Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 130 Suddenly there is corpse energy rising into the sky

Zhao Jinyu took the storage bag, opened it, and was immediately overjoyed. It turned out to be the male and female flying swords, one purple and one red, that he had taken a fancy to in Wanbao Tower. However, he did not participate in the fight against his father's instructions at that time, and watched these two swords helplessly. The flying sword was taken away by Hu Xingwu: "Thank you, senior brother. Jin Yu likes it very much."

Ling Hong was overjoyed to receive the thanks from his junior sister, and did not dare to take credit: "Brother, I already have the Water Sword, my natal magic weapon, and the flying sword, the spiritual weapon, is just a distraction to me. And these two Feijian is lucky to be loved by junior sisters. "

Zhao Jinyu narrowed her eyes in joy, took out the two flying swords, one purple and one red, and played with them carefully. The sword body was crystal clear, and the sound of wind, thunder and thunder could be faintly heard from it. Looking at the jade slip containing the sacrificial refining method, this The purple sword is called Zidian, and the red sword is called Red Thunder. Together they are called the male and female thunderbolt swords.

"Hey, is there a talisman seal here?" In Hu Xingwu's storage bag, Zhao Jinyu rummaged through and found a black talisman seal with restrained brilliance. The words on it were all ancient cloud seal scripts. It was extremely complicated and made her feel dizzy just looking at it. . The reason why Zhao Jinyu was surprised was that there was only one talisman seal in Hu Xingwu's storage bag, and the rest were all elixirs.

Shi Xuan looked at it curiously and felt that the words on the talisman were somewhat similar to the teleportation array. Could it be a talisman related to space magic? Judging from the appearance of this talisman, it doesn't look like Taoism.

After carefully recalling the Taoist classics he had read, Shi Xuan finally remembered that in the magic stage, the only thing related to space was the "small movement technique". Could this talisman be the small movement talisman?

So Shi Xuan told Zhao Jinyu his guess: "Sister Jinyu, Brother Wei seems that the words on this talisman are somewhat related to space, and Brother Wei has also heard that among the magic techniques, only the small movement technique involves space. , could this be the little moving talisman?" Calling me sister Jinyu is just a courtesy.

Zhao Jinyu frowned and thought deeply for a moment: "That should be it. In the Wanbao Tower, I saw Hu Xingwu appear behind Dong Yiyi in a flash of white light. At that time, I was still thinking about what magical magic it was, but now I think he used this small movement. Fu Zhuan did it.”

It's a pity that the method of practicing magic cannot be deduced through the talisman and seal, otherwise Shi Xuan would really borrow this small moving talisman to study it carefully: "Then sister Jinyu, please put it away, this is a sharp weapon to escape and save your life in dangerous times."

After Zhao Jinyu put away the talisman seal, he glanced at Shi Xuan with a half-smile but not a smile: "Fellow Daoist Sun is really well-informed. Jinyu has never heard of magic involving space."

Lei Guangyao should have paid careful attention to the conversation between his junior sister and Shi Xuan, but unfortunately he was dazzled by the two flying swords. He was thinking wildly, will his junior sister give me the male sword? But it was given by senior brother. Would it be too hurtful to give it to me? But the senior brother also said that he has a natal magical weapon. Well, by the way, many monks died in the black mist. There might be a spiritual weapon in one of the storage bags. Someone had robbed two spiritual weapons and escaped before! And there is that Houtu Sect monk who also has a shield weapon!

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became. Lei Guangyao quickly proposed: "Junior sister, I think it's a bit difficult for senior brother to guard those few Qi-entraining monks alone, so why don't I go in and help."

"Well, that's right. Let me go in too." Zhao Jinyu naturally agreed.

Zhao Jingding's voice came from the black mist: "Yu'er, please don't come in. Old ghost Lu and old ghost Zuo are struggling to death and can easily hurt you. Just come in and help Hong'er." The more he kills Lu Lingxiao, With Zuo Kongtu in sight, Zhao Jingding became more cautious, as a dying explosion was not so easy to resolve. As for why he agreed to Lei Guangyao's entry but not Zhao Jinyu's, it was because he was worried that his daughter would be held hostage by these two old ghosts as a threat. As for disciples, Zuo Kongtu didn't even know how many of his own disciples he had killed. How could he expect that he would be killed because of one? The disciple threw a weapon against the rat.

Seeing his master's agreement, Lei Guangyao immediately rushed into the black mist. While monitoring the four Qi-entraining monks, he picked up the storage bag next to the corpse on the ground.

"Wannian Ganoderma lucidum, fragrant pine, thyme grass... so many spiritual herbs." The tone was joyful.

"Shen Gathering Soul Refining Pill?!" Surprises mixed with each other.

"Hey, a purple flying sword, uh, it's a spiritual weapon!" He looked at the flying sword picked up from the ground with great joy.

The more Lei Guangyao picked it up, the happier he became. It was like walking among treasures! Well, there is a storage bag in the front. Hey, who pulled my feet?

Just when he was about to look back, he felt a cold and evil breath coming from his ankle. His whole body suddenly became stiff, and then the other foot was also grabbed. Only then did Lei Guangyao see that it was a pale and dull foot. Can have smooth and delicate hands.

"Ah!..." The severe pain between life and death made Lei Guangyao finally overcome the stiffness and let out a shrill scream. However, he could only watch himself become two pieces. The heart, liver, spleen, and The lungs and kidneys flew in all directions, and the blood seemed to be guided by something, turning into water and flowing backward.

