Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 121 Wanbao Tower (first update)

——Thank you Xiao^^ for your evaluation vote.

These roads are very wide, with jade trees and flowers on both sides. They are beautiful, but there are occasional lightning flashes, which makes people intimidated. There are restrictions on flying on the road, and one can only rely on the power of the physical body and the blessing of magic to move forward.

"Fellow Daoist Sun, I didn't expect you to have such a rare magic weapon. Are you afraid that the Seventh Heaven will be perfected?" Liang Qingqing walked up to Shi Xuan casually and started talking with a smile. The fragrance of her body penetrated Shi Xuan's nostrils. Smells exceptionally good.

Among the others, Zhao Jinyu had been looking strange since Zhao Jingzhang told her a secret. She was confused and confused. At this time, she was walking silently accompanied by Lei Guangyao. As for Lei Guangyao, he was like an old hen protecting his little ones. The chicken separated Shi Xuan and Zhao Jinyu, and looked at Shi Xuan warily from time to time. Jin Shijie and Hu Xingwu, two one-armed men, walked in front silently.

Shi Xuan glanced at Liang Qingqing and replied with a smile: "Nothing can compare to you, sister Qingqing. I spent a lot of effort to get out of the formation, but you came back safely without any damage." ." Not to mention that Shi Xuan himself doesn't like Liang Qingqing, but Sun Bufan, played by Shi Xuan, is not a fool who can't think when he sees a woman.

Liang Qingqing's eyes were slightly red, and she was about to cry: "I know, you all think that it was Qingqing who asked Brother Liu to die in order to escape, but it is really not the case. Brother Liu took the initiative to sacrifice himself, and Qingqing didn't want to."

"So what, I don't want to wait to 'take the initiative' to sacrifice myself." No matter what the truth is, Shi Xuan has no intention of paying attention to Liang Qingqing, so there is a saying that no desire leads to strength.

Liang Qingqing's pearl-like tears flowed down her cheeks. She was aggrieved and sad, and extremely touching. Unfortunately, Shi Xuandao had a heart of iron and walked a few steps faster without wavering, walking side by side with Jin Shijie and Hu Xingwu. Others noticed the two people's movements and looked at Liang Qingqing with a sneer. Zhao Jinyu also cast an approving look at Shi Xuan.

"Miss Zhao, I wonder how we can break the restriction later?" Jin Shijie asked what everyone was concerned about.

Zhao Jinyu took out the golden talisman that Zhao Jingding gave her just now: "This is the forbidden talisman that my father spent decades refining. With us forming a great formation of Ten Thousand Currents Returning to the Sea, and activating it with all our strength, we are 30% sure to break the third layer of prohibition.”

Jin Shijie nodded: "That's very good." The 30% certainty is already high, and with the methods of the other three factions, it seems that the third level of restriction is just around the corner.

For the next time, several people were silent. On the one hand, they were depressed and depressed in the Immortal Mansion, and on the other hand, they concentrated on preparing for the battle in the Wanbao Tower. Zhao Jinyu secretly glanced at Shi Xuan a few times, as if he wanted to come over to say thank you, but was pestered by Lei Guangyao and had no choice but to give up.

An hour later, I finally saw a four-story building ahead. It was made of gold and jade, surrounded by pale white mist, and full of fairy spirit. Especially on the top floor, there were bursts of rays of light from time to time, emitting thousands of auspicious auras. There are great things in it.

"Fellow Taoists, let's go in quickly. The restrictions on the first two floors are gone. You can go straight to the third floor with confidence. I don't know if the disciples from Huang Maple Valley and Houtu Sect will arrive before us." Lei Guangyao said to Jin Shijie and Hu Xingwu, Liang Qingqing, and Shi Xuan said. At this time, Liang Qingqing had regained her composure, but her face was miserable, making a normal man want to hug her and take care of her.

