupils shrink suddenly.

Xue Yingzhen's clothes were neatly dressed and her face was as usual. It didn't look like she had just returned from such a terrifying formation. Instead, she looked like she was returning home after going shopping. When she saw everyone looking at her, she said calmly: "Yingzhen Sorry for being late."

Zhao Jingding withdrew her surprised look and chuckled: "It's not too late, it's not too late. Miss Xue, please meditate and recover quickly."

"No need. I believe that few monks will go to the classics library that this junior is going to. It doesn't matter whether it recovers or not." Xue Yingzhen said lightly.

Seeing this, the monks stopped talking to Xue Yingzhen. There were some things that couldn't be asked unless everyone broke out and took action. Even if they wanted to take action, they still had to regain their strength first.

After being quiet for a while, Zhao Jingding stood up and said: "Everyone, I believe that everyone has almost recovered. Let's go, otherwise our trip will be in vain."

The other nine monks stood up one after another and silently followed Zhao Jingding into the four-color whirlpool. The previous change in the formation left a big shadow in everyone's hearts.


As soon as he came out of the four-color vortex, Zhao Jingding immediately used a light blue seawater shield to wrap everyone, because from another yellow vortex next to him, monks wearing purple robes were coming out one after another, and they were from the Zixia sect.

Yue Dingyi and his wife Ning Shouyi were both in a mess with their Taoist robes torn. They thought they had suffered a lot in the formation. When they saw Zhao Jingding and the monks behind him, they were a little surprised. Yue Ding was late. After a moment, he said: "City Lord Zhao is really a master without showing his face. He was able to bring out so many monks from the Upside Down Four Symbols Formation, and only four of them died. It's amazing, it's amazing."

While looking at Zhao Jingding, he looked at Shi Xuan and other monks. The background that fits his words is that there are only about ten disciples left behind him, and almost half of them have died.

Shi Xuan also looked at the opposite side with some surprise, because he was surprised to find that Gu Yun and Fang Xuan were still standing there. I don't know how many of their seniors and uncles died, but they were safe and sound. I don't know if it was luck. It's really unbelievable, but someone happened to save me.

Zhao Jingding smiled lightly: "It's just good luck." After saying that, he no longer looked at Yue Dingyi, but turned around and pointed to the four roads in front of him: "Fellow Taoists, the one on the left is to Wanbao Tower, and the two in the middle are on the left. It’s time to go to the Classics Library. To the right is the Baicao Pavilion. Everyone, please go as you wish.”

At this time, the two sides were unwilling to fight. Zhao Jingding's spell just now was just a habit. If the treasures are not even seen and they fight to the death, Huang Maple Valley and the Houtu Sect will definitely laugh until their stomachs hurt while desperately searching for the treasures.

Before they parted ways, Zhao Jingding called Zhao Jinyu, Ling Hong, and Lei Guangyao together and explained some things. At the same time, he secretly whispered something to Zhao Jinyu and handed Zhao Jinyu an artifact. Finally, Zhao Jinyu and Lei Guangyao came back and walked on the leftmost road together with Shi Xuan, Liang Qingqing, Jin Shijie, and Hu Xingwu.

As for Ling Hong, he did not follow the arrangements before entering the mansion, but followed Zhao Jingding and Gao Xing to Baicao Pavilion. Xue Yingzhen walked on the road to the classics library calmly and calmly.

"Let's set off too. We can't let them get the upper hand. We still don't know what's going on with Huang Maple Valley and Houtu Sect." Yue Dingyi explained to the remaining disciples, and then he and Ning Shouyi took the five Qi-entraining periods. The monks rushed to Baicao Pavilion, while the remaining six monks went to Wanbao Tower.

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