Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 129: Complacency and full of hegemony

Lu Lingxiao's body and sword light merged, and with a flash of green light, he came to a golden corpse. He ignored the golden corpse behind him, as if he wanted to kill one first even if he was injured.

Comparatively speaking, Gu Yizhen was a little more relaxed. She protected herself with the soul-breaking circle, and wrapped the golden corpse with the Thick Earth Suixin Sword. At the same time, she looked for the opening and threw out the silver mesh, which was about to cover the golden corpse. Then they cut the corpse into pieces with random swords. But how could Zhao Jingding let her succeed so easily? Nine strands of green energy were released, firmly holding against the silver mesh.

Gu Yizhen sneered, waiting for this opportunity! When Zhao Jingding used all his strength to activate the small green wooden cauldron, the golden corpse seemed a little sluggish. Gu Yizhen threw the soul-breaking circle and hit it on the shoulder. He fell to the ground and could not move. Gu Yizhen saw this opportunity and activated the thick soil with the sword light Skyrocketed and went away.

The situation on Zuo Kongtu's side is also gratifying. After Zhao Jingding's attention was attracted by Gu Yizhen, the golden corpse was trapped in a small space by him. He couldn't even escape. He was about to kill the golden corpse on the spot. .

Lu Lingxiao's sword light was so fast that he was approaching the golden corpse in front of him, and he could pass through it in the next moment.

Just as Gu Yizhen was proudly watching the sword light fall on the golden corpse, the golden corpse's body swelled up, made a loud bang, and exploded itself!

The violent explosion caused most of the surrounding black mist to dissipate. Gu Yizhen's thick soil Suixin sword swayed in the air, the sword light was dim, and it seemed that it was about to fall to the ground.

The natal magic weapon was seriously injured, and Gu Yizhen immediately spat out blood. Her brown energy was also unstable and could not support her to stand in the air again, so she could only step on the ground. As soon as she landed, a pair of pale golden hands stretched out from the soil, grabbed her ankles, and at the same time poured all the death and corpse energy into her body.

Gu Yizhen, who was seriously injured, had no time to defend himself. He froze and fell to the ground as soon as his whole body became cold. Then his heart was broken by a punch from the golden corpse. After that, the golden corpse went straight towards Zuo Kongtu. However, this was not over yet. From the soil where Gu Yizhen's body was dead, another golden corpse jumped out and moved quickly in the direction of Lu Lingxiao.

It turns out that at some unknown time, Zhao Jingding transferred all the two golden corpses back from the Qi-Entraining Stage monks and laid an ambush at Gu Yizhen's feet.

For Zhao Jingding, the escape of a few monks in the Qi-entraining stage has nothing to do with the overall situation. The reason why he sent two golden corpses to kill them was mainly to make Zuo Kongtu and others think that they were playing a war of attrition and wanted to slowly wear them to death. , and at the same time, when they attack with all their strength, they can be less alert, and I will quietly move the golden corpse back, preparing to concentrate on killing one, so that I will really have the overall upper hand.

Gu Yizhen's beautiful eyes were full of unwillingness and annoyance, and she looked straight at the sky in the fairy mansion. The blood from the wound on her chest flowed out, and was greedily absorbed by the purple-black soil. It seemed that she had an extreme preference for blood. .

The explosion sound coming from Gu Yizhen made Lu Lingxiao a little alert. As soon as the sword light changed, he was about to turn, but the golden corpse in front of him also swelled in size, exploded with a bang, and exploded into a flower. Small mushroom-shaped black clouds.

The green sword light flew staggeringly out of the clouds and appeared not far away. Lu Lingxiao's face was pale and blood was bleeding from his mouth. Although he had turned around in time, he was still seriously injured.

As soon as he stood still, he felt something strange under his feet, so he had to fly up quickly. A pair of pale golden hands suddenly grabbed an empty space, and then a golden corpse jumped out of the soil and joined the remaining golden corpse on Lu Lingxiao's side. Corpse, join forces to attack Lu Lingxiao. Lu Lingxiao was seriously injured and could only use his sword to protect himself.