Several people nodded silently and worked hard to get through the formation. Whether they will eat hard or thin in the future depends on this fight, especially Jin Shijie who has exhausted all the gains from previous adventures, and for Shi Xuan In other words, whether the natal magic weapon can be successfully refined depends on this time.

The first floor of Wanbao Building is cold and empty. The floor is paved with discernible blue bricks. When you step on it, there will be waves of crisp echoes. Some of the shelves holding magical instruments and materials fell to the ground, and some were seriously damaged. Some are well preserved, and the only thing they have in common is that they are all empty.

At the very back of the hall was a cyan light pillar, emitting a misty clear light. Shi Xuan and others immediately arrived at the second floor of Wanbao Building after stepping into it.

As soon as I entered the third floor in the same way, I heard noisy sounds. It seemed that someone had arrived first.

The biggest difference between the third floor and the previous two floors is that between the entrance and the hall, there is a crystal clear crystal wall with complex restrictions emerging on it, which emits bursts of golden light when stimulated.

There were two groups of people in front of the crystal wall, namely the Yellow Maple Valley monks in yellow robes and the Houtu Sect monks in brown robes. Each had only five or six disciples, and they were concentrating on breaking the restrictions.

Among them, Shi Xuan recognized four familiar faces, Li Wannian and Wen Zhihong from Huang Maple Valley, and Tan Shizhen and Li Yu from Houtu Sect. Of course, Shi Xuan had only seen them before and did not know their names.

Seeing them coming in, the two groups of monks just looked up and continued their work of breaking the restrictions. In the Yellow Maple Valley, six monks stood in a formation holding six command flags. It seemed that they planned to break the formation with the formation, shooting white light onto the crystal wall from time to time. The Houtu Sect gathered around an old monk with white hair and white eyebrows, who seemed to be dying in the next moment, and with wrinkles on his face that could kill a fly, and gathered their respective zhenqi at him. The old monk was holding a ball similar to that of Zhao Jingding Tianyan. The compass of the exploration disk released a compass shadow on the crystal wall. The restrictions around the shadow began to twist and deform, only to be twisted back by the crystal wall.

The crystal wall is not purely for defense. From time to time, it shoots out a golden light to attack the disciples of Huang Maple Valley and Hou Tu Sect. However, they have been prepared for it. Huang Maple Valley uses its own formation for protection, while the remaining four monks of Hou Tu Sect fully protect the old man. Monk.

When Shi Xuan and the others were preparing to form the Ten Thousand Currents Returning to the Sea formation and activate the Forbidden Breaking Talisman, people from the Zixia Sect also arrived. There were six in total, four of whom were Shi Xuan's acquaintances - Jiang Zonghan, Dong Yiyi, and Gu Yun, Fang Xuan.

"Li Huzi, Granny Li, I didn't expect you guys to be here long ago. My little sister can't catch up." Dong Yiyi, a young woman in palace attire, saw the situation on the third floor and greeted the other two groups with a smile.

Li Wannian couldn't find the energy to answer at this time. Only the white-haired old woman Li Yu, while protecting the old monk, replied harshly: "That's Sister Dong, you want to take advantage of it, so you are late."

Dong Yiyi was not angry, nor did she organize the Zixia sect's disciples to break the ban. She smiled and watched for a while before speaking: "Little sister, I see that it is very difficult for the Taoists from the two sects to break the ban. If we go on separate formations like this, I'm afraid that Even if the time comes, we can't break it. Why don't we all work together to break this restriction first, and then we can discuss the difference." As he spoke, he looked at the disciples of Huang Maple Valley, Houtu Sect and the casual cultivators on Zhao Jinyu's side.

The six disciples of Huang Maple Valley looked at each other, withdrew their formations in a tacit understanding, and retreated. Then Li Wannian stood up and said, "Sister Dong, since we all need to work together, we must formulate a charter, right?"

