Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 128 Heavy casualties

"After a hundred years of irrigation by the extremely Yin Qi, these zombies of mine have not only quickly broken through to the Golden Corpse, but are now equivalent to the Perfect Soul Stage. Ordinary magic weapons of the eighth level can't hurt their bodies at all, and the same goes for magic below the ninth level. In addition, with the cooperation of the Xuanyin Corpse Control Banner, they can even form a formation to fight the enemy." Zhao Jingding's voice was erratic, and his words were matched by the screams of another Qi Induction Stage cultivator.

Zuo Kongtu sneered: "So what, isn't the one in my hand a spiritual weapon? My life magic weapon doesn't have the power of a half-spiritual weapon? Zombies that haven't grown into corpse kings, in addition to their hard bodies and incomparable strength, can also do some earth escape techniques. It's easy to kill them." As he spoke, the yellow maple true qi rolled around him, driving away most of the black fog in the entire yard. However, these were all dead air and corpse air generated by the formation of the Xuanyin Corpse Control Banner and the Golden Corpse. If all the Golden Corpses were not killed, it would only be a matter of time before they would fill the yard again.

Zombies, as creatures, are divided according to their strength, corresponding to the seven stages of Qi Refining, namely ordinary zombies, iron zombies, copper zombies, silver zombies, gold zombies, zombie kings, and flying yakshas. Only when they reach the level of zombie kings, which is equivalent to the golden elixir in Qi Refining, will zombies restart their spiritual wisdom. If they can achieve the primordial spirit or immortal body, they will be no different from those who come from other paths, and the realms after that are the same.

In the short time when the fog disappeared, Zuo Kongtu did not find Zhao Jingding, but only saw his apprentice Ling Hong standing in front of the living place of Guangyang Zhenren. He was about to rush over, but the rolling dead air and corpse air covered him again, and at the same time a golden corpse entangled him.

As for whether it is possible to escape directly, not to mention whether Zhao Jingding set an ambush at the exit, Zuo Kongtu himself was reluctant to give up the Nine Turns and Nine Returns Jade Liquid Divine Pill!

"If you were at your peak, I would not dare to kill you all. At most, I would let these golden corpses stop you for a while so that I could escape with the magic pill. But what about now? There are only four of you, no, three! I can kill you all slowly! Your spiritual weapons can kill my golden corpses, and my golden corpses can also kill you. One life for another, it's a good deal." Zhao Jingding calmly commanded the golden corpses to entangle Zuo Kongtu, Gu Yizhen, and Lu Lingxiao. One of them entangled Zuo Kongtu, one entangled Gu Yizhen, two entangled Lu Lingxiao, and the other two killed into the middle of the Qi Induction Stage cultivators. Zuo Kongtu was extremely annoyed. If it was a one-on-one fight under normal circumstances, it would be easy to deal with these unconscious golden corpses. But now, under the command of Zhao Jingding, the golden corpse was elusive, avoiding the attacks of his ice crystal sword and maple leaf knife, and frequently attacked him. Moreover, there were several times when the spiritual weapon was about to hit the golden corpse, but Zhao Jingding sent a green air to delay it for a moment. As for the golden corpse, of course, it had already hidden on the other side.

Gu Yizhen and Lu Lingxiao felt the same way, especially Lu Lingxiao. Although he had taken back the Sky-breaking Sword, there were two golden corpses entangled around him. You attracted the sword light, and I attacked from behind. You pressed down on me, and I hid underground to grab my feet. In addition, Lu Lingxiao had to divide half of his mind to guard against Zhao Jingding's sneak attack, so he could only be deadlocked for a while.

Those Qi-inducing cultivators were miserable. Their magic weapons could not hurt the two golden corpses, and the same was true for their innate minor magical powers. Being attacked by the two golden corpses was like a wolf entering a flock of sheep. In addition, the dead and corpse qi rolled around, and they could not tell the direction. They could not cooperate with their fellow disciples, and they suffered heavy casualties.

Screams came one after another. Hong Dingyuan was torn in half, Ye Yangchuan's head was smashed, and Yu Hua was turned into several pieces of corpses. More cultivators died in a pretty good way, with only a big hole on their bodies. A large amount of blood was dried on the purple-black soil, making it darker, and then slowly seeped in.

A disciple of Huangfeng Valley was more proficient in formations, and his magic weapons were more restrained against dead qi, yin qi, and corpse qi. He was lucky enough to find a way out. He went back and forth in the black fog, turned left and right, and then his eyes lit up. He had already walked out. He fled in a hurry, and suddenly a green thunder fell from the sky and hit him directly, making him fall to the ground powerlessly with a charred body.

It turned out that he had turned back in a hurry, escaped from the yard, and then escaped from the intersection of the road and ran to the Wanbao Building. Therefore, the prohibition on the road was triggered, and he was naturally killed by the thunder.

It was impossible to communicate with the spiritual consciousness in the black fog, and Zuo Kongtu was afraid that he would become the first target of Zhao Jingding if he used all his strength to stimulate the true qi field to dispel the black fog, so he just retracted his true qi defense and shouted: "Brother Lu, Fairy Gu, Zhao Laogui is planning to deal with other cultivators first. After the cultivators in the Qi Induction Stage are dead, the two golden corpses will join the siege. I am afraid it will be difficult for us to settle it peacefully. It is better to attack with all our strength now. I don’t believe that Zhao Laogui can withstand the three of us working together!"