Hearing Lei Guangyao's screams, Zhao Jinyu's beauty turned pale, and she shouted: "Senior Brother!" She was about to run into the black mist, but Shi Xuan grabbed her and said, "Calm down, there is City Lord Zhao inside, the black mist But he is in control, and I believe he will save Fellow Daoist Lei." Judging from the screams, Lei Guangyao is hopeless, and it is not clear what happened in the black mist. Shi Xuan felt that he could not rush in rashly. .

As soon as he finished speaking, the entire black mist rolled, sometimes expanding, sometimes contracting, as if it was tugging at something. With a muffled groan, a figure fell out of the black mist, it was Zhao Jingding! The Xuanyin Corpse Control Flag in his hand was already dim.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Lingxiao, Zuo Kongtu, Ling Hong, Cai Zhengdong, He Chong, Yi Jiaojiao, and Yin Ze also retreated from the black mist, only to see the black mist rushing toward the center.

"Father, what's wrong with senior brother?" Zhao Jinyu's face was filled with tears.

"Old ghost Zhao, what happened to your golden corpse?" Zuo Kongtu didn't care to settle the score with Zhao Jingding. If he was still confident of escaping just now, he now felt a huge danger.

Zhao Jingding looked solemn and did not answer. He flew out of the small green wood cauldron from his dantian and tried it with nine green energy. At this moment, the black energy stopped rolling, and a terrifying corpse energy surrounded by two people came out. It soars into the sky and shoots straight into the sky. The weather above the Immortal Mansion suddenly changed and dark clouds gathered, but the formation center felt threatened.

Zhao Jinyu, Cai Zhengdong, He Chong, Yi Jiaojiao, and Yin Ze all had their minds taken away and were trembling. Ling Hong also looked pale. Only three masters of the Soul Stage and Shi Xuan could calm down and look at this shocking corpse aura.

Not to mention the masters of the Divine Soul Stage, Shi Xuan had gone through the test of the pressure of Meng Li's golden elixir. The pressure of this slightly inferior corpse energy could not stop his thinking and cast spells. It's just that this corpse aura has a bit of a golden elixir stage flavor! Shi Xuan's expression was surprisingly solemn.

Zuo Kongtu murmured: "What is this?"

Zhao Jingding was a little distracted: "This aura is probably that of the Corpse King!"

"Why is there a Corpse King? What are you doing, Old Ghost Zhao?" Zuo Kongtu looked at Zhao Jingding angrily.

"I don't know either." Zhao Jingding smiled bitterly.

"Ah, ah." Yin Ze seemed to be unable to bear the pressure and rushed out, preparing to pass through the black fog that had shrunk to one foot, then rushed into Guangyang's living quarters and escaped from the exit.

Zhao Jingding, Zuo Kongtu, Lu Lingxiao and Shi Xuan all looked at him with burning eyes to see if there was any hope of escaping directly now. Unfortunately, as soon as Yin Ze entered the black mist, a scream was heard, and then the sound of gnawing and chewing was heard in the black mist.

Following the creepy gnawing sound, the terrifying corpse aura slowly receded, and the black mist was gradually sucked in. Finally, a tall man with a ferocious face appeared, biting into a A lot of blood dripped from his thighs along the corners of his mouth, and four golden corpses knelt in front of him.

This man was surrounded by a black aura, and he could only be vaguely seen wearing a simple Taoist robe with a pattern of pine and crane extending the years, and his gray hair was scattered on his back. His eyes seemed to have intelligence, but they were a bit dull. He yelled hoarsely: "Who disturbed my sleep?! You, you are all going to die!" He said this, but he still stood where he was. move.

Zuo Kongtu was shocked: "This is Song Hezi, Song Hezi! There is his image in my door! He is not dead yet?!"

"Hmph, I'm afraid he used the secret method of the corpse path before he died, hoping to use this extremely gloomy place to transform into a zombie after death!" Zhao Jingding snorted coldly. He knew much more about the ghost path than Zuo Kongtu, "But Judging from his appearance, he must have been attracted by so much blood before he was completely transformed into the Corpse King. He can only be called slightly intelligent. We still have hope!"

"Old ghost Zhao, what do you mean?" Zuo Kongtu glanced at Zhao Jingding.

Zhao Jingding is a decisive person: "If he is killed here, even if there is the Nine-turn Nine-Returning Jade Liquid Divine Pill, it will be of no use. Why don't the three of us join forces to fight for a glimmer of hope. After the incident is completed, the three pills will One pill for each person!”

"Okay! But Zhao Laogui, please give me the magic pill now." Zuo Kongtu agreed.

Lu Lingxiao also said coldly: "I mean the same thing."

After Zuo Kongtu called out that the person in front of him was Song Hezi, Shi Xuan looked over attentively. Through the black mist, he vaguely saw a plain patterned storage bag on Song Hezi's waist!

It seems that after Song Hezi escaped from Wanbao Tower with serious injuries, he struggled to come to this yard, buried himself deep in the soil, and prepared to use this extremely gloomy place to use the secret method of the corpse path so that he could transform into a zombie after death. There can also be a time to restart your spiritual wisdom. After hundreds of years of tempering with extremely yin energy, it now seems to be close to completion.

Looking at the plain storage bag, Shi Xuan stopped his thoughts, calmed down in his heart, and silently calculated. With the strength of the Half-Zombie King, he only had one chance. If he missed it, he would not even be able to escape, and he would have to be there. Before Song Hezi gets rid of his low intelligence! Otherwise, everyone present will only die!

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