The monks from the Houtu Sect over there also stopped and looked at Dong Yiyi with bright eyes, while Shi Xuan and other casual cultivators also consciously stood behind Zhao Jinyu, waiting for the outcome of the discussion.

"Oh, what kind of regulations can there be? Naturally, everyone will unite their strength to break the formation. As for after the ban is broken, everyone will naturally rely on their own abilities. I think everyone is afraid of being tied up and dare not give it a try. ?" Dong Yiyi looked around with a smile, and when he saw that the monks had no objections, he knew that he spoke to their hearts.

Li Wannian said in a deep voice: "What about when the formation is broken? What if someone preserves their strength?"

"If someone is found to have preserved their strength, how about killing everyone? And if the restriction can be broken, it will naturally take a short time. Even if you use all your strength, it won't consume much. Without delaying the subsequent fight, I think No one would be so stupid, after all, if you can't open the restriction, you won't get anything!" This time it was Jiang Zonghan who stood up.

Everyone looked in agreement.

Seeing that the strategy was taught, Dong Yiyi smiled brightly: "So, no one will object, right?"

"But how should we work together?" Zhao Jinyu asked doubtfully.

"Of course I have to ask Mr. Cao about this. He is a master of formation restrictions." Dong Yiyi pursed her lips and pointed at the monk who was about to die of old age.

Mr. Cao nodded expressionlessly: "I have discovered the weakness of the restriction here. If we gather the strength of everyone, we should be able to break the restriction." Then he talked about how to cooperate. In short, it is Focus all their methods on the weak point of the restriction.

Following Cao Lao's instructions, Shi Xuan and other casual cultivators arranged the formation of Ten Thousand Currents Returning to the Sea. At this time, only Zhao Jinyu acted as the formation's eye, but it only activated the forbidden talisman, which was more than enough.

Through the crystal wall, Shi Xuan can see most of the things in the third floor hall. The third floor is much more empty than the previous two floors. There are only more than ten white jade desks placed against the left and right walls, including ten on the left. There are six pictures on the right, and there is a huge area with nothing in the middle.

There is an artifact placed on each white jade desk, and they are all sealed in a crystal box. Each one emits a different light, making the hall colorful and beautiful.

On the white jade desk on the left are weapons-refining materials. Except for the objects on the innermost table that Shi Xuan cannot see, there are nine types in total. There are black and white chaotic fish skins that look like a Tai Chi pattern, but are dull and dull, as well as the divine stones of the two realms that are sometimes black and sometimes white, and are dazzling. What surprised Shi Xuan was that on the penultimate white jade desk, There is a piece of jade that is black and white, with a sharp upper end and a flat lower end that makes people feel hot and cold when looking at it. It has a simple and mysterious pattern on it, which is the Yin Yang Jade Gui!

The rest include Taiyin Cold Iron, Western True Gold, Tianhe Star Sand, Nine Yang True Water in a jade cup, a handful of earth-like essence of Wutu, and exquisite wood with seven orifices, all of which are shiny and extraordinary. These are Shi Xuan's guesses based on the records in the Taoist books he has read (jade slips can record images). After all, no Yangshen real person would put his name on his own collection. You must know that Shi Xuan's current cultivation Because, the memory is very strong, not to mention the master Yangshen who has achieved Yuan Shen and survived the thunder tribulation.

At the same time, Shi Xuan could only sigh in his heart that the ancient Yang Shen Zhenren's collection was indeed extraordinary! Moreover, it can indeed be seen that Guangyang Zhenren is preparing to refine a magic weapon that transforms yin and yang.

On the white jade desk on the right are shields, mirrors, seals, swords, clothes and other spiritual weapons as well as jade slips with their own refining and sacrificial methods. There are six types in total, including two flying swords, one purple and one purple. The red and purple flying swords were three feet and three inches long, and the red flying swords were two feet and seven inches long. There was a faint sound of wind, thunder and thunder. Just looking at these spiritual weapons makes people feel a great pressure.

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