"Hmph, you can try it. Anyway, the Nine-Turn Nine-Return Jade Liquid Divine Pill is in my hands. At worst, I will leave six golden corpses to play with you and leave the house by myself." Zhao Jingding's voice seemed a little unconfident.

It was this lack of confidence that made experienced old foxes like Lu Lingxiao, Zuo Kongtu, and Gu Yizhen hesitate. Zhao Jingding was deliberately showing weakness. Could it be that he had some hidden trump card to be used when we attacked with all our strength? So the three of them began to be conservative again, ready to look for the flaws and kill one or two of the golden corpses first before doing anything else.

Hu Xingwu was exhausted now, hiding from the two golden corpses in the black mist. For him, the first three formations of the Immortal Mansion Guardian Formation were relatively easy, but the fourth formation exhausted all his efforts and almost died in it. Then he broke the restriction and blocked the golden light explosion, and then had a fight with Dong Yiyi and Cai Zhengdong. The battle, including the consumption of traveling, although the mana and energy can be compensated through elixirs, the physical, mental, and soul exhaustion will be difficult to recover in a short time.

Suddenly, a light blue sword light struck. Hu Xing was exhausted and could only hold on with his Big Dipper sword. He said bitterly: "Ling Hong, are you here to take advantage of the situation?"

Ling Hong walked out of the black mist and said with a smart smile: "I have long admired Brother Hu's swordsmanship and have always wanted to communicate with him. Unfortunately, things are complicated and there is no chance, so I have to take action now. Ling has already asked for instructions. Master, no golden corpse will come to disturb our competition, and if Brother Hu can defeat Ling, Ling will guarantee that Brother Hu can leave the house safely."

"Really?" Hu Xingwu was dubious. He had two flying swords.

Ling Hong laughed: "If you don't believe it, how else can Brother Hu escape? There are many spiritual weapons here." Ling Hong didn't know that among the six spiritual weapons in Wanbao Tower, Fang Xuan had already taken them away. Two of them, Li Yu's one is still trapped in the building. If Hu Xingwu is let go, only Cai Zhengdong will still have the spiritual weapon. But what he means is that the Zixia Sword, Baiyun Sword, and Ice Crystal Sword on the ground are , soul-breaking circle, silver mesh, and magnetic gloves have all been added.

Speaking of which, what other ideas could Hu Xingwu have? He couldn't fight the golden zombies. Those zombies were hard and strong, but his Beidou Sword didn't even scratch him when he cut them! Pointing his hand, the Beidou Sword's sword light surged, but he wanted to kill Ling Hong at all costs.

Ling Hong waited for work, the Water Sword turned into light blue sword light, and he fought with the Big Dipper Sword in the air. In this space, the autumn water was like a rainbow, and the stars were shining. From time to time, the water covered the stars, and sometimes the stars fell into the water. The two of them could fight Tie.

At this time, Hu Xingwu's eyes showed fighting intent. All the golden corpses and exits were forgotten. There was only the watery sword light in his eyes. Ling Hong's face was boiling with fighting spirit, and his calm heart was filled with heat. Good swordsmanship was easy to come by, but a good opponent was hard to find!

The light of the Beidou Sword continuously changes in the air, drawing an imaginary trajectory, which secretly conforms to the movement laws of the stars, bypassing the waves caused by the Passing Water Sword, and heading towards Linghong.

Ling Hong did not panic. The sword light flew back, and two rays of light, one blue and one white, clashed fiercely in front of him, preventing the white sword light from advancing even an inch.

After holding off Hu Xingwu's fierce offensive, Ling Hong's blue light flourished, and he used a move called Dahai Wuliang. Suddenly Hu Xingwu felt that huge blue waves were coming, one after another, without giving him any breathing space. Given the opportunity, he could only command the Big Dipper Sword to hold on tightly, and the light spots on the sword were flying like stardust.

Just when Hu Xingwu was pushed to the limit, and the fatigue that he had suppressed before hit him again, suddenly, the huge waves stopped, and a light blue light seemed to be invisible, passing through the defense of Beidou Sword silently, heading towards Hu Xingwu The sword light was not very bright, nor was it very fast, but it had a hint of the past that cannot be traced back. Hu Xingwu's soul turned slightly slowly, and then he saw the passing water sword passing through his chest.

"Okay, okay, okay, if I can die in your hands, I, Hu Xingwu, can be considered as dead in the right place." After Hu Xingwu fell to the ground and finished speaking intermittently, he tilted his head and stopped breathing, and the blood flowed from the The wounds on his back gushed out and seeped into the soil.

With a wave of his hand, Ling Hong took back the Water Passing Sword and saluted Hu Xingwu solemnly. Then he picked up Hu Xingwu's storage bag and opened it with a special technique. He was suddenly surprised: "There are actually two spiritual weapons flying." The sword is a male and a female! I must be very happy to see the flying sword. But why hasn’t I come yet?”

As the monks in the Qi-Entraining Stage died tragically one by one, Zuo Kongtu, Gu Yizhen, and Lu Lingxiao gradually made decisions. When there were four or five of them left, the three finally made up their minds. They no longer expected others to pull chestnuts out of the fire for them, but had to do their best on their own. Attacked.

Zuo Kongtu shouted loudly, his true energy spread, and the ice crystal sword turned into a huge icicle. It was surrounded by blue ice condensed by the cold air. A little further away, there were hexagonal snowflakes, which were disturbing and extremely beautiful. The maple leaf knife flew up and down, Blocking the escape route of the golden corpse that was haunting him.

The purpose of his loud shout was not to show his might, but to tell the other two that he was starting to attack with all his strength, and you should also seize the opportunity!

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