Because the explosion briefly blew up the black mist, Zuo Kongtu noticed what happened to Gu Yizhen and Lu Lingxiao, and was immediately shocked. He retracted the maple leaf knife to protect his body, leaving only the ice crystal sword entangled with the two golden corpses. It was said before that these zombies have no other uses except for being thick-skinned, powerful, and able to escape from the ground. But now it seems that there is another biggest advantage, that is, these zombies who have no intelligence are not afraid of death at all!

Compared with this, I am not so free and easy. Even if I exchange one life for the lives of all the zombies, it is extremely unsatisfactory. What is the point of not even being able to hurt a single hair of Zhao Jingding himself? Under the ebb and flow of the situation, Zuo Kong Tudou was cowardly, and began to think about the idea of ​​breaking out and escaping. Although the Nine Turns and Nine Returns Jade Liquid Divine Pill was important, it was not as precious as his own life. As long as he was alive, he would Everything is possible!

The remaining four Qi-entraining stage monks witnessed Gu Yizhen's death and Lu Lingxiao's serious injury. Although they couldn't see what happened to Zuo Kongtu, they were scared out of their wits. They saw a disciple of the Zixia Sect kneeling in the black mist. He shouted loudly: "City Lord Zhao, please spare my life! I am willing to give all I have gained, and I will be prepared to go through life and death for you in the future. Please spare my life."

Zhao Jingding snorted and ignored them, focusing entirely on Lu Lingxiao and Zuo Kongtu. Once they were removed, they could do whatever they wanted with the remaining Qi-entraining monks. There was absolutely no reason to think about this issue at this time. The Xuan Yin Corpse Control Banner in his hand was shaking frequently, directing the golden corpse to intensify its attack, and all nine green energy were released towards Lu Lingxiao, preparing to kill this powerful enemy first and then deal with Zuo Kongtu.

However, Lu Lingxiao's swordsmanship is unparalleled, and the green sword light is like a dragon, and his guard is watertight. If he hadn't taken into account the self-destruction of the golden corpse, he could have even fought to a draw with Zhao Jingding. Although he was completely at a disadvantage at this time, it was not possible for Zhao Jingding to defeat him in a short time. Get rid of it.

Seeing that Zhao Jingding ignored him, the disciple of the Zixia Sect said with a heartbeat: "City Lord Zhao, I have obtained a demonic beast inner elixir from the Baicao Pavilion, and I am willing to give it to you. I beg you to be merciful and let me go. "

"Oh, monster inner elixir, throw it over here and take a look?" Zhao Jingding couldn't do anything to Lu Lingxiao for a while, so he simply paid some attention to it. As for Lu Lingxiao and Zuo Kongtu, under the current circumstances, it is most appropriate to slowly grind them to death. If they want to attack or escape, they can use the golden corpse to self-destruct.

The disciple of the Zixia Sect threw his storage bag into the black mist. Before it landed on the ground, it was slowly taken away. Then I heard Zhao Jingding's approving voice: "It's the inner elixir of the Star Armored Beast. It's not bad. What's your name? In the future, I will establish a sect and become an elder."

In Zhao Jingding's heart, he has always wanted to create a sect that has been passed down for tens of thousands of years. Thinking of the lack of manpower in the future, he also has some intention of letting this monk go. If he has second thoughts in the future, he can still turn over with his own cultivation. Heaven is gone? And after going out, I have the Nine-turn Nine-Returning Jade Liquid Divine Pill in hand, and the advanced golden elixir is just around the corner, so what are you afraid of?

This disciple of the Zixia Sect was overjoyed and kowtowed repeatedly: "Disciple He Chong, I am willing to become the disciple of the sect leader." This guy actually beat the snake on the stick and wanted to become the disciple of Zhao Jingding. Zixia sect? I haven’t given myself a sense of belonging in my sect since I started, so screw it! He Chong thought.

With He Chong as an example, if Cai Zhengdong, Yin Ze, and Yi Jiaojiao still don't know how to do it, then their lives have been in vain for so many years. The three people immediately prostrated themselves and shouted: "Junior Cai Zhengdong (Yin Ze/Yi Jiao) Jiao) is willing to join the sect master, and I will give you a treasure!"

Before Zhao Jingding had time to answer, Zuo Kongtu came to mind, and a sharp voice sounded: "Brother Zhao, Zuo has always respected you and is willing to join your sect. The remaining monks in the Yellow Maple Valley Mountain Gate, Zuo You have also decided to join your sect!"

Others have surrendered, but you, Zuo Kongtu, can't surrender. I won't be stupid enough to leave a master in the soul stage as a hidden danger. Zhao Jingding sneered inwardly, but the performance of Zuo Kongtu and the four in the air-entraining stage made him feel complacent for a moment. , couldn't help laughing out loud.

When Shi Xuan, Zhao Jinyu, and Lei Guangyao rushed outside the courtyard, they happened to hear the long laughter and felt the joy, pride and many other emotions inside. The three of them walked all the way and searched all around the road, but they still couldn't find Song Hezi. The traces made Shi Xuan very frustrated, while Zhao Jinyu and Lei Guangyao were also depressed, fearing that something bad would happen at the exit, and were very worried about the safety of Zhao Jingding and Ling Hong.

Hearing this laughter, Zhao Jinyu and Lei Guangyao suddenly felt relieved. Not only was their father (master) safe, but he also seemed to have the upper hand. Shi Xuan's depression of not finding the astronomical disk was also diluted a little. City Lord Zhao had a great success. Win?

However, their curiosity was blocked by the black fog and they could not see what was going on inside. At the same time, the three of them were not prepared to step into the courtyard, so they waited outside for Zhao Jingding to clean up the situation, so as not to suffer the disaster after entering. Shi Xuan was just vaguely worried whether Zhao Jingding would get rid of him in the end, but he had some support, so there was no need to panic.

"Well, is the junior sister here?" Ling Hong's voice came out of the black mist very happily.

Zhao Jinyu was even happier when he saw that his senior brother was fine, and he said happily: "It's Jinyu, and the second senior brother is also fine, well, and fellow Taoist Sun."

Zhao Jingding was even happier when he heard Zhao Jinyu's voice. However, no matter how happy and complacent a monk like him was, he still had the caution and state of mind that he should have. His subordinates did not let up, and tightly entangled Lu Lingxiao and Zuo Kongtu, mouthing He praised with satisfaction: "Yu'er, you have gained a lot of experience when you entered the mansion this time. When you leave the mansion, dad will definitely give you some good things."

Not only is it the flying sword that will be obtained later, Zhao Jingding also plans to give Zhao Jinyu the Nine-turn Nine-Returning Jade Liquid Divine Pill. For the advanced golden elixir, the Nine-turn Nine-Returning Jade Liquid Divine Pill only requires One pill is useless if it is too much, but the remaining pill is planned to be given to Mrs. Shen. Well, the wife has always supported her husband and raised her children. Although she has the cultivation level of Qi Entrainment, she has no reputation outside. She is really a good companion. !

As for Ling Hong, his youngest daughter Zhao Jinxiu, and his second disciple Lei Guangyao, they got so many spiritual herbs in the Baicao Pavilion this time that they can gather enough for three furnaces of divine elixirs. They will try to refine their own golden elixirs after they get there. No matter how bad your luck is, you can still get a few grains no matter what. You must know that you can be regarded as a master of alchemy. Back then, the Taishang Sensing Pill was collected by himself in the Black Dragon Swamp and refined by himself!

As for the inner elixir of the monster, it is best not to appear in front of them, lest they get interested in it and end up ruining their own future. They will not be able to advance to the Yin Shen stage in the future, and they will not be able to enjoy a thousand years of life.

Of course, it is too far away to consider these things now, and it will take many years before they reach spiritual perfection. Zhao Jingding just turned her mind and turned her attention back to Lu Lingxiao and Zuo Kongtu.

Because he had to monitor four Qi-entraining stage monks, Ling Hong just threw out a storage bag and laughed loudly: "Junior sister, there is the flying sword, the spiritual weapon you want most, inside. Take a look quickly